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Jaxon Page 2

by M. J. Perry

  “We disposed of them.”


  “You should know there are more on their way.”


  “I checked their phones. They'd been in contact with five other vampires, three of the names I know of. Their messages don’t seem very friendly towards us.”

  I nodded feeling torn between looking after my mate or my pack.

  “I’ve got this.” Gabe said as he slapped me on the back. “Go, look after your mate.”

  “I’ll get her settled and then I’ll meet you in the office. If you recognised the names that means they’re bad news.”

  “Aren’t all vampires?”

  “No, and I ask you to remember that.” A voice came from behind us.

  “Shit.” I cursed. “Deacon, I’ve told you not to sneak up on me like that.”

  “Sorry boss.”

  “See, this is why I think all vampires are pricks.” Gabe growled.

  “Yes, and you don’t trust them. Blah, blah, blah.” Deacon grinned.

  I shook my head. “Can I trust that you two will play nice until I get Sierra checked over by the doc?”

  “Of course,” Gabe said sounding offended.

  They fought a lot, but they’d been friends for years. We all had.

  “Oh, she is pretty.” Deacon said as he looked into the window to get a better look at Sierra.

  My wolf growled. If Deacon had been in touching distant of her, I would have ripped him apart.

  Deacon backed away from me, his hands in the air. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm down. “Sorry.” I said into the silence.

  “Take her inside, Jax. We’re attracting attention. If she wakes up surrounded by strangers, it will scare her.” He pointed at Deacon. “She will definitely be scared if she sees him.”

  “You’re right.” I agreed. I opened the door and almost climbed in so I could get a hold on her. She was still sleeping soundly. I kept the blanket wrapped around her protecting her modesty.

  “Why would she be afraid of me?” I heard Deacon ask.

  “Vampires attacked her.”

  “What the fuck. Why are they here, don’t they know it’s your turf?”

  “It’s ours. Yours included. And that’s something we need to find out.” Gabe told him.

  I stood up with Sierra wrapped in my arms and I felt my anger drain away. Just like before, she snuggled closer to my body making me smile. Deacon and Gabe gave me a wide berth of which I was grateful. I carried my precious cargo towards the house and up the wooden porch steps. The front door burst open and Mary, the pack doctor appeared.

  “Put her in your bedroom and I’ll check her over.” She said in her no nonsense tone.

  Mary had been the pack doctor longer than I’d been born and I was thirty-six. She was great at her job, and she was a genius at making my men do as they were told when they needed fixing up. Everyone loved her. I carried Sierra up the stairs and into my bedroom laying her on my bed. Gently tugging the blanket from her, I untied her shoes dropping them on the floor, and covered her once again with the blanket. I sat next to her and the bed dipped, making her roll to her side, her head resting against my thigh. I studied her sleeping face. She was perfect. Not one flaw existed on her pale, freckled face. Her eyelashes were so long they left shadows on her cheeks; her pink lips parted slightly on her every breath. I brushed my fingertips against her cheek marvelling at the fact she was here that I’d found my mate.

  “Knock, knock.” Mary said as she walked through the open door. I stood up and moved away from Sierra giving her room.

  “She smells ok. Over the next few days she will need a few meals with red meat, but other than that there should be no serious side effects.”

  “You can tell that from just a sniff.”

  “I’ve had practice.”

  “I suppose you have.”

  “Am I right in thinking you haven’t got a scratch?”

  “You are. I’m perfectly fine.”

  “Good.” She pulled some cotton wool and antibiotic spray from her bag. “I need to clean her neck.”

  “And her knees,” I added. “She fell before I could catch her.”

  “Losing your touch,” Mary chuckled.

  “Finding my mate does that to me.”

  “I imagine it does. I’m happy for you, Jaxon. It’s about time we had some cubs running around.”

  “Whoa, you need to slow down. I haven’t even told her what I am yet.”

  “She knows enough.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “The connection between you will allow her to see it. It would have done from the first moment you met.”

  “It works fast.”

  “What does?”


  “It does.” She agreed. She pulled out a huge plaster and placed it over the teeth marks on Sierra’s neck. “Can you lift the blanket so I can clean her knees please?”

  I did as she asked and watched as she cleaned the grazes and placed plasters on those as well.

  “She’s all set. Her mind might be confused right now, but soon she is going to remember that a man tried to rape her.”

  “I know. I’ll talk to her.”

  “Tell her I’m always around if she would rather talk to me.”

  “Thank you, Mary.”

  “I know what it’s like remember.”

  Mary had been the victim of an attack a few years ago. If not for her wolf strength, her attacker would have succeeded with his assault on her. I nodded and with a wave, she left me alone with my mate. I wanted to wake her up, I wanted to talk to her and explain everything, but it wasn’t about what I wanted anymore, it was about what was best for her. So, with a quick kiss to her forehead, I turned the lights off and left her lying on my bed. Closing the door quietly behind me, I headed toward my office, the place was quiet and I had a feeling I had Gabe to thank for that. He knew I wanted no one but me around my mate until she knew of what we were. It was time to find out what was going on in my territory and what the vampires hoped to gain by gate crashing it. I’d hoped to ease Sierra into the shifter life slowly, but that ship had sailed. She was about to find out that as well as vampires, shifters existed as well and she was about to become mated to one.

