Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)

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Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel) Page 19

by R. F. Allie

  Admittedly, it felt better than with a condom, skin to skin, much more intense, much more intimate, nothing separating us. I'll get the morning after pill, even though I wasn't worried, my periods worked like clockwork, and I was in the safe zone, but better safe than sorry.

  We stayed a while longer, he insisted on scrubbing me, and I gladly let him, tracing kisses and caresses, complimenting my skin. He even washed my hair smoothly massaging my head around my temples, and as soon as he finished I returned the favor with a wide, unmoved grin.

  We talked and laughed, about everything, trying to get to know each other.

  Landon Davis was a prodigy; he’d graduated Yale and Cambridge in a record time. The hotel business came to him from Alec. They invested their money and their knowledge.

  According to Landon, Alec was a financial genius; they’d started with the Victoria, and expanded from there. He said that it was much smaller five years ago, they focused on the best services and made a name for themselves, then bought the land behind it and offered the owners to replace their shops inside the hotel and in other places.

  He said that money wasn't going to replace their love for their work and he knew it, but since some of the businesses would fit into a hotel shop, it was a win-win for everyone. They acquired old hotels, or bankrupted ones and rebuilt them with their staffs.

  When the hotel businesses started expanding and bringing big revenues; Alec focused on the international acquisitions and Landon started the firm with Evelyn.

  His last venture was in France, which was the reason he was there when we’d met. I asked him about the political stuff, he said that it started out of nowhere.

  One time, his dad's friend came and asked him for legal advice about a scandal around some cook county prosecutor and how to deal with it. He advised him, it worked and he became some kind of a fixer. He preferred democrats, since he was one, but he helped other parties from time to time.

  I was hanging on every word he said, his life was so impressive, he was full of life and had acquired so much notability and success.

  He didn't want his father's business; he wanted to leave it for Simon, who was actually aiming at it since he was a kid. But his brother wasn't ready, and the pressure was too much for him, he started dating lots of girls to get over Evelyn, then started drugs so he had to step up until his brother could get back on his feet.

  Simon was one year sober, and recognized as one of the best CFOs in the country, and once he’ll feel his brother was ready he will give him his rightful title as the head of the company. I was marveling at his devotion to his family.

  I told him a bit about my family, which was totally different from his of course.

  I hadn't seen my brother Brandon for a long time, before I’d went to visit him in Michigan before my sabbatical.

  He was a financial advisor at a bank, happily married to the love of his life that he’d met in boarding school. I told him about my nieces. I talked to them once a week on the phone or Skype.

  It wasn’t easy, but we managed.

  My mom favored the south of France to the south beach for her retirement, so she visited for a month every two or so.

  My real family was my friends. I told him a bit about them and their career. Ryan's success as a fashion-designer, and Jude being a money making model for some of the best fashion and fragrance brands, and his new career as a pilot. A little about our history

  "How did you keep your relationship intact with Jenna after all those years?"

  He’d asked me at one point.

  I smiled tenderly. It was a recurring question for both Jenna and I; people never understood how we kept such a strong bond.

  "I can understand how you would ask that. Well, Jenna refused to come to New York, she was always sure that if she did, she won't be able to leave, so she never did. We always met halfway twice a year, we either spend springs and summers, or winters and summers together. For four years we altered, sometimes we visit her family in San Diego, or my mom in France. And we travel during summer. The rest of the year includes unlimited international calls plans, endless Skype hours, and texts."

  "That's impressive; you must really care for each other."

  He sounded genuinely sincere; whereas most people mocked our romanticism.

  "She was the one friend I had in my childhood, when my dad became an Ambassador in Lebanon, one day he was surprised that one of his army brothers was assigned as the chef, and they never parted ways again. They moved with us to several countries, as my dad spent no more than two years in the same region. Her father stopped working for embassies after my father's death and opened his own restaurant in San Diego.”

  I’d explained.

  “As for Jenna, she couldn't refuse the chance of going to Sciences Po Paris, being the seventh top ranked school in the world. She was approached by them, and then scored a freelance journalist gig, before she was hired by a very successful newspaper. So we made it work, knowing she'll attend Columbia for grad school. It’s always been her dream school."

  “How about you? Was Cornell your dream school?”

  He asked; genuinely curious.

  “Actually, I wanted Brown. But New York had my heart, and it still is one of the best schools in the world.”

  I acknowledged.

  “I wanted Brown for their sense of engagement to the environment and other causes. I was approached by several organisms with scholarships; when I’d spent a development internship in India after high school.”


  He interrupted.

  “Yes. I went with a student platform to help with seropositive mothers and children.”

  “That must’ve been an intense experience.”

  He said his voice soft.

  I nodded and smiled.

  “This is coming from a guy who’s been building schools in Haiti?”

  “Anyway, I got into several schools, even Brown. But chose New York for my life, my education and Jude.”

  We hadn't felt the time passing, my fingers and toes were wrinkled. We got out of the bath and he carried me back to the bedroom. I flushed crimson gazing at the proof of my lost virginity. He took off the sheets and replaced them while I changed into one of his t-shirts, it smelled heavenly. He took the sheets and put them in one of the drawers in his walk-in closet.

