The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition Page 53

by Kay Maree

  “It’s just a discussion Wolf.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “Too fucking bad. Look, stand outside the door if you want. I give you full permission to bust in and save my ass if you think I can’t handle things.”

  “You know that’s not it. I know you are more than capable of handling yourself. It’s just…” His voice trailed off.

  “Just what?”

  “This is stupid. You know you’re only going to tell me what happens, anyway. Just let me in the damn room,” Wolf insisted.

  “If I do that it will undermine my authority with this guy.”

  “Damnit Willow, you know if you were a guy, your VP would be in there with you,” he hissed.

  “But I’m not, am I. Besides, there’s no way Aries would send him to me if he wasn’t completely trusted,” I reassured him.

  “Fine, but I’m not moving from this spot.”

  I opened the door and walked in to find the man leaning a hip against my desk, his eyes locked on the San Francisco snow globe; my dad gave me. He was shaking up watching the snow float to the bottom.

  “Let’s start at the beginning. Putting four and four together, I’m guessing you’re Leo.” I said taking the snow globe from his large hand walking around my desk, placing it on the bookshelf.

  “Sorry about all that out there,” he said flopping down in the chair in front of my desk. “When I said Aries sent me none of them reacted. Intuition tells me either they are really good actors, or they don’t know what’s really going on.” He shrugged. “I figured a bit of theatrics were warranted.”

  “They don’t; thank you for your discretion. I think proper introductions are in order don’t you. Like I said my name is Willow Robertson–Danger, President of Knights Fury MC.”

  “Leo McCord. Major Leo McCord; Navy SEAL, retired.”

  “Well, Major Leo McCord, Navy SEAL, retired. Which one are you?” He quirked a questioning eyebrow at me. “Which one of Aries’ band of merry men are you? Techie, fighty, blowing-shit-upy.”

  “All round badassy,” he smirked in reply.

  “Why are you here?” I asked. I knew why he was here, Aries warned me Leo was coming but I wanted to know how much he already knew.

  “Aries got your message.” He raised his hands as if to say so here I am.

  “You don’t sound overly excited about being here,” I observed taking a seat behind my desk.

  “I do as I am told,” he shrugged. “Aries wanted me here so here I am and….” He trailed off shaking his head scrubbing a hand over his face.

  “And what?”

  “It’s nothing,” he replied dismissively.

  “Look Major McCord if we are going to work together, we need to be able to trust each other. That starts with you being honest with me. I’m not a glass rose, I won’t break. Now, tell me, what were you going to say.”

  “First of all, please call me Leo. Secondly I was going to say apparently, that stupid fucking fuck of a fucking cousin of yours, doesn’t think I need a fucking break or any fucking sleep, or a decent fucking meal, or a change of fucking clothes or to get out of my own fucking head for five fucking minutes before he shoves another fucking assignment in my fucking face,” he ranted in one breath.

  “Well, Leo that’s an awful lot of fucks,” I smirked.

  “Sorry I’m just…”

  “Fucking tired,” I cut in.

  “Yes, I’m fucking tired,” he grinned. “Sorry, I have literally just got off assignment.”

  “When?” I asked curious.

  “Roughly about nine hours ago,” he replied checking his watch. That would explain why he was looking a little rough. “Look, Aries was a little vague on the details. Very vague; actually. He didn’t even tell me you were a woman, or that you were the President. He just kept telling me his cousin is in trouble, and I had to get over here ASAP. So, do you mind filling me in Babe?”

  I liked that he was being frank with me, that he wasn’t holding anything back. Leo is obviously exhausted, not overly keen on being here and yet he appears relaxed, observant, sharp. He’s just come off another mission. He could have told my cousin to piss off, but he’s here, he’s not blowing me off. He’s either too tired to move or he’s interested in my case.

  “Well, no wonder you looked a little confused. Let’s cut to the chase, then we’ll see about getting you to bed.” He chuckled at my slip. “I mean you can leave and go to bed,” I corrected.