  When I entered my office, I grimaced. Gabe stood to the side of my desk, his arms folded, and a deep scowl on his face. Deacon stood the other side, and he didn’t look any happier. I met Gabe’s eyes, and I sighed. “What’s happened?”

  “The vampires have declared war.”

  “All of them?” I asked calmly.

  “No, just a few. Well, ten to be exact.”

  “Two are dead.” I said with satisfaction.

  “Yes, but eight remain and if they can convince others to join, it could get messy.”

  “Do we know why this is happening?” I enquired.

  Before Gabe could answer, Deacon did. “Vampires have been the weaker species for thousands of years, with shifters breeding and living in large packs they have also been out numbered. Most are ok with this, but now, Simon has convinced a few that by taking your pack out, you specifically, it will leave a gaping hole in the shifter world and their defences, leaving your territory a free for all.”

  “Why would they think that? My pack might be the largest, but it isn’t the only pack around here.”

  Deacon grimaced. “Yours is the strongest. By eliminating you, it leaves the shifters weakened. Simon hopes to take advantage of that.”

  “Well, he won’t get the chance.”

  “Maybe, but it won’t stop him trying, and there will be lives lost in the process.”

  “We need to stop him before it begins.”

  “On that we agree, but it won’t be easy. The elder vampires have no idea where he could be.” Deacon said.

  “It’s up to us to find him then. We have to stop them before they bring death to our territory and to our home. We must protect ourselves and the humans.”

>   “Yes. I’ll call a meeting.” Gabe said, and he saluted me in his usual way as he left the room. I turned to face a thoughtful looking Deacon. “What’s up?” I asked him.

  “I think fate is playing you up. You’ve met your mate just as a war is breaking out.”

  I grinned. “You might be right, but I can’t say I mind. She is beautiful.”

  “She is, but she is also delicate.”

  I sighed. “I know. It worries me, but I won’t let anything happen to her, neither will the pack.”

  “I can try to find out more from the elders, but they don’t like to share much with me.”

  “You scare them.” I grinned. “It’s not a bad thing.” I said when I saw his frown.

  “I never asked for this.” He stated.

  “I never asked to meet my mate in the middle of a war.” I said with a shrug.

  “You think fate did this to me?” he asked with a bite in his voice.

  “I think everything happens for a reason.”

  He shook his head. “What reason could there be for me to be like this?”

  “You act like you’re ill, but you’re not. You are a hybrid, you have all the powers of a shifter, and a vampire combined, without the side effects. It makes you special Deacon, embrace it, and stop fighting it.”

  “It’s bullshit.” He snapped. “Being a hybrid isn’t special, it’s just bad luck.”

  “You’d rather of died from the vampire bite?”

  “I’m a shifter, not a vampire.”

  “You are still a shifter, you’re just stronger now. One day you will meet someone who will show you who you are.”

  “I doubt that. Vampires hardly ever find their mate that’s why there aren’t many of them.”

  “It’s a good job you were a shifter first then.”

  He shrugged. “I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

  “You’re staying for the meeting?”


  “Good. The pack misses you.” I said quietly.

  A shadow passed over his face and he nodded before walking out of my office. I didn’t try to stop him, or to say more, I could see he wouldn’t listen to me. Ever since a vampire had bitten him, he’d pulled away from me, from the pack. He’d also started thinking himself alone in the world. We hadn’t known if he would survive when it had first happened, but Mary had worked her magic and along with the vampire elders, she’d saved his life. He was the only known shifter survivor of a vampire bite, no one had known what to expect from him, but he was still himself, except he was stronger, faster and grumpier. He was dangerous, of that, we were all sure, but he had never used his powers to hurt anyone. We’d known each other forever, been best friends since we were able to talk. Deacon sometimes forgot that, and when he did, he pushed us away thinking we would let him be. Gabe thought we should give him the space he wanted, but if we did I had a feeling we would see him less and less, if at all. Right now, we needed him more than ever. My stomach lurched, and I was hit with so many emotions I couldn’t define even one. Sierra was awake. It was time to explain things to my mate.

  Chapter Four


  When I opened my eyes, they hurt. It was dark, I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t hear anything, and I had no idea where I was. The last thing I remembered was the vampires, one had been about to rape me, he’d torn off my skirt. I reached down to feel my legs and felt a softness surrounding me. My heartbeat slowed, my fear receding slightly. If those vampires still had me, they wouldn’t have left me alone in a bed, especially not one as soft and as comfortable as this. My eyes started to grow accustomed to the dark, and I peered around without lifting my throbbing head. It was what I could only describe as a man cave, with dark colours, dark furniture, and a smell so delightful, I couldn’t stop inhaling. It was familiar to me and then I remembered him, Jaxon. He had been there; I can remember the feel of his arms wrapped around me. The door opened letting light shine in and I lurched up pulling the blanket with me. A figure stood in the doorway, blocking the light.

