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They Call Me Death

Page 14

by Missy Jane

  “Certainly. I just hope you have enough bullets.”

  I felt Andor leave my mind abruptly as he took a step forward.

  “We were leaving,” he said to the men.

  All five of them looked like wolves to me, but in human form I couldn’t be certain. The one in the middle was the shortest of the five and the leanest, with more of a swimmer’s build than the others. He stepped forward when Andor did and laughed.

  “Sure you were, birdie, but now you’re not. Sandulf has unfinished business with the human. We mean to take her to him,” he replied with an evil grin.

  “I’m afraid their visit will have to wait for another day. We have a schedule to keep.”

  Andor took another step forward and I eyed the crowd around us. Most of them stepped back as soon as the shifter started speaking, trying to stay away from the obvious confrontation. We were now in the middle of a wide-open circle. There were a handful of interested bystanders, mostly women. I gave them equal scrutiny, knowing damn well we tend to be the more dangerous sex.

  The leader stepped forward again and now only a foot separated him from Andor. They were still talking, but I couldn’t hear their conversation anymore. I divided my attention between the surrounding crowd and the other four men who were inching towards Andor. Then someone leapt forward and the fight was on. I heard clothes ripping, skin hitting skin and bones breaking. I kept my gun out before me and spun in an arch with my back to Andor and the fight. No one else seemed interested in joining—just watching the men beat the hell out of each other. I turned to see Andor’s progress and smiled.

  Three of the shifters were on the floor unconscious, one in wolf form. There was blood on Andor’s back and his shirt had been ripped off. He stood between the remaining two shifters, one being the leader, and traded punches and kicks alternately. I considered shooting one of them, but he almost looked like he enjoyed it. I decided to wait.

  Then, I saw a blur from the corner of my eye and instinctively took a quick step back. Something heavy and furry hit me in the arm, nearly knocking my gun loose. However, if there’s one thing I’m good at it’s holding onto my weapon. I’ll let my clothes be ripped off before I’ll drop my weapon and this time was no exception. I fell to the floor and rolled, landing on my back with my gun out. I had a leopard on top of me with my gun in her face.

  I had a heartbeat of indecision, where I wondered who she was in human form, before I pulled the trigger. Her face disappeared in cloud of red, as the echo of the gunshot rang through my head. I felt more than saw the crowd still around me, and every eye turned my way. The leopard’s body slumped onto my stomach and legs, trapping me beneath her. I looked to Andor and saw him and the lead shifter frozen, watching me. Then, as if suddenly remembering what they were doing, Andor turned and punched the other shifter in the face, knocking him unconscious.

  I used my arms and legs to fling the body off me and quickly got to my feet. My gun was still in my hand, and people were trying to back even further away from me. Andor grabbed my arm and his pack as he pulled me to the exit. I kept expecting to be stopped again, either by the shifter guards or the humans. After all, I just shot someone in public. I glanced behind me, but the parted crowd moved together again, blocking my view of the bodies.

  We made it to the exit without further incident and Andor did his mind tricks on the four human guards. Walking into Georgetown unchallenged, I was in shock. I wanted to question Andor on our somewhat easy escape, but couldn’t even think of the words. Watching Andor didn’t faze me anymore, and that in itself worried me a bit. At what point would his animal characteristics begin to feel normal to me? Would I still think in human terms? The past few weeks in his company had done something to me and I wasn’t entirely happy about it. However, the real problem was I wasn’t entirely unhappy about it either.

  We walked away from the border and Andor pulled me into a dark alley. He pushed me against the wall gently and looked into my eyes.

  “Alexia, are you all right?”

  I stared at him for a second and nodded. I felt how wide my eyes still were. I smelled the blood on my face and neck.

  “You can put your gun away now, my sweet. We should be okay from here to your place.”

  I nodded again but made no other movement. Andor kept his eyes on mine as he reached for my gun. When he touched my hand I flinched, but allowed him to take it. He put it in the holster then took my face in his hands.

  “She would have killed you, Alexia. You had no choice but to shoot her.”

  I began to shake and Andor pulled me into his arms.

  “Wh-what’s wrong w-with me? I don’t even care that I sh-shot her. I-I don’t.”

  “Shh, all will be well. You just need to relax after having so much adrenaline pumping through you.”

  He sounded so calm, and reasonable. I tried not to think about the fact that I’d seen and done worse. I tried not to feel the blood covering the front of my body. The situation boiled down to me or her, and I’m gonna pick me every time. Why was I freaking out? I had no clue.

  I finally stopped shaking and we left the alley. It began to rain, washing the blood from my face and neck as we walked. Andor kept his arm around me until my building came into view…or what was left of my building. I felt Andor draw me tighter into his body and lift his free hand to my face. Perhaps he meant to shield the sight of the blackened husk from my eyes, but I swatted his hand away. I began to walk again toward the pile of blackened bricks that once made up my haven. It had never truly felt like home before, but the shock of losing it almost dropped me to my knees.

  “Alexia, come. We’ll find a place to clean up and return to see what is salvageable.”

