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Stepbrother's Secret

Page 29

by Anna Wineheart

  He roared, lunging at Zan. Zan flung Olivier away; Olivier wore red marks on his face like he’d been hit.

  How dare anyone hit him?

  Eric swung his fist at Zan, clocking him hard in the jaw. Zan was heavy, knocking Eric’s other hand away. But Eric found strength in his anger, found purchase as he grabbed Zan’s shirt and yanked him back, slamming him first into a car bumper, then the brick wall of the building.

  “Don’t you fucking hurt him,” Eric snarled, slamming his fist straight into Zan’s nose. It crunched beneath his knuckles.

  And yet Eric was not satisfied. Zan growled, punching back. Eric hardly felt the pain.

  “He begged me to hit him,” Zan said, teeth bloody. “I was just gonna put a baby into him. Your marking isn’t there, fucker.”

  Eric’s ears rang. He heard nothing else. Just pummeled into Zan over and over, his strikes faster and more powerful than Zan’s. Zan landed some hits; Eric took them. He kept smashing his fist into Zan’s face, his gut, cracking Zan’s head into the side of the brick until blood smeared on the wall.

  Zan crumpled to the ground. Eric watched him, breathing hard, his pulse roaring in his ears.

  “He’s not yours,” Eric seethed. “Don’t you fucking touch him again.”

  He turned, raking his eyes over Olivier. Ollie had backed up against the brick wall, watching them with wide, frightened eyes. His face was swollen, tear-streaked. Eric’s chest squeezed tight. Ollie was in pain. Zan had hurt him.

  “Hey,” Eric said, stepping slowly forward. Didn’t want to frighten Ollie anymore.

  But Ollie’s mouth fell open. He was looking past Eric, at Zan.

  “Eric,” Olivier yelped.

  Eric spun around, glimpsing the flash of steel too late. Zan drew his hand back and flung the dagger at Olivier.

  Eric’s thoughts blanked. He thought nothing of himself. It was all Ollie—his bondmate, his baby, his family right here, and Eric could not lose any of them.

  He threw himself into dagger’s path, barely knocking it to the side.

  It sliced through his jeans and clattered to the ground inches from Olivier’s fingers, its edge smeared with blood. Olivier flinched, crying out.

  Could’ve sliced his fingers off. How dare you fucking treat him that way?

  Eric whirled around on Zan, grabbing him by the collar. Slammed his head into the wall. This was the person who had hurt Ollie countless times in the past. Ollie never had the strength to push back. And now Eric was repaying every hurt Ollie had suffered.

  Zan struggled. Eric mashed Zan’s face into the brick, repeatedly, until Zan fell limp in his hands, his forehead a bloody mess.

  Only then did Eric pause, his veins pounding with adrenaline and ferocity.

  He thought about finishing Zan off with the dagger. It would be so simple—just a clean slit across his throat. But he had Jenn and Ollie to care for—he couldn’t land himself in jail. Couldn’t throw away his future just because of some damn bastard.

  Eric turned, fists clenched, his face throbbing. Met Olivier’s frightened eyes, Olivier’s cheeks swollen from Zan’s blows.

  Eric hesitated. He’d paid violence to Zan, the same violence that Zan had brought onto Olivier. What if he’d scared Ollie with this? What if Olivier never returned to him?

  Eric gulped, his heart thumping. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.

  And suddenly Eric was afraid, all over again. He’d exposed his worst side to Olivier—the recklessness, the violence. Ollie shouldn’t want him back.

  Except Eric had almost lost Ollie, he’d almost let Ollie slip through his fingers, and this time... he couldn’t let his fear get in the way. Not when a future with his omega was at stake.

  “Are you—” Eric cleared his throat “—Are you okay?”

  Ollie nodded mutely, glancing at Eric, then Zan. “What about you?” he rasped.

  “I’m fine.”

  Slowly, Eric stepped forward, his heart squeezing when Olivier leaned away. Do you see me as a monster now?

  He knelt next to Olivier, his pulse racing. Touched Olivier’s shin with his fingertips. This time, Ollie didn’t retreat. Eric felt a little braver. “You hurt?”

  Olivier shrugged. He didn’t look okay. Not the downward pull of his lips, not the rawness in his eyes. He hugged himself, his shoulders hunched, his lower lip swollen.

  No omega should ever be treated like this.

  “How’re you feeling?” Eric whispered.


