Crescent Vendetta

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Crescent Vendetta Page 8

by Desiree L. Scott

  Noah’s blond hair lay rumpled against his tanned face, his dark eyes alert and watchful as he stood beside the window, his muscle frame topping Travis’s own six feet by three or more inches. Noah owned a construction company outside of the pack, and Bret was proprietor of a nightclub in the next town over. They had separate lives, but nevertheless, came at the drop of a hat when called. Bret was the only non-wolf in the pack, with him being a bear, but one couldn’t tell that given how protective he was of the pack. He was a loner but a damn good enforcer. It had taken Travis a while to convince him to take the job years ago, but thankfully, he had. Bret had saved his ass more than once.

  The bear’s black head of hair was a stark contrast to his friend’s, and his blue eyes, which were usually laughing and crinkled at the edges, were now stoic as he stood across the room, leaning against the fireplace with thick arms crossed against his wide chest. They all knew something was up. Their alpha wouldn’t have disappeared the way he had unless it wasn’t in his control, and they were right.

  Eyes on him, Travis quietly explained what had happened and what Vanessa had revealed. Eyes hardened, bodies stiffened, and ire tightened the features of every man in the room. That someone would dare kidnap their Alpha brought all wolves dangerously close to the surface.

  “Did you recognize him?” Bret growled, his hands fisted at his side. “His name doesn’t sound familiar. Have you run a background check on him yet?”

  Travis shook his head. “No. I just found out myself a few hours ago. I don’t know what pack he is from, and neither does Vanessa or her brother. I called Aiden earlier to ask him about what his parents could have taken, and he was clueless. He’s checking on it from his end.”

  “So what’s the plan?” Noah asked. Out of all three, his control was the strongest. He thought everything through before he acted. He was also a great poker player, his thoughts hidden behind his calculated stare.

  Travis stared down at his fists as he thought of his barely formulated plan. It wasn’t much of one, but with very little to go on, it was better than nothing.

  “I think we have a leak,” he admitted. It was something he hated to think about, but there it was out in the open.

  The men were curiously quiet.

  “Because of how you were kidnapped,” Noah said grimly.

  Travis nodded. “It had to have been an inside job. Not many people knew where we were hunting or even what night,” he added. “Something came up, and we changed the plan, remember? We went the next evening.”

  “Do you think you were the only target?’

  Travis shook his head and stood up. “No. The fighting ring was advanced, detailed. I think more than me were planned.”

  He had to move. He could feel the fur coming out, his wolf threatening release. Pushing the animal back into his mental cage, he paced the length of his office, his thoughts racing.

  “How does Vanessa play into this beyond Dominic? Revenge?” Noah asked.

  “I don’t know, but she’s pregnant with the son of a bitch’s child.”

  Dead silence met his admission. The deep-throated growls were mild compared to what he knew they genuinely wanted to say about it.

  “She’s mated to him.”

  It wasn’t a question. The foreign scent of anything wolf was strong on her. He answered Patrick anyways.

  “Yeah, she is,” he responded, the thought almost making him sick.

  “And it was forced.” Again, it wasn’t a question due to the rape bit, but this time he didn’t bother to answer.

  “It wasn’t a true mate bond,” Travis said.

  “So…it can be severed.”

  Travis met Noah’s eyes. “That has never been proven.”

  “Then prove it.”

  He walked over to the window, causing Noah to step back as the Alpha took his spot.

  “So what’s the plan?” Noah

  “I don’t know yet. I’m still thinking about it. I’ll let you three know soon.”

  Noah nodded, and Bret followed him out of the office without a word. Travis liked that about his betas. They didn’t mince words.

  Patrick stayed, as usual.

  “I’m fine, man,” Travis said still looking out the window. “Take the night watch. I’ll relieve you at two.”

  He saw the man’s reflection nod before he walked out, closing the door behind him and leaving Travis to his own thoughts.

