Crescent Vendetta

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Crescent Vendetta Page 6

by Desiree L. Scott

  She hesitated. After vowing to go to her grave before revealing who the father of her child was, she was terrified of giving something away.

  If anyone ever found out…, she thought.

  When she didn’t respond, she heard cursing through their link and almost cracked a smile. Well, what resembled one coming from a wolf.

  He dropped the subject, and she almost breathed a sigh of relief but kept the gulp of air to herself.

  Chapter 10

  Two days later, exhaustion pulled at them both. They had barely spoken the entire way.

  Vanessa topped the hill and gazed down at the valley. If she hadn’t been so tired, she would have been blown away by the beauty set out before her. As it was, she could barely keep her eyes open, and it was hard to think, let alone walk.

  Let’s go. We’re almost there, Travis said, his tone gentle as he nudged her side, pushing her.

  Vanessa followed behind him as they neared a house. She felt eyes on her, her fur prickling the closer they got.

  Unexpectedly, the world spun, the hard ground tilting.


  She felt his arms around her as darkness swept over her.

  “Who is she, Travis? And why is she still a wolf?”

  “Did I smell right? Is she pregnant? As a wolf? How is that possible?”

  Travis stared out the window, listening to the high-pitched voice of his baby sister firing off her endless questions. Their mother, Emma Kameron, right beside her.

  His older sister, Samantha, stood across the room, staring out the other window, silent as always.

  Travis sighed and walked back over to his desk that was set in the middle of the space. He sat down, the chair squeaking as he leaned back and glanced around at his family. He shook his head. Why couldn’t I be an only child?

  He took in Anna standing in front of his desk, her hands on her slender hips while she glared at him. Mother stood there as well, black hair falling down her back without an ounce of gray anywhere to be found. Her smooth face was a reflection of concern at the moment, and it couldn’t be helped.

  “Travis, are you listening to me?” Anna demanded, stomping her foot. “How could she be pregnant as a wolf? Is that impossible? And where have you been for over a week? We’ve been worried!”

  He raised a brow and then sighed. He saw the genuine terror that remained glistening in her blue eyes, and his mom’s eyes reflected the same. Standing up, he walked around the desk, pulling both women into his strong arms.

  “I’m sorry, sis, Mom,” he whispered.

  With a squeeze, he stepped back and prayed he was making the right decision.

  “Yes, she’s pregnant,” he admitted, raking his long fingers through his hair as he took another step back. “And she wasn’t safe in her old pack. I told her brother I would protect her until after she has the baby.”

  “Is that even possible?” his mother asked quietly. “I’ve never heard of a shifter being pregnant in their beast form.”

  He looked at her and saw what most people missed—the strength behind the slimness, the delicate bones, the gentle eyes. What people failed to realize was that when someone threatened her family, she was a deadly force to be reckoned with, and Travis was counting on that.

  “You smelled her yourself. It’s possible. I didn’t think it would ever happen, but here it is.”

  Vanessa passing out had nearly given him a heart attack. Thanks to his swift shifting, he had managed to catch her before she hit the ground, but it was close. He saw her waver, unsteady on her feet, and had shifted before he had even realized it. They hadn’t started questioning her yet, but he knew it wouldn’t be long. And her welcome wasn’t as hospitable as he had been hoping. Not when his entire pack had taken a step back after they smelled her. It was unmistakable, the scent of pregnancy. Stunned realization ran through the group as he had walked by with her in his arms.

  “She’s my guest, and as such, you will make her feel welcome,” he said. It wasn’t the brother or son speaking, it was the Alpha, and his stern voice let that be known.

  Unlike Aiden, Travis could order his pack to accept Vanessa. Granted, it wouldn’t be the same, but that didn’t matter. No one would be causing her grief or pain while she was in his care, and that was final.

  Anna raised a brow and folded her thin arms across her chest. The baby of the family at nineteen, she was guarded like a hawk, which she hated.

  “But who is she?” she pressured. “Who’s her pack?”