  “Babe, as much as I would love to take you to bed – Like I said, I am tired. I’ve had about ninety minutes sleep since I’ve been back. The batteries are a little low. All I’d end up doing is disappointing you. You don’t look like the type of woman who takes disappointment well.”

  Leo, sat opposite me, sunk down in the chair. Arms resting loosely on the armrests, his knee rocking slightly. He looked relaxed, tired, but relaxed. He looked comfortable. I had the urge to crawl across the desk right onto his lap, snuggling up against his muscle packed chest.


  What the hell?

  I do not think about how comfy I would be sitting on a guy’s lap. But for some insane reason, through no effort at all, Leo had me in a gooey, girly mess. His jeans hugged his thighs, but they were loose, comfortable, worn. Leo was wearing a blue and green flannel with a dark grey undershirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal his forearms. He was a little rumpled and his work boots a little scuffed at the toe. It was like he rolled out of bed and just grabbed whatever was left of the floor, before heading on over.

  It has been a while since I’ve had the urge to be with a man. Most guys think I’m gay, and I don’t bother to correct them. But somehow with a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow this guy has me wanting to get all dolled up, put on a pretty dress and heels just so he can rip them off me.

  Voodoo magic; it must be.

  “What exactly did Aries tell you,” I asked clearing my throat.

  “He said you believe there is something rotten in the state of Knights Fury. He believes from the info you’ve provided there is an inside man messing with your business. Aries would like me to determine if there is any validity to your suspicions.”

  “What is your special skillset?”

  “What, no foreplay? You just want to get straight to the action? Oh, Sweetheart don’t you know, foreplay is half the fun.” He smirked and I could feel my pulse quickening. “Details darlin’, I need details. First tell me what the problem is.”

  Leo is different from any man I have met before. Either that or he is an amazing actor, but I don’t think it is that. I can normally get a good read on people, tell if their intentions are less than honourable. Well, I could, until things started going haywire. With Leo, I knew - it was instinctual; I could trust him.

  Leo the heart of a Lion.

  When it came to Leo, all I felt was purity, loyalty, honesty. It was intoxicating, maddening, addictive. I could feel it flow through my soul. It seemed to have a power about it, as it wove its way through me. I felt it fill in all the cracks, splinters and breaks, healing them, making them whole.

  Honestly, it unnerved me.

  “Speaking of my ass of a cousin, why didn’t he come? Why isn’t he here?” I asked bringing things back to the topic at hand.

  Aries told me he was sending one of his men, but I expected him to show as well.

  “Because he hates me,” Leo muttered scrubbing a hand over his face. “He sent me because people know him, your crew, your associates. I am an unknown. I have been out of the country for the last two years on assignment, no one knows me. I can walk in here and be the good guy, the bad guy, the angel or the demon. I can become whoever you need me to be, you just need to tell me what the problem is. So, what can I do for you Miss Robertson?”

  Putting my faith in my cousin, my faith in Leo, I laid it on the line.

  “Someone is trying to kill me.”



  “What do you mean someone is trying to kill you?” I asked sitting forward leaning my elbows on my knees, suddenly wide awake.

  “I don’t have anything concrete. It’s more of a gut feeling.”

  “Gut feelings are usually correct. What’s yours telling you?” I asked.

  “Someone is trying to kill me. And if that thought alone wasn’t bad enough, my gut is also telling me, it may be someone from inside my club.”

  She looked so lost, broken, betrayed.

  “Babe I get it; you don’t want to believe someone close to you could betray you like this. It feels like someone has reached into your chest and ripped out your heart. It sucks out loud, I get it. Why don’t you tell me what’s been happening?”

