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Claim Page 39

by Janet Nissenson

  Ian grinned down at her, one hand braced on the mattress to steady himself while the other stroked her hip. “He referred to it as “X Marks the Spot”. Only thing I can figure is that with your legs crossed this way they resemble an X.”

  Her hands were resting on his thighs as her eyes lowered to the place where their bodies were joined erotically. “Or maybe,” she murmured, licking her lips as she watched his cock slowly fill her up before withdrawing just as carefully, almost to the tip, “it refers to the G-spot that you keep finding every time you push in.”

  “So in other words,” he teased, “it feels good.”

  Tessa shook her head. “It feels amazing,” she corrected. “Unbelievable, wonderful, so good that I almost feel like sending your brother an email to thank him for suggesting it to you.”

  Ian threw back his head and laughed heartily. “And Colin would adore that. But I’d advise against it, love. Otherwise, you’re bound to start receiving very dirty emails from him on a regular basis - complete with illustrations - about other ideas he has for us. And I think we can use our own imaginations without needing his help.”

  Anything else she might have said was quickly forgotten as he began to fuck her harder, pushing her bent legs closer against her shoulders, and thinking in something of a haze that nothing, nothing, else could possibly feel this good, or that there was any other woman alive capable of arousing so much emotion, so much feeling, within him. The lust, the passion, that existed between him and Tessa was beyond rare, beyond special, and had transcended to a place he couldn’t begin to describe. They had a connection, a bond, that could never be broken, and an unshakeable love that would last for the rest of their lives and beyond.

  “I love you,” she mouthed to him, her breath too shallow to allow her to speak the words out loud.

  “Tessa.” He released her legs, letting them fall to the bed, as he levered himself down over her body into a missionary position. He took her mouth in a blistering kiss as her arms wrapped around his neck, and whispered “I love you, too” at the very moment that both of them exploded into a shattering orgasm.

  “Don’t look so sad, darling. I haven’t told you this yet, wanted to save it for a surprise, but we’ll be back in the Caribbean in the fall. The reviews for several of our hotels are due to be conducted then. So you’ll be staying in this suite again in just a few months.”

  Tessa smiled at her handsome husband where he sat across the table from her. “That’s wonderful news. And I’m not really sad. Just, well - wistful, I suppose, because our honeymoon is coming to an end.”

  “Ah, never say that,” scolded Ian teasingly as he picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. “If I have my way, we’ll still be honeymooners on our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. In fact, we’ll return to this very hotel to celebrate.”

  “I’d love that. And while it will be a little sad to leave this beautiful island, I know there’s a lot to look forward to when we return home. The official opening of the Napa hotel, for starters. And vacationing with your family in Tuscany this August. With several business trips sandwiched in between, of course.”

  His hazel eyes gleamed in the moonlight. “Don’t forget we’ll need to look over your wedding present very soon as well. The beach house was sold fully furnished, but I expect you’ll want to put your own touches on it. However you’d like to re-decorate or re-model is up to you.”

  Tessa shook her head. “It’s our beach house, Ian. You told me that day at your attorney’s office that everything that had been yours was now ours. So it’s no different with the beach house. And I’m looking forward to driving up there as soon as possible to check it out.”

  “We’ll do that very soon, I promise. More wine?”

  He refilled both of their wine glasses as they ate a leisurely dinner out on their private patio. It was a gorgeous night, with not a cloud in sight, and since the sun had already set the temperature was pleasant. Tonight was their last night here on the island, and they would begin their journey back to San Francisco tomorrow morning.

  It had been a dream honeymoon, Tessa thought with a smile as she speared a grilled prawn with her fork. She wouldn’t have changed a single thing about these last two weeks, and knew that she’d always remember this very, very special time in their lives.

  Both full from the superb meal, they took a leisurely stroll around the hotel grounds after eating, their arms linked together. Ian was as casually dressed as he ever was, in lightweight khaki trousers, a cream cotton shirt rolled up at the sleeves, and canvas shoes, while Tessa wore a tiered blue chambray sundress and jeweled flip flops.

