Matchsticks: A Dark Spirits Fairytale

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Matchsticks: A Dark Spirits Fairytale Page 9

by S. J. Sanders

  She certainly didn’t need him to hold her hand. Right? Right. She wished she sounded a bit more comfortable in her own head about that.

  “Then I will leave you to your work while I oversee some matters that demand my attention,” Aquilo murmured before releasing her.

  He didn’t so much as glance back at her as he left the room with an astounding swiftness. Watching his departure, Agatha shifted her weight nervously before turning her attention to her new helpers… her guards… her people once more. Although smaller than the ogres, the lupi weren’t exactly cuddly, and there were a lot more of them. She hadn’t been too uncomfortable with Aquilo and Eltha nearby, but now she was going to be alone with them and it was hard to ignore the fear creeping in. She was expecting it and had said as much to them in the study, but it still managed to catch her off guard. She swallowed, hoping that none of the lupi would be offended if they noticed. That was the last thing she wanted.

  To her relief, although Kadana’s widening smile wasn’t comforting, the fact that the female reached over to take Agatha’s hand did a lot to help her remaining anxiety. The lupa’s grip was warm, firm, and reassuring as she looped one arm with Agatha’s and accompanied her back to the small group of lupi watching curiously.

  “Now, shall we get started?” Kadana asked, and a brow raised politely.

  “Please!” a rust-colored female shouted out, eyes gleaming with a distinct happiness that Agatha wouldn’t have expected. “We are eager to bring some life to this dreary place! It’s depressing, like living day in and out in a tomb.”

  The other lupi laughed and nodded in agreement, an excitement stirring around them that was contagious.

  Agatha chuckled. “I can’t help but agree. Okay, let’s get going. We will divide these into equal piles, and everyone grab their ribbon.”

  Tails flagged, a few wagging slightly as containers were thrown open to show their contents. Agatha’s eyes widened with delight. Eltha had been busy during the meal period. The containers that were left in the ballroom had huge swaths of woven dark blue and silver ribbons filling it. Murmurs of appreciation arose from everyone.

  Running her fingers over a deep blue ribbon trimmed in silver, Agatha smiled and met the eager gaze of the lupi around her. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!”

  Aquilo frowned at the frost sprites shimmering in front of him. He had not been untruthful with Agatha. He had spent hours checking the global fronts of the northern hemisphere, although it still disturbed him that none of his chiones answered his summons. So he was still stuck with these three. With his business wrapped up, he wanted to determine if they were any closer to finding where she disappeared to when she returned to the human world. The news that they brought him, however, made him bristle with fury.

  “Are you sure?” he growled.

  One of the impish little creatures nodded. “We noticed the shift in the energy around the fortress when we were scouting. We could not determine where it was coming from. It was like a spirit moving through the barrier nearest to the mountain.”

  A snarl escaped him as he turned and paced, wings snapping with irritation as his cloak flowed behind him. He should have known! Agatha’s presence on his mountain was not that of a flesh and blood human; that was why the griffins were not reacting to her as they should to an intruding human. Said griffin in fact was currently trying to squeeze into her chair, wings fluttering as he just barely made himself fit.

  Aquilo shook his head. The stupid beast was smitten with the human, although Agatha had yet to notice just how much interest Veli took in her. The griffin practically tracked her every movement when they were in the same room and wanted anything she touched. Oh, she was not a god or a spirit. She was thoroughly human, but her presence meant that someone was helping her transport her essence in temporary physical form for the duration of time that she was with him.

  Slamming his fist into a stone wall, he roared his fury, dissatisfied when only a few powdery fragments of rock fell. The fortress was made by magic and meant to withstand not only his storms, but any bouts of rage he might have. Now, under his anger’s spell, he wanted nothing more than to tear something down.

  Someone was interfering, and worse, they were putting Agatha in potential danger doing it! She may be warm and fed while she was with him, but that did nothing for her flesh and blood body. It remained in the human world, uncared for and vulnerable while she was here. The very thought made him livid! Especially with his concerns roused over the harpies the night before.

