Second Chances (The Extinct Race Series)

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Second Chances (The Extinct Race Series) Page 26

by Michelle Farrell

  “Well we have made a web page that brought a lot here already, so we hope more see it and come. Jaco is a bit of a savvy computer geek, so we let him do a lot of searching and hacking. We try to help as much as we can with that too in the library. But that is all we really have. We are not sure how to find them without hitting the pavement if you know what I mean. And that is not really safe to do that right now. So we are at a loss.” Kaiden informed her.

  “What if I went out? I can block my pull, but I still feel them.” Alex asked

  “No!” Donny blurted

  “Look Donny if those other kids have half the bad life that I or these two have had, then we need to find them and save them. I wouldn’t wish my past on anyone. And it is a past now thanks to you all.” Alex said smiling at them.

  “Alex none of us have the ability you do. Vivi hears lies and it causes her pain, Christian i the same with someone’s malicious intent. And little Abby sees auras, we think. She just says we have bright bubbles and bad people have dark ones. Zoe here sort of predicts things when her hands tell her she needs to play her guitar. And Ben communicates with dogs. We don’t know if it is all animals yet. And Zach feels emotions” Kaiden says

  “Well we are all magic right, and Zoe and her brother have magic in them. So what if I can learn how to stretch my ability out to others. That way Donny can come to make sure I am ok and others can come for protection.” Alex said. Kaiden and Zoe looked at one another and then sat. Everyone was quiet for a long time. When breakfast was served the six of them were quiet in thought as everyone else joined them at the table and carried on small conversations.

  When breakfast was over training began. At lunch Mary approached Paulo. She pulled him off to the side and was pointing up near the house. After a few moments Paulo picked her up and spun her around with a huge smile on his face. He was nodding and motioning with his hand for Cassie to join them. Mateo also joined them and the four of them walked back up to the house. Zoe stared after them and looked to Kaiden in question. Kaiden just shrugged and smiled at her.

  As the day wore on Donny and Alex went through the decorating magazines and picked a few things they liked. The builders had put up two large playgrounds during the day and the kids were all out enjoying them. It was nearing the time that Zoe and Zach spent meditating and Alex had asked to join them to see if she could stretch her block out to others.

  As they all sat and closed their eyes no one spoke. Kaiden had decided to take Lily for a walk in the growing garden and see how the house plans were going for Mary. He noticed that wide steps had been formed and they were not high steps either, a small child would be safe to climb these steps. Kaiden climbed the ten steps and saw that a massive amount of rock had been removed from the side of the mountain. The area was smooth and flat and just big enough for a small house with maybe two stories. The trees surrounding it all looked like they were placed there for privacy of the home. As you could not see the clearing until you were right on top of it. As Kaiden stood there with Lily admiring the view from this area he all of a sudden couldn’t feel Zoe.

  Kaiden panicked and ran to the back patio. There he saw Zoe sitting smiling at him and Alex looking oh so happy with herself. Then she must have dropped it as Zoe’s pull overwhelmed him and he was able to breathe again.

  “Don’t do that with her ever again unless I know, please. You scared me to death.” Kaiden admonished Alex.

  “Sorry baby, we had to see if it worked. She needs more practice, but she figured out how to do it.” Zoe said coming up and hugging Kaiden.

  “You work on that and train, learn the weapon you like and we will see about letting you two lose with others. Right now I just found you guys and don’t want to lose you.” Kaiden said

  Chapter 31


  Marcia and Samantha took the money that Kaiden had given them and went to Germany. Their father was born here and this is where all the killing started. They knew they would be safe here because all the Dragons in this area are long dead. Their father made sure of that. Marcia and Samantha got a small house and are attending classes to learn how to fluently speak German.

  Samantha got a job at a small bistro down the street from the house and Marcia got a job at a small clothing store. They both were finally happy and loved making their own money. They had both signed up for classes at a college in town for the fall courses. Marcia was able to get a car and took the driving test and got her license. They were cautious though, just in case. They never took the same routes home and they made sure that the house was well concealed.

  Marcia made one extravagant purchase and bought the best home security system on the market. They felt safe inside their home with the system. Samantha had met a boy her age and was expecting him over that morning before work. He worked with her and was going to walk with her to work. So when the knock at the door sounded they thought nothing of it and Marcia went to answer the door. What she found on the other side left her speechless with fear.

  “Hello my daughter.” Aldrich greeted. “What, no hello for you father?”

