Crashing In On Love

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by Taylor Love

  They’d all gotten their Juris Doctorate at the University of Michigan Law School, ranked in the top ten of law schools for the entire country. Coming together to form a study and support group with a few of the other people of color enrolled. Eventually the three of them had formed a closer bond and even moved in with each other. Probably due to the fact they were all from Ohio. Jessica hailed from the small city of Toledo, Monique was from Columbus and Tamara had been born and raised in Cincinnati.

  While Columbus was bigger in population, they had chosen to open a firm in Cincinnati. Figuring the slightly less competitive market would benefit them, while still giving them a large African American community to serve. Of course they served all clients. But some black people felt more comfortable being able to take their personal and legal problems to someone who looked like them.

  Tamara knew Jessica heard her come in, but they followed a firm rule of not disturbing each other as soon as someone walked in, unless it was extremely important. Allowing each other to settle in for an hour or so. Usually they just waited until their almost daily lunch meeting to catch up. They were tiny but thankfully nearing the point where they almost had more business than they could handle. When at work they worked. Saving the chit chat for after work or the weekend. They had bonded because they were some focused sistas! But when you had a dream and a goal that’s what it took.

  She settled into her desk and started up her desktop before heading to the kitchen for her morning cup of tea. Coming back she tackled her long list of emails, starting from the oldest. About an hour later Monique walked by, giving her a wave and a smile before she continued to her office. At eight, Tia their office manager slash all around legal assistant, popped her head in.

  “Hey boss, welcome back!”

  Tamara acknowledged the greeting then waved her off. The upbeat woman called them all boss and was a godsend. She was professional, efficient and friendly. She handled all three of their personalities and the demanding work they did with easy aplomb. Tia completed their productive little family of four. Officially the work day had begun.

  THE DAY RUSHED BY AS she got caught up, made phone calls and scheduled some follow up meetings. She had to blink back into awareness the next time Tia popped in.

  “Hey, I got your normal for Taco Tuesday. The fish tacos from Mazunte. Hope that’s okay? I didn’t want to interrupt your flow.”

  “No, that’s great thank you. I’ll be right there.” Saving her work, she went out the office hitting the bathroom before entering the conference room. It was here that they shared lunch and addressed any case issues they wanted to bring to the wider group.

  Taco Tuesday was in full effect and she took an open seat and started to dig in. That was until she noticed the unnatural silence and looked up to find everyone looking her way.

  “What?” Tamara asked around a mouthful of food.

  “For someone who believes in details you sure are short on giving them.” Monique pointed out before she added more sour cream to her taco salad.

  “Right,” Jessica chimed in. “Tell us about your vacation. Were the black men sexy and flirty like everyone says?”

  “Yeah don’t be stingy. I haven’t been around a man in I don’t know how long. I can’t even count the clients because they all come in here with problems.” Tia complained dryly.

  Tamara laughed shaking her head, she should have known they’d want the gossip first.

  “I had a great time. I did some tours and sightseeing. Even met a nice group of women and went to the club with them.”

  “Did you meet any men Tamara, men? Hot, sexy men. We want to hear if you got your groove back like Stella. Not about some cool chicks you chilled with.” Monique joked, until she saw her friend’s cheeks darken. “You did didn’t you? You met somebody!”

  The other two women in the room narrowed their eyes, assessing Tamara for themselves.

  “You did and you slept with him. Go Tamara!” Jessica blurted out, reaching forward for a high-five which Tamara ignored. Jessica wasn’t offended, she just turned to Monique who was happy to oblige her.

  “How can you tell for sure?” Tia asked.

  “We had the benefit of living with her. She got some alright.” Monique answered.

  Tamara for her part, covered her face with her napkin on the pretense of cleaning her mouth. Sometimes it sucked being around observant lawyers.

  “Enough Starsky and Hutch, stop talking about me like I’m not here.”

  “Call us what you want, but they were good detectives.” Jessica then turned to Tia. “She didn’t need that extra day of recovery from laying on the beach, if you get my drift.”

  Tamara thought about ignoring them, telling them off or going back in her office. But the hell with it. It had been ages since she had anything juicy in the “man” department to share.

  “Y’all get on my nerves but you're both right. I did meet a man. At a wedding no less.”

  “Wait, you were at a wedding?” Tia asked confused.

  “Never mind that part. We were both there and we talked, danced and partied the whole night on the last day of my trip.”

  “And?” Monique said smiling wide.

  “ kiss turned into one night.”

  There was silence for a beat and then hollers of excitement.

  “Ladies get it together, we’re at work!”

  Even Tamara couldn't take herself seriously, joining in the laughter going around the table.

  “So how good was it?” Monique needed to know.

  “It was real good.” Tamara bit her lip. “Too damn good.”

  “Girl you crazy!” Jessica interrupted. “Sex can never be too good.”

  “It was excellent. He was sexy, passionate and disarmed me. I hadn’t planned on giving him a kiss much less sleeping with him.”

  “Well damn...was he local or from the States? Are you going to see him again?” Tia’s questions spilled out.

  Now Tamara’s expression became closed. “He’s from the US, and of course I won’t be seeing him again.”

