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Claim Page 11

by Janet Nissenson

  “It’s been a hectic couple of months, that’s for certain,” agreed Ian. “And unfortunately our schedule isn’t going to ease up anytime soon.”

  The remainder of the month, in fact, was jam packed with holidays events. Over the next week and a half, they had committed to attending a number of receptions, cocktail parties, brunches, and a special performance of The Nutcracker by the San Francisco Ballet. In between, Tessa had final exams to take, Christmas shopping to finish up, gifts to wrap, and to pack for their trip to England.

  She was eagerly anticipating spending the holidays with Ian’s family, having heard multiple stories from both him and Joanna about the various dinners, parties, and other celebrations and gatherings. Joanna had a large extended family of brothers, sisters-in-laws, nieces and nephews, and cousins, while she and Edward also had a sizeable number of friends, neighbors, and business associates that they socialized with during the holiday season. With so many events to attend, she’d fretted a little that she and Ian wouldn’t have any time to themselves, but he had been quick to assure her otherwise. They were flying to London two days before they would be expected to see his family, two days where they would be entirely alone, and where he planned to show her the city decked out in its Christmas finery.

  “We’re only about five minutes away from the hotel,” announced Ian calmly. “So you have very little time to get those jitters of yours under control, love.”

  She raised startled eyes to his. “I - I’m not the least bit jittery. I mean, why would I be?”

  He smirked at her knowingly. “Tessa, darling, you’ve been a bundle of nerves for nearly a week now. And I’m well aware of the cause. But there is absolutely no reason for you to be nervous, no reason at all. It’s certainly not a secret any longer than you and I are together, especially since our engagement was officially announced in the local newspapers.”

  “I know.” She looked down at her lap, anxiously clasping and unclasping her hands, until Ian took them firmly within his own, stilling the motion. “I guess I’m just afraid of what people will be saying about me behind my back. That, well, you know. That I was just an admin assistant a year ago, and now I’m going to marry the boss man. They’re going to wonder what you see in a nobody like me, or think that I’m nowhere near good enough for you, or something like that.”

  Ian tipped her chin up to meet his somber gaze. “Are you finished?” he asked in a disapproving voice. At her nod, his hand slid to cup her cheek, and both his voice and his expression instantly softened. “They are all going to think,” he told her firmly, “that I’m the luckiest man in the entire world to be able to call you mine. And when they see how much in love we are, they’re going to envy all that we have together. But no one, no one, will dare to think you’re not good enough for me, darling. Especially not when you walk in there looking like a queen.”

  She smiled shyly at his passionate declaration. “Is that why you picked out this dress for me?”

  He chuckled. “I think it was more a matter of the dress choosing you, darling. Actually, I gave Madelyn an idea of what I wanted for you, that I wanted you to look regal, and I might have mentioned that I’ve always thought of you as the golden girl. She actually gets the credit for choosing the dress. Though in my opinion the gown could have been made for you, Tessa. It’s - you’re just perfection in it.”

  The car pulled up under the grand porte-cochere of the hotel, and moments later Simon was holding the car door open for them as they exited. Tessa huddled a bit deeper into her gold satin evening wrap, the December evening a decidedly chilly one, and was grateful when Ian quickly whisked her inside the warm, welcoming lobby.

  The hotel was decked out in lavish but tasteful holiday finery, from the massive wreaths on the door, to the towering, beautifully decorated tree in the lobby, and hundreds of twinkling fairy lights all around. Tessa had been at Ian’s side earlier in the month during the official tree lighting event, and at the party afterwards when he’d introduced her to many of the staff and hotel patrons. She had loved the festive atmosphere, complete with the arrival of Santa, and a whole host of games, gifts, and activities for the children in attendance. She pictured herself and Ian in a few years time attending the event with their own children. And then the thought had occurred to her that they might be living back in England by then, provided that Victoria had been correct in her assumption that Ian would return home eventually to take a place at corporate headquarters.

