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Claim Page 16

by Janet Nissenson

  “No.” Tessa smiled in response. “I’m very anxious to give Ian children, perhaps in a year or two. And he’s hoping by then to have scaled back dramatically on his travel schedule. He’s already appointed an assistant director to begin taking over some of his trips, and also delegating some of the traveling to a couple of his managers. By the time we’re ready to start a family, he’ll have hopefully cut back on the travel by more than fifty percent. And of course I’ll still continue to go with him as much as possible, even with children. So I’m not the least bit worried about being left alone or lonely, because we’ll make every effort to be together.”

  Davina was visibly startled, and also looked surprisingly dejected. “I- I see. He must love you a great deal to make those sort of changes,” she mused. “And you must be a very special woman to merit that sort of commitment. I envy you, Tessa, very much. As you know, Ian is a remarkable man, and you’re an extremely lucky young woman to have his love and devotion. I’m just sorry that he didn’t love me enough to change in the ways he’s so obviously willing to do for you. Sorry that he didn’t love me the way he loves you.”

  “I’m sorry, too,” Tessa told her gently. “He speaks very fondly of you, Davina, holds you in very high regard. Perhaps when he was engaged to you he was simply at a different point in his life, wanted different things. And by the time he met me, his priorities had changed again. That happens, you know.”

  “Yes.” Davina gave her a tiny smile. “You’re very kind, Tessa, as well as very, very pretty. When I first met you earlier I was convinced Ian had gone a bit off the deep end, that he was thinking with his, er, male parts rather than his brain. You’re certainly not his usual type, you know - young, blonde, sexy. But as I’ve watched the pair of you together this evening, it’s obvious he’s crazy about you. My God, he would barely hold my hand in public when we were together! There is no possible way he would have kissed me in front of a roomful of people. So you’ve either cast some sort of spell over him, or he’s insanely in love with you. I imagine it’s the latter.”

  “I think so,” admitted Tessa shyly. “And I’m crazy about him, Davina. So in love that sometimes I worry it’s too much.”

  Davina impulsively reached out and gave her a little hug. “It’s not, my dear. I think Ian has finally met his soulmate, that the two of you were fated for each other. And I wish you both every happiness.”

  Davina hurried away before Tessa could reply, but there had been a sheen of tears in her dark eyes. Tessa couldn’t blame her, because if she had been the one to lose a man as special as Ian, she knew she would have spent every day of her life regretting it.

  Tessa woke slowly, rising up from the depths of her slumber a bit at a time. She relished the sensations of being warm and comfortable and protected, of knowing in her subconscious mind that she was safe and loved and happy.

  And she knew by the familiar, beloved scent that greeted her upon awakening that she was being held in the arms of her beloved, the man who her entire world revolved around. And suddenly, sleepily, she remembered something he had told her nearly a year ago, a prediction he’d made. She had wondered at the time why he had sounded so confident, so sure of himself. And now she knew the reason. It was because he’d been planning this all along, had known that this particular moment would occur.

  “Merry Christmas,” she whispered, gazing up drowsily into the hazel eyes that were regarding her warmly.

  “And a very merry Christmas to you, my love,” murmured Ian. He captured her lips in a long, lazy kiss.

  She snuggled up against him, resting her head on his broad, naked chest. Her fingertips traced lazy circles around the hard, flat planes of his stomach. “I figured it out, you know,” she told him. “When you told me back in January that the holidays this year would be much happier ones for me. You were hoping we’d be together, weren’t you?”

  He smiled, capturing her hand and bringing it to his lips. “Not hoping, love,” he assured her. “Knowing. Exactly one year ago today, I woke up in this very bed, and vowed that you would be waking up beside me the following year. You and I were always meant to be together, Tessa. I knew it from the moment we first met, and when you told me that you were getting a divorce - well, it was only going to be a matter of time after that. And now here you are. You’re wearing my ring, in six more months you’ll have my name, and in the near future you’ll be carrying my child. Sometimes, even though it takes awhile to make it happen, dreams do come true. I know it, because you were my dream. I love you, Tessa, and today is going to be the happiest Christmas I’ve ever known.”

