Must Be Doing Something Right

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Must Be Doing Something Right Page 5

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “And what kind of plan do you suggest?”

  Arran winked and placed the glass in the bar sink with a clunk. “That’s what you have to figure out.”

  As his brain whirled a mile a minute, Nate drew a ragged breath. What were his options? Chase her and watch her walk away forever. No way. Beg on bended knee and hope she listened to the truth? Fat chance. Give her time to decide on her own? He jabbed the heels of his hands into his eyes. “Well, fuck if I know what to do.”

  Arran shook his head. “Welcome to my life.”

  Chapter Six

  On a sigh, Nate pushed back from his desk. The wheels of his office chair squeaked as he rolled across the thick carpet. He sat back and folded his hands behind his head. During the past week, he drafted four wills and sat in on the reading of another. During his off hours, he wasted time behind the bar at the restaurant in order to keep an eye on Courteney. Although she smiled for the customers, the sparkle faded in her eyes. The spring was gone from her step. Each night, she left moments after clocking out.

  He considered kicking his own ass. Only a fool would lie to get where he wanted. Consider him a grade-A idiot.

  After swiping his gaze over his desk, he focused on her picture. From the image, taken at the Mardi Gras party at the pizzeria, she grinned over his shoulder. Her dark eyes glittered. He averted his attention. The urge to call her and kiss away her tears warred with the need to give her space.

  As he lowered his hands, his fingers swiped over his silk tie. Bittersweet sensual memories flooded his brain. His cock stiffened behind his trouser zipper. As much as he needed to be in control, being submissive to Courteney had turned him inside out. Her caress made him hard. Her smile warmed his blood to fever. The way she sighed, the way she screamed when he entered her, the fact that she let him in her most sacred places—he pounded his fist on the oak surface. Why did he have to succumb to the lie? Why didn’t he just talk to her and tell her why he lived the life he led?

  A tear slipped down his cheek. “Little one, give me another chance.”

  After a long sigh, something his grandmother always said came to mind: Life gives you chances, but it’s up to you to take them.

  He opened his eyes and slid his hands over the armrests of the chair. If Courteney pushed him away after he laid himself bare, then he’d take the hint, but he’d never give up on the woman he loved.

  In one swift motion, he stood, grabbed his keys and strode out the door.

  “Little one, I’m yours.”

  * * * *

  Thirty minutes after the lunch rush settled, Courteney sat at the bar to organise her bills and receipts. She puffed a long breath. Thank God for the brisk business. Each time she walked into the office to turn in her money or to clock out, memories of her time with Nate bombarded her brain.

  She tapped the stack of tens and twenties against the wooden surface and ran her finger over the ruffled edges. Money caused the other problems in her life—Byron’s infidelity, her parent’s divorce, her struggles to make ends meet. How did she not see Nate’s true colours?

  Simple. She loved him and love made her blind. Again.

  Or was it that he didn’t flaunt his wealth? The more she thought about him, the more she realised how much she didn’t know. In the past year, she’d never been to his apartment. She’d never met his folks. If they went out, he drove and they ended up at Besta Pizza.

  Was he ashamed of her?

  As she raked a hand through her ponytail, Arran came out of the kitchen. “I have lunch on the house, my dear!” Tugging a slice of pizza from the hot pizza pan, he placed the food on a white plate before her. “Lots of mushrooms and cheese, just like you like.”

  “Thanks, Arran.” Her mouth watered and her stomach rumbled. “It looks delicious.”

  While she devoured the slice, he folded his arms. “So, how’d you do, Court? We were hopping there between eleven and one.”

  She nodded and spoke between bites of gooey cheese. “About seventy-five. Good for a Friday.”

  “Cool.” He slid a piece of pizza from the dish and nibbled on the crust.

  Crooking a brow, she took a sip of her soda. The sugary drink rolled around on her tongue, reminding her of Nate’s kiss. Shit. Anything but him! She narrowed her gaze at her boss. “What else is on your mind? I can see the wheels turning. Blue smoke is coming out of your ears.”

  “You work too hard.” As he drummed the fingers of his left hand on the bar, Arran filled a tall glass with ginger ale. “How’s life treating you away from this fine establishment?”

  “I’m alive.” Depressed, tired, let down, and ready to scream, but all-in-all, alive.