  I turned and crawled into the bed, the clock was closing on three. I wasn't that tired really, I was euphoric. It had been the best night of my life, unforgettable.

  If someone had ever told me that a man would made me feel like Landon did, I would’ve laughed at him.

  He made me happy, and safe.

  He came behind me and pulled me against his chest. He covered us with the softest material, and entwined our fingers together. He placed his leg over mine and held it in place. It was another claim.

  We were spooning and I was marveling in the feeling, soon I drifted off to sleep holding the events of that night forever engraved in my memory.

  I woke up to the best sensation in the world; it was still dark outside the window. I squinted in a dazed state, a velvety feeling stroking me between my thighs. Going in slow circles. It felt like a dream.

  My eyes fell onto hooded ones fixated on me.

  I clasped the sheets, holding my breath at the delectable feeling. Hot breath and slow motions. I arched my back relishing the moment. I’d just died and woke up in heaven.

  "Come for me Miss Dane.”

  His whispered raspy voice was all I needed to be tipped over the precipice.

  I flickered my eyes, sunlight coaxing me to full wakefulness. I stretched out and looked around me. Beside me, a grinning sight of the most beautiful man propped on his elbow.

  He was a heart-stopping sight; his hair in a devious mess, his cheeks a warm red under the lightest stubble. He looked so young and playful; he beamed at me.

  Oh I could definitely get used to such a morning routine.

  "Good morning Miss Dane."

sp; Landon’s voice was intoxicating, his eyes so intense. His sheepish grin lit up the darkest part inside me. I couldn't fathom his mood.

  He had just waked me up in the most astounding way, yet his eyes were full of hunger and lust.

  "Good morning to you too Mr. Davis."

  I stretched out again. I was loose limbed; my bones felt like jelly, like I haven't worked out one day in my life; which was ironic since I did so pretty much every day since I was sixteen.

  "Did you sleep well?"

  I asked.

  "I most definitely did. Unfortunately not as well as you did."

  His eyes sparkled sinfully and I feigned ignorance.

  "Are you sore Baby?"

  I was sore alright. And it felt as uncomfortable as it was amazing.

  I nodded embarrassed.

  "Good! That way, every time you move, you'll be reminded of me; and who you belong to."

  I blinked at his comment.

  I didn't need a reminder of what we did, and who I belonged to.

  “Too bad you can’t be sore, to remind who you belong to, too.”

  I said tartly.

  “Trust me; I don’t need a reminder.”

  “Oh yeah? Who do you belong to Mr. Davis?”

  I prompted sardonically.

  He feigned searching for an answer and I nudged him.

  “Oh yes; per relationship agreement, rule number one, I believe I belong to you Miss Dane.”

  He announced smugly.

  “Damn right.”

  Landon grabbed me from my waist and pulled me on him.

  “You’re very possessive Miss Dane.”

  He said twitching his lips.

  “No, I’m only asserting the rules.”

  I stated coolly.

  “Is that so?”

  I acquiesced.

  “So without the rules, you won’t feel any sense of propriety over me.”

  I shook my head no.

  “We were born free Mr. Davis.”

  His mouth drew a hard line.

  “Why? Would you claim your ownership without rules?”

  Landon abruptly pushed me to the bed and straddled me, holding me under his weight.

  “Oh Clea.”

  He whispered pushing his erection against me.

  “But I’ve only established the rules in order to claim you freely.”

  I tentatively pushed against him; full of wanton.

  “So if we abolished the rules; would you mind me dating other women?”

  His gray gaze, scorching and demanding.

  The question was a stab to my heart.

  He rocked against me. We were both naked; he could’ve taken me right then.

  “Is that what you want?”

  He insisted.

  “Do you want me to take down the rules?”

  I stopped breathing. I stared at him, dumbfounded.

  “Do you?”

  My voice betrayed my annoyance and the stab of jealousy.

  “I’m asking the questions here Clea.”

  His voice angry and defying.

  “Do you want me to fuck other women? Do you want me to do to them what I did to you, what I’m about to do to you?”

  Landon spoke slowly, his voice betrayed something I couldn’t really decipher; but it felt like a silent beg.

  “Answer me Clea.”

  “Or do you want another man’s cock inside you, another mouth pleasuring you. Is that what you want Miss Dane?”

  His tone was insulting.

  “Fuck you!”

  I yelled at him, trying desperately to shuffle out of his grip.

  “Watch your mouth baby.”

  He said with a smug grin.

  “Answer me Miss Dane.”

  “No.” I yelled again.

  “I don’t want another man, or another cock or anything.”

  His lips hid his smile.

  “What do you want then?”


  Landon urged me with a nudge to my waist and I jumped up. He did it again, and again, trying to torture the answer out of me. I was laughing loudly, shuffling endlessly.

  “Answer me Clea.”

  He spoke slowly, his tone amused.

  “You, I want you.” I admitted, breathless.

