The Gate and Beyond

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The Gate and Beyond Page 13

by E J Gilmour

  BL – Refers to the ages before liberation and the return of the Ecorian Empire.

  Blue Caps – Blue Caps are small humanoid creatures that look like miniature men. They came to Veredor with the Astarians at the time of the first arrival and were considered by Astarians as uninvited stowaways. They are ambivalent towards the Astarians, but they dislike men because men often exploited Blue Caps and forced them to work in mines as slaves in the first ages. They are commonly about two feet tall and live in tunnels and chambers deep underground. They form large communities in remote places and are extremely territorial. They will attack a trespasser always with the intention of capturing their opponent. When they capture men they take them deep underground and force them to work in mines until they die; however, they will often release captured women and allow them to return home as they have no traditional grudge against women.

  Callidus – Callidus was one of the few Astarians who survived in Veredor until the time of liberation. He resided at the northern edge of the Great Mountains between the Kaznor Empire and the Kingdom of Alber. He had little to do with men and mer throughout history. The Prince of Shadows hunted Callidus on his return to Veredor. Callidus attempted to contest the Prince of Shadows but failed. The evil Astarian offered Callidus a place as his prime servant, above all others, if he would bow down and worship him as Lord of Veredor. Callidus accepted and gave his soul to the Prince of Shadows. He was given the Sword of Midlight as a reward for his service.

  Carlin – The Fiorian Carlin was one of the most prominent Fiorians before the return of the Ecorian Empire. Carlin was a true hero and said to be one of the greatest swordsmen who ever lived. Carlin singlehandedly overwhelmed the Northern Sorcerer Azagord and imprisoned him beneath the Citadel of Zyran. Carlin remained in Ortaria after the birth of Eben Ecorian to protect the young Ecorian when Kaloren went north to rescue Elons Ecorian from Zarkanor. Carlin became aware of a secret threat to Ortaria by an unknown enemy who he suspected was an Astarian. He organised another Fiorian to take Eben Ecorian to be protected by Erako, a former Fiorian Knight. Carlin and several of his Fiorian companions were killed in an ambush set by the Astarian Callidus on the coast of Ortaria.

  Casimir – Casimir was an Astarian who lived beneath the sea. He was a friend to the mer and ocean sprites. He was aligned with Fiora over the question of men and mer in the Forgotten Age. He opposed the Prince of Shadows in the wars of the Forgotten Age. His skill as a warrior was secondary to his great wisdom and knowledge of ancient lore. He remained with the mer beneath the sea during the later ages and was the last remaining Astarian who opposed the Prince of Shadows. He is also known as the Old Man of the Sea.

  Chalai, The – One of the Seven Relics of the Astarians. The Chalai gives the carrier physical immortality. It played a major role in the wars of the Forgotten Age and a minor role thereafter. The Star King stole the Chalai from the Oran Oracle, and he attempted to use the power of the Chalai to open the Cosmic Gate. Kaloren threw the Chalai into a lake. It was later found by the mer and taken to the Astarian Casimir. Casimir hid the Chalai in the depths of the oceans.

  Circle of Night, The – The Circle of Night were an assembly of powerful Northern Sorcerers and Skathean Knights who governed the Kaznor Empire from 401 BL until the sorcerers Baramak and Azagord rose to power in the year 28 BL.

  Cosmic Gate, The – The Cosmic Gate is a mystical barrier forged from the essence of Veredor that protects Veredor from creatures of darkness. The Cosmic Gate was built by the Astarians at the end of the first wars of the Forgotten Age. Throughout most of history only the Astarians could pass through the gate at will. The Astarian Fiora sealed the Cosmic Gate against the Prince of Shadows at the end of the Forgotten Age.

  Desert Knights – The Desert Knights were formed in the year 625 BL by Sir Grecob, a respected Vastorian knight of the time. Their original purpose was to free Vastoria from Skathean influence and to bring peace and justice to the lands. The primary mandate of the Desert Knights is to protect the people of Vastoria. Desert Knights always wear black and cover their faces with metal masks. They exclusively use the curved single edged Vastorian sword in battle.