  “Sierra,” a voice said quietly.

  “Jaxon,” I whispered.

  “You know my name,” he said as he came closer towards me.

  I watched him warily, but I wasn’t afraid of him, if anything, I wanted him to hold me again. I frowned. “How do I know your name?” I asked him.

  “It’s our connection.”

  I frowned, “Our connection?”

  He sat beside me on the bed careful not to touch me. His striking green eyes met mine, and he smiled. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like something has run me over.” I grimaced.

  “It’s the blood loss. Our doctor said you will feel better after a few meals of iron rich food.”

  “It wasn’t a dream?” I asked him half hoping he would tell me it was, but I already knew the answer.

  “I wish I could tell you it was, to help you forget it ever happened, but I can’t. I can promise you that they won’t ever hurt you or anyone else again though. I made sure of it.”

  “I saw.” I whispered.

  He grimaced. “I’m sorry you did.”

  “I’m not.” I admitted. “I don’t think I could ever sleep again if I knew they were still out there.”

  He lifted a hand and brushed his fingers across my cheek. I leaned into his touch with a small sigh. “You’re safe now,” he said as he dropped his hand.

  “Thank you.” I told him and I meant it sincerely. Getting on my hands and knees, I leaned towards him until our faces were inches apart. He froze. “Sierra?” he questioned.

  “How do I know you?”

  “We are mates.”

  “Humans don’t have mates. What are you?”

  “I’m a shifter.”

  I moved away to stare into his green eyes that were right at this moment looking anxious. “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

  “You’re taking it so well. I’m waiting for you to try to run from me.”

  “I would if I didn’t feel like I already know you.”

  “I feel the same. It’s normal.”

  “It might be normal for a shifter, but it’s not for me. I read romances about shifters all the time, but they are fairy tales. They aren’t real.”

  He stood and slapped a hand against his chest. “I’m real; do you want me to show you?”

  Did he mean he was going to shift right here? Was I ready for that? I hesitated before looking at him. His eyes were kind. “If you don’t want to see the other side of me, you just have to say no. I can show you another day.”

  His words helped me decide. It was the other side of him, but it was still him. “Ok, show me.”

  “You’re sure?”


  He nodded, stepping further away from the bed. I felt the air turn warm. He seemed to blur in front of my eyes and then he stood there no more, in his place sat a huge shaggy wolf. The same green eyes shined out of the pointy-nosed face, but they were darker. The wolf whined, and I hesitated before dropping the blanket I’d been clutching and climbing off the abnormally large bed. He didn’t take his eyes from me and when I got close enough to touch, he seemed to freeze to the spot. I reached a hand out, my fingertips brushing his head. His fur was so soft; it slid like silk through my hands. Sat on his hind legs his head reached to my neck, he was huge, he was fierce, and he was gorgeous.

  “Jaxon,” I whispered in awe. He flicked his tongue over my fingers as I pulled my hand away from him making me giggle. As I stepped back, the air shimmered and then Jaxon stood there once again.

  “You’re not scared?”

  “No, you’re beautiful.”

  “You are, Sierra.”

  I blushed at his compliment and he grinned at me.

  “You’re shy. I like that.”

  I bit my lip. “That man...” I trailed off.

  “Vampire,” Jaxon corrected gently.

  I nodded. “Why did he attack me?”

  “Because you smell
so good I expect.”


  “Some vampires are bad news.”

  I frowned, “Only some?”

  “I know a few who wouldn’t hurt a human, but unfortunately like any species there are bad apples.”

  “I understand. Will you be in trouble for killing them?”

  “No. As alpha of my pack I have the authority to dispose of anyone who threatens my territory especially if they attack my mate.”

  I swallowed harshly. Shit. “You’re an alpha?”

  “Yes. Why does that frighten you?”

  “Because you’re in charge of an entire pack and as your mate I would be by your side.”

  “Yeah,” he drawled. He clearly didn’t see the problem.

  “I’m human.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Won't your pack want you to mate with one of your own kind?”

  “You have been reading too many romance books,” he laughed. “I have a pack meeting planned. I’d like for you to come with me.”

  “But…” I trailed off.

  “But what?”

  “What if they don’t like me?”

  “They will.”

  “You know this how?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Because I like you.”

  “How can you like me when you don’t know me?”

  His hand brushed against my temple. “I know everything about you. You know me too.”

  “Yes.” I admitted. “It’s so surreal.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “I… ok, I’ll come with you.” I looked down at myself and blushed. In my haste to see Jaxon’s wolf close up I had forgotten I wasn’t fully dressed. “I need to borrow some clothes.”

  “You definitely do. I have something for you to wear.” He grinned.

  He walked to his chest of drawers and pulled out two items. “These will be far too big for you, but you have no idea of the pleasure it will bring me seeing you wear my clothes.” His eyes darkened.


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