  “And why do you want me?”

  He added.

  “Because you’re mine.”

  I answered promptly.

  “Good answer.”

  He stopped torturing me with tickles and pushed his cock against me.

  It was a whole other level of torment.

  I shuffled, trying to meet him at my entrance.

  “Hungry little thing you are Miss Dane.”

  He watched me, eyes probing and intense.

  I didn't care about the soreness, I was ready for him. After all I had to get my fill of him for the rest of the week.

  It was funny, really; less than twelve hours before, I was a chaste virgin. Today I was what he called hungry little thing who couldn't have enough of the man.

  My flight back was in the afternoon, and as much as I didn't want to think about it, I was probably not going to see him for a while.

  It was the downside of our relationship, two separate cities, and two different lives. He had his work and family around. Not to mention several responsibilities lying on his shoulders. And I had my new job and career to worry about; my whole life was in New York.

  I had no idea how we're going to deal with it. We'll probably see each other every other weekend.

  Did I really want a long distant relationship with Landon Davis?

  I felt a stabbing pain in my chest at the realization. I won't see him for a week, depending on his schedule and all the unexpected events that would pop-up in our lives.

  "What is it Clea?"

  He cut off my riotous torture.

  "Oh nothing, just some stupid thoughts."

  I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  "Rule number two Clea."

  He pulled me to him abruptly.

  "I'm not lying Landon."

  I lied and smiled impishly, pushing against him again.

  "Are you trying to distract me Miss Dane?"

  He asked pushing my knees up, thrusting a finger inside me.

  "I don’t know. Are you distracted Mr. Davis?"

  I breathed out; I was aching for him…

  "You are so responsive Miss Dane. Despite your soreness, you are ready."

  Landon pushed another finger and I clenched around him. I needed him inside me, more than I’d needed my next breath. His eyes fixated me, gray eyes piercing through my soul. He just kept pushing circles inside me, my knees up and spread.

  I was a little uncomfortable, but held me in place.

  He didn't move he didn't kiss me or touch me elsewhere; I was going out of my mind, unable to move. I moaned at the excruciating torture.

  "What do you want Baby?"

  I blinked, not understanding where that damn stupid question came from.

  Hellllooo, could it be more obvious?!

  "Tell me what you want Baby, I won't do anything until you tell me what you want." He announced with a serious tone. My thoughts were in complete disarray. I pushed my hips signaling the obvious, but he shook his head no.

  "In words Miss Dane."

  For the love of god!

  "You, I want YOU!"

  I spluttered out.

  A smirk drew on his face.

  "That much is clear, Clea"

  The damn bastard was smirking at me, if I hadn’t been in a violent state of wanton, I would've told him to go screw himself, but I wanted him too much, and I was so ready for him.

  The man had self-control.

  Well Duh! He was the best damn lawyer in the country!

  I would find a way to get back at him for torturing me, but for now I needed him inside me!

  "What. Do. You. Want. Clea?"

  He accentuated every word with every thrust of his fingers.

; "I want you to fuck me damn it."

  I cried out my frustration and he blinked at my crudity.

  "Is that so Miss Dane?"

  He said dryly.

  "Is that what you think I do to you ...? Fuck you?"

  I blinked at him, what else he was doing. I fell silent, embarrassed. I wasn't in the habit of swearing, I hated it really, but what else could I say. He was toying with me like a damn doll at the hand of a three year old. The worst thing was, as soon as I was about to orgasm, he slowed down and pulled out. I was going insane.

  "Tell me, Baby! Do you think I'm fucking you?"

  I shook my head; it didn't feel like it, really, it was something Caden would’ve done. Landon was caring and attentive. Truth was; he made love to me; he did it in the most sensual way, knowing exactly how to take me away.

  "That's more like it."

  He accelerated the pace and I came apart once again calling out his name.

  He placed his erection at my entrance and stilled.

  I was calming my heaving chest.

  "Now, tell me what you were thinking about. And this time don't lie to me."

  I puffed at him.

  He really had some kind of annoying power.

  "I was thinking about us, Okay? How this relationship will work being in different cities, how we will manage."

  I blurted out frustrated.

  He nodded his understanding.

  "Turn around."

  He said.

  I didn't understand but did as I was told and rolled on my stomach. He pushed my knees and placed himself behind me, his hard cock at my entrance.

  "Hold on to the sheets."

  Landon ordered.

  I did as I was told again; feeling my inside quivering.

  "Now I'm going to give you what you asked for, I'm going to fuck you from behind."

  Oh my god, his voice was so hot; I moaned and reflexively circled my hips against him.

  "Impatient little Miss Dane."

  He pushed inside me.

  "Aah" I groaned.

  It was different, it was hotter; deep and hitting every nerve. I clasped the sheets in my hands, my knuckles drained from blood. His thrusts hard, mind-blowing, unleashing chaos over me. I was going insane, he was buried deep inside me, stretching, filling every inch of my inside.

  How he did that? It was completely out of my field of understanding; the man was so big; I could barely take him in my mouth.


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