Biker's Heir Series Box Set

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Biker's Heir Series Box Set Page 54

by Brooklyn Jones

  I licked my lips. I'd never wanted someone so badly before. “You look good enough to eat.” I lifted my shirt over my head and threw it across the room. Now there was nothing getting in the way of what I desired.

  “Come and get it,” she replied. Tempest spread her legs, showing me right where she wanted me. I ran my fingers up her thighs, goosebumps forming all over her skin. “Don't tickle me.” She giggled, playfully slamming her foot on my chest.

  I knocked her foot out of the way. Nothing would get in the way of my conquest. My finger grazed against her wet sex and Tempest moaned. I kissed her stomach, working over her pubic mound, and planting my lips on her clit. Tempest's body spasmed as my tongue licked her fleshy hood.

  “You have no idea how good this feels,” she breathed, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. I grabbed a hold of both thighs and ran my tongue down her slit. She tasted so sweet. I could eat her out all day and never have enough.

  Tempest suddenly quivered uncontrollably, vibrating the bed. I continued to play around with her clit throughout her orgasm. She ran her fingers through my short hair and pressed my face harder against her pussy.

  Tempest rubbed her wetness all over my face until I was soaked. I flicked her clit around in circles, her thighs holding my head in a vice. I could barely hear her moan my name as she came again.

  “I can't take anymore, Ryker. I need to fuck you now. Please...”

  I came up for air and wiped my wet mouth. Tempest pushed me over until I lay next to her. She climbed on top of me, straddling my waist. My cock was inches from her dripping wet pussy. My cock pulsed up and down, almost tapping on her door. Tempest bent over and kissed me, sitting down and covering my cock with the lips of her pussy. She slid back and forth, lubing my shaft.

  “Fuck, you feel so good against me,” I said.

  I raised my hands and felt up her big tits, smashing and squeezing them together. I'd never get tired of playing with those. Tempest grabbed my hands and placed them over my head, holding them in place. “You're not going to move now. I'm going to do all the work.”

  This chick was hot. Way too hot.

  I lay there as she rubbed her pussy against my throbbing cock, her hips rocking back and forth. All of her juices lathered up my cock as she worked faster and faster. The temptation to come was becoming overpowering. “I need to be inside you, baby. Fuck me now before it's too late.”

  “Can't handle it?” she replied, pressing her warm folds against me harder. Tempest lifted up, grasped my shaft, and lowered down on it until I filled up every inch of her. We both moaned as I drilled deeper and deeper. She still held my hands above my head, not letting me move a muscles. I wanted to squeeze those milky tits, slap that hot ass of hers, and slam her down on my cock so hard she'd scream my name.

  I watched as Tempest had her way with me, rising up and down on my spear. She flipped her hair behind her shoulders and I got a great view of her tits bouncing. Those erect nipples needed to be chewed on.

  Tempest's breathing quickened. “You feel so good inside me.” The pleasure was reaching its peak. I wouldn't be able to go much longer.

  “Come for me, baby. I'm ready for you.”

  Tempest's face strained and her hold on me tightened. Tempest screamed my name again, clenching her pussy around my engorged cock. There wasn't anything else I could do. I found my release and detonated inside her.

  Tempest quaked on top of me, her entire body shivering and shaking. I rode the waves of the orgasm as long as it would carry me, unloading my balls until every drop of seed was spent.

  Tempest collapsed on top of me, my half-staff still inside. “That was beyond words.” She huffed and puffed.

  “You can ride me anytime, baby. That felt so fucking good.” My flaccid penis fell out of her and Tempest rolled off next to me. We fell asleep in each other's arms, completely exhausted from the day's events.


  I awoke the next morning, my head on Ryker's chest, his arms holding me. I felt safe and sound. Nothing could ever hurt me with him around. I couldn't help but stare at my Prince Charming. His sculpted body and inked skin was so captivating. I never imagined myself in a situation like this. I never thought I deserved this type of happiness. Could a drug addict truly be happy? Could a bad guy really have a good heart?

  Ryker's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. “I could get used to waking up to such a beautiful face every morning.”

  I couldn't help but blush and snuggle in the crook of his arm. Every muscles in my body was sore beyond belief. Is this what orgasming does to you? If we did it again, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed for days.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  “I'm so sore I can barely move.”

  “Don't worry, your body will get used to it. And it better because I'm going to need to fuck you at least a few times a day.”

  A few times a day! How many was a few? Three? Four? Holy fuck, four times a day. I'd need to start exercising more just to keep up with him. I placed my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat pound like a drum. My fingers traced the intricate tattoo of a cobra snake on his left arm, its fangs bear, hood open, ready to strike. “What does this represent?” I asked.