  “And your progress?” he snapped.

  “It is a big continent,” the sprite mumbled.

  Aquilo turned to face the sprites hovering over the orb once more. The room darkened drastically as an angry northern wind rolled in out of nowhere, bringing in dense, dark clouds with it. Just outside, the howl of the wind mirrored his fury. The frost sprites shrank nervously as he gave a low growl.

  “I do not care what it takes, but I want her body found, and found now!”

  The frost sprites nodded as he sent them back through the orb with a hard wave of his hand.

  Groaning, he sank down into his chair and dropped his head into his hands. What was he going to do if he could not find Agatha? What if she stopped coming back? He doubted that whoever was sending her to him meant for it to be a permanent arrangement.

  Veli trilled in his throat as he slipped over and nuzzled Aquilo’s leg affectionately. A purr rattled up from the beast, and Aquilo sighed, his eyes falling on the griffin as his bulk dropped on Aquilo’s feet.

  “Pest,” Aquilo grumbled. “I am certain you would miss Agatha too.”

  The griffin’s head lifted at the mention of her name, golden eyes blinking up at him with interest. Aquilo dropped a hand to gently scratch behind the long, feathered ears.

  “We will find her, and we will bring her home,” he assured both of them.

  When he finally had her, she would never escape him. His cock twitched at the memory of Agatha’s passionate response in his arms. He had been a fool to end things but knew that if he got her in his bed, then he would not be letting her leave there… and there was much she wanted to do. With the storm rattling outside and the late hour, he had little doubt that he would have her undivided attention now. Her body may not have been present, but she was still his in every way. A smile curled his lip as he gently pushed Veli’s weight off his feet.

  “I do believe that I am going to collect my human,” he murmured, a throbbing heat suddenly rising through him, warming his cool blood.

  Leaving the room, he could hear the griffin prowling behind him, and he frowned. He was damned sure not going to share his bedchambers with the beast. Not even with Agatha in there!

  Chapter 13

  Agatha grinned and waved as the last lupa slipped out, a large garland over her shoulder that everyone agreed should go to the lupi dens in the west wing. She was more than happy to let them have it. Everyone worked hard, and there was more than enough to go everywhere and then have some to spare. The other garlands, meanwhile, lay piled in one corner waiting to be hung in the morning.

  Stretching, she grinned over at Kadana as the female stopped beside her, an amused smile on her lupine face. It had taken Agatha very little time to become accustomed to their inhuman appearances over the course of the day. Having Kadana there to explain what certain interactions and expressions meant as the lupi mingled amongst themselves had helped considerably and smoothed her own interactions with them. Seeing everyone leaving in happy spirits, and the youngest among the lupas with her head together with the lupa as they whispered together excitedly as they left, was a good feeling. It actually felt like a real solstice.

  Agatha blinked rapidly to prevent the silly tears from falling and glanced over at Kadana.

  “I think it was a success,” she said happily to the lupa.

  The female chuckled. “Yes, it has been a long time since any of us have had so much fun. We always do a little in the wa
y of festivities, but it is hard sometimes, as oppressive as the fortress gets. You bring a light and warmth here that matters.” She glanced around the ballroom and sighed. “I can almost imagine this place filled with life and joy like it was meant to be.”

  Agatha gave Kadana curious, sidelong look. “Why is it like this? This ballroom looks like it’s never been used, and yet it was obviously put here to be used.”

  The lupa grimaced. “We don’t talk of it, except in quiet on the solstice to remind ourselves how this place was meant to be and what it might be someday. It is a sad tale of what happened here, but also a story of hope for us. As for what happened in the past, I can only tell you what my mother told me. The ogres might know something more about it, as long lived as they are.”

  “I would like to hear it,” Agatha insisted.

