Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)

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Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel) Page 31

by R. F. Allie

  He flashed his million dollar smile at them and stood in front of me. The young women taking care of our manicures were all staring at him.

  He ignored them, but acknowledged the one standing between us, and she moved back.

  He leaned down and put a swift kiss to my cheek, sending shivers through me.

  “Happy birthday baby. I forgot to give you these. Those are my favorites and yours.”

  It didn’t escape my attention that he’d been attentive to our conversations; not that his favorite flowers held his mother’s name.

  I remembered the Monet in his treasure room; or its replica by none other than him.

  "Urgh, get a room."

  Jenna joked and I turned throwing daggers at her.

  "Oh yeah, you already did, don’t mind me then."

  "Enjoy the rest of your treatment, baby. It's been taken care of."

  "Like hell it is." I retorted.

  "Consider it my gift to you, among other things. And don't make a scene, this is your day, you deserve it." He pressed another kiss to my forehead and pulled away.

  "Everyone, enjoy the rest of your day. Calvin will be waiting for you, and car service will be in front of your building at nine."

  "Thank you sweetheart."

  My mom really approved of him.

  "My sole pleasure, Helen.”

  It had been a blissful day, I couldn't hope for anything. I had a joyful mother, my best friends and the man I loved.

  We finished our pampering session with wax and hair, during which my mother insisted that there was nothing French about a French-manicure and conjured us to go with something light and neat; giving us her European bourgeoise advises.

  My mom grew up in French bourgeoisie, she rebelled against it and fought it during her teenage years, vagabonding across the globe; but it served her well when she became the wife of a United States ambassador.

  "Good manners are a woman's best accessory."

  She used to always insist on it whenever Jenna and I started acting out.

  She had strict rules about the way a woman should behave in public, and the way she takes care of herself. There was never an excuse for imperfect grooming, ever.

  Always carry a straight posture; it was the key to class and elegance. Drink water or champagne rather than wine and hard liquors, swearing is as ugly as smoking.

  She had all her set of rules that she shoved down my throat when I was twelve, and kept on doing it ever since then.

  She never wore anything other than linen or cashmere; in privacy she always indulged herself in soft materials. She always bought her shoes in double and pants in multiples.

  That was one of her most important rules.

  'If you ever find the perfect pants, buy them in multiple. And if you ever find the perfect heels, buy them in doubles and the grooming also applies for the shoes.'

  She lived by those rules, and over the years, I valued them and went by some of them. I’d always worn my nails short in square with pastels colors, groomed eyebrows, lots of water and expensive fabrics whenever I could afford it.

  I’d stopped smoking when I moved to New York and always bought comfortable heels in double. Otherwise, I rarely swear, never in public. I loved my wine and the occasional tequila shots or vodka tonic.

  After we finished, we had lunch under the autumn breeze at a friend of Uncle Keith's restaurant. After the intense massage session I was famished and had a full course meal, indulging in a tiramisu and white wine.

  Then we went shopping at my mother's favorite spots in the city. Calvin insisted on never leaving us, despite all my efforts to convince him otherwise.

  We went all over the city, from the village vintage boutiques to Goodman in fifth. I got myself some cases for my devices from the Apple store, and almost cracked on another gadget.

  The brand had always been one of my weak spots. I had every device, every accessory.

  But Jude insisted I waited for the release of the next new one and buy something else instead.

  It was close to seven thirty when we’d finally made it home, we've been around the city. I was exhausted and still unaware of tonight's plans.

  I had barely anytime to get some rest, but I couldn't help curving on my bed for a quick nap.

  Chapter XX

  I woke up an hour later, a little sore, but refreshed. I got in the bathroom for a quick shower. I'd bought some body oils from the spa shop, the smell of amber filled my room taking me back to the afternoon session, and the golden liquid gave an extra glow to my body.

  I put on the dress my mom got me from Galerie Lafayette: it was beautiful, simple and elegant. Backless, cream, with draped sleeves that hugged my body in the most sensual way.

  They went perfectly with my Bollywoody cream red soles. I applied some light make up, focusing on accentuating my peachy cheeks with some extra blush and thin oriental eyeliner.

  I went for nude lips; it went perfectly with my fresh curls. Ryan had convinced me to try caramel tie and dye and I loved the discreet effect under the dimmed lights.

  When I finally finished preparing myself, my mom came inside. She looked positively elegant, but then again, she really always does.

  She handed me two other boxes.

  "What's this?"

  I asked incredulously, she'd already given me her gift, it was a Hermes bracelet that I couldn't wait to wear,

  "One is from your brother; the other is from your nieces.”

  She explained.

  "This is crazy, I confessed."

  I'd been spoiled.

  "This is too much."

  "Nonsense, I haven't been able to give you your gifts face to face since you moved here, and nor did your brother."

  "I wish he was here."

  I admitted sadly, I missed him and the kids. I've only spent three days with him when I visited, and his crazy work hours didn't allow him much rest.

  "So does he, and so does Nana."

  "Oh my god, I forgot to call Nana. Is it too late?"