  Eric’s heart ached. He swallowed hard, gingerly touching his fingertips to Ollie’s hands, where Ollie was clutching his arms so hard his knuckles had turned white. “Because of Zan?”

  Olivier shrugged again.

  “Or... because of me?”

  Olivier looked away. It was a yes. Eric couldn’t breathe. He’d fucked up, then. Should’ve expected as much. His chest tight, Eric asked, “Do you want me to leave?”

  At that, Olivier’s gaze locked with his. “You’re leaving?” he asked, panicked.

  Eric read the loneliness in his eyes, the desperation. Did Ollie... want him back?

  His heart pounding too fast, Eric asked, “What do you want from me?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Olivier sank down like he was trying to hide himself. There was a dark trail on the ground leading toward him, and he smelled like piss.

  Fury burned in Eric’s chest. “You were scared.”

  He wanted to punch Zan again. Except Zan was unconscious, and there was only Olivier, scared and broken and wanting.

  Would it be okay if... if he touched Olivier? Eric reached forward slowly. When Ollie didn’t flinch, he caught Ollie’s chin, tipping his face up. Ollie’s warmth had never felt so welcome on his skin.

  Olivier leaned away then. “I’m disgusting, Eric.” He covered his face, his hands shaking. “Go home. You shouldn’t see me like this.”

  Eric’s heart broke. Which fucker made you think that? He curled his fingers gently around Olivier’s wrists, lifting Ollie’s hands away from his swollen face. “You aren’t disgusting.”

  “Zan touched me.” Olivier’s voice cracked. “And—and I pissed myself. And I don’t deserve you at all. A-and...”

  His face crumpled. Ollie sobbed, the sound slicing into Eric’s chest.

  Eric gathered Olivier into his arms, pressing kisses to his ear, then his temple. “I still love you,” Eric said, meaning it with all his heart. “I’ll never stop loving you.”

  Olivier sobbed brokenly into his shoulder, his fingers curling into Eric’s shirt. He seemed okay with Eric’s touch now. Maybe all he needed was some patience.

  So Eric cradled him, brushing his fingers through Olivier’s hair. He kissed Ollie’s ear, filling his lungs with carnation and honey.

  “Why?” Olivier mumbled, his voice breaking. “I’ve done everything wrong, Eric. I said all the things I didn’t mean. I pushed you away. I...”

  “Because I know who you are deep down,” Eric murmured, pressing his nose into Ollie’s hair. “Because it’s always been you. I can’t stop loving you.”

  Olivier cried. He wasn’t pulling away anymore. He felt small and vulnerable and afraid, and Eric regretted leaving him for this long. Regretted not returning soon enough to save him from all this pain.

  “I’m gonna bring you home,” Eric whispered. “You’re safe now. He’s not gonna hurt you anymore.”

  Olivier buried his face in Eric’s shoulder, his tears soaking Eric’s shirt. “I... I asked him to hit me.”

  Eric’s blood grew cold. “You—Why?”

  He’d thought Zan had been lying about that.

  Olivier hunched into himself, sniffling. “I thought you’d... forgive me if I hurt. If I was punished for everything I’d done. I said terrible things, Eric.”

  And Eric suddenly understood just how much Olivier would put himself through, just to make up for things. Just so he received what he thought he deserved.

  Eric closed his
eyes, horrified. The times Olivier had left him, the times Ollie had blamed himself for things... It should never have been Olivier’s fault. It had been Eric’s mom telling Ollie how little he was worth, telling Ollie he should be punished. It had been Zan, trapping Olivier with his cruelty.

  I should’ve known he wouldn’t heal so easily. Eric pulled Olivier closer, holding him tight. “Promise me you’ll never get yourself beaten up like that again.”

  Olivier looked away. “I’m a bad person.”

  “No, you aren’t.” Eric stared fiercely at the new bruises on Ollie’s face, his heart hurting. “You don’t deserve to be punished, okay? Not this bad. Never this bad.”

  Olivier bowed his head. “Really?”

  “Yeah. That’s how much you matter to me.” Eric stroked the bonding mark on his neck. “Promise me, Ollie. You won’t ever hurt yourself, and you won’t ask anyone to hurt you again.”

  Ollie sucked in a shaky breath. “You’re going to accept me? Just like that?”

  “Yeah,” Eric said. “Just like that.”

  “But you’re still disowned. And... And I can never be as good as Alice,” Olivier mumbled.

