Crashing In On Love

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Crashing In On Love Page 6

by Taylor Love

  Moving at a steady pace he gave her half strokes. The house wasn’t hot or cold but he begin to lightly sweat. Ben needed to calm down after she had so willingly given him head, which had left him on the brink. Apparently it wasn’t working, as he still felt like he was at an eight on the scale of “about to cum”.

  Tamara wanted more! What she was getting was good, oh so good! But she had fantasized too long, and Ben’s excellent tongue had driven her mad. She began to thrust back against him. When he didn’t take the hint, she finally looked back at him and caught his eye.

  “Give it to me.”

  When he stopped all movement and raised his eyebrow she decided to show him. Easing off his long, thick shaft, before slamming back forcefully against him. They both groaned at the contact. She repeated her appeal.

  “Don’t hold back, give it to me Ben.”

  So much for trying to make their second time a little slower. Following directions he plunged back into her increasing the pace. Damn, but he had wanted to make it last for them both. But it felt so good to let loose. Tamara seemed to agree with his thought, enthusiastically meeting him stroke for stroke.

  Driven wilder by her outcries, he grabbed the back of her bra strap and rode her hard, until he felt his stomach muscles start to tighten. Leaning forward against her back, Ben loved the feel of her flesh against his. He was finally able to play with her delectable breasts. Freeing them from the confining material, squeezing and rolling her nipples. While his hips never stopped pumping.

  He could feel her muscles start to tremor, and he helped her along by moving his fingers down to play with her clit. She went over. Convulsing around him and screaming. He let himself follow bellowing out into the room as well. Slumping against her back, both of them slick with sweat, he bit her shoulder and she squeezed around him.

  “Can you tell I’m very happy to see you?” Ben whispered in her ear.

  “Just as happy as I am to see you.”

  Chapter Nine

  THE PAIR HAD MISSED their dinner reservations, but they decided to go and see if they could get a seat anyway. After Ben promised to behave, they shared a shower and cleaned up. Tamara learned you could do a lot without actually doing it. They’d come out laughing and by the time they got dressed and were ready to go, it was near seven. It took them another half an hour to get to the soul food place from her house. It was still relatively early, so they only had a ten-minute wait before being seated.

  They both ordered something the other wanted to try and shared plates. What was wrong with her? Glorious sex had turned her sappy, and she kinda liked it. As they were leaving Ben declared that this was now one of his favorite spots. The owner was thrilled to hear it, and ran her eyes down his body one time too many for Tamara’s liking. She would make sure they ordered carryout next time. Would there be a next time? She pushed it all aside, not ready to think yet while her body was still riding the endorphins of sex and good food.

  They made their way to the lounge a little after nine, and it was fairly crowded. This was a place for the slightly older crowd who wanted to go out but didn’t want to be out all night. Since they’d only had one drink at the restaurant Ben ordered them another. Besides, she planned to make sure they danced it off well before they left. They listened to the music at first, sipping their drinks until they were gone. Then Ben took her to the floor to dance.

  The first few songs were slow and they swayed against each other while Ben whispered naughty things in her ear. She laughed and told him to stop it, though she really wanted to find out if he could keep his suggestive promises. Thankfully, more upbeat songs came on and distracted them both. They stayed a full two hours, dancing, laughing and even sharing a small snack. Tamara told him she was getting tired and they ended up back at her place before midnight.

  When he hesitated outside the door, she took his hand and pulled him inside. After she got rid of their coats and told him to take off his shoes, she led him up the steps to her bedroom. For once, they were going to start and finish in an actual bed. Neither were in a rush this time, the edge of frenzied lust sated from before. Instead they played, pleasured and learned each other’s body for hours.

  Later, when Ben came back from the bathroom she was almost too exhausted to open her eyes and look at him. Then he had the nerve to sit down on the bed and shake her after being the one to wear her out.

  “I don’t want to assume, but am I staying the night” Ben asked.

  “It would be a little ridiculous at this point if you didn’t.”

  He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Well, we wouldn’t want to be ridiculous, now would we?”

  “No. Now turn off the light and come keep me warm.”

  WHEN TAMARA WALKED into the office at eight on Monday morning, it was to find her two partners huddled around Tia’s desk.

  “Good morning, ladies.” She hurried to take a couple of steps past them, but wasn’t quick enough.

  “Morning? It’s damn near afternoon.”

  She turned around to address Jessica.

  “We don't even officially open for another thirty minutes. It’s afternoon for you since you get up before the roosters, but it’s still morning for the rest of us.”

  “Hmmm”, Monique hummed looking her up and down then said. “You saw him again did-”


  “And this time you-”

  “Why yes, yes I did.” Tamara shot them all a smile filled with the satisfaction she’d gotten well into Sunday afternoon. “So again, I say good morning to you ladies. It’s a great morning for me! Now let's all get to work.”

  Tamara hurried to her office while tons of questions were thrown at her back. Closing her office door, she fell back against it laughing. The looks on their faces were priceless. Taking a deep breath, she finally got herself together and settled in to start her work day. Is this what great sex did to a person? Made them giddy like a teenager?