  “So…” He leaned on his forearms and held open his palms. “You and Nate—”

  “Aren’t anything.” Not anymore. She bit down hard on her bottom lip. So why did she want him to be more when she didn’t have the brass to confront him?

  “That was quick.” Arran’s shoulders slumped and he raked his fingers through his short blond hair. “I’m gonna get serious now and I want you to be honest with me. Do you love him?”

  Oh hell. Emotions swirled through her brain—love, frustration, desire, disgust. How did Nate provoke such extremes? “Yes…no…I don’t know. I mean, I do. I love him so much, but how can I trust him? And you!”

  “Me?” His brows arched and his blue eyes widened.

  “Yeah. You knew and never said anything!” He watched her walk into Nate’s trap and never bothered to warn her.

  “Court, it’s not my place.” He swiped both hands over his eyes. “But I can tell you this—he’s not like Byron. No one is.”

  “Really? How do I know he won’t decide one day that I’ve lost my lustre?” Angry tears streamed down her cheeks. “How can I be sure he won’t up and leave with the excuse that he can buy a better model?”

  “Because I won’t.”

  When she turned, Nate stood behind her. Air rushed out of her lungs. His suit jacket draped over his arm and his silk tie sat askew from his collar. Dark circles ringed his eyes. A five o’clock shadow dusted his cheeks. Her heart melted. He looked as sad as she felt—maybe more.

  Arran put his palms in the air. “Let it be known, I said nothing.”

  Nate cleared his throat. “Can you give me a minute?”

  With a nod, Arran retreated to the kitchen and left her alone with Nate. Absentmindedly brushing her hair from her eyes, Courteney licked her lips. What did he have to say? His simple statement echoed in her ears. Because I won’t. Every cell in her body wanted to believe him.

  He sat on the stool next to her and propped his elbows on the moulding. Dropping his head into his hands, he sighed. “When I was twelve, my grandfather asked me what I wanted to do with my life. I told him I wanted to be a lawyer because I liked to argue. He told me the only man he respected was a man who knew how to use his hands. He died when I was sixteen and he left me thirty thousand dollars. Instead of using the money for school or to party, I put it in the bank. I worked my way through school with my Uncle Russ’s construction company and got a law degree. I learned to use my hands and my brain.”

  As he looked up at their reflection in the mirror, his gaze snagged hers. “Six years ago, Arran told me he wanted to open a pizzeria and could I do the legal stuff. I put up the collateral to get him the building. He’s tried to pay me back four or five times, but I won’t take it. Using it to start Besta is my way of showing Grandpa that I can work with my hands and my brain.”

  When he paused, giggles echoed in the quiet foyer. Shandy and Khloe, two of the afternoon waitresses, strolled into the dining room. Both women sauntered up to Nate. Shandy ran her blood red nails over his tie. “We hear you’re back on the market. Who knew you looked so sexy in formal wear?”

  Khloe edged around Courteney and bumped her with her perfect ass. “Let the pros take it from here. We know how to satisfy a man of your…calibre. If we’d have known you were the boss, we’d have given you special treatment long
ago. ”

  Courteney grabbed Khloe’s arm and shoved her to the side. Time to stand up for herself and claim her man. “We were talking. Beat it.”

  After clearing his throat, Nate stood. “Ladies, why don’t you meet me in the kitchen in ten minutes?” He pinned his gaze on Courteney. “I’ll see you in the office. Now.”

  She shivered. Oh, hell.

  When he forced his feet to move, Nate strode through the kitchen into the office. If Courteney followed, fine. If not, then he’d carry her there. When he turned to hold open the door, she slipped into the room.

  With the door closed, he crossed the room and sat on the edge of the desk. A flood of memories washed over him as he folded his arms. Time to take his chance.

  “I don’t sue people and I don’t put murderers in jail. I write wills and help the elderly figure out what to do with their money once they’re gone. I never meant to hurt you and I didn’t want to lie. But like any other guy, I wanted to know you liked me for me and not my job.” He paused. So many more words came to mind. “Those women don’t mean a thing to me. My heart and soul belong to you.”

  Courteney toyed with her hands. “You don’t give a girl a chance.” Her words came out in a whisper.