  “I like seeing you dressed this way,” she told him. “It’s not quite as sexy as the tuxedo. Or even my favorite black pinstriped suit, but since you look good in anything - or nothing at all - it doesn’t really matter. Though I bet you’d look really hot in a tight pair of jeans and a black T-shirt.”

  Ian grimaced. “Not really my style, I’m afraid. But I’m willing to give it a try if that’s what you like, darling.”

  She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, honestly. I’d never ask you to do something you weren’t comfortable with. But, well, I did want to ask you about one thing in particular.”

  “Ask away,” he assured her, sliding his arm around her waist as they stopped at a vantage point to gaze out at the sea.

  Tessa fiddled with a button on his shirt, keeping her eyes downcast as she murmured hesitantly, “It’s about - well, about starting a family. We’ve talked about it briefly a couple of times, but never got specific as to when. And while I’m not in a big rush, I don’t want to wait years to have a baby, either. Especially,” she added teasingly, “since I plan on giving you at least three or four.”

  “Do you now?” asked Ian, arching a brow. “Well, I suggest we start with one and see how that goes before planning on raising an entire rugby squad. But to answer your question, love, I understand your sense of urgency. After all, I’m not exactly a young man, am I?”

  She opened her mouth to protest. “That’s not what I meant at all, Ian. You know how much I -”

  “Hate it when anyone brings up the age difference between us,” he finished. “Yes, I’m aware, love. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m forty-one. And I don’t want to be in my fifties while you’re still having babies, so we shouldn’t wait too long to start our family.”

  He slid both arms around her waist, turning her slightly to face him. “Give me a year,” he pleaded. “Give us a year. One wonderful, glorious, hedonistic year just to ourselves before we bring a little one into our lives. And I promise that it will be the best year of our lives, Tessa. I told you on our first date that I’d show you the world if you wanted, and I’m ready to make good on that promise. And I’ll make you another promise right now - that one year from today, on our first anniversary, we’ll re-visit the idea of having a baby. Can you live with that?”

  “Yes, oh, yes!” she exclaimed happily, looping her arms around his neck and hugging him close. “So let’s make this a year to remember, shall we?”

  Ian kissed her. “No time like the present I always say. Let’s go get a start on this next year back in our suite. With special emphasis on the hedonism, of course.”

  One Year Later – Sonoma Coast, California

  Ian raised his wine glass. “Happy anniversary, darling. It’s hard to believe an entire year has already flown by, hasn’t it?”

  Tessa nodded as she clinked her glass against his. “I agree. It seems like our wedding just happened a month ago. But it has been a wonderful year, Ian. Just like you promised back in Virgin Gorda.”

  “I always keep my promises, love,” he told her, his eyes twinkling. “Especially the ones I make to you.”

  And it had most definitely been a wondrous, magical year. Ian had - well, dazzled her over the past twelve months, had been the most devoted, attentive, and loving husband a woman could ever dream of. They had traveled extensively, both on business and fo
r pleasure, and to destinations Tessa had never imagined she would ever see - Argentina, Brazil, Chile; the U.S. Virgin Islands, Aruba, Barbados. They had made a return trip to Hawaii, and had flown from there to Hong Kong to visit with Colin and Selina for a week. During their trips to England for the Christmas holidays and the annual board meeting, Ian had whisked her off for long weekends to Switzerland and Scotland, as well as to Tuscany for their yearly family vacation. In between, there had been long weekends at the beach house, ski trips to Lake Tahoe, Aspen, and Sun Valley, and other impromptu trips he’d surprised her with.

  In between business trips and the work projects she still handled for Ian, Tessa had been kept busy with her second year of online college classes, as well as doing some slight re-decorating of the beach house. Their social life was a nonstop whirlwind of attending the theater, symphony, and ballet, invitations to parties, receptions, and dinners, and entertaining friends at their own home. One of those events had been a lavish baby shower Tessa had organized for Julia, who’d discovered she was pregnant soon after her first wedding anniversary.