  I felt my head nod in agreement without meaning to. Then Andor wrapped his arm around my waist and steered me away from the sight. I leaned into him as we walked away, feeling hot tears slip down my face.

  The nearest hotel was only four blocks away. Andor got a room quickly and steered me inside without a word. I immediately kicked off my shoes and headed to the shower, not caring what Andor chose to do in that moment. I felt so dirty and all I wanted to do was feel clean again. As the hot water cascaded down my back I thought again of shooting the leopard. My reaction still puzzled me and I replayed the events in my mind.

  What was I thinking? Why am I so uneasy? I wondered, shielding tightly to keep Andor from my thoughts.

  I remembered the leopard coming like a blur and the feel of her slamming into me. Then I remembered the thoughts going through my head.

  Andor! Have to protect him! Have to get up!

  My mind filled with the sight of blood on his bare back, his shirt in shreds on the floor. The image of the wolves hitting and slashing at him with half-clawed hands gave me goose bumps. Nausea and anger flared through me again.

  That’s it. That’s the problem, I realized. My reaction had nothing to do with killing the shifter, and everything to do with fear…fear of losing Andor. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. My wet hair lay loose against my back and I had circles under my eyes. I looked pale and thinner than the last time I remembered studying myself. I noticed something on the side of my neck and turned to see bite marks. I remembered the feel of Andor’s mouth on my skin as he filled me and my face flushed as heat infused me. I closed my eyes and smiled, knowing I wanted Andor again. And I meant to have him, soon.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, I smelled food and heard soft music. Andor was suddenly my favorite person in the world.

  “I heard that,” he said with a laugh.

  I smiled as I walked to the small table and surveyed the room service selection.

  “I didn’t know what you would want—”

  “As long as it’s warm it’s a feast,” I interrupted. The last thing I deserved from him was an apology of any kind.

  He laughed again.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  I thought about it for a moment. The near panic of befor
e was gone, but I still didn’t feel calm. I shrugged.

  “I’m okay I guess. Sorry for freaking out earlier. I don’t know what the hell that was all about.”

  “It was about being human, Alexia. It’s what separates you from the animals around you. Never be sorry for that.”

  I looked up at the sadness in his voice, but he was walking to the bathroom. I tried to think of a response but couldn’t. I began to eat.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” he said before closing the bathroom door.

  I finished my meal and sat to meditate as Andor showered. We had mere hours before our plan to infiltrate Castor Laboratories would begin. Andor seemed confident of our ability to gain entry through the front door but I had my doubts. We did have a good, solid plan, but things hadn’t been going my way and I was getting rather sick of the surprises.

  “Ah, nothing like the smell of blood to kill one’s appetite. Now, I can eat.”

  I opened my eyes and watched in fascination as Andor walked to the table and helped himself to what was left. He wore a pair of faded jeans and nothing else. His long thick hair lay damp from the shower against his golden skin. I wanted to run my fingers through that hair and lick the moisture from his back. I allowed the image to roam freely through my mind and toward his consciousness. I knew the moment he received it by the tensing of his body.


  “It occurred to me we’re about to do something very dangerous.”

  He sat to eat.

  “Yes, and the last thing either of us needs is any type of distraction.”

  I grinned while eyeing his luscious body.

  “You are already quite a distraction,” I confessed.

  He smirked, but continued to eat. I watched in fascination as the movement of his throat became erotic. His fingers looked so strong when he placed a grape in his mouth, it made me blush. Andor lifted his eyes to lock with mine and a new warmth invaded me.


  His voice in my head was so sensual it gave me goose bumps. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, holding his gaze. He continued to watch me while he placed another grape in his mouth and I decided to take control of the situation. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and began to lift it over my head. I was at the point of blindness with it over my eyes when he lifted me. By the time I dropped it to the floor he had me pinned to the bed.

  “Alexia,” he whispered in my ear, before running his lips over my skin. I shivered and wrapped my arms around him, almost afraid he might try to leave me wanting. “Never, my sweet. You have me, never doubt it.”

  I smiled as he ran his hands over my face and hair reverently, making me feel cherished and wanted. He kissed me and I sensed all of the passion we’d lacked in our last interlude. It had been almost primal and rushed, this was so much more.

  I lost myself in his kiss, holding him to me with one hand while I roamed his warm skin with the other. I couldn’t hold back the moan escaping into his mouth as I wriggled against his strong body. His arousal pressed into me and urged me into wrapping my legs around his hips.

  The kiss became more heated and he moved his hands over my skin with a singular purpose. Within heartbeats we were both naked and Andor’s mouth was traveling down my body, learning every curve and crevice along the way. I was panting, sounding more animal than human as I slipped my fingers into his hair. I closed my eyes and remembered the sensation of his feathers beneath my fingers and how erotic it was. Suddenly I felt feathers and opened my eyes to see Andor’s wings spread above me. I laughed and reached for them, gasping as Andor’s wicked tongue finally found its mark.

  Never in a million years would I have thought I’d have sex with a shifter twice in a matter of hours, much less in mid-form. Andor laved and suckled, driving me to a frenzy. I ran my hands over his back and wings making him tremble. My climax approached and his wings wrapped more tightly around us, making me feel safely cocooned. Andor’s broad shoulders spread my thighs, keeping me open for his feasting. And with one final, strong lick I exploded while shouting his name to the heavens.