  She’d pushed that nagging little thought out of her head then, and did the same now as Ian guided her carefully up the wide, sweeping staircase to the ballroom. She recalled that last year at this very same party he had escorted her down those stairs, and realized that the news she’d shared with him that night about her impending divorce had been the catalyst to everything that had unfolded next. That night had been the point at which her life had begun to change in ways she would have never even imagined.

  The grand ballroom was mostly empty when they arrived, save for the wait staff who were still setting out glasses or rearranging chairs. And of course Andrew was already here, making certain that everything was going according to plan. Tessa had little doubt that he’d arrived at least an hour ago, and had begun hounding the staff immediately.

  But Andrew managed to take her by surprise when he greeted her with a very unexpected peck on the cheek, and the rare smile that lit up his usually austere features.

  “You look - incredible, Tessa,” he told her in a rather awestruck voice. “That gown - it’s perfect, like it was custom made specifically for you. You look like royalty tonight, the queen to Mr. Gregson’s king.”

  Ian’s hand dropped to her bare shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Exactly my thoughts, Andrew,” he murmured. “Though no one is going to even notice I’m in the room when they see how beautiful my fiancée looks this evening. Ah, I didn’t realize Isobel was joining us this evening! How are you, my dear?”

  Tessa was startled anew at the appearance of Andrew’s live-in girlfriend Isobel. The sculptress rarely agreed to attend company events like tonight’s, declaring they just weren’t her thing, and that she preferred to stay home in her artist’s studio working on her latest project.

  Isobel had even taken some care with her appearance this evening, her makeup more subdued and less goth-like, her purple-streaked hair arranged in an up-do, and while her dark green lace and velvet gown had most definitely come from a vintage shop, it suited her rather dramatic personality.

  “You look unbelievable,” Isobel whispered to Tessa as they shared a hug. “Enough that I’d love to do a sculpture of you sometime wearing this dress. I’d call it The Golden Girl.”

  Tessa and Ian exchanged a look of disbelief, and then both of them burst out laughing at the same time. To a bemused Isobel, Ian quickly explained about the nickname he’d often called Tessa, and then declared that he’d pay any price for a sculpture of her, and that Isobel should definitely make the arrangements.

  Tessa was delighted to discover that Andrew and Isobel would be sitting at the table with her and Ian, along with two of Ian’s most senior managers and their wives - all of whom Tessa knew and liked very much. Under normal circumstances, the Regional Director would most likely not have seated his PA at the same table, but it was now well known throughout the office that Andrew would be transitioning into a different job come the first of the year. True to his word, Ian had been grooming Andrew for months now to take over some of the hotel visits and reviews, as well as several other responsibilities. His official title would be Assistant Regional Director, a move that had raised more than a few eyebrows among Ian’s management team at first. But none of them had been able to dispute how capable and competent Andrew was, and that he likely knew far more about the company and its policies than any of them.

  Andrew, of course, was extremely pleased at this promotion, and had been working even longer hours than usual to prepare for his new responsibilities. After he hired and trained a replacement P
A - a process that Ian feared would take months, considering Andrew’s ridiculously high standards - then he would be off to London for a month of more intense training.

  Tessa didn’t know if it was her imagination - or her nerves - but in what seemed like the merest blink of an eye, the ballroom went from being nearly empty to almost overflowing with guests. She tried at first to remain glued to Ian’s side, needing the confidence being next to him provided her. But with such a crush of people wanting to greet both of them, they became separated before too long.

  Oddly enough, though, she didn’t feel the sense of panic she had feared she might, and was pleasantly surprised at how kind and gracious everyone was. Marisol and then Shelby found her, exchanging excited hugs, and complimenting her on her gown, her jewels, offering belated congratulations on her engagement.

  Gina came up to her next, her boyfriend of more than a year now – Alex - in tow. The brunette looked stunning in a slinky red gown, and was grinning ear to ear as she flashed her brand new engagement ring in Tessa’s face.

  “He just popped the question an hour ago!” exclaimed Gina excitedly. “We’ve barely had time to tell our parents the news! You and I will have to exchange wedding planning tips now.”