  Was it possible to break the bond?

  His fists tightened by his sides as he thought of the consequences if it weren’t possible.

  To be tied to that sick bastard for life…

  The days soon blended into each other. It was a mixture that Vanessa hated; however, she was grateful that she had the time to recover without worrying about dying. After their words in the bedroom, Vanessa had noticed that he was trying harder. There wasn’t a tail on her unless she left the grounds, and that was a compromise, so she couldn’t bitch about it. As she got bigger, Travis still managed to keep most everyone out of the house. She had noticed two men, Patrick and Noah, who hung around downstairs. Besides them, Travis, and one other person named Bret, no one else was allowed in the house for the time being, as per their Alpha. She didn’t bother wondering what the rest of the pack was thinking. At the moment, she didn’t care.

  Laying on the porch overlooking the yard, Vanessa could feel the curious and suspicious glowers of the pack, some more menacing than others but it was the kick of her baby that caused the warm and happy feeling to unravel inside of her, an emotion she wasn’t used to. Her father had been a mean bastard, barely giving her the time of day, and she couldn’t remember her mother beyond a small impression of warmth and feeling safe.

  Her brother had been the only one who cared about the little dark-haired girl who couldn’t understand why everyone hated her. She still didn’t know but was past caring. Once she had the baby, they would leave. She wasn’t returning to her old pack, to the condescending stares of those around her. She refused to allow her daughter to grow up around that, and if that meant they would be alone and just have each other, then she was fine.

  Sighing, she stood up and made her way back inside, nudging the door open with her nose. The men in the house had gotten used to leaving doors open a crack so that she could navigate the rooms, and she appreciated the gesture. Even after so many months as a wolf, she still wasn’t used to it. Her beast was exhausted, but until she had the baby, there was nothing she could do about it.

  Making her way down the hall, she heard faint conversation coming from the office. Hesitating, she altered her course. Even as something told her to turn around and leave, something else kept her moving forward. She approached the closed door and immediately recognized Travis’ deep voice. He was talking to someone that she didn’t recognize, but it had to be one of his betas. They were the only other ones in the house.

  “Are you sure?” Travis asked.

  “It’s never been proven. I’ve only heard one other instance of it happening, but the baby died within hours.”

  Travis cursed, and Vanessa tensed. What were they talking about?

  “Are you going to tell her?”

  “I have to. The risk...”

  “Is too great,” the stranger interrupted quietly. “But she needs to know.”

  The voices grew closer, but she remained where she was at. She was finished running. She didn’t care how it looked to be eavesdropping. It was her baby they were obviously talking about.

  The door opened, and she saw Travis’ eyes widen. The unidentified man stood behind him. He was just as tall as the alpha with coal black hair and gray eyes that were staring down at her intently.

  He nodded his head once, acknowledging her before turning to Travis.

  “I’ll be in town for a few days on business. If you need me, call.”

  Travis acknowledged his offer but maintained eye contact with Vanessa. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but it couldn’t be good, not with what she had ov
erhead. Cracking bones filled the hallway as he shifted right in front of her. The shredded rags that were once his clothes dropped to the hardwood floors.

  What’s going on? she asked tensely.

  His eyes shifted until she saw his broad shoulders straighten, and he met her gaze.

  Follow me.

  With that, he headed outside, nudging the door open with his nose.

  She followed silently behind him, sensing the tension radiating from Travis, and it wasn’t the good kind. They walked further into the woods, farther from prying and curious stares. At least, that was how Vanessa took the move of distance away from the house. The large structure barely visible through the trees.

  Travis stopped near the small creek bed with scarcely a trickle of water running through it. He turned towards her, eyes dark and unreadable.

  Fear wasn’t a new aspect for her, but this kind was. Her throat tightened as their sights locked.

  I’ve been investigating your condition. I have never heard of a wolf shifter–or shifter of any kind–giving birth while transformed.