  Dragons (Great) – There are three varieties of dragons. The first and most powerful were the Great Dragons (not to be confused with wyverns and lindworms). The Great Dragons of Veredor were allied with the Astarians in the Forgotten Age. There were originally dozens of dragons, but most died in the first wars of the Forgotten Age fighting against massive armies of wyverns and other lesser known creatures of darkness. At the end of the first wars of the Forgotten Age only five dragons remained in Veredor. The remaining five dragons withdrew from Veredor soon after the end of the Forgotten Age. The dragons instructed the first Northern Sorcerers.

  Draugs – Draugs are described by the Astarians as dream shadows from the outer darkness. They do not exist in a physical body. They are living shadows that can move through solid objects and are often invisible to human eyes. Draugs can influence the thoughts of men. They can create dreamlike illusions. They can be killed by magic and flee from the goodhearted. Ri Draugs are particularly powerful draugs who can possess and enslave the minds of men and other creatures through temptation and desire. They do this to consume the essence of their victims.

  Ecorian Arbiters – Ecorian Arbiters were the precursors to the later monarchies of Veredor in the time after the end of the Ecorian Empire. In order to rule Veredor justly, the Ecorian Emperor chose ten Ecorian Arbiters to govern the provinces of the empire. They were good and noble men who were revered by the people. They were all loyal to the Ecorian Empire. After the apparent death of Aluin Ecorian without an heir, the Ecorian Arbiters became the kings of the ten monarchies of Veredor and divided the Ecorian Empire. Several monarchies continued to claim lineage from the Ecorian Arbiters until the later ages. The bloodlines of the Ecorian Arbiters were considered to be truly noble and such a claim was often used to justify a right to rule.

  Ecorian Emperors – The direct descendents of Jerial the Just who was the first Ecorian Emperor of Veredor. They were revered emperors who worked for the good of all. The Ecorian Emperors vanquished evil from the lands and worked closely with the Fiorian Knights. They were revered by all and good to all. The first two Ecorian Emperors carried the Sword of Light, but the sword was lost in the River Siarglas in southern Iarthar. The last Ecorian Emperor was Aluin Ecorian. The continuation of the Ecorian line was unknown to the Ecorian Arbiters and hidden from them by the Fiorian Order, as by the time it was discovered the Ecorian Arbiters had already claimed power. The lineage of the Ecorians was protected and hidden throughout the later ages until the birth of Eben Ecorian.

  Ecorian Empire – The greatest empire in the history of Veredor. The Ecorian Empire was formed by Jeriel the Just who became the first Ecorian Emperor. The Empire spanned all the Southern Lands of Veredor from the Eastern Ocean to the Merhome Sea.

  Elons Ecorian – Elons Ecorian was born in the Gerish Highlands of Scaldonia. He was raised in a remote settlement by a Fiorian Knight named Roarna. Roarna was given the task of protecting the Ecorian lineage and the Sword of Midlight which was carried by the Ecorian. He trained Elons Ecorian in ancient lore and swordsmanship. As a young man Elons aided Roarna to infiltrate Kaznor in order to gain knowledge of the sorcerers Baramak and Azagord. Roarna and Elons later travelled south to Emeril. When Baramak invaded the Far Western Lands Elons went to the aid of the Irilian Order and the Kingdom of Iarthar. He was revered as a hero by all in the west and fought off the sorcerer Baramak’s first attempt to take control of the Southern Lands. On his return to Emeril he met the Fiorian Kaloren who had recently become the Gatekeeper of Emeril. At this time news came that Ortaria was under attack by the Northern Sorcerer Azagord. Elons Ecorian went west with Kaloren and a group of Fiorian Knights. Elons and Kaloren fell in love and were married in Stonehaven. They continued on to Ortaria as husband and wife. They battled Azagord and forced him and his army out of Ortaria. News arrived that B
aramak had renewed his attack in the Far Western Lands. Elons went west to contest Baramak, but he was captured by Baramak and Callidus. Elons Ecorian was then taken as a prisoner to the Dungeons of Zarkanor.

  Emeril – Emeril is a fortress belonging to the Fiorian Order. Emeril was built in 1382 BL by Teodric as a home for the Fiorian Order. The secret path to Emeril is situated above the source of the Adira River. The fortress is built atop a mountain and has towers that reach high above a lush secret valley deep in the Great Mountains.