  Ryker looked down at his bicep. “That was my first tattoo. Ian made me get it when we finished boarding school. Hurt like a son of a bitch. Ian told me I needed to be like the king of snakes, ready to unleash my fury at any moment.”

  This man was taught from a young age to use his rage as fuel. Did he ever learn to love? My feelings for him were moving so fast that I didn't know what to think. I needed to slow down, process all these emotions.

  Ryker got halfway out of bed and yawned, outstretching his large arms over his head. “I don't want to kill the mood but there are still a few bodies out there.”

  I had totally forgotten about the corpses. My night with Ryker was so amazing that the nightmare was wiped clean. “What do we have to do?” I asked.

  “We can bury the four of them out in the backyard.”

  I watched as Ryker put on a white wife-beater. “Shouldn't we wait until night? Somebody might see us.”

  “Not likely. This cabin is in the middle of nowhere.”

  “What if more of O'Malleys' henchmen come looking for them?”

  “They won't. I'm the only one left that knows about this place. Nobody will ever know to look for them here. We'll be safe. Trust me.” He put on his black boxer briefs that looked way too good on him.

  I sat up and let the sheets slip and uncover my chest. “Let's get to work then.”

  Ryker stared at my tits, not even hearing what I said. I could see his length grow hard in his underwear. “We need to take care of this first,” he said, tearing off his boxers, and stroking his shaft.

  A few times a day kept running through my mind. It was only the morning and we were about to have the most insane sex. Was I really lucky enough to get more of him today?


  After taking a shower to wash all of Ryker's cum off my chest, we were finally ready to clean this place of the crimes we committed. Even if the cops somehow found us, we had a pretty convincing argument for self-defense. But why take the chance? We could bury the bodies and never have to worry about it again. As long as nobody found this place. Which Ryker assured me wouldn't happen.

  I trusted him.

  I came into the living room to find Ian and Russel wrapped in plastic sheeting. Their lifeless eyes stared at me. Blood stained the wood floors where they were killed. As I approached, the smell was already unbearable. Plugging my nose did nothing and I had to bend over to gag.

  “Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Just breathe through your mouth,” Ryker said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

  I did as I was told and inhaled through my mouth. The stench of rotting flesh began to subside. “I think I'm okay.”

  “This your first body?”

  “Why? Just because I was a virgin means that e
very experience I have has to be my first?”

  Ryker put his hands up in defense. “Of course not. It's just that most people have never been around one before.”

  “Well this is my first body.” I tried to keep a straight face for as long as possible but cracked a smile first. We both doubled over laughing. If someone had walked in on us and seen us laughing over corpses, they'd think us insane. And maybe we were.

  “Help me carry these to the backyard.” Ryker picked up Ian by the shoulders and I grabbed the legs. The body was extremely heavy. Heavier than I would have ever expected. Ryker did most of the work dragging the body. Now I understood the need for plastic sheeting. Without it, we would've had a blood trail leading all the way from the living room to the backyard.

  After some back-breaking work, all four bodies were lined up next to each other outside. “We're not digging with our hands are we?” I asked, wiping the sweat from my brow.

  Ryker picked up a shovel. “I'll dig. I need you back inside cleaning the blood off the floors. There's some cleaning supplies underneath the kitchen sink.” The thought of all that blood made me a little woozy but it beat digging in the heat next to the worst smell I'd ever experienced.

  “What chemicals will get blood out?”

  “Doesn't matter. We just need the place to look clean.”

  I understood. We didn't want to give anyone a reason to look in the first place. I went inside and to the kitchen. There wasn't much in the way of cleaning supplies. Just some surface cleaner and some dirty rags.

  I worked on the two blood stains while watching Ryker dig outside with his shirt off. Sweat dripped off his inked chest. I wanted to feel his warm naked skin against mine. I couldn't even go an hour after sex without desiring him again. Maybe a few times a day wouldn't be enough?

  I finished cleaning and went out to check on Ryker's progress. The hole in the dirt wasn't very big but he had twisted and crammed the four bodies into it. Once it was covered, there was only one thing left to do.

  We stood at the edge of the lake and watched as the Murphy's white SUV sank into the water front first. I held Ryker's hand and closed my eyes, feeling the sun on my face.

  It was all over.

  Ryker turned to me and held my hand. “I love you, Tempest.”

  My heartbeat spiked. Was this really happening right now?The crazy thing was that I loved him too. “I love you too, Ryker.”

  Ryker smiled and kissed me. I melted right away in his arms. Things were moving so quickly but I couldn't help the way I felt. This man was the one for me and there was nothing I could do to change that.

  “What do we do now?” I asked.

  “Go back to my place?” Ryker suggested, slipping a hand down the back of my jeans.

  “I don't know if I can wait that long,” I replied, leaning over and unzipping his jeans.