  Eric sighed, pressing their foreheads together. “I told you, don’t compare yourself to Alice.”

  “She was your best friend.”

  “You’re my best friend now,” Eric said. “Or at least, I’d love for you to be my best friend again.”

  Olivier breathed in sharply, his eyes growing wide. “Really?”


  “I stink of piss.”

  “Yeah, so my best friend stinks of piss,” Eric said dryly. “I don’t care.”

  And the faintest, wobbly smile curved Olivier’s lips. Eric’s heart skipped.

  “So promise me,” Eric said. “No more hurting yourself.”

  Ollie met Eric’s gaze, uncertain. But Eric wasn’t moving, and Ollie seemed to realize Eric wouldn’t desert him. In a soft voice, Ollie whispered, “I promise.”

  “Good.” Eric kissed his forehead, the tightness in his chest easing. Maybe Ollie might lie again, but Eric was going to keep an eye on him this time. Make sure he didn’t run off and do crap like this to himself anymore.

  “I—I didn’t mean what I said,” Olivier mumbled. “About your mom and Alice.”

  Yeah, Eric wasn’t surprised at that now. “As long as you don’t say it again.”

  Olivier hesitated. “I promise I won’t.”

  Eric kissed his forehead. And there was the Olivier he knew. The Ollie that Eric wanted to have by his side.

  “About Alice,” Eric said. Ollie tensed, but Eric continued to hold him. “I’ll always be sorry that she died. But you know what? I can’t be sorry about finding you again. For coming back to Meadowfall to discover that you’ve been here all along. Just—just waiting. For me.”

  It felt a little presumptuous, saying that.

  But Ollie wasn’t pulling away, he wasn’t denying it. And maybe he was still waiting for Eric.

  Hope fluttered in Eric’s chest. “I think Alice will be happy if you treat Jenn the same as you have been. Jenn likes you. She’s been asking where you’ve gone.”

  Ollie’s mouth fell open. “I... I didn’t mean to hurt her that time. I tripped and... I didn’t mean it, I promise. Is she okay?”

  Eric sighed. “Yeah, she’s fine. I overreacted that day. It was a lot going on at that time, but I still shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Olivier said quietly. “I pushed you away.”

  “You did, you asshole.” When Ollie flinched, Eric cupped Ollie’s face, looking into his eyes. “But the point is, I don’t want you to leave, okay? No matter how tough things get, I want to stay by your side. I don’t want you pushing me away. That’s not what a bond is about.”

  Ollie trembled. Eric curled his fingers against Ollie’s wrist, right over the marking he’d left there.

  Ever so slightly, Olivier relaxed. Eric stroked his back, just holding him. Just savoring Olivier in his arms again, whole and intact.

  “Okay,” Ollie whispered. “I understand.”

  More at ease now, Eric touched the round bump of Ollie’s belly, seeing the dirty shoe prints on them. And then he couldn’t breathe. “Is the baby okay?”

  “I think so,” Olivier said, sniffling. He ran his hand over his belly, his cheeks swollen, his lip bleeding a little. “It doesn’t hurt. He didn’t press that hard.”

  But it had been so wrong, that sight—Zan stepping on Olivier’s belly. That was Eric’s baby in there.

  Eric wanted to go over to Zan’s limp figure, and punch him again. But Ollie was fine now. So was the baby. Carefully, he set his hand on top of Olivier’s, allowing Ollie’s fingers to tangle with his. Eric’s pulse quickened.

  “I still love you, you know,” Eric murmured.

  Ollie’s breath hitched. He stole a glance at Eric, his throat working. “But... but you were disowned.”

  “I’d rather be disowned, than lose you. Okay?” Eric brushed his lips over Ollie’s temple, cradling his omega against himself. “That’s how much you mean to me.”

  Olivier made a face. “That wasn’t what I wanted for you. The family means so much to you, Eric.”

  “I know. But it’s ultimately my choice to make, Ollie. Not yours. I choose you.”

  “You shouldn’t.” Olivier looked down uneasily.

  “There’s someone I want as my omega,” Eric murmured, gingerly stroking Ollie’s swollen cheek. “That person is sitting right in front of me, and he has my baby in his belly. His name is Olivier, and I love him.”

  Olivier’s eyes widened. He shook, and his eyes brimmed with tears. “Eric, I...”