  And Tessa had been thrilled beyond belief when Julia and Nathan had asked her to be the godmother to one of their twin sons, who’d been born just a few months ago. She had never held a baby before, and when little Noah had been placed in her arms for the first time, she hadn’t been able to resist cuddling him close, inhaling his sweet baby scent, and longing for a child of her own.

  But she had honored Ian’s wishes to wait a year before bringing up the subject, and had quite honestly been enjoying this decadent, carefree time in their lives as much as he had.

  Tonight, however, was their first anniversary, and she’d been trying to work up the nerve all day to bring the subject up. Ian had offered to take her anywhere in the world to celebrate their first year together, including making a return trip to Virgin Gorda. But Tessa had shaken her head when he’d brought the subject up.

  “Honestly,” she had told him, “I’m sort of worn out from all the traveling we’ve done this year, not to mention how tough my classes have been this semester. Is it okay - that is, would you mind very much if we just spent a few days at the beach house? I’d really just like to be alone with you, and to have complete peace and quiet.”

  He’d given her a sweet, soft kiss. “Of course it’s okay,” he had assured her. “And I was actually hoping you’d suggest that idea. You’re right, we’ve been doing more than our fair share of globetrotting these last few months. The beach house it is, then.”

  Tessa took another sip of her wine, keeping her gaze downcast. “Do you remember another promise you made me a year ago? As I recall, we were looking out over the water then, too.”

  They were having a pre-dinner glass of wine out on the deck, staring out at the wild Pacific ocean at sunset. And since the cool, breezy weather was considerably colder than the Caribbean had been last year, they were both bundled up in sweaters and jeans. Tessa had bought Ian a pair of jeans as something of a joke this past Christmas, but he’d surprised her by declaring he actually liked them very much. Since then he’d taken to dressing more casually outside of the office, especially when they spent time up here at the beach house.

  “I remember. Quite well,” he told her, an amused expression on his handsome face. “And I’m guessing that this is what you’ve been fretting about all day, isn’t it? You see, darling, I can always tell when something’s on your mind. You get very pensive, start twirling a lock of hair around your fingers, and start fussing over me more than usual. So what exactly is on your mind, love?”

  She made a little face at him, realizing he wasn’t about to make this easy for her. “You know exactly what’s on my mind,” she grumbled good-naturedly. “You asked me for a year. A year just for ourselves. And while it’s been the best year of my life, just like you promised, I - I was hoping that maybe you’d be ready to discuss the topic of starting a family now.”

  Ian took the wine glass from her hands and set it on the glass-topped patio table along with his before drawing her against him. “You want to have a baby,” he stated softly.

  “Yes.” Tessa gave a brief nod. “I want to have your baby. I’ve loved helping Julia with the twins here and there, and I’ve already learned a little about changing diapers and feedings and things like that. But it’s not the same as having our own child. And, well, I’d like to try and get pregnant soon. If you’re in agreement, that is.”

  He gave her one of those tender smiles that always made her swoon, and now was no exception. “Yes,” he agreed, his smile broadening into a grin. “It’s time, after all. So when we return home from this trip, why don’t you make an appointment with Jordan so we can discuss the matter? Just to make sure that you don’t need to do anything special about stopping your birth control pills.”

  “Oh. That.” Tessa gulped. “Well, I’m not really sure how to break the news to you, but since I knew, just knew, that you’d agree, I might have actually stopped taking my pills about ten days ago.”

  Ian laughed heartily, picking her up by the waist and spinning her around in circles. “Did you now, darling? You were that confident that I would say yes, were you?”

  She nodded, relieved that he wasn’t annoyed at her confession. “Yes. Because you’ve always given me whatever I wanted. And I want to have your baby more than anything else in the world.”

  “Well, then.” He swooped her up into his arms, carrying her back inside the house. “Let’s wait on dinner for a bit, shall we, and go make a baby instead.”

  Chapter Twenty

  November, two years later

  Ian stepped out from the town car, closing the door behind him, and took a glance at the darkening skies above him.