  “Anna Lynn,” their mother admonished, her eyes on her son. He could see her own questions, but thankfully, she kept them to herself for now. It was only a matter of time, though. “That’s enough. Your brother said she’s a guest, and she’s under our protection and will be treated as such with no questions. Is that understood?”

  Anna pouted but nodded, her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.

  Samantha—Sam to her family and friends—still hadn’t said anything up to then. She stood staring out the window, her back straight and arms crossed in front of her.

  Her voice broke the sudden silence. “Is she bringing trouble with her?” she asked indifferently. Travis didn’t think his sister, younger by three years, ever showed emotion, not since…

  He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t know,” he said. “We’ll have to be on our guard until I have a better idea of what or who we are dealing with.”

  He had some suspicions but didn’t want to think of that at the moment. He had to gather his men together and get updated on what had happened with his pack in the week he was gone. More questions to contend with.

  Turning around, he walked over to his liquor cabinet and poured a glass of bourbon. For once, his mother didn’t speak a word as he swallowed the shot, loving the burn as it traveled down his throat.

  “And you haven’t said where you’ve been for the past week. We’ve been terribly worried.”

  He turned and stared over at Samantha’s back in amazement, unable to believe what he had heard. Worried? Her? Was that possible? His sister never got worried.

  Bemused, he shook his head. “I’m not ready to go into that right now,” he said grimly. “We’ll have a family meeting soon; I promise. I have to meet with my men and get the ball going on Vanessa’s security as well as the pack’s.”

  Travis wasn’t ruling out the trouble of the bastard he had seen in the ring, not with Vanessa being pregnant and her unwillingness to answer his question, even though in a roundabout way she had already answered it. He could smell lies, so she hadn’t answered, which gave him his answer right then. He knew it wasn’t over. He just didn’t want to worry his family with it yet, not until he had to.

  “Family meeting tonight.” His mother’s voice broke through his thoughts, and he looked over at her, at the determination in her eyes. There was no arguing. He may be Alpha, but their mother-son relationship had a stronger connection than most.

  He nodded just as a knock on the front door was followed by a feminine voice. “Oh, Travis!”

  Four groans filled the room, his being one of them.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  “You’re groaning? We have to suffer, too!” Anna whispered right as the woman sauntered through the doorway, her hips swaying seductively.

  “Oh, Travis. I’ve missed you!”

  He was suddenly surrounded by the flowery scent that tickled his nose and made him want to sneeze.

  God, anyone but her.

  Miranda Garrison.

  He bit his tongue as he disengaged himself from her, taking a few steps back.

  “Miranda, how are you?” he asked, moving even further away from her.

  She pouted, her blue eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled. “I’m good! I’ve been waiting for you. Where have you been?”

  Silence followed her question, and he knew why. She had asked the same thing they all wanted the answer to.

  Ignoring the others in the room, she tried to get close
r. Her slender body was encased in tight jeans and a revealing red blouse that just about showed her nipples if he cared to look, which he didn’t.

  Eyes on her face, he dodged her hands and turned towards his sisters. “Samantha, Anna, say hi to Miranda.” His eyes begged for help, and Samantha sighed, relenting.

  “Miranda,” she allowed, her arms crossed in front of her. She hadn’t moved from the window, and Travis knew that was intentional. Samantha hated Miranda with a passion and had since they were children.

  Anna grunted, which was her way of greeting a woman she didn’t like. There weren’t many people that Anna disliked, but she was one of the few.

  That should have been my first clue when I had dated her, Travis thought, inwardly wincing.

  “Miranda, dear, so nice of you to drop by for a visit,” Emma said.

  If she had cared to listen, she would have heard the fakeness of the greeting, the grimace that pulled at my mother’s lips, but she didn’t. She only had eyes for Travis.

  A sound brought everyone’s attention to the door where Vanessa stood, her green eyes watchful and hesitant as she took in the small crowd.