  She was weeping softly at his lovingly spoken words, flinging her arms about his neck and burying her face against the side of his throat. “Every day I’ve spent with you has been the happiest of my life,” she whispered huskily. “And I already know this is going to be the happiest one so far, the most wonderful Christmas I could have ever imagined.”

  “Tessa.” He cupped her cheek tenderly. “And it goes without saying that you are the most amazing Christmas present I could have ever asked for. Having you here at my family home, waking up beside you this morning - every one of my dreams is coming true.”

  They had arrived here at the Gregson family estate in Kent three days ago, just in time for a rather dizzying round of parties. Joanna loved to entertain, was in her element when she was planning and hosting parties or dinners, and the holiday season was an especially busy time for her. Thus far, she and Edward had hosted an open house for all of their neighbors, a cocktail party for friends and business associates, and an elaborate Christmas Eve dinner last night for her brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins, and their families. Tessa had counted more than forty in attendance last night, and that hadn’t included Hugh and Victoria and the boys. They would be arriving in time for brunch this morning, and staying over for both Christmas dinner tonight and tomorrow’s Boxing Day festivities.

  When Tessa recalled how much she had stressed about preparing a small dinner party for eight people, she marveled at how calm and collected her future mother-in-law had seemed these past few days when confronted with planning half a dozen much larger events. She had mentioned this more than once to Joanna, had asked in wonder how she did it, and had laughed along with Ian’s mother when she’d confessed her deep, dark secret.

  “A very, very good firm of caterers, dear,” Joanna had stated bluntly. “Not to mention the most devoted and hardworking housekeeping staff anyone could ever wish for. Plus, I do have quite a few years of practice under my belt by now. I assure you there were any number of disastrous events over the years. Edward will be more than happy to tell you about some of them if you’re interested.”

  But there wasn’t even the slightest mishap or hiccup during either the wonderful brunch, or the festive dinner later that evening. Instead, both meals were simply times to enjoy being with family, the family that Tessa now felt very much a part of. She was considerably more at ease with everyone, and quickly put Colin firmly in his place when his teasing got a bit out of hand. And even though Ian had warned her about his charming, flirtatious Uncle Gavin - Joanna’s roguish brother who’d been married and divorced three times and had a weakness for much younger women, particularly blondes - she hadn’t been able to completely resist his magnetism. It had only been when Gavin had draped an arm over her shoulders, leaning in towards her a bit too closely, that Ian had quite firmly told his uncle to find his own girl, that this one was most definitely spoken for.

  Gavin had laughed merrily, holding up his hands in surrender. “Well, of course she is, Ian. It was obvious from the moment we met last night that Tessa is a one man woman. Unfortunately for me, she met you first. Otherwise, I have no doubt whatsoever that she and I would be making plans to fly to the Turks and Caicos islands for the New Year.”

  Tessa had laughed gaily after that, though Ian had still given his uncle a somewhat threatening glare. She knew that Gavin’s flirting was entirely harmless, just as Colin’s
was, but it was oddly flattering at the same time. Somehow it made her feel accepted, more like a part of the family, and Tessa had never known that sort of acceptance before now.

  But it was just before the dinner dishes were cleared away, when Edward stood from his place at the head of the table with a raised glass in hand, that she truly felt like she belonged here.

  “I want to formally welcome Tessa to our family,” he began. “She isn’t officially my daughter-in-law yet, but it feels as though she’s been one of us for a long time already. I think the whole family, Ian included, had given up hope that he would ever meet someone he could spend the rest of his life with, could find real happiness with. I’m very, very happy to say that we were all wrong. I’ve never seen my son so happy, and this beautiful girl here is the reason. We all adore you, Tessa, and are so pleased to welcome you to our family.”