  She waited, knowing there was more.

  I found someone…someone who knew of a few possibilities, and even one instance where a shifter had given birth…

  He paused and looked out towards the house. It was a moment before he met her eyes again, and they seemed to turn to pitch. The summarized version is…it is possible. However, …

  Vanessa was about to go postal if he didn’t finish a blasted sentence!


  If he had discovered something about her baby or the birth, she wanted to know about it like yesterday. She saw the flesh around his fangs tighten, and he narrowed his eyes at her tone, but she didn’t give a shit.

  However, he stressed, growling himself. In order for the infant to survive, you will have to shift right before you give birth. Otherwise, there is a high chance the baby will die. If the child is born a wolf, the shift could come upon it at any given moment, and a newborn will not survive.

  Her stomach dropped, and she took a step back, nausea rolling as his words hit her. The meaning...

  Her baby could die? She hadn’t considered…she had just assumed...

  Vanessa wanted to howl, to run, but she choked back the urge in order to get all of the facts. The old Vanessa would have acted irrationally, but the past had taught her that with each action came some kind of consequence, so she forced herself to remain still.

  Travis continued calmly. There is still a chance the child won’t survive. There has only been one other instance when this has happened, and the mother and baby both died, though it was born human during the shift.

  Tears soaked into her fur, and she prayed he couldn’t tell. To cry was a weakness, but by the softening of his gaze, the understanding glittered in his blue eyes. He didn’t miss the tears.

  You have to know the risk, Vanessa. If you shift now, you’ll survive. The child won’t, but you will.

  Before he was even done, she was shaking her head.

  No, she said firmly, her voice quiet in the stillness. I won’t shift. I won’t kill my child.

  Even at the risk of death? For you?

  Pain filled her heart, but her resolve didn’t waver.


  Travis watched her for a moment, speechless. Then, without a word, he turned and disappeared into the woods.

  She stayed for a few minutes longer until her legs collapsed from beneath her, and she fell on her side. Drawing them up beneath her, she bowed her head, the tears falling onto the hard ground. After everything she had gone through, everything she had endured, now her child could die before she even got to hold her. Or him.

  No, she thought furiously, shaking her head violently. No! You will be okay. I will hold you and protect you. We’ve made it this far, little one. We are in this together.

  She didn’t know how long she stayed on the ground, but the sun soon set.

  Rustling sounds met her ears, and she jerked up, jumping to her feet. It was almost full dark, and she resisted the urge to run.

  Fuck! She knew better!

  She hunched down, preparing herself for trouble. She spied the familiar wolf and relaxed as Sam came closer.

  You scared the shit out of me!

  Sorry. We were getting worried when you didn’t return to the house.

  Something about her demeanor…

  You know.

  Sympathy turned the brown eyes black as the other woman nodded. Vanessa didn’t respond as they both headed back towards the house. There wasn’t anything to say. She was not killing her child.

  Chapter 12

  Charles Maxwell waited in the corner of the smoke-filled bar, his back to the wall as he scanned the dim interior. He was in the town of Crestwoods, about two hours from the pack. Everything hinged on this meeting. If his sources were correct, all of his troubles would be over come the morning, and that’s what he was counting on.

  He thrummed his long fingers on the scarred table and sipped his cold beer as he surveyed the door. People mingled, varying shifters interacted, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He hated other shifters. They made his skin crawl. But this was the only place the bastard would meet, and the damn bar was neutral ground for the different breeds. He scanned the bodies, the flushed faces of the drunken idiots, and leaned back in his chair.

  A shadow caught his attention, their gazes met. Seconds ticked by until the man straightened from the far wall and headed his way. The thump of his chair legs hitting the dirt-encrusted floor was lost in the loud laughter of those around him.

  The stranger stopped at the edge of the table. Hard eyes glowed down at Charles, and he felt a shiver of fear race down his spine. A twisted smile crept across the man’s face, and he straightened, his hand tightening on his glass.