  A tiny voice in the back of his mind screamed, take the chance. Damn right. He squared his shoulders. “I want you to love me the way I love you.”

  There, he laid his heart bare for her to rip to shreds.

  The deep mocha of her eyes softened to the colour of bitter chocolate. A smile curled the corner of her mouth. “I always loved you.”

  When he stood silent, processing her words, she launched herself into his arms. Without thinking, he cuddled her in his embrace. Soft strands of her hair tickled his nose. Her lavender scent, mixed with the sweet aroma of pizza dough and sweat flooded his senses. Did she say she loved him—even after all the shitty things he’d done? Although he wasn’t much of a religious man, he prayed she still had room in her heart for him.

  After a moment, she tipped her head back to meet his gaze. “Yes.”

  The synapses in his brain misfired. “What? Say that again.”

  “Only if you say it.”

  With a grin, he knew the precise words she needed to hear. “I love you, little one.”

  “I love you, too, Nate. So much. I don’t want to lose you. Ever.”

  “Then show me.”

  “Show you?” Hiking her skirt up over her hips, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her cotton panties and tugged them away from her body. “I think I can manage that, but we need to clear off the desk and lock the door.”

  “Fuck the door.” Swiping his hand across the oak surface, he shoved the stack of order forms, moneybags and pens to the floor. “As for the desk—done.”

  “Well, then lay back.” Her eyes glittered. “Let me please you, because I don’t want to fuck the door.”

  “Give me a taste of your honey sweetness.” Please him? In every way possible, yes, she made him happy. And he’d never let her go.

  As her nimble fingers unbuttoned his jeans and yanked them down his thighs, she crawled into his lap. “Nah, I’d rather go for a ride.”

  She grasped his cock and impaled herself on his length. A long gasp passed between her lips. Smoothing his hands underneath her cotton blouse, he cupped her breasts and pinched the hard nipples.

  “Yes, mistress.” This time, he gasped. Love surged in his heart—for her.

  Courteney braced her hands on his shoulders and rocked back and forth, building friction at their joining. “I love you so much.” Her blunt nails bit into his skin. “Oh my God! Touch me.”

  With a light tap, he slapped her ass. “I am, Courteney.”

  As she squeaked with excitement, her thrusts increased. She threw her head back and moaned. The sight of her in the throes of orgasm shook him to the core and brought on his climax. He surged up to embed himself deep in her womb. A feral cry ripped from his throat.

  When she collapsed on top of him, he wrapped his arms around her shuddering body. He kissed the top of her head, sure of his feelings and her desires. “I love you, little one. Forever.”

  Panting, Courteney rested her head on Nate’s shoulder. “So I made love to the boss on his own desk—not once, but twice. I think that means one of us can nail the other for sexual harassment.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “And lose out on the best sex?” Hell, he owned her heart. No way she’d walk away from him. “Never.”

  “Then marry me and become co-owner so we can make love on our desk whenever we want.”

  Using her elbow to prop herself up, Courteney peered at him. His words took a moment to register. Marry? Her? Whoa. “You’re serious? What about Arran?”

  “I never joke about marriage.” Despite his position on his back, Nate reached down and opened one of the drawers. He produced a flocked, black box. “Will you marry me? I’ll buy Arran his own desk to defile.”

  Courteney gasped. All her dreams, her naughtiest wishes, and her fantasies came true in the space of a week. In her mind, she saw them sitting together on a swing as an elderly couple. Yes, he was her other half. Her life might not be picture-perfect, but maybe perfect wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She loved him, his faults, and his heart no matter what.

  She nodded and dragged her gaze from the box to his. “I will.”

  He slipped the marquis-cut diamond ring onto her finger. “Then I think this calls for celebration sex.” He eased his hands up her arms then settled them on her ass. “But this time, I’m the leader.”

  “Yes, master.”

  About the Author

  I always dreamed of writing the stories in my head. Tall, dark and handsome heroes are my favourites, as long as he has an independent woman keeping him in line.

  I earned a BA in education at KentStateUniversity and currently hold a Masters in Education with NovaSoutheasternUniversity.

  I love NASCAR, romance, books in general, Ohio farmland, dirty racing and my menagerie of animals.

  Email: [email protected]

  Wendi loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Wendi Zwaduk

  Learning How to Bend

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