  "It's Saturday honey, I'm sure she's painting the lake."

  Nana liked to spend late hours painting, she lived across the lake, and on Saturdays it was usually filled with couples sightseeing after parties.

  She used to wake up in the middle of the night and paint till dawn.

  "There's a chance she's still up. I'll go try."

  I was a getting late, the boys pressed me to hurry. I had an emotional conversation with Nana and had to fix my makeup.

  She promised to come early during Christmas and spend some time with me before we go to San Diego.

  Landon sent two cars, obviously prepared for Mia, Faith and Maria. I rode with them and the boys and left Mom, Keith and Jenna to catch up alone.

  "Are guys going to tell me where we're going?"

  I pouted.

  "Don't you dare wear that expression, I want to see you smile throughout the evening."

  "Okay, but tell me, pretty please?"

  "You'll know soon enough."

  Twenty minutes and two flutes of Cristal later, Calvin pulled in front of Landon's building. We were greeted by Monroe at the entrance, we rode in groups.

  I got inside the elevator with mom, Jude, Jenna and Keith.

  I pressed the button, but oddly, Keith pushed to the penthouse floor.

  I looked at him quizzically.

  "That's not Landon's floor."

  He frowned at me.

  "It's not?"

  He asked twitching his mouth.

  "That's odd."

  "I agree. What's going on here?"

  I prompted urging a secretive Jude to answer me.

  Keith insisted that I wait when the elevator doors opened on Landon's floor.

  We continued the ride up in silence, and I was getting stressed out. We reached the last floor, the machine asked for a code and I looked at Keith with a smirk.

  "See? We don't have access."

  I said coyly.

  To my surprise, he pushed i
n a code and the doors opened to reveal a big quilted, white door. He turned the doorknob and it opened to a gorgeous and crowded open space.

  When they saw us they all yelled happy birthday.

  I couldn't hide my stupor.

  "Happy birthday, Boo."

  Jude whispered to my ear, pressing a kiss to my temple.

  Uncle Robert walked straight towards me followed by Landon. My eyes were following his path. He was breathtaking, in a band collared blue shirt with turn back cuffs. It fit him perfectly, embracing his features, with black slacks and calfskin derbies.

  Freshly shaved, and his hair the same disheveled mess. I could’ve eaten him.

  His father was irreproachable, a subtly striped wool suit, with a two button jacket and a white shirt. Not a hair out of place.

  "Happy birthday Clea, you're a sight from the heavens."

  Uncle Robert, ever the gentleman raised my hand to his lips then took me in a swift warm hug.

  "Thank you, Uncle Robert."

  I beamed at him.

  "Your mother's portrait."

  He turned to my mom and gave her the same courtesy.

  "Robert, it's so good to see you."

  She turned to him her most elegant smile; her eyes filled with tenderness.

  Landon greeted Keith and Jude then turned to me and put his arms around.

  "You look exquisite baby."

  "Ditto, baby."

  I winked at him and kissed him.

  Whoever organized the party, knew what they were doing.

  The scenery was wonderful, the open space of the penthouse was brightly illuminated with glass candelabras, polished marble, light ivory walls with abstract canvases.

  Three waiters walked around with champagne and amuse-bouche.

  The living space opened on a terrace with a bird eye view of the city and the park.

  Higher than Landon’s apartment; just as breathtaking.

  On the terrace, multiple tables and stools spread around the space and three musicians in the corner playing some soft melodies.

  I walked to the bar; it had nothing on any high end lounge, fully equipped with every brand, local and worldwide, all glass and dark ivory marble.

  "Landon, this is amazing. But it's too much."

  I said.

  "Nothing is too much for you, Clea."

  "We could've had the party at your apartment."

  He didn't need to get the space for a party.

  "This is my apartment, Clea."

  "I’m sorry, come again?"

  He offered me a small shrug

  "I was renovating, I urged them to get it ready for the party. I should've mentioned this before, but this is my apartment."

  "What about the other one?"

  "It's Simon's."

  He announced.

  "Notice the range of art in here, and the lack of it downstairs?"

  It was true; there were at least two piece of art on every wall in that apartment. I thought it weird when I saw the other one downstairs; he was so passionate about it.

  "It's beautiful."

  "Well thank you, but I take no credit, it's all the work of a very expensive, and frustrating interior designer."

  "Either way, it’s truly sumptuous."

  I said picking up a glass of champagne.

  "Happy birthday Clea."

  Brooke came in sight followed by Liam and Silver. I was surprised to see them and wondered who’d planned all this.

  "Thank you Brooke."

  I hugged her and turned to my other colleagues.

  "You've been holding off on us."

  Silver squeaked.

  "I mean you're dating Landon Freakin’ Davis.."

  I flushed scarlet red looking at the man standing beside me, glancing at very indiscreet Silver.

  She turned to him.

  "I'm kind of star struck, and a little drunk. Is Alec Avery coming?"

  "Sadly, no."

  Landon said flashing his gorgeous smile.


  Silver shrugged.

  "Next party he'll be attending, I'll make sure Clea invites you."