  “Hhhhelllo Father.” Marcia stammerd

  “Have you been having a good time here in my home country? I see you have quite a house.” Aldrich said

  “What are you doing here? How did you find us?” Marcia asked, fear seeping through her veins

  “Well you see it wasn’t that hard really. I knew you girls were no good bitches and would betray me at some point. All women do. Anyway five years ago I found something remarkable. You see I had to think outside the box. Guns and my traps were not doing me any good. Yes, they were killing the other Dragons, but I know some of you let some go. Then the other day I get a phone call. One of your brothers was in a fight with some Dragons, only these Dragons fought back. It seems a Sect has formed under my nose and they are protected by something. I also know you were there.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Marcia says

  “Well then let me inform you. You see your sister Vivi has obviously found her mate. She is with this Sect and she has killed one of her own brothers. He was on the phone with me and she killed him with her bare hands, all while I was on the phone. And then she spoke to me, thinking I was one of you. So that was the start of my thinking. She is working for this new Sect. I know you left with the children so where are they?” Aldrich hissed

  “We don’t know.” Marcia cried

  “Ahhh so you are going to lie to me. No worries. You see, how I found you was by this.” Aldrich placed a laptop on the coffee table. “See back to five years ago, I found something and I acquired it. My children, well the little ones anyway all have them inside their bodies. But you older bitches are so sentimental. There is always something you would have to have with you no matter what. For you, it was your makeup. Always trying to make yourself into a slut, I had it placed in the bag you put all that crap in. For dear Samantha, it was her little music player it was oh so shocking to me when this thing I required stopped giving a location and then BAM!” He slammed his fist on the table making Marcia jump. “It just all of a sudden starts working again and to my utter surprise you settled in my home country.” He seethes

  “Now I know wherever they are is protected by magic because this computer here can’t read the coordinates. But the missiles don’t need the coordinates they just go to the other end of their sister chip and then explode.” Aldrich smiled

  “What? You tracked us with something and they are tied to missiles? You would kill us all to get your way?” Marcia asked

  “I never trusted a female. They are only good for breeding and cooking. You can’t trust them with anything else. I am meant to be King, so yes I would kill you all to get what I deserve. Now tell me where they are?” Aldrich demanded

  “No!” Marcia screamed

  “Alright then we will let the missiles do the work.” Aldrich says as he opens the laptop. “You see these red lights. Those are all the children. These two blue ones are you and
your sister. Now this button here it sends the missiles out. All I have to do is press it and the little kids and anyone who is protecting them are all dead. Once I do that I will be King.”

  “You are insane!” Samantha says from the doorway

  “No I am not!” Aldrich yells, pulling a gun out of his waist band and shooting Samantha. Marcia sat there in shock and fear.

  “Now you Marcia can save the babies, just tell me where they are!” Aldrich yelled

  “Go ahead and press the button, I am dead anyway. I would rather die than see you win. Vivi was right and I didn’t listen to her, I thought she was wrong. I would have been safe if I stayed put. Fuck me for being stubborn.” Marcia said

  “So be it. The Sect you are protecting is no longer.” Aldrich said as he pushed the button that sent the missiles into flight. He then aimed the gun at Marcia and pulled the trigger. He laughs and walks out of the house and to the car that is waiting for him. He opens the laptop back up and only sends one missile, the one tied to Marcia to the house. He will destroy the home and any evidence he was ever there.

  That night after dinner Zoe was giving Lily a bath. Lily loved the water and was all smiles when she was in the water. After the bath Zoe was drying her off and wanted to try the baby massage technique that she had read about that day. She had read that it helps the baby’s muscles and bones and relaxed them at the same time. She had gotten some good smelling baby lotion and placed Lily on the floor in the bedroom. Zoe put a diaper on Lily, but left the rest of her exposed. She put some of the lotion in her hands and began with her arms. Kneading the skin and moving the arms around. Zoe had massaged her body and just had Lily’s legs left to do. She started with the upper thigh and worked down to her feet. While she was kneading the bottom of Lily’s little foot she noticed a hard lump.

  Zoe got a little worried and scooped Lily into her arms. She went down to the main floor to try and find Alexi or Gosha. Zoe looked all around the main floor of the house and then out back. They were not there so Zoe thought maybe they were in their suite getting kids ready for bed with Vivi. Zoe made her way upstairs and found Vivi sitting with a couple toddlers reading them a story.

  “Vivi where is Alexi?” Zoe asked

  “She is giving baths to a couple little ones. We sent the big kids out to play while we get these ones all cleaned up. What do you need?” Vivi asked

  “There is a lump in Lily’s foot and I want one of you to check it out.” Zoe said

  “Here hand her over and let me see.” Vivi said. She scooted the little ones over and handed them the book to look at. She took Lily from Zoe and put a hand over the baby’s foot. She concentrated for a moment and then looked at Zoe with panic and shock. “Whatever it is it is foreign and doesn’t belong. We need to get it out.”

  “And how do we do that?” Zoe asked

  “We are going to have to cut it out. I will prevent her from feeling it, but you are going to have to do the cutting.” Vivi said “Alexi has a bag in the hall closet it has scalpels in it and they are very sharp.”

  Zoe went to grab the bag and opened it she grabbed a scalpel and walked over to Vivi and Lily. “I don’t want to do this Vivi, she is so small.” Zoe was saying as Gosha walked into the room.

  “What do you need done?” Gosha asked

  “There is something foreign in the baby’s foot and we need to get it out.” Vivi said

  Gosha walked over to Lily and placed his hand on her foot. He immediately found the foreign object and took the scalpel from Zoe. “You know what to do Vivi?”