  Kadana inclined her head. “Very well. As I said, the story does not have a happy beginning. It is said that when the fortress was built, Aquilo fell in love with a human, a princess. He carried her here, but she hated everything about the castle. It was too cold, too far from everything that was familiar to her. Instead of bringing warmth and happiness, she made the fortress and the king dark and bitter cold. Eventually, he relented. He returned her and vowed to take no other bride except the one who is meant to be here, who will fill the castle with warmth and joy once more. We have waited and watched for that day to come again.”

  “And none came,” Agatha observed sadly.

  The lupa huffed. “Not only that, but the king insisted on confining himself to his duties. He no longer desired to host the winter solstice parties that this room was intended for to greet Apollo’s return. He no longer spent time among anyone except those of us who already dwell within his realm… until you,” Kadana finished, eyes brightening as they fastened on Agatha.

  “Yeah, only because somehow I got dumped here,” Agatha snorted, ignoring a slight shiver that ran up her spine.

  “There are no coincidences in this world,” Kadana said cryptically and flashed her a friendly smile. The lupa took a deep breath and let out a happy growl. “It is better. Much better. Whoever brought you here had a purpose and knew what they were doing, make no mistake. All lupi pray to Apollo who is our king of kings. I will be sure to give him extra offerings that you are here with us now.”

  Agatha gave her friend a bemused look as they stepped out of the ballroom. She stumbled as a large, furred body collided with her legs, sending her off balance into the lupa. Her friend let out a bark of laughter, but Agatha narrowed her eyes at the griffin enthusiastically headbutting her as his forepaws latched firmly around her torso. A weird trilling purr practically vibrated through her as the beast completely ignored the death glares she was aiming at him. She shoved at him helplessly. She couldn’t even budge him. He was like a giant cat trying to climb up into her arms.

  No way that was going to happen. He was far from being the size of a housecat!

  “Veli, down,” Aquilo rumbled.

  Agatha exhaled a breath of relief as the large griffin dropped away from her. That didn’t stop him from looking up at her through his long, feathery eyelashes. She had never gotten a close enough look before to notice that the beast had long narrow lashes tipped with feathery tufts. They reminded her vaguely of a set of false lashes. These were brilliant blue and framed his amber eyes in a way that softened his regard. Veli gazed at her almost sweetly, rather than like something he wanted to torture and then rip apart and consume.

  Aquilo gave the beast a disgusted look as he arrived at her side. Dismissing the griffin, his hard mouth curved into a seductive smile. How strange that he was still pearly and pink-lipped. Those soft lips in question dipped down to caress hers, stealing her breath away in that instant before he lifted his head again.

  “You are done here?”

  She nodded mutely, and the smile that curved those lips grew. He leaned down and kissed her again. An amused huff followed them as he drew her away, and Agatha surfaced just enough to wave absently in the lupa’s direction seconds before Aquilo lifted her up into his arms, forcing her to grip his cloak tightly with both hands. His wings fanned out slightly, blocking her view of her surroundings, keeping her focus entirely on him as he carried her through the halls. The soft thump of paws following them let her know that Veli was in pursuit.

  After ascending the stairs, he went down the hall and veered to the right, going down another short hall. Turned into his chest, she didn’t see the door, but she heard the click as it was unlatched, and the door swung open. It was only once they were in the room that Aquilo’s wings snapped back, revealing a lush bedroom draped in more of the incredible midnight blue and silver fabric. There was a lot about the room that was like her own room, like the size and layout, but the opulence took her breath away. Her head tilted back, and she gasped when she saw the same night sky painted on the ceiling as was in the ballroom… or gathering room, rather.

  Aquilo shut the door with his foot, his loud growl drowning out the indignant hiss from the other side of the door. Claws scraped the door, but he didn’t heed them as he carried her over to an enormous bed covered in blankets and furs. He dropped her lightly onto them, and rather than bouncing, she sank slightly and flopped backwards, giving him the perfect opening to crouch over her.