  Tessa gave her onetime nemesis a warm congratulatory hug. “I’m so pleased for you,” she told her sincerely, giving Alex a brief embrace next. “Have you told any of the others yet?”

  Gina shook her head. “You were the first one I spotted so I made a beeline over here. Kind of hard not to pick you out of the crowd, Tessa, with this incredible dress you’re wearing. Not to mention how everyone’s flocking around like you’re a movie star. I’ll find the others in a few minutes and tell them the good news.”

  Tessa’s smile faded a bit as she asked hesitantly, “Have you, um, told Alicia yet? I mean, I know she isn’t here in San Francisco any longer, but I would imagine she was one of the first people you would have called.”

  Gina’s smile, too, disappeared at the mention of her former best friend and roommate. “No. I haven’t told her yet. Actually, we don’t talk much these days. We had a bit of a falling out before she moved to Boston, and things are still a little strained between us. She - well, she told me all about the scene at that party. With you and Mrs. Gregson, of course. And, well, I might have said something to really piss her off - like, she got what she deserved. The things she said to you that night, Tessa - well, she was always jealous of you, and seeing you with Mr. Gregson probably pushed her over the edge. But the way she treated you was uncalled for, and I told her that flat out. So that’s why we hardly talk anymore. Some other stuff, too, but I’m sure as hell not going to get into that tonight. Tonight is definitely for celebrating! Isn’t it, honey?”

  Tessa’s smile returned as Gina planted an affectionate kiss on her brand new fiancé’s mouth before whisking him away to greet some other guests. She accepted another flute of champagne from a passing waiter, and was looking around for Ian, when she heard a very familiar voice from just behind her - a voice that sounded both annoyed and amused at the same time.

  “I shouldn’t even be talking to you, really. In fact, I should be good and pissed off at you right now, Tess. I always thought of you as my younger sister, you know, tried to look out for you and all. And what’s it been - almost eight months since I saw you last - and no visits, no phone calls, not even a text to tell me ‘Hey, guess what, Kevin. I’m living with His Hotness now, and I’m the hot young piece of ass he’s been dating all this time’. But, you know, as beautiful as you look tonight, I’d have to be a real asshole not to at least say hello.”

  She whirled to face him, not at all sure what to expect after such a sarcastic greeting. But she was greatly relieved to see the smirk on his face, the twinkle in his eyes, and knew that he might be a little put out with her but was still overjoyed to see her again at the same time.

  “Hey, you,” she murmured, pulling him in for a hug. She was so happy to see him, and so thankful that he wasn’t really angry with her, that she didn’t even mind the overpowering scent of his cologne tonight.

  Kevin returned the hug affectionately, even planting a smooch on her cheek. “And I don’t think anyone could stay mad at you for very long, Tess,” he told her with a smile. “Even former co-workers that you’ve ignored forever.”

  “I know,” she sighed, giving his hand a squeeze. “I could think up a dozen excuses why I didn’t get in touch, but that’s all they would be - excuses, and not reasons. It started off by just wanting to keep our relationship quiet, to make sure speculation didn’t start about when things - well, started. And then I got caught up in traveling with Ian and meeting his family, and I started school and wound up in the hospital - but none of those are valid enough reasons for why I didn’t at least email you. Can you forgive me?”

  He laughed. “Sweetie, when you look at me with those big, innocent baby blues, I’d forgive you just about anything. And all of that stuff you just rambled on about - well, they sound like pretty good reasons to me. Now, let me see the rock.”

  Tessa held up her blue diamond engagement ring for his inspection, grinning when Kevin let out a low whistle.

  “That is something else, sweet pea,” he acknowledged. “But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, isn’t it? I mean, look at you. That dress is - well, there are no words, Tess. But, no, can’t call you by that name any longer, can I? From this point on, you’re officially Her Hotness.”

  She giggled, looping her arm through his as they began to walk around the crowded ballroom. “I guess maybe that fits, considering that Ian keeps calling me his queen tonight.”