  “Why is there an “of course” in there? Why wouldn’t you keep in touch with someone who blew your panties off?” Monique fanned herself. “Shoot, I know I would.”

  “I...don’t have time and we don’t live in the same state and a whole lot of other reasons.”

  “There are things called phones, planes and trains you know. You can still talk to the man. If he thought it was half as good as you did, he’ll probably be happy to fly in and break you off every once in a while.” Monique shot down Tamara’s objections.

  “No, it was you know...a vacation fling. It was great but I plan to leave it there. Kinda like how folks say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

  “Yeah, but you weren’t in Vegas.” Jessica said dryly.

  “Jamaica, Vegas, might as well be the same thing in my book.”

  Tamara waved off the rebuke. She saw the frowns on all three of their faces and decided it was time to shut this down. Suddenly popping up she quickly gathered her lunch.

  “Look guys it’s a moot point. I didn’t get his number. Didn’t want it...and didn’t give him mine. So it’s going to stay “fun in the sun”. I’m going back to my office. I have a lot to catch up on. If anyone needs to talk about something work related, drop in after the lunch hour.”

  She didn’t give anyone time to object, just turned and left. They didn’t understand. Just because something was good didn’t mean you should have it. Memories of Benjamin Thompson would stay in the sand, a country away.

  Chapter Five

  A WEEK LATER ON THE first Friday of December, Tia stuck her head in Tamara’s office. “Hey, don't forget you have an eleven o’clock.”

  “I do?” Tamara frowned clicking on her calendar to see an Earl Thompson listed.

  “Yeah, I added him late yesterday. Didn’t think you would mind. He asked for you personally and just wants an hour general consult. I figured it was okay since you don’t ha
ve anything else on your calendar until two-thirty.”

  “Sure, it’s fine. I just didn’t pay attention.” Glancing at the time, she saw it was ten minutes to the appointment. “Give me five to get some info together just in case. After that, when he arrives show him in. I’ll be ready.”

  As Tia left, Tamara got her basic questionnaire ready and made sure basic contracts for service were within reach. Some people honestly didn’t know what they wanted to do when they walked through that door. Others were ready to move forward right away. She was prepared for either. What she wasn’t prepared for is who walked in a few minutes later

  “Ms. Reed, Mr. Thompson is here to see you.” Tia announced, moving out the way to present the man behind her.

  Thank goodness Tamara was standing up or she would have fallen out of her chair. Only her discipline from being in the courtroom helped her hold her tongue until Ben stepped in and the door closed. Arms crossed and lips firmed she spoke.

  “You got a lot of nerve coming to me for your divorce. I think you’ll be more comfortable with one of my partners or better yet another firm.”

  Ben knew laughing might get him physically hurt. But he found it hilarious that she thought he would be foolish enough to walk in her office for that particular service. But he also found her a little sexy. Standing there in her buttoned up ultra-professional gray suit. A pink blouse underneath giving it a feminine touch. The pencil skirt looked good on those hips he knew well. A far sight from the woman he’d seen relaxed and free in that sundress. At times dancing bare foot in the sand, going wild in his bed.

  “No, I’m in the right place. I’m not married...I didn’t come here for that.”

  Tamara felt a flood of relief rush through her. Why his statement had the power to do so was a question for another day. Her muscles loosened and she placed her palms on her desk. Leaning forward for support and in agitation.

  “So what are you doing here then?”

  “Since you did your Cinderella act I thought it was only fair I do my part as the prince.”

  From inside his suit jacket, Ben withdrew a white sandal complete with silver beads on the front.

  “I’m here for you. Were you in that much of a rush that you left your shoe?”

  An irrational laugh bubbled up her throat. She snatched the footwear out of his hand and fell into her seat. When she had been looking for this shoe, she had noticed the scratch marks she’d put along the wall and been mortified. Tamara had abandoned her footwear and rushed out the room.

  “Yes, I was. Where did you find this? I had to do my walk of shame as a hobble.” Now, she did let out her laugh. “It was a sacrifice I was willing to make.”

  Ben had sat when she did, now he leaned forward hands on his knees.

  “I figured. What I’m confused about is the why...what was the rush? Also, let's explore that comment about shame.”

  Tamara found herself blushing for the second time in two weeks and was extremely annoyed at herself. So annoyed that the truth came out before she thought better of it.

  “I was ashamed...not of you or even what we did, per se. Of myself. I’m not...I usually don’t...damn it.”

  Ben leaned back so he wouldn’t be perceived as pressuring her.

  “I didn’t expect you to be speechless. That was one thing you never lacked on the island. Take your time.”

  She was surprised also since she made her living with words. Letting out a big breath Tamara fought not to fidget.

  “I guess that’s just it. I didn’t know what to say and I had a seven o’clock flight. I figured it was easier for me to just go, than to wake you up and have an awkward chat. Besides, I didn’t even think you’d care. I certainly didn’t expect you to come tracking me down, and using a fake name to do it.”

  “Earl is my middle name, after my father. And I wanted to wake up and have an awkward morning talk with the beautiful woman who rocked my world.”