  His mother stood up, her smile turning from fake to welcoming. “Well, hello dear. How are you?”

  His two sisters turned as well, but their faces reflected caution.

  Miranda’s eyes widened, finally taking in the others in the room. Now that she was no longer the center of attention, she was aware of who was. “Who is she?” she demanded.

  Ignoring her, his mother took a step towards Vanessa. “You’re safe here, honey.”

  Their eyes met, and Travis quickly stepped around Miranda. Thankful to have had a reason to get away and block everyone from getting any closer to her. He walked over to Vanessa’s side.

  “Mother, this is Vanessa Burns. Vanessa, this is my mother, Emma.” He pointed to his sisters. “My sisters Anna and Samantha, and Miranda,” he said, sighing.

  Vanessa nodded her small head once and turned her gaze towards the window, and then back to Travis, her request clear.

  He nodded. “Of course, but I’ll go with you.”

  “Travis! I wanted us to spend time together! I missed you!” Miranda protested, wringing her hands together. Tears filled her eyes as he headed towards the door.

  “I’m sorry, Miranda, but I’m busy.”

  Before Vanessa or Miranda could argue, Travis walked past them and out the door. He was never more thankful for being interrupted. He had to do something about Miranda. The woman was more persistent than she had been in years.

  “I’ll be right back. Just going to get a change of clothes,” he called over his shoulder as he disappeared around the corner.

  He could feel Vanessa’s irritation, but it couldn’t be helped. He wasn’t letting her loose until he was sure she would be safe, and right then, he wasn’t. Especially after his pack realized she was pregnant.

  No one noticed Miranda’s eyes narrow, her full lips tighten as she watched them leave the room. Fury lay banked just below the surface.

  Vanessa followed Travis out of the house after he had shifted to wolf form, and she paused on the steps of the porch. She took in the crowd in the middle of the yard and didn’t bat an eye, her indifference apparent to the casual observer. If they didn’t like her, tough shit. She was used to it.

  A man stepped forward, approaching Travis. He tilted his dark head in submission, his brown eyes watchful.

  “Alpha, we were worried.”

  She heard what sounded like a sigh from Travis just as the snapping of bone filled the air. Another man stepped forward and handed him a shirt and pants. In seconds, he was dressed and turned to her, his eyes apologetic.

  Well, it was good to see that their views on nakedness were similar to her own pack’s. Being shifters had its disadvantages and being naked after shifting was one of them. It took some getting used to, but after a while, it was as casual as breathing.

  “I have to meet with my pack. Stay within the perimeter of the yard until I return.”

  Vanessa really wanted to be alone. It was all she could do to stay still as every eye turned to her, their stares curious and suspicious. By the way everyone was looking at her, her pregnancy was now known. Just great.

  “Don’t worry, Travis. I’ll keep her company,” a soft voice said from behind her.

  Vanessa turned and saw the dark-haired woman from the office. The one who had been standing by the window.

  Without waiting for her to agree, she turned to Travis. “I’ll show her around until you get back.”

  Travis looked at her and nodded once. “Thanks, Samantha.”

  He turned and walked away, surrounded by a group of men as they headed back into the house, no doubt returning to the office.

  Samantha gave Vanessa a small smile—almost sad and barely there.

  She doesn’t smile much, Vanessa thought, eyeing her warily.

  “Let’s go.” Samantha walked down the steps and headed towards the forest, the same direction Travis had been taking her.

  Hesitantly, Vanessa followed her. What have I gotten myself into?

  The two women traveled for a few minutes in silence. The trees closed in around them, the house in the distance.

  Without warning, Vanessa heard the snapping of bones. She jerked and whirled, crouching down. A small wolf stood before her, her little brown head tilted.

  I figured this would be easier to communicate.

  Heart pounding, Vanessa backed away slowly, cautiously, her mouth dry. More to have space than cowering away, in case she needed to protect herself.

  Damn it. I’ve survived this long. What the hell is my problem? she thought.