  “Baby, you're the best,” he moaned as I put his entire length into my mouth.

  Chapter Ten


  One Month Later

  When I killed the Murphy brothers, I didn't realize that I'd be out of a job. I never held a real job my entire life. Being an enforcer was all I knew. Tempest wanted me to take over the Murphy family since their was nobody to take charge anymore. The thought had crossed my mind but ruling an empire was never an ambition of mine. I didn't have the brains for it. The only thing I was good at was beating the living shit out of people.

  Tempest decided to go back to school to finish her degree. She had overcome so much and now was the time for her to regain her old life. She still got cravings for heroin but I was always there to keep her focused on what mattered. Tempest started going to an addicts anonymous that seemed to being helping too.

  I wanted her to feel normal again but I couldn't tell if I was holding her back. I was apart of this dark life that she was trying to get past. She still hadn't contacted her parents. They still believed she was missing or dead. I tried to talk her into calling them but she told me she didn't know what to say to them.

  It was almost noon when I decided to drag myself out of bed. Tempest had woken me up at the crack of dawn to ride my morning wood until I came inside her. I didn't even have to move. She did all the work until I found my release. I didn't even bother getting up to clean myself up. Tempest kissed me on the lips softly and let me fall back to sleep. A guy could get used to being woken up like that every morning.

  I went into the bathroom and took a shower to wake myself up. Tempest had spread her makeup all over the bathroom counter until there was no room left for me. I never thought I'd be in this type of situation. Normally chicks were gone the next morning and never left their stuff. I realized we were going to have to get a bigger place.

  I noticed something in the wastebasket as I dried myself off with a towel. A white and pink stick. It couldn't be what I thought it was.

  I picked it out and noticed the box underneath: Pregnancy test. I grabbed the box and examined the stick. What did a blue plus sign mean? I checked the box and dropped everything to floor—Tempest was pregnant...with my child.

  But why didn't she tell me?

  Every fear in the back of my mind crept into the forefront. Tempest thought I wasn't good enough for her. She didn't want to have a baby with me. I didn't want to believe that she would have run away.

  I went to my sock drawer and pulled out a small jewelry box. The large diamond on a silver ring glittered in the sunlight. I never got a chance to tell her how much she meant to me. I never got a chance to give her this ring and spend the rest of my life with her.

  I had to find Tempest to tell her how I felt. Maybe it wouldn't be too late.


  My entire body was frozen in ice as I saw the blue plus sign on the stick. I didn't even need to check the instructions to know for sure. My period was two weeks late and that could only mean one thing: I was pregnant.

  But how could this have happened? I'd taken my pill every night like clockwork. I opened the bathroom door and checked to make sure Ryker was still asleep. Our little early morning fuck session would keep him knocked out for awhile. I sneaked over to my side of the bed and grabbed my pill container off the nightstand.

  I went back to the bathroom and inspected my pill. Everything looked correct. I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't my fault. We must have been very lucky then.

  I sat down on the toilet and tossed the pregnancy test into the trash can. What was I going to do? Should I wake up Ryker and tell him?

  No. Not yet. I needed to confirm it. No use freaking him out if it's nothing. I'd have to skip school today and see a doctor.


  “Well Ms. Turner, you're a hundred percent pregnant,” an old man with spectacles and a white lab coat told me.

  Tears came streaming down my cheeks. I didn't know whether to be happy or scared out of mind.

  The doctor took a seat next to me and cleaned his glasses. “I take it from your reaction that this wasn't planned.”

  I shook my head, my throat closing up. “I've only known the guy for a month. I don't even know if he wants to be with me, let alone have a kid.”

  Would Ryker even make a good father? He was a killer for god's sake. Maybe it was time to run home? My parents would know what to do. But how could I ever tell them everything that happened. Would they even want me back after finding out that I became a drug addict?

  A nurse with short brown hair popped her head in. “Doctor, I have Mrs. Penbel in waiting room three.”

  “I'll be right there,” he replied. The doctor turned back towards me. “Tell your man the truth. You might be surprised by his reaction.”

  The doctor was right. Ryker had done nothing that should make me think that he would react badly. I just imagined he would tell me that it was over and leave me for good. But Ryker was a good man. We loved one another.

  I checked my cellphone—Ryker had insisted I get a new one when I moved in with him—two missed calls from Ryker. I couldn't call him back
because he'd be able to tell that something was wrong in my voice.

  I sent him a quick text:

  Tempest: Class got canceled today. Be home soon!

  Ryker replied instantly:

  Ryker: I'll be here.

  I thanked the doctor and jumped into my brand new Mazda 3. Ryker had also insisted on buying me a brand new car. I tried to refuse, reminding him that he was out of work and shouldn't spend that type of money on me. He wouldn't even hear me.


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