  Eric forgot himself. Just leaned in, brushing their lips together. Olivier’s lips were chapped against his, but they parted eagerly for him. No one else’s breath had ever felt so good on Eric’s skin.

  So Eric kissed him slow and deep, licking at Ollie’s lips, his teeth, reacquainting himself with every part of his omega’s mouth. Olivier sighed against him, his nails biting into Eric’s thighs, his tongue soft and damp against Eric’s own.

  It was perfect. Olivier felt like home. Like Eric’s. The only thing that would make it better was if Ollie was his again. Eric slipped his fingers through Ollie’s hair, filling his lungs with carnation and honey.

  “I want you to promise me some things,” Eric murmured against his lips.

  “What?” Olivier breathed.

  Eric broke the kiss, staring into Ollie’s eyes. “I don’t want you to lie to me again.”

  Olivier hesitated. Eric cradled his cheek, rubbing his wrist against Ollie’s jaw. So there was a bit of his own scent on Ollie’s skin. And yet, Olivier couldn’t answer.

  “Ollie.” Eric stared hard at him. “You know I love you. I’ve said it more times than I can remember. But I need to know what you feel about me, so I don’t make the wrong decisions again. I don’t want to leave thinking you don’t love me. I don’t want to misunderstand because you were hiding the best parts of you away.”

  Olivier blinked hard. “The—the best parts of me?”

  “Yeah. The parts of you that see the good in everyone, and the parts of you that are mine.”

  He pressed his palm over Olivier’s heart. Ollie blinked hard, whispering, “I can’t believe you still love me.”

  “I do,” Eric murmured, kissing him again. “I love every bit of you. Even the parts that make me want to pull my hair out.”

  “The—the parts of me that’s an asshole?” Ollie bit his lip.

  “Yeah, that too. I’ll take that if it means I get every part of you.” Eric stroked his thumb over Ollie’s lip. “And in return... you get all the terrible parts of me, too. Like the parts that beat up Zan.” He gave a self-deprecating smile. “And, you know. The rest of me.”

  Olivier choked up, his eyes a blur with how close he was. “I love you, Eric. I’ve just been so afraid to say it.”

  Eric’s h
eart swelled. He cupped Ollie’s face in his hands, kissing him soft and sweet. Ollie loves me.

  Ollie returned the kiss, hesitant and eager at the same time. It was a joy and comfort to taste him again. So Eric breathed him in, trailing his wrists down Ollie’s neck, his arms, tangling their tongues together. It had been way too fucking long.

  “Want to bring you home,” Eric growled. “Make you mine. I want our baby, and I want to make a family with you.”

  Olivier whimpered, leaning in. “If you’ll have me.”

  “I want all of you,” Eric murmured.

  Ollie smiled through his tears, ever so beautiful.

  Eric nipped on Ollie’s lower lip, thinking about bringing Ollie home, marking him thoroughly. Making Ollie writhe beneath him, his body tense with pleasure.

  The backdoor opened then. Eric broke the kiss, almost growling at the interruption.

  Levi poked his head out, staring at Zan’s limp figure on the ground.

  Olivier winced. “Is he... dead? He’s been out cold an awfully long time.”

  Eric glanced over. “Maybe. Call the police?”

  Levi cringed. “I’ll do that.”

  He disappeared into the shop, leaving the door ajar.

  “What if he isn’t dead and he comes back to hurt you?” Olivier mumbled, eyeing Zan’s figure uncertainly.

  Eric thought about it. Didn’t want Zan coming back and taking things out on Ollie again—and the children. Wariness prickled at his senses. “Want me to check?”

  Ollie winced and nodded.

  So Eric stepped over, holding a finger under Zan’s nose. No breathing. He pressed a couple fingers to Zan’s wrist. No pulse.

  “Think he’s dead,” Eric said, victory surging through his veins, along with a tiny undercurrent of alarm. I killed him?

  Olivier whimpered, his eyes growing wide. “Are you going to jail?”

  And now Eric wasn’t sure about things anymore. He’d only just found Ollie again. Did this mean he wouldn’t get to see their baby being born? Or hold Ollie in his arms?

  Eric made his way back to Ollie, pulling Ollie close. Needed to run his wrists all over Ollie, just so he could have Ollie as his own, while he still could. Ollie’s belly was bigger than when he’d last looked closely at it; Eric closed his eyes, hoping he hadn’t just messed things up for them, big time.


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