  Teeth gritted, Charles nodded towards the empty chair to the side of him, which also faced the wall. Neither was stupid. There weren’t many there that could kill a wolf shifter, but they weren’t taking chances.

  Without a word, the guy sat. Charles discerned that he had already been measured and found lacking. He didn’t know how he understood that, but he did.

  The arrogant asshole, he thought.

  A woman appeared beside them.

  “What can I get you?” Her voice was rusty as if she screamed for a living. It was the kind of sound he couldn’t stand for long.

  “Beer,” the stranger said curtly.

  Thankfully, she left without a word, returning shortly with the ordered drink before disappearing again. Charles got down to it.

  “You know what I want?” he demanded, keeping his eyes open and ears alert for anyone displaying curiosity with their meeting.

  His guest raised his eyebrow and took a big gulp from his glass.

  “Yeah, I do. You want the pack.” He shrugged. “I don’t care about that. We want Vanessa.”

  Charles hesitated, and his thoughts raced. Maybe if he played his cards right, he could have his fun with her first before turning her over. He resisted the urge to grin at that thought and nodded.

  “Fine. With Travis dead, there won’t be anyone I can’t fight to take over the pack.”

  Charles glimpsed at the glistening teeth, the fangs that stretched past the other guy’s lips and stilled, sweat pooling beneath his armpits and hands. The incisors receded, and the bastard grinned again.

  God, to wipe that fucking smile off his face permanently…

  “When?” Charles asked.

  “One week. We should be good to go then.”

  He nodded as the stranger got up and left without a glance behind him.

  Something about Charles bothered him.

  Travis watched the other man instructing a child on different fighting techniques in the middle of the yard and frowned.

  “Hey, man, is everything okay?” Patrick asked, coming to stand beside him.

  Travis nodded towards Charles watching as he snapped at the kid and cuffed him upside the he
ad with the back of his hand.

  “Does something seem off to you with Charles? He’s usually an ass, but lately, he almost seems too fucking happy.”

  Patrick followed his gaze, zooming in on the object of their discussion. He looked quizzically.

  “Maybe he got laid?” he suggested, only half joking.

  Travis didn’t dignify that with a response and stared at the training grounds. They had never gotten along, but this feeling he was developing was new. He wouldn’t ignore it.

  “I want someone on Charles,” he ordered unobtrusively.

  Patrick stiffened and met his eyes. “You think that’s necessary?”

  Travis didn’t respond, but he didn’t have to. His second nodded grimly.

  “Consider it done.”

  Travis made his way towards the house and jerked to a stop as the smell of bacon and breakfast hit his senses.

  What the hell?

  He walked into the kitchen and froze as he stared over at Miranda in front of the stove, her slender hips swaying to music only she could hear.

  “Miranda,” he said calmly. “What are you doing here?”

  He didn’t have to remind her of the order he had given about visitors to the house. That order hadn’t been lifted yet, and the fucking woman better have had a damn good reason for breaking it. His gaze hardened, which is what Miranda encountered when she swung her head around towards him, a seductive smile curving her red lips.

  She ignored his look and continued to cook, winking over at him, her hips still swaying. She was either extremely stupid, or she didn’t care about the storm clouds gathering with his temper, and he didn’t know which was worse.

  “I’m making breakfast,” she said cheerfully. “I thought you might be hungry.”

  “You must want to be excommunicated. I specifically ordered that no one enter this house.” He took a step towards her with a glare. “No one includes you.”

  He saw her stiffen, and he could smell the first hint of fear.


  Her smile slipped as she flipped some bacon.

  “I was just trying to help,” she said in her voice soft. She stared down at the frying pan, but Travis wasn’t fooled. He had known Miranda for years. She was a viper in a beautiful body and used herself however she saw fit. If she could have gotten away with it, she would be laid out on his bed with her legs spread and dripping wet.


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