  Leaning over her, he divested himself of his cloak, letting it drop to the floor. Freed from the heavy fabric, his wings arched over him as his head dipped closer so that he could run his nose against her neck. His breath tickled her skin as he dragged her scent deep within him. He must have liked what he smelled because he pressed closer with another growl and the musky, spiced scent of him surrounded her.

  It was intoxicating and irresistible. She couldn’t say no to him any more than she could go hungry for years and turn down a big slice of sweet potato pie. Gods, his scent, so heady and spicy, even almost reminded her of it. Except sweet potato pie—as irresistible as it was, and she could never turn away a second slice—didn’t affect her like this. A different hunger stirred, demanding to be sated as a shiver ran over her skin and wet heat pooled between her thighs.

  Pushing back the tunic from her shoulder, his lips kissed and sucked on the delicate skin there, fangs lightly scraping, making her gasp as she was struck with a deeper sense of need. She arched against him, a whimper escaping her as he trailed kisses over every bit of bare skin along her collar and neck that he could get to, the soft curls of his beard scraping erotically against her. One of his large hands cupped a breast, his thumb brushing over the nipple for several swipes before he plucked at it sharply, sending a jolt straight down to her clit.

  “Please,” she moaned, arching up into him, thrusting her breast firmer into his palm.

  His tongue snaked down her neck, mouth fastening tight to the base of her neck where he sucked as he rocked his pelvis against her. Agatha trembled, her hips canting up, grinding against him as his cock rubbed against her thighs. Her pussy was drenched, clenching needily. Gods! She ached from the incessant hollow feeling within her belly and sex, demanding to be filled. She needed his cock, and she ground desperately against him again in attempt to encourage the head to bump and press against her.

  His hand closed around her neck, not enough to make it hard to breathe, but putting pressure just below her ears in a way that sent bolts of pleasure through her. She whined and writhed against him.

  “Where are you?” he hissed in her ear.

  She blinked. Was that a trick question?

  “I’m here, with you,” she whispered.

  “No, where are you?” he repeated. “Where in the human world?”

  She didn’t want to think about that. She knew that she would be going back soon, but she didn’t want to think about it. She only wanted to be in that moment. But with the way his gaze was focused on her, she knew that he was demanding an answer before he went any further. A soft, impatient hiss left her.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “It’s a place called Garden Tower,
but I couldn’t tell you where it is. After things went to shit, I left New York and wandered for two years before I finally arrived there. I have no idea where it is in relation to anything, just that I’m able to survive there.”

  “Garden Tower,” he murmured, triumph lighting his face. “Good girl.”

  He pressed his mouth to her skin once more, his fingers loosening as he returned to teasing caresses and kisses until she panted once more beneath him with impatient sounds. Her hips rocked against him once more with need

  “What is it you need?” he growled into her ear, his teeth nipping at her ear.

  Agatha twisted against him, panting. “You. I need you and you know I do, so stop playing games.”

  Aquilo chuckled, the sound deep, dark, and resonant as he dragged his mouth lower. His hands smoothed over her belly before curling in the fabric of her tunic and gathering it up. She felt the material slip up her legs and over her hips. One smooth motion and he pulled it over her head and tossed the tunic to the floor. His eyes glinted down at her, lips parting with lust as he stared down at her bared breasts and belly. The skin of her stomach quivered, and he dropped his lips there, zeroing in on that very spot to kiss, nip, and lick as he worked his way up to her breasts.

  Her breath stuttered as he took one rosy tip into his mouth, sucking it deep, his fangs scraping and his tongue circling. He tugged and licked at it until it was peaked, taut, and red, and then turned his attention to the other, giving it equal treatment to the first. At some point, her arms had come around his head, fingers burrowing into his hair to hold him against her as he teased her. She tugged lightly on the long curls as she shivered at every brush of his mouth and beard. When his head dipped to trail lower once more, her fingers instinctively tightened even as her belly went rigid.


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