  Frowning as she booted up her computer, she didn’t recall ever acting this way at sixteen. No, she had been dealing with other things at that age. Also the last time she’d spent all weekend having sex, it had been nowhere near this good. It had been sometime at the end of law school. He’d been randy enough and so had she. His finesse and actual skills, were a whole other matter.

  She hadn’t had tons of experience, while he acted like he knew what he was doing. In the end it had been decent but still lacking. She however, had wanted more. She had tried to coax him into more foreplay and even some different positions she’d looked up. He’d been resistant and she’d been too young to speak up and ask for what she wanted or make direct demands. The weekend had ended with him satisfied and thinking they were an item. Fortunately she’d found her voice, ending the relationship before the next weekend was out.

  Tamara had to remember though, that experience was with a young guy. The sex she was having now was with a real man. It was a novel thing to be satisfied each and every time. Their Sunday love making had been just as lustful, though they’d taken the time to be playful as well. Just thinking about how many times he’d made her orgasm had her wishing he hadn’t had to drive home when evening rolled around. When her screen saver popped back on, she realized she’d been staring off into space and hadn’t even logged in yet. Having all this amazing sex might make her feel young again, but it was hell on her concentration and productivity. Thoughts of Ben and his many satisfying qualities would just have to wait until after work.

  TAMARA WAS ABLE TO get through the entire workday pretty well. Wonders of all wonders, the others hadn’t bothered her for details during lunch and she sure hadn’t volunteered any. Staying a little late she made up for her slow morning start. Before she left, she texted Ben and he’d sent her a quick one back. Saying he had a showing this evening and he would give her a call around nine. So when she got home half past six she made a simple dinner, took a shower and got into a fuzzy sleep set before she sat down to flip through the latest articles from Th
e American Lawyer on her tablet. She usually did so while watching her two Monday night shows.

  Tamara had just opened the first article that caught her eye when her phone rang. She started to ignore it, but that was another drawback about working with friends. You couldn’t ignore their calls as it could be important. Sighing, she picked up.


  “Don’t sound so happy to hear from me.” Monique said stalely.

  “I’m not. I’m sitting here trying to relax. Did you need something for work?”

  “No. You know why I called.”

  “I have no clue, we’re lawyers, not mind readers.”

  “Sometimes, I wonder how we became friends. You can be so annoying. You know our show comes on in a little bit. Stop wasting time and tell me all about your weekend. To clarify, by weekend I mean all the good sex you got.”

  Tamara chuckled, yeah she’d figured that was the reason for the call.

  “I don’t know if I’m going to share. Hang on, someone's on my other line.”

  “Don’t you dare hang up on me!”

  Tamara ignored her and clicked over.

  “Don’t say anything just hold on.” Tamara instructed before playing around with her phone functions. About ten seconds later she finally came back to the line.

  “There I put us on three-way, just like the teenage girls you two are acting like. I almost forgot how to do it. I only use it for talking to the fam.”

  “I’ll have you know.” Jessica sounded offended. “I think we're acting very much our age. We both waited until after work before we harassed you. You should be thanking us for our restraint.”

  “Damn straight!” Monique co-signed. “Do you know how hard it was for me to focus all day wondering what went down to get your crabby ass so chipper? I wasn't even the one getting any and it’s all I thought about today.”

  “I’m not crabby.”

  “You are on Monday’s and stop dodging the question and just tell us already.” Jessica pressed the real issue.

  “Aren’t we too old for this? Professional adult women, owners of our own business. Should we be gossiping about our sexual exploits?”

  “No. No one’s ever too old to dish a little about sex. Where did you get that dumb impression from?” Monique wished Tamara could see how hard she was rolling her eyes.

  “I don’t know. When I look at all those people in Fortune's 40 under 40 articles, I can’t imagine any of them sitting around talking about their sex-filled weekend.”

  “That’s because they work so much to get listed that they don’t have any sex. They’re all probably bitter Betty’s within their A-list companies. At least that’s what I tell myself since my names not in it.” Jessica said a little wishfully.

  “Girl, please! They’re human. And as long as humans are walking on this earth who can talk, they’ll be talking about sex. I bet when they couldn’t talk they used cave pictures. There’re only two questions in this case, of whether or not you can kiss and tell. Tell me, has he reached your man status?” Monique asked.

  “No, he hasn’t.”

  “That’s exhibit A.” Jessica took over questioning. “Is he your husband?”

  “You know he’s not.”

  “We rest our case! So until one of those two things happen and/or we reach the age of 85 where it’s just not considered good manners, we can talk about sex.” Monique declared. “Now spill it. You said your whole weekend was filled with sex.”

  “Well...just Saturday and Sunday.” Tamara still hedged even though she was grinning.

  As the two women teased her, she gave them a rundown of how he’d purposely caught her off guard by coming early, and how one thing had led to another. They congratulated her on getting enough sex for all three of them. Tamara admitted it felt good to just relax and shoot the breeze. They dealt daily with a lot of the negative things life had to offer. Having a reason to laugh felt good.