  Then he was staring into my eyes with such intensity it made me shiver. His hardness pressed against the softest part of me, demanding entrance even while I still quivered from climax. I rubbed against him and felt a tremor through his frame, making me feel powerful. He said my name, but aloud or in my head I couldn’t say, before surging forward and entering me in a single thrust. I climaxed again.

  Andor held my gaze with his blazing golden eyes, demanding my full attention when he thrust into me relentlessly. I continued to run my hands over his wings urging him on with words and soft kisses. He urged one of my legs higher onto his hip to change the angle of his penetration and I moaned at the new sensation. His facial expression, as well as his body, told me he would finish soon and I continued to meet his thrusts. I threaded my fingers in his hair and pulled his mouth to mine. With a final soul-searing kiss Andor thrust into me and held me tightly against him, shouting my name in my head. I felt his release fill me before his wings disappeared.

  Andor rolled onto his back and pulled me over him. I lay like a blanket on his chest, intertwining my legs with his. He held me as I tried to catch my breath and I heard his racing heartbeat beneath my ear. It matched mine and made me smile. Then I realized…I felt happy.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Originally, I’d wanted to break into the lab, but a full review of the security system changed my mind. Not only did they have the standard human security, but quite a few shifter touches as well. One of Andor’s contacts confirmed Castor’s use of psychics within the building solely for security purposes. Their job was to scan the perimeter of the building continuously for a breach of any kind. Aside from that, the building had motion detectors and heat sensors at every possible entrance, including the air vents and drains. We couldn’t think of a sure way through every obstacle so we scrapped the break-in idea and decided to crash their party instead. All of his nifty weapons were left behind in the motel.

  Castor was holding a conference of the top human scientists from all over the world. He tried to get the government’s permission for shifters to attend as well, but there’d been enough opposition to deny it. I’d never met Castor or, as far as I knew, any of the conference attendees. Hiding in plain sight seemed safe. Andor was able to acquire credentials and forged identification for both of us. By eight o’clock that morning we were married scientists from France.

  “You know, I don’t speak a lick of French,” I said as we walked down the street.

  I was trying not to squirm at the sensation of air on my bare calves. Andor snuck out of our room as I showered again to buy more suitable clothes, and he’d chosen a sundress for me. I couldn’t remember the last time I wore anything other than my uniform and felt a bit exposed. But he looked good enough to eat in his polo shirt and slacks.

  Andor looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled, well aware of my discomfort and wayward thoughts. He was holding my hand and I was enjoying the warmth of his skin.

  “That’s all right, ma chérie, I shall speak for both of us,” he replied with a flawless accent.

  I laughed. “You don’t know me well if you think I can remain silent for any length of time.”

  His laughter was sudden and complete, such a joyous sound I nearly stopped walking so I could stare at him.

  “What?” he asked while still laughing.

  “I don’t think I’ve heard you really laugh till now.”

  He smiled at me and shook his head.

  “I guess nothing seemed funny till now.”

  This time I laughed, until he silenced me with a kiss that took my breath away.

  “Andor, we’re on a public street,” I protested with a half-hearted shove to his chest.

  There was a flash of regret in his eyes that he immediately masked with a grin.

  “Feeling scandalized by the animal, dearling?”

  I frowned and opened my mouth to object
but he placed a finger on my lips and shook his head.

  “We’ll have this discussion later, sweet. Right now we must concentrate on the task ahead.”

  I closed my mouth until he removed his finger.

  “Damn right we’ll discuss it later,” I grumbled.

  He chuckled as we resumed walking. I took a deep breath and pushed away my anger and frustration. Here I was finally warming to the idea of having a shifter in my life and he was still full of the same hang-ups. I knew it would take some time for him to get over it but prayed it wouldn’t take too long. I didn’t know how long I could wait.

  Rather than dwell on those thoughts, I ran through our plan. We would sneak into the heart of the laboratory and find our way to the lower levels, the ones not on the blueprints. Andor’s remarkable and nameless resources assured him there were three sublevels of the Castor compound only the most trusted employees had access to. He felt certain we would find the shifters there, if they were in the compound at all.

  “Andor, once we’re inside how will we find them? I mean the sublevels are sure to be as extensive as the upper floors, don’t you think?”

  He frowned at me for a second, looking oddly uncomfortable. Then he shrugged and gripped my hand a bit tighter.

  “There is something I haven’t told you yet about shifter telepathy,” he replied.

  I felt a chill go down my back. Every time he revealed a shifter secret it seemed to spell more trouble for humans.

  “What’s that?” I asked, trying to sound only mildly curious.

  He ran his thumb over my knuckles before bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing the inside of my wrist.

  “Do not fret, sweet. It’s nothing that would affect you and yours. Basically, shifters have a psychic link to their offspring until death. If Emily is in the building I’ll feel her once we get through the initial barriers guarding the place.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s a good thing.”

  He smiled at me and kissed my knuckles.

  “Yes, my dear Alexia. It is a very good thing.”


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