  “Looks like we’ll have rain before the night is over,” he told Simon.

  The older man nodded. “It’s been in the forecast for a few days now, sir. A good night to be settled in at home around the fire with your family.”

  Ian smiled at the image those words conjured up. “That it is, mate. What are your plans for the evening? Another date with your widowed neighbor?”

  Simon looked a bit flustered, as he always did when the subject of the woman in his life came up. He’d begun dating Anna on a very casual basis a few months ago, but it was rather obvious that he was very fond of the woman who had been widowed nearly two years ago.

  “She did invite me over to her house for dinner this evening,” acknowledged Simon a bit sheepishly.

  Ian clapped his chauffeur/bodyguard on the back. “Sounds like a date to me,” he joked. “But seriously, mate, enjoy your evening, hmm?”

  “I will, sir. And I already know that you will, too. I’ll see you at the usual time tomorrow morning.”

  Ian gave Simon a wave before letting himself into the house. As always, his home felt warm and inviting, and the odors emanating from the direction of the kitchen were mouthwatering. He hung up his overcoat in the entryway closet, and was about to carry his laptop case into his home office, when an excited little voice interrupted him.


  He grinned, turning in the direction of that beloved little voice, and crouched down as his nineteen-month-old daughter ran to him as fast as her tiny legs could carry her. Gilly launched herself into his arms, and he swept her up easily, cuddling her close.

  “Hello, baby girl,” he murmured against her hair. The soft, curly blonde locks smelled of baby shampoo, and he inhaled the sweet, fresh scent of her skin as though it was the rarest of perfumes. “Do you have a kiss for your daddy?”

  In response, Gilly puckered up her tiny pink rosebud mouth and gave him an enthusiastic peck on the lips. Ian laughed in delight, and then spun her around in a circle, causing her to squeal happily.

  “Let Daddy see how pretty you look,” he told her as he set her down on the entryway floor.

  Gilly beamed at him as she showed off her ruffled little dress of pale blue trimmed in lace. Dainty lace trimmed white ankle socks and tiny white bu
ckled dress shoes completed the outfit.

  Ian smiled. “Mummy dressed you up again, did she? Does this mean we’re having one of our special dinners tonight?”

  “It does. I hope you’re in the mood for roast chicken. And Gilly and I made a special dessert for tonight. Didn’t we, baby?”

  Ian figured it would take a lifetime before he stopped acting like a besotted schoolboy whenever his gorgeous wife entered a room - something that certainly wasn’t going to happen tonight. And especially considering how beautiful she looked this evening, wearing a dress that clung to every sinful, spectacular curve of her body. The forest green jersey dress was starkly simplistic, without a belt or ruffle to detract from its sensual lines. The color flattered Tessa’s blonde hair, blue eyes, and ivory skin, and what the clingy fabric did to that body of hers should have been illegal.

  He picked Gilly back up as she held up her tiny arms, then carried her over to greet her lookalike mother.

  Gilly patted his chin with her small hands. “Daddy. Give Mummy kiss, too.”

  Ian smiled at Tessa in a very, very carnal way before cupping the back of her head. “With the greatest of pleasure,” he whispered, just before claiming his wife’s sweet, lush mouth in a long, thorough kiss.

  Tessa’s blue eyes were glowing with desire when he finally lifted his head, and he knew without having to glance down that her nipples would be hard.

  “Hello, Yummy Mummy,” he teased softly.

  She laughed, as she always did when he used the rather corny nickname. “Hello, yourself, Dreamy Daddy,” she countered back. “And looking especially dreamy in my favorite suit.”

  He slipped an arm around her waist, easily carrying their daughter in his other arm as they walked towards the kitchen. “Do you need any help with dinner?” he offered.

  Tessa shook her head. “Everything’s already done, just needs to be served. Why don’t we sit in the library for a few minutes and I can fix you a drink? It’s a little too cold to be outside this evening, especially since Gilly’s hair is still damp from her bath earlier.”


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