  As she rushed to give Edward a grateful hug, Tessa knew that all of the lovely gifts she’d received last night and this morning, not to mention the gifts from Ian waiting at home in San Francisco that she had yet to open, meant nothing, nothing at all, compared to the most wonderful gift of all - that of the family she had always wanted and that was finally going to be hers.

  Chapter Nine

  Tiburon, California – New Year’s Eve

  “Thank God all of our furniture got delivered four days ago. Otherwise, I think I would have had to slip Julia a couple of Xanax to calm her down. She’s been a borderline basket case as it is getting ready for tonight. God bless my mother-in-law for getting here a couple of days ago to help out. Natalie can put anyone at ease within minutes.”

  Tessa smiled sympathetically at Nathan, their host for tonight’s party. “Julia’s just a perfectionist,” she said consolingly. “She always wants everything to be just right. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help to her, but we just arrived back from London yesterday afternoon.”

  She’d been sleepy after the long flight, but had forced herself to stay awake until their normal bedtime, one of the numerous hints Ian had shared with her as a way to stave off jet lag. Fortunately, in their absence the housekeeper had re-stocked the fridge and pantry so that Tessa had been able to prepare a simple but elegant meal. Ian had protested, of course, offering to take her out somewhere, but she had wanted a quiet evening at home, just the two of them.

  “As wonderful as the holidays were with your family,” she’d told him soon after arriving home, “I was hoping to have a little celebration of our own tonight. A special dinner, some wine, a roaring fire. I was going to use the good china, set the dining room table, candles, the works. And then after dinner we can open our Christmas gifts to each other. Does that sound all right to you?”

  Ian had given her a hug. “It sounds like the most perfect evening I can imagine, love. So long as you let me help with the dinner preparations. I know my skills aren’t anything like yours have become, but perhaps you’ll trust me to chop the vegetables or mix the salad at least?”

  She had laughed, knowing full well that he was more than capable of those small tasks and much more. Ian had actually amazed her with the extent of his cooking skills, though she shouldn’t have been at all surprised - after all, she had yet to discover anything he couldn’t do, and do extremely well.

  Dinner had been a warm, intimate meal, something she had missed over the past couple of weeks when they had rarely been alone. He’d built a fire in the living room hearth as she had requested, and they had opened their Christmas gifts to each other there.

  Ian had gone overboard, of course, having blithely ignored her pleas to be sensible about their gift giving. He’d showered her with one elaborate package after another - bath and body products that were the same scent as her perfume; exquisite couture lingerie; a new, top of the line tablet computer; a sleek leather laptop case that was the feminine version of his own; a stunning set of emerald and diamond jewelry - necklace, earrings, bracelet.

  The last gift he’d given to her was rather oddly shaped, and the wrapping looked as though it had been done rather hastily. Tessa had regarded him curiously as she’d begun to unwrap the package.

  “What in the world can this be - oh.”

  She’d stared in mingled disbelief and joy at the fleecy white lamb she held in her hands. And while the stuffed toy hadn’t looked exactly like the beloved one from her childhood, it was close enough to bring tears of happiness to her eyes.

  “Oh, God,” she’d whispered hoarsely. “I can’t believe you did this, Ian. But what am I saying - of course I can believe it. Because you are the most thoughtful, caring, wonderful man in the entire world, and you constantly do all of these lovely things that make me want to weep with joy.”

  She’d flung herself at him then, tumbling him to the floor in front of the fireplace, and pressing kisses over his face and neck. “I love you so much,” she’d murmured. “Thank you for my little lamb. And for all of the sweet things you do for me every day.”

  Ian had grinned up at her, brushing a lone tear from her eye. “That’s because you are sweet,” he had teased. “But I’m happy you like your new Lambie. I know it’s not a substitute for the one you had as a little girl, but I hope it’s close.”

  “It’s perfect,” she’d assured him, dropping a kiss on his lips. “In fact, it’s even more special because I know you took such care to pick it out for me.”