  She leant back in her chair looking at the ceiling, contemplating what to tell me, if she should trust me. Silently she rose from her seat walked over to the bar in the corner coming back with two glasses. I couldn’t help but study the way her midnight black jeans hugged her ass or the hypnotic sway of her hips as she walked back. I don’t know if she is aware of just how gorgeous she is, but she is truly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

  “It started out as just little things.” She began, pouring whisky into the glasses. “We have quite a few legitimate businesses in town. Businesses getting broken into isn’t uncommon but the businesses belonging to Knights Fury are known, only an idiot would target them. A few of the business owners were robbed on the way to the bank. The daycare centre we own was raided. The fucking Drug Squad come in in full gear, guns drawn scaring the crap out of the staff and kids. Allegedly, they received a tip off there was an ICE lab in the basement. We don’t deal in that shit,” she growled when I raised a questioning eyebrow at her. “We don’t and I sure as shit wouldn’t authorise it being hidden in a daycare centre. Are you questioning me?” She asked when I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Yes, I am. I’ve either been overseas or on assignment in a different part of the country, that took precedence over keeping track of the local MC and their dealings.”

  “Well, let me catch you up,” she said, sliding a glass my way. “We don’t deal in ICE. Not anymore, not on my watch,” Danger stubbed her finger against the tabletop, anger at the suggestion burning in her eyes. “That shit is poison. We may be involved in other pharmaceuticals but not that.”

  “Sorry, I meant on offence,” I raised my hands in defence, satisfied that she was telling the truth. “So, what happened next?”

  “After the raid, it went quiet for a while. Then things started going sideways with a few of our extra-curricular activities.”

  “Like what?”

  I studied her as she spoke. Everything outside happened so fast and I was too worried about the assholes with guns, I didn’t really have the chance to get a good look at her but trust me I’m looking now. She’s tall, muscled and fit. She obviously takes care of herself, I guess in this line of work she would have to, but she’s also curvy. Very curvy. Dark lashes framed her light brown almost golden eyes, and she has the sexist scar running through her eyebrow over her right eye.

  “I’m just going to assume you know what we do.”

  “I realise you don’t exactly deal in puppies and balloon animals here, Babe.”

  “I am also going to assume you’re on my side Leo. I am trusting you.” She was starting to pace, her voice raising along with her frustration.

  “You can trust me Willow.” She was ranting and losing control, I used her real name to bring her back and ground her. “You can trust me.”

  “How do I know? This bullshit has me all twisted. I’m questioning everything; my instincts, my men. Guys I have known my whole life. I’m going fucking insane. I don’t know who I can trust anymore!”

  “Danger, are you okay?!” The voice of the guy guarding the door bellowed, his fist bashing on the thick wood.

  “I’m fine Wolf,” she called back, picking up the bottle of whisky pouring a healthy measure into her glass before offering me the bottle.


  “I said I’m fine Wolf,” she snapped.

  “Damnit Wills,” I heard the guy mutter and then a loud thud like he dropped his large body against the wall by the door.

  “Well, he sounds pissed off,” I said taking a sip, the whisky burning down my throat.

  “He’ll get over it. Wolf is like having an annoying big brother and an overprotective father all rolled up in one.”

  “Do you trust him?” I asked, the whisky not burning so much on the second sip.

  “I do, well, I did. I still do, I guess. I don’t fucking know anymore.” She looked at me with pain in her eyes. “I want to trust him, but honestly I don’t know who to trust.”

  I was sitting across from the reputed tough as nails, hardass President of Knights Fury MC and she looked scared, lost and unsure what to do next. I decided right then, if I take this assignment, the first thing I will do is look into her VP. A President needs to know who to trust and that should start with the VP.

  “Willow Robertson you can trust me. Danger, the Knights Fury can trust me. I’m here to help.”

  “Danger might need a little more convincing than Willow,” she smiled.

  “Tell me what happened next?”

  “A few of our runs were intercepted. Drugs and guns. Like I said we don’t deal in the hard stuff, not anymore. Our clients are thoroughly screened and vetted. We’ve had no issues with anyone; customers or suppliers.”

  “Until now,” I added.

  “Until now. Our clients have started getting skittish. Orders that have been in place for months have been cancelled, without warning or reason. The cops have been all over us like a rash, pulling over the guys, going over the bikes. Knights Fury hasn’t been under this level of scrutiny since before my dad took over.”

  “Ok, so what we have to go on here is your gut feeling, some skittish clients and the cops flexing their muscles,” I summarised.

  “It’s more than some silly girly gut feeling,” Danger bristled. “There’s more to it than that. Look, I don’t need you coming into my house dismissing me and my concerns like this.” She glared at me, then pointed at the door. “Get the fuck out.”