  Tamara bit her lip hard to keep from blushing again, her eyes flashing to the door. “I’m not sure we should be having this conversation here, this is my place of business.”

  “I can understand that, as long as we can talk somewhere.” When he saw the indecision in her eyes he continued. “’re in a relationship. We established I’m single but what about you?”

  “I’m not seeing anyone.” Ugh, why hadn’t she used that as an easy out? Was she brain dead today?

  “Well that helps.”

  Ben felt the tension in his chest ease. What would he have said if she’d been taken? As an adult he had never encouraged a woman to cheat. But he had a feeling for her, he would have said some overused line like, “I bet he can’t make you happy like I can.” Luckily it didn’t seem he would have to sink that low.

  “Why don’t we continue this conversation tonight over dinner? I have business to take care of in the meantime. Will that work...say six-thirty?”

  “Sure, that will work.” She figured she would handle it like an adult this time around. If they could share bodily fluid then dinner wouldn't kill her.

  “Excellent, I can pick you up from here.”

  “No!” She could just imagine it now. The girls would have a fit if they found out. “I’ll meet you there. You can just text me where. Are you familiar enough with the area to pick out a place or do you need me to suggest something?”

  “I can pick a place. But that would require I have your phone number.”

  “Oh.” She was so tired of feeling like an idiot today. Snatching up a business card she scribbled her personal number on the back.

  “Thank you.” Ben said as she reluctantly passed over the card. “I look forward to seeing you later.”

  Tamara nodded her head in response and watched him walk out the door. She got a text at four with the dinner location. Briefly wondering how he knew about one of the best places to eat in the city? But if she was going to make it on time, she needed to get more work done. Doing so enabled her to leave the office at a quarter to six. The rest of the crew had departed a good half an hour ago. Now she had to cross her fingers that traffic wouldn’t be overly congested on a Friday night.

  BEN MADE SURE HE ARRIVED at least ten minutes before the appointed time. He figured a woman like Tamara might be early, and for sure would be punctual. They were having dinner at the Orchids at Palm Court. An upscale restaurant at the Hilton of Netherland Plaza, which he was also staying at. He could admit to himself that he had picked the hotel and restaurant to impress her. Normally, he wouldn’t have spent the money on a Hilton hotel for a weekend trip to the Nati.

  When he was in the city it was usually spent working nonstop. So paying for expensive hotels were a waste of money. Though it might all be worth it if he ended up taking Tamara up to that expensive bed. He was in the business of making money, hand over fist if he could help it. In his line of business there was always the next opportunity or deal around the corner, with the end goal being a large payout. As he waited he thought back on how he’d arrived at this moment.

  Back in Jamaica after he’d came back to his room after a long day, he saw that the maid had been through. And what do you know, there was one white sandal neatly placed next to the rest of his shoes. Before seeing that, he had actually been able to put her out of his mind the entire day. But thoughts of her rushed back as he sat on the bed looking at that shoe. He wasn’t sure if this reminder of her was good or bad.

  What, if anything was he going to do about her? The woman had been in such a rush to get away from him that she’d left basically bare footed. His mind could only think of two reasons for her actions. One, she had just cheated on her man or husband. Or two, she had got what she wanted, and had no desire to see him again. He knew for damn sure it wasn’t because she hadn’t enjoyed every last second that he’d been inside her. He was lucky no one had complained about them to management! He had to ask himself one real question? Did he want to put the effort into finding his mocha Cinderella and discover the exact reason or letting
it be?

  Ben snapped back into the moment as Tamara was escorted across the room. Seeing her now, he was glad he’d chosen to find her. Something about her made him more curious than weary. When he’d arrived home he’d taken what he’d known about her and seen what he could find out. Fortunately, she had come up easily in his internet search.

  From there he’d hatched a plan. Sure, he could have just called the office. But he wanted to see her face when she either told him to take a flying hike, or welcomed him. Turned out she hadn’t done either. While it left him a little uncertain, it was better than a “get the hell out of my life” statement that he could have gotten. Ben stood up helping her into her seat. He was about to find out one way or the other exactly where they stood.

  Chapter Six

  TAMARA HAD MADE IT just in time. Thankfully the last real snow had happened right before her vacation, so the roads were mostly clear. She sat down trying not to feel self-conscious that she hadn’t had time to change as she saw he had. She wasn’t trying to impress him so why did she care? Honestly, she wasn't quite sure why in the hell she was even here.

  “I’m very glad you made it. How was the rest of your day?” Ben asked breaking the few seconds of silence.

  “Busy, which overall is a good thing. And yours?”

  “The same, but I made good headway with my project.”

  “Yes...what exactly is it you do?”

  Ben just smiled but didn’t answer as a waiter brought over the bottle of white wine he’d arranged for.

  “I hadn’t planned on having a drink.”

  “Come on, one bottle between us. It’s what two and a half glasses? Besides, it’s the weekend and you just said you had a long day. I know I have.”

  “You’re right. I’m convinced.” Tamara gave him a genuine smile, tilting her glass in his direction. “Now back to my question, what do you do for a living?”


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