  “Yes I am going to block the pain receptors here in her foot. She will feel pressure but not pain.” Vivi said

  “Very good I will cut and push it out.” Gosha said. He nodded to Vivi and she nodded back then he made the cut. He used his other hand and must have forced Lily’s body to push it out as a little silver object covered in blood passed the cut. Vivi healed it quickly and Zoe picked the object up off the floor. She examined it for a minute and went to clean it off. When it was all clean she had an idea of what it was. She wanted Jaco to look at it first before she told anyone.

  “Do you mind watching Lily for a moment I want to go talk to Jaco?” Zoe asked as she was making her way to the door.

  “No problem she is falling asleep anyway.” Gosha said cradling Lily in his arms.

  Zoe flew down the stairs as fast as she could and knocked on Jaco’s door. He opened it and looked at her a little surprised. Zoe held out the silver object and placed it in Jaco’s hand.

  “Where did you get this?” Jaco asked

  “It was in Lily’s foot. Please tell me it is not what I think it is?” Zoe pleaded

  “It is a tracking device, but I will need to look it up real quick to find out which one. Give me a moment and please come in.” Jaco said as he opened the door wider to allow her access into the bedroom. Jaco went to his computer and Zoe sat in a chair off to the side. Ten minutes passed before Jaco turned back around. He looked worried and grim. “It is not just a tracking device. It is tied to another chip that goes into a long range missile Zoe. It was developed about five years ago.”

  “So he knows where we are and these are probably in all the children five and under. And they are tied to a missile. Missiles that can get passed the border?” Zoe asked, complete fear washed over her body.

  “We need to move now Zoe! There is no telling when he will set those off.” Jaco said

  They ran out of the room and started yelling for people to bring the babies and toddlers upstairs. Inside the suite Gosha had already started and held four of the tracking devices in his hand looking confused.

  “I kind of figured if it was in the baby, that the other little ones might have it too.” Gosha said

  “They might and they are not just tracking devices, they are attached to long range missiles. We need to check all of the children five and younger.” Zoe said

  Vivi sat there in shock, she was moving her head from side to side and tears were streaming down her face. “He will kill us all, his own children. What is wrong with him? How could he do this to a baby?” She yelled the last part.

  “Vivi listen he did it, we can save them though, we just need to get them all out and get them far away from us and them. I need you to concentrate and help. We need to move everyone to the main floor and gather all the kids five and younger and maybe check the older ones as well. There is no telling if he did it to all of them or not.” Zoe said

  Everyone moved downstairs and Jaco and Shiloh went to gather all the toddlers and babies. Kaiden had heard the commotion and went to gather the children from the playground. Within an hour they had at least ten devices out. Vivi and Gosha worked as a team and Alexi and Gosha were the other team. As soon as they got it out of one child they moved on to the next. But what they found was that the chip was never in the same spot on a child. Some were in the arms, others in the neck and back. Only a few had them in the legs.

  Once they were sure they were all out Jaco took the devices into his hand. He looked around at everyone and kissed Shiloh long and hard. Zoe sent the bigger kids all back to the playground. Most of them didn’t have a chip inside them.

  “I am going to take these deep into the ocean and get rid of them. I will make sure it is far enough away.” Jaco said

  “Thank you Jaco. Please hurry.” Zoe said

  Jaco took off out the door and shifted into his Dragon. He took flight and swooped off the cliff towards the water. He went far a deep out into the ocean. When he thought he was far enough out he dropped them into the sea and headed back to the house. As he broke from the water he saw the missiles in the distance. He counted twenty five missiles headed for where he dropped the devices. One however was headed straight towards the border.

  Zoe was doing a head count of all the children while Jaco was gone and realizes one toddler was missing. She counted again to see if she was wrong. She looked around at everyone and fear was in her face. “One is missing.” She said

  “What?” Gosha asked

  “Lucy took a little one with her and her new mate to Grace’s house. They decided to walk to tire the little one out. They left over an hour ago and I completely forgot.” Mary said “But they should be close by now.”

  Jaco burst through the doors completely naked. “GET DOWN! He sent the missiles and one is headed straight for the….” He yelled out right before a loud explosion sounded and the concussion threw them all backwards and down, the windows shattering down on them. Once they were all able to get up the reality of what happened hit them all hard. Vivi got up and ran to the window to look out. What she saw was a huge crater in the ground where the playground was just built, where all the older children were playing. They had sent them all back out after being checked. Vivi’s heart broke at the sight.

  “NOOOOOO!” Vivi screamed

  To be continued…….More to come in Book 3

  The Fail Safe’s

  Fail safe #1:

  A set of twins will be born. They will be direct descendants of my line and will hold what little magic I have left. They will both have soul mates and those mates will be very special. For these twins will be Pearl Dragons. I cannot change destiny and how I was made. The Pearl Dragon will always be a ruler of the race. Together these twins will be very powerful, they will just need to learn how to find that magic inside of them and use it.

  Fail safe #2:

  In the face of extinction I have placed a second chance rule. Basically if two pairs of the same race lose their mate, the chance of them becoming soul mates with another is a possibility. There is a clause to this though. If the first pair of soul mates conceived children together, then no children can be conceived with the second chance mate. If no children were conceived in the first mating, the second chance couple will be able to conceive

  Fail safe #3:


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