  Her gifts to him had seemed insignificant in comparison, but Ian had been thrilled with the things she’d chosen - a cashmere neck scarf; a new book by one of his favorite authors; a bottle of his favorite brandy; a horrendously expensive Hermes silk tie in a shade of blue that he declared was an exact match to her eyes; and a silver frame that held a photo of the two of them. Colin had taken it during their visit to Tuscany last September, then emailed the file to Tessa. In the photo, she and Ian had been embracing, gazing into each other’s eyes with a look of pure love. It had instantly become her very favorite photo, and she’d had a copy made for each of them.

  “I thought you might want to keep it on your desk at work,” she’d told him quietly. “I know you don’t have many personal items in your office, so if you’d prefer to leave it at home, I’d understand. You don’t - “

  Ian had interrupted whatever she had been about to say next with a devouring kiss, one that had literally taken her breath away. When he had finally broken the kiss, he’d continued to hold her head between his hands, his gaze burning into hers.

  “That photo will hold a place of honor on my desk,” he’d told her fiercely. “Just as you hold the most cherished part of my heart.”

  He’d taken her to their bed after that, and even though they had both been worn out from the long flight and jet lag, had made love to her with the sort of exquisite tenderness he could so often exhibit. She’d fallen asleep curled up trustingly against his big body, only to have woken this morning to the sight of her brand new stuffed lamb carefully arranged on her nightstand. She had giggled in delight, clutching the woolly pink and white toy against her as though it was the most precious thing in the world. And then she’d silently corrected herself, for there was no doubt at all, not even the tiniest one, that her man would always be the single most cherished part of her life.

  Nathan waved a hand now in dismissal. “Nah, everything turned out okay. When Julia and her mom get started in the kitchen, everyone knows to keep their distance.”

  Tonight’s party was serving a dual purpose. Besides ushering in the New Year, it was also a housewarming for Julia’s and Nathan’s brand new home in Tiburon, an elegant waterfront community located a short distance north of San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge. Tessa knew that Nathan had bought the lot the house was built on a number of years ago during a downturn in the local housing market, and had always planned to build his dream house here one day. With the help of Julia’s father, the renowned architect Robert McKinnon, the building plans had been finalized and ground had been broken on the new house nearly a year ago.

; From the abbreviated tour they had been given upon arrival, the house looked every bit like the dream home Nathan had envisioned. The rooms were spacious and open, with high ceilings, windows everywhere that would allow in plenty of natural light, and finishings that were both sophisticated and homey at the same time. Julia had been particularly enthralled with her gorgeous new gourmet kitchen, as well as the enormous walk-in closet where her extensive wardrobe had been very precisely arranged.

  Nathan excused himself then to go greet some new arrivals, while Ian steered Tessa over to the self-serve bar that had been set up near the wide French doors that led to the expansive outdoor space. Julia had lamented over the fact that the pool area, outdoor kitchen, and gardens were still a work in progress, but after Ian had teasingly pointed out that it was winter and the temperatures in the forties tonight, she’d conceded that being outdoors wouldn’t have been feasible anyway.

  “Would you like some more champagne, darling?” asked Ian, holding up an open bottle.

  She nodded, holding out her flute. “Yes, please. I see that Nathan bought Julia’s favorite brand again.”

  Ian grinned, topping off both of their flutes. “Anything to keep her happy, I suppose. Not that I blame him, of course.” He bent to press a kiss to her lips, his voice husky as he murmured, “Because I would do exactly the same thing. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure your happiness, Tessa, nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  She smiled at him lovingly, resting a hand on his chest as she reached up to press a kiss to his cheek. “Well, that’s easy then,” she replied brightly. “Because all you really need to do is just be with me every second of every day. That’s all I need in order to be happy.”

  “Tessa. Ian. It’s so lovely to see both of you again. Did you enjoy your holidays in London?”


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