  The petite wolf approached her cautiously until Vanessa growled. Samantha wisely stopped a couple of feet away.

  You do have trouble following you, don’t you? Samantha whispered, her eyes seeing more than Vanessa wanted to reveal.

  She didn’t respond. What could she say?

  Taking a step closer, Samantha stopped when Vanessa growled again. Not caring that the other woman was Travis’s sister, she was too close for comfort.

  You’re safe here, you know. My brother won’t let anything happen to you.

  Staying silent, she closely watched the other wolf.

  The snapping of a branch caused them both to tense.

  Surprised, Vanessa was now staring at the back of Samantha’s tail as the other woman stepped in front of her, protecting her.

  She couldn’t know that Vanessa had been fending off attacks for years. The sport of her pack’s sick goal in tormenting her. She started to slide to the side, determined to protect herself. Even pregnant, she wasn’t weak, regardless what the men in her life thought.

  Let’s get back to the house, Samantha said, still looking in the direction of the noise. You aren’t safe out here.

  This is your land, right?

  Yes, but we have more enemies than you want to hear about.

  Eyes scanning the dark trees, the two backtracked the way they had come. Stopping at the edge of the yard, Samantha shifted to her naked human form.

  Just great. Like that won’t draw attention to us.

  Samantha turned and winked at her! Stepping over to a large tree on the border of the yard, she pulled out a shirt and pants.

  “Always come prepared. You’ll soon notice that there are a lot of clothes stuffed in trees on our land.” She put them on before walking towards the house.

  In minutes, they were back inside. Climbing the stairs, the two hit the top and encountered the other sister.

  “Hi! My name is Anna.” The girl looked down at her and smiled, the tiny gap between her teeth endearing. She started to open her mouth, but Samantha interrupted her.

  “Anna, leave her alone. She’s tired,” she said quickly, stepping around her sister. Opening Vanessa’s door, she motioned her inside. “You can rest. I’ll bring you something to eat in a bit.”

  Anna frowned. “Didn’t Travis ta
ke her hunting?”

  “No, he had to meet with the pack since he’s been gone so long.”

  “Then we can take her hunting. It’ll be fun!” She clapped her hands, a wide smile on her pretty face, her brown eyes lit.

  Samantha sighed in irritation as Vanessa walked through the door. “She’s tired right now, sis. Leave her alone.”

  From the corner of her eye, Vanessa saw the girl’s smile fall. “Okay. I’m sorry.”

  The two women disappeared down the stairs, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She knew she couldn’t hide her pregnancy for much longer, and she was surprised that Travis had managed to keep everyone out of the house. If his pack were anything like hers, the main house was the focal point of activity. Everyone came and went.

  It had remained strangely empty since she woke up that afternoon.

  Travis knocked on the door, the plate of bloody rabbit in his hands making him hungry. Hearing a soft woof, he entered and found Vanessa on the bed, her head on her paws as she watched him.

  “Hey, sorry I’m late. I brought you some food.”

  Vanessa jumped down as he put the meal on the ground and began to eat. Guilt riddled him as he watched her. She had to have been hungry. He hadn’t meant to be gone that long, but one problem led into another at the meeting, and the next thing he knew, it was late. Being Alpha meant staying and resolving all the issues regardless of where he would rather be.

  “So,” he said, watching her lick the empty plate with her dainty tongue, “besides starving, how was your day?” Realizing his mistake, he rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Like you could answer me. Mind if I shift?”

  She shook her head and sprung back up on the bed, lying down looking at him. Ever observant, she was.

  “Going to watch me shift?” He winked. Laughing as she covered her eyes with her paws, burying her head in the blankets.

  Travis quickly undressed so that he didn’t ruin another set of clothes and soon felt the pull of his wolf as the shift took over. Afterwards, he jumped up on the bed and lay down beside her, facing the door.

  Now. How was your day?

  Vanessa glanced over at him and squinted her eyes as she laid her head down, staring up at him through her lashes. I just got here. I’ll let you know when I know.


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