  Erako the Hermit – Erako was a knight of the Fiorian Order and a friend of Carlin and Roarna. He was a great warrior who fought alongside Kaloren in the liberation of Vastoria. He grew tired and old and retired to Clemensdale, a remote village in the wilderness of southern Ortaria. He later became the guardian and adoptive father of Eben Ecorian; however, he never knew that he was protecting the last Ecorian.

  Eriulan – The people of western Veredor are mostly descendants of the Eriulan colony. The Eriulan people settled in the land of Iarthar when men first arrived in Veredor after the first wars of the Forgotten Age.

  Fiora – Fiora was the most noble and goodhearted of the Astarians. Fiora carried the Sword of Light and was the greatest warrior of the Astarian people throughout the Forgotten Age. She battled the first invasions from the outer darkness and led the Astarians to many victories. She was considered the greatest of the Astarians in battle. She was a friend to men and mer and convinced the Astarians to bequeath Veredor to the two races, as there were few Astarians remaining after the first wars of the Forgotten Age. She founded the Knights of Shidon which later developed into the Fiorian Order. She battled the Prince of Shadows at the end of the Forgotten Age and sacrificed her power and essence to seal the Cosmic Gate against his return. Soon after sealing the Cosmic Gate she left Veredor to men and mer and never returned.

  Fiorian Order, The – The Fiorian Knights were founded by Toranah the Mystic in the year 2500 BL. Toranah was the last remaining knight of the Knights of Shidon. The Fiorian Order fought for the good of all people in Veredor and worked tirelessly against the powers of darkness throughout the ages. The Fiorian Knights focused their training on gaining a clear and true understanding of life. The Fiorian Knights use the same skills that were taught to the Knights of Shidon by the Astarian Fiora in the Forgotten Age. Fiorian Knights often live for hundreds of years due to a secret method of meditation taught to the Knights of Shidon by Fiora.

  Fire Order, The – The Astarian Lumen saw the good that Fiora had done for men by forming the Knights of Shidon. Lumen decided to teach men Astarian magic. Men could use the method of the Astarians, yet not to the same degree as the Astarians. The Fire Order was founded by Lumen’s students. They built the Tower of Fire at the northern edge of the Old Guardian Mountains at the sight of Lumen’s former home. Throughout history they remained aloof and were rarely seen outside of their stronghold. They are considered the most powerful of the three southern orders due to their system being complete and mostly unchanged from Lumen’s original teachings.

  Gargoyles – Gargoyles were made by the Astarians in the first wars of the Forgotten Age. The primary role of a Gargoyle was to protect the abodes of the Astarians. They are not living creatures as they were formed by the magic and craftsmanship of the Astarians. Several Gargoyles remained until the time of liberation.

  Ghouls – Ghouls are evil spectres who serve the Prince of Shadows. They were brought by the Prince of Shadows to Veredor when he first returned to Veredor after he spent an age wandering through the Desert of Eternal Loneliness. They were used by the Prince of Shadows to hunt down the Astarians who opposed his claim to rule Veredor. Ghouls were considered very powerful adversaries. They were also used as the personal guardians of the Prince of Shadows.

  Irilian Order – Founded on the banks of the Iril River in the year 2220 BL by three former wizards of the Fire Order. The Irilian Order is one of the three major orders of wizards in the Southern Lands of Veredor. The Irilians generally focus their studies on understanding the natural world and working with men and other creatures for the good of all. They worked primarily throughout the Far Western Lands of Veredor and were revered in those lands. They also worked closely with the Fiorian Knights, the Tabarian Knights, and the monarchies of Dravania and Iarthar. They were often at odds with the Zyranian Order.

  Irilian Star, The – The Irilian Star is a crystal amulet carried by the leader of the Irilian Order. In ancient times the Irilian Order learned how to store raw power inside crystals. Such stored power could be used at a later time making the carrier of the Irilian Star many times more powerful than an ordinary wizard. The Irilian Star was built in the year 1675 BL.