  “I said get the fuck out.”


  “No. I said get out. Don’t make me tell you again,” she growled.

  “Willow,” I barked. She sat up straighter, like she was snapping to attention. It was obvious she’s not used to having someone talk back to her. “You were the one who asked for help. I am here to help you. You’ve been dealing with this alone for God knows how long and you’ve already admitted you don’t know who to trust anymore. Let me help.” You didn’t need to spend more than five minutes alone with Danger to know she is stubborn as fuck and wasn’t going to give up easily. That stubbornness has led her to dealing with this situation on her own for so long it’s driving her crazy. “Like I said, we have your gut, skittish clients and cops flexing their muscles. I also said gut feelings are normally correct, but why do I feel like you’re leaving something out?”

  She leant back in her chair, propping her feet up on her desk. She picked up her whisky glass looking at it. She looked like she was gathering her thoughts, trying to figure out what to say.

  “Someone tried to kill me.” Willow, looked me right in the eye, tapping her finger on her scar. “I was shot at. Luckily, they missed. Almost. I was stabbed,” she stood up lifted her top showing the tanned length of her side. She had a scar on her ribs. “I was at a concert; in the mosh-pit, it happened so fast the person who stabbed me disappeared into the crowd. I didn’t even realise until someone told me I was bleeding.”

  I stood, walked around the desk to get a better look at the wound. I ran a finger over the raised scar on her ribs, the contact made her flinch. Tilting her chin with my fingers I studied the scar through her eyebrow. The scar was still raised, a little pink,
more recent than the one on her ribs. I took her face in my hands so I could inspect the scar better.

  “Babe, who did this?” I asked my thumbs caressing her cheeks. “What happened?”

  “We, I…. I don’t know who,” she breathed her eyes fluttering closed.

  Willow Robertson is a gorgeous woman. She’s stunning, only mascara and soft eyeliner used to enhance natural beauty. She may need to portray the hard exterior of Danger Knights Fury President, but Miss Willow is a girly-girl. Her hair smells like pomegranate and ginger shampoo, her skin smells like vanilla and honey bodywash. Her face is flawless, bright and glowing she obviously indulges in high-end beauty products. Her cuticles were perfectly manicured, her nails were painted matte black, I could help thinking they matched my truck.

  Willow reached up clutching my wrist, but she didn’t push my hand away. She studied my face, my eyes kept drifting to her lips, perfect full lips the bottom one slightly fuller. She licked her lips, her pink tongue leaving a glossy sheen behind. I knew I shouldn’t, I knew it was wrong, she’s a potential client for God’s sake but I couldn’t help it, I kissed her. Just once, so I would know what it was like. She ran a hand through my beard, I normally just kept scruff, but I could be convinced to keep it longer. She tugged on my beard as our lips met, she kissed me, soft and sweet. She kissed me as if she was trying to prove to herself, she didn’t feel what I did.

  A spark.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  “Wow,” I replied. “What happened Babe, how were you shot?” I asked, needing to get things back on track.

  “You kissed me.” It was just a statement, not an accusation. It was said with curiosity, not annoyance.

  “I did.”

  I kissed her, and she kissed me, the end. She smirked taking her seat.

  “When I was shot, I was doing a delivery, but it had nothing to do with the club.” I leant back against her desk crossing my arms and ankles giving her my full attention. “Tank’s Nana and the ladies in her crochet corner make blankets, beanies and toys for St Marks. Tank and I had been to see Nanna and the ladies for afternoon tea. While we were there, they asked if we would make a delivery to the hospital. We had just parked; I’d removed my helmet and was untying the pack off the back of my bike. There was a weird noise, I looked up. I don’t know why, but something made me look up towards the roof of the four-story building across the street. Whoever shot at me must have been using a suppressor because I didn’t hear the blast of a gun just the impact of two shots. The shots were seconds apart, I heard Tank call my name, then nothing. The next thing I knew it was forty-eight-hours later, and I was waking up in the hospital I was shot outside of.”


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