  Kevin patted her hand where it rested on the crook of his elbow. “Feels like the high school prom again, doesn’t it? With you and the boss man waiting to be crowned Prom King and Queen?”

  Tess shrugged. “I never went to my prom, actually. Couldn’t afford it, and too busy working two jobs to find time to date. Did you go to yours?”

  Kevin rolled his eyes. “Unfortunately, yes. And even more unfortunately, with a girl. She was my second or third cousin, actually, and a closet lesbian. We both knew the other was gay, so we agreed to go as each other’s date so that neither set of parents would guess. Turns out they’d both known all along. That little secret came out at her wedding a couple of years back. Her wife thought it was hilarious. But,” he added warmly, “even though you never went to your prom, you wound up snagging Prince Charming eventually. I never even knew you were attracted to him, Tess. Especially considering how devoted you were to Peter. Uh, oh. Were you and the boss man, uh, fooling around when -”

  “No.” Tessa shook her head firmly. “Nothing happened until my divorce was almost final, and Peter had been out of the picture for months already. And, no, Mr. Nosypants, you are not getting even one tiny detail about how and when things, um, developed. You’ll just have to use your imagination. Which, knowing you, shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Kevin pretended to pout. “Aw, you’re no fun, Tess. Guess my scheme to get you drunk and spill all your secrets isn’t going to work, either, huh? But, seriously, sweet pea, you look amazing, really, really amazing. And I’m not just talking about the gorgeous dress and the jewels, and - oh, hell - are those Jimmy Choos on your feet? I mean, you look like a million bucks, but more importantly you look - happy, Tess. Way, way happier than I’ve ever seen you. Sort of like this glowing aura surrounding you. And, wait a minute - aren’t pregnant women supposed to glow? His Hotness didn’t waste any time knocking you up, did he?”

  She gasped in feigned outrage. “He didn’t knock me up,” she hissed urgently. “And keep your voice down, would you? I’m sure people are gossiping about us like crazy as it is. The last thing we need is for a rumor like that to get started.”

  He snickered. “Not that it would surprise anyone. I mean, he’s such a stud, after all, and I’m betting you keep him pretty busy in the - ouch!”

  Kevin grimaced, hopping around on one foot - the one Tessa hadn�
�t just stomped on with the pointy heel of her stiletto sandal.

  She placed a warning finger over his mouth. “Hush, now. Keep your very vivid - and dirty - imagination to yourself. And is that really Terence over there? The two of you are still together?”

  Kevin scowled at her. “Why do you sound so surprised? I mean, I agree that this is the longest I’ve ever been in a relationship with anyone but, well, I guess the old guy isn’t so bad. We’ve even talked about getting married next year, but I’m not convinced just yet. But he’s been good to me, Tess, puts up with all of my drama and BS, and hasn’t kicked me out yet. So, yeah, we’re still together, and I can finally appreciate what a good guy he is. Think I’ll hang onto him for awhile.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes, with Terence joining them at some point. He, too, cooed over Tessa’s ring and dress, and gave her a hug.

  She could sense Ian’s presence behind her well before he slid a possessive arm around her waist and pulled her against his body. Perhaps it had been his scent that alerted her to his arrival, the scent she would recognize anywhere as belonging only to him. But it was more than that, she realized faintly. The two of them were now so in tune to each other, so completely, utterly in love, that they could simply feel the other nearby without ever seeing or hearing them.

  “Time to take our seats for dinner, darling,” he whispered in her ear. “Except that we have one quick task to take care of first.”

  Before she could guess at what he was about to do, she was being tugged along in his wake as he approached the raised platform where the band had been playing some jazzy pre-dinner music. The vocalist handed Ian a microphone, and then stepped back as he began to speak.

  In his deep, cultured voice, he welcomed everyone to the party and extended his wishes for a happy and healthy holiday to all. He kept Tessa tucked firmly against his side during his brief speech, and then shocked her to the very core by what he said next.


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