  He was really nice, indulging her like this. I loved him.

  "Seriously? That would be grool; I meant great, I meant cool."

  She puffed at herself and we all laughed at her drunken stupor.

  I walked around the party, everybody mingled. The reunion between my mom and Robert seemed particularly emotional. I let them be and talked with Eloise.

  It turned out that Jenna and Landon partnered up with Ryan to prepare the party.

  Keith assumed the role of chef to prepare some of my favorite treats, there was a variety of food for every taste on the buffet.

  I walked to the terrace to witness a heated conversation between Simon and Evelyn, I didn't mind her presence, but I wasn't aware she came.

  When she noticed my presence she fell silent and slashed me a halfhearted fake smile.

  "Happy birthday Clea.”

  "Hi Evelyn, thank you."

  "Hi Simon."

  I turned to Landon's brother distracting him from his apparent fuming state.

  He took me in a tight embrace; it surprised me.

  On the two occasions I'd met him, he'd been distant and polite.

  "Happy birthday Clea, is the party at your liking."

  "It's more than I could’ve ever imagined."

  I confessed.

  "Yeah, my brother never does things halfway."

  He said avoiding Evelyn's gaze until she walked back inside.

  Once we were alone, I turned to him.

  "Can I ask you a question?"


  He gestured to one of the twin cushioned benches behind me and we sat there.

  "Are you guys dating, or something?"

  He retorted with a snort.

  "It's complicated."

  "I'm sorry to say this, but I don't see how. You've known each other for a long time, and frankly, she seems hung on Landon."

  I said as sympathetically as I could manage.

  His expression turned sad.

  "I know."

  "So why are you wasting your time?”

  "Sometimes, she comes around, and it feels like everything could work out. But when I ask for more, she just avoids me."

  He explained.

  "Listen, I don't usually get involved with other people's business, especially, this kind of matters, but see those two."

  I pointed to my mother and his dad and he nodded.

  "They're like family, which gives me the right to give you my advice, I don't know much about this stuff, and god knows I'm in love with a man I can't seem to fully comprehend."

  I blurted the words out without any consideration, and his wide-eyed expression told me he was surprised by my admission, but the grin that followed reassured me, instantly, I had his confidence.

  "You're in love with Landon?"

  "Too early?"

  I asked with a shrug.

  "There's no such thing, and if you want my opinion; I had lost any hope that my brother will fall in love until I saw the way he acted around you."

  I was surprised by his words, it sounded like he never fell in love before, when I knew otherwise.


  I prompted.

  "What about Audrey?"

  "You know about Audrey?"

  He asked wryly.

  "A little, he told me that she was the only one that mattered, other than Evelyn."

  "Well, Audrey was... Let's just say, she was complicated."

  He said picking my curiosity. But I wasn't about to get absorbed in a conversation I had no right to have.

  "Anyway, that's not important."

  I turned my attention to the issue at hand.

  "What's important is that you deserve better, we all do. Let her chase something she can't have, and be the better man. I don't really know her, but my first impression wasn't a glowing one, and if you ask me, she's not worth you
r brain cells."

  "Easier said, than done."

  "Don't be mad, but Landon told me a little about what you've been through, the rest was over the Internet. But look at you, you're a handsome man, any woman would be lucky to get your attention, and giving what you’d struggled against, I'm sure you're more sensitive than any other man."

  “I just don’t understand her, she keeps coming back to me, even when I try to avoid her, she bursts back into my life and I can't seem to control myself."

  He confessed, clearly disappointed in his lack of control.

  "That happens, but, I think it's time to really press your resolve. Confront her with what you want, once and for all, and if she doesn't want to get invested, then shut the door once and forever."

  He kept nodding, assessing my every word.

  "I suggest you start tonight, ask her, and if it works; then good for you, if not, well I have a few gorgeous girlfriend that would probably kill for a date with you."

  I smiled sheepishly at him.

  His grin flashed.

  "Sure, why not, let's try it your way. After all, you managed the impossible and tamed my brother in record time."

  It was my turn to be shocked and grin.

  "I didn't tame anyone. Now go and take your life back. I'm here if you need me."

  "Sure you haven't."

  Simon gave me a knowing wing; his eyes gleamed with affection. It warmed my heart.

  "Thank you Clea. I didn’t expect this but I needed it; preferably from someone with a different vision, as you know, she exasperates my father, and my brother just ignores her."


  The party seemed to be going well, the conversation flowing around along with the music. I noticed Calvin smiling broadly while talking on the phone and thought he was probably talking to Alison. It must’ve been difficult for them be apart for so long and so often. Landon never went anywhere without him, he was the one driving the limo back in Paris. It was a shame; he knew the city like the back of his hand, while his girlfriend dreamed about visiting it.

  I mingled around the party and looked for Jude. I darted across the room to their table. They were tied in fits of laughter with Mia and Faith.

  "Hey boo, you need to hear this. Those two are insane."

  Ryan said between giggles.

  "Yeah, so I was telling them about this guy, Faith and I tried to have a threesome with."


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