  Kaloren of Bergoth – Kaloren was the second last Gatekeeper of the Fiorian Order. She was born in the village of Bergoth in the land of Everdon. After a chance meeting with the Fiorian Roarna she undertook a dangerous adventure to return the Chalai to Emeril. She became a Fiorian and later aided the Irvarians in a war against the Skatheans in Vastoria. She led an army that liberated Vastoria from Skatheans who had taken hold of the lower regions of the Adira River. After the victory she was named Gatekeeper of Emeril and given the Sword of Light. Elons Ecorian visited Emeril and agreed to join a mission to help King Ignis liberate Ortaria from the Northern Sorcerer Azagord and his army from Kaznor. Kaloren was the leader of a group of Fiorians who went east to challenge Azagord. Kaloren and Elons married at Stonehaven. They went on to Ortaria and fought against Azagord, forcing the sorcerer to retreat across to Zyran where a final battle was staged at the gates of the Citadel of Zyran. Kaloren became pregnant and later gave birth to Eben Ecorian.

  Kaznor Empire – Situated in the north of Veredor. The Kaznor Empire was never a part of the Ecorian Empire and was often at odds with the kingdoms of the South after the fall of the Ecorian Empire. The Empire is home to the Skathean Order and the Northern Sorcerers.

  Lesser Creatures – The lesser creatures include but are not limited to: Foxes, Wolves, Bears, Deer, Jackals, Mountain Lions, Possums, Squirrels, Owls, Birds, Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Owls, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Badgers, Lions, Donkeys, Dogs, Mice, Rats, Bees, Insects, Spiders, and Fish.

  Lumen – Lumen was an Astarian who instructed the first wizards in the ways of Astarian magic. He saw that men and mer were vulnerable to attack if the Prince of Shadows should ever return. He founded the Fire Order to protect Veredor from such an invasion. Lumen left Veredor after completing this task.

  Men – Men came to Veredor in the Forgotten Age to be the dwellers on land. They were invited to Veredor by the Astarians. The Astarians planned for men to inherit the land and the mer to inherit the sea. Men are capable of much good, but often their hearts are frail and they fear vulnerability. The fragility in their hearts makes other creatures afraid of them.

  Mer (Merfolk) – The mer are a people of the sea. They came after the first arrival at the invitation of the Astarians. They are good natured humanlike people who live deep in the seas and oceans and have the ability to breathe underwater. Mer often live for hundreds of years. They occasionally venture into rivers and lakes. They are allied with the Astarian Casimir. When on land they appear as extremely beautiful women and very handsome men. They are rarely seen on land and only a few instances were recorded. The population of mer never increases because the mer can only have one son and one daughter. Eryna, a princess of the mer, married an Ecorian, and it is said that this was the reason that the Ecorian Emperors could only have one son or daughter. The marriage made the Ecorians into a bridge between the two races and provided the Ecorians with secret abilities, especially around water and the sea.

  Muckron Bane Knights – Were an order of knights from the Far Western Lands of Veredor. They formed as an order to contest groups of muckrons that threatened towns and villages in Iarthar and Dravania. The order was completely destroyed in the final wars before the return of the Ecorian Empire.

  Muckrons – Muckrons are large humanoid creatures
that are often described as pig men. They stand between six and seven feet tall and have a head that resembles a wild boar or pig, dark fur, and clawed hands. They come from a world beyond Veredor where they were once the predominant species, but they consumed all the resources of their own world and journeyed through the cosmos searching for new worlds to consume. They played a lesser role in the first battles of the Forgotten Age. The Prince of Shadows encountered the muckrons in the Desert of Eternal Loneliness and later brought an army of muckrons to Veredor to serve him in his battle against Fiora and the Knights of Shidon. Most of the muckrons were killed in the battle, but some remained in the wilderness and caused trouble throughout the later ages.

  Nodd Colony, The – The Nodd Colony was a very small colony of men that was founded in the land of Scaldonia in the Forgotten Age. It was so small that it was not considered one of the colonies that formed the people of Veredor. Little is known about the Nodd Colony; however, many people from Scaldonia still use names that are considered Noddian. It is said the Umblan Colony in Silvor was so successful that they eventually populated Scaldonia and assimilated the remnants of the Noddian Colony.

  Northern Sorcerers – Before the dragons left Veredor they instructed several men in their magical arts. They did this in order to help men to protect Veredor from evil, but the dragons did not possess the wisdom to realise that their method was not suitable for men. The dragon magical arts relied on the ability to consume one’s own essence. Men would often consume their own hearts and grow to be evil and fall into self-obsession and debauchery. The Northern Sorcerers were always considered the most powerful of all the magical orders.


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