  Monique casually dated the most out of all of them, with Tamara and Jessica contributing shabby amounts of man gossip here and there. None of them had a serious long-term relationship since the first year of their firm opening, when Jessica’s short engagement ended abruptly. The two thought Ben was showing great boyfriend potential and she had to slow them down real fast. Reminding them they had just agreed to get to know each other. Tamara had no plans to rush their current “friends-with-benefits” situation.

  The friends had pretty much missed their whole show. The Neighborhood was one of the few programs everyone in the office watched. Their other favorite, 9-1-1 with their girl Angela Bassett was about to come on when she heard a beep in her ear.

  “Hey, hold on I’m getting another call.”

  “Ohh, is that him?” Monique cooed.

  “A punctual man, I like that.” Jessica stated.

  Tamara damned herself for mentioning what time he was supposed to be calling.

  “Yep. I’ll talk to you two tomorrow.”

  “Look how quick she’s forgetting us already.” Jessica half complained.

  ”I’d hang up on us too, if I’d gotten broken off like she did!” Monique cackled.

  Tamara hung up and somehow managed not to drop Ben’s call.

  “Hey beautiful. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Not at all. Your timing is perfect.”

  Maybe it really was. Maybe she was at a place in life where she could afford to take some time for herself, for fun. So far she was enjoying the ride.

  Chapter Ten

  TAMARA WOKE UP ON THE 1st of January wrapped in the arms of a man. She could honestly say that had never happened before. Oh, she’d had boyfriends before when the New Year rolled in, but they hadn’t been with her. In undergrad she and her boyfriend had gone out partying and drinking like everyone else for the holiday. Many drinks later, his eyes had started wondering the room a little too blatantly for her liking. When she called him on it he denied it, which had only pissed drunk Tamara off even more. That incident resulted in a huge public argument that embarrassed her to this day.

  Friends had pulled her away and she’d gone home with them, half livid, half weepy. From the corner of her eye, she’d seen a girl who had a dress up to her ass and blond extensions that reached just as far, saddling up to him even as she was dragged off. The second incident happened while she was studying for the bar exam. Her boyfriend and friends talked her into going to a small house party. But when the group decided to go to a club after midnight hit, she’d drawn the line.

  She’d been exhausted and going to a club on one of the busiest nights of the year didn’t appeal to her. Particularly, as the few drinks she had consumed only made her sleepier. In the end, she had gone home and he had gone out. Making now the first time she would be starting the New Year off with a man by her side.

  While the thought of doing so made her feel a little odd it also excited her, though having Ben’s strong arms around her body excited her even more. She gave a happy and contented sigh, which must have alerted him she was awake.

  “You up?”

  “I haven’t decided if I am or not.”

  “That’s to bad, because I’m definitely up.” To prove it, Ben pressed his hardness firmly against her.

  “I’ve decided,” She said reaching behind her to cup his balls. “That I might be awake after all.”

  AFTER BREAKFAST, WHICH consisted of having each other and then food, they sat in her living room and she watched as he scrolled through Netflix and found a home remodeling show.

  “You deal with houses all day, all aspects of them. How can you watch this on your free time?”

  “Easy, I’m passionate about what I do. When I'm passionate about something I give it my all.” He picked up the remote and muted the sound before turning slightly towards her. “Speaking of...I want to talk to you.”

  Uh, oh. “ this where you’re going to say it’s been great but-”

  “You should know better than to jump to assumptions Counselor.” Ben
pulled her closer and gave her a light kiss before looking her straight in the eyes. “I’m passionate about you.”

  “Okay.” Her mind was whirling a mile a minute.

  “I wanted to talk to you about us. I want this thing between us to be building towards something.”

  When Tamara just looked at him and tried to put more room between them he tightened his arms.

  “Not so fast. No David Copperfield acts until I say what I have to say. I like you a lot. I want us to be together.” He pointed a finger towards both of them. “And this to be a relationship in the making.”

  “Wow.” Tamara smoothed her wayward hair out of the way, trying to keep the little space he was allowing by not touching him back. “Definitely was not expecting that.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re at a loss for words again.” Ben smiled but it wasn’t reciprocated.

  “Annoyingly, I am.” Tamara twisted her lips and out of his embrace. Putting enough inches between them so he couldn’t easily grab her.

  “You know I like you too.”

  “Do I know it?” Ben volleyed back.

  “Fair enough. I’m telling you, I like you a lot. I wouldn’t have spent this holiday with you if I didn’t.”

  “Okay, so you agree we're entering a relationship.”

  Tamara raised her hands in a “hold up now” position. “That’s the part I’m not sure of.”

  “Which part exactly? The relationship part or the entering one with me part?”

  She gave a slow shrug.

  “I gotta say both. I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, but I’m trying to be honest. For once in my life I was trying not to overthink what this is.”

  Tamara let out an agitated breath. She didn’t want to hurt him but this was a lot to think about suddenly. She really wanted to get up and pace but fought the urge, she already had a feeling she was handling this badly.


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