The Truest Thing: Hart's Boardwalk #4

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The Truest Thing: Hart's Boardwalk #4 Page 9

by Samantha Young

  She opened her mouth to answer, but the kid beat her to it.

  “I wasn’t bothering her. I was introducing myself.” His dark eyes moved to Emery. “I couldn’t not introduce myself to such an angel.”

  Even though Jack had attributed the same description to Emery, he snorted in derision at the compliment.

  “Move along, pal.”

  “Apologies.” The tourist nodded his head in an old-fashioned kind of gesture. “I didn’t realize the lady was spoken for. Have a good night.” He wandered casually back into Antonio’s.

  “You okay?” Jack turned to Em. His chin jerked back in shock at her expression.

  She was glowering.

  Like full-on, appeared to want to rip off his head glowering at him.


  Without a word, Emery strode away, her strides inhibited by the tight, clingy dress. She dumped her half-eaten cone in a trash can and tried to hurry away.


  Jack jogged after her. “What did I do?”

  That blush of hers reached right down to her cleavage, something Jack was trying very hard not to notice. Especially since she was pissed at him and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. She shot him an incredulous look as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. There were new piercings along her cuff. He wondered when she’d gotten those. “You … what did you do?” she huffed in exasperation.

  “I thought I was helping you out. I thought that tourist was bothering you. I know you’re shy, Em … I know you’re uncomfortable around strangers.” That, and I was jealous as hell.

  “You don’t know me,” she hissed, wrapping her arms around her waist. “I was perfectly happy for the extremely well-mannered tourist to talk to me.”

  The jealousy tightened his chest. “It didn’t look that way to me.”

  “Oh, really? You discerned my discomfort in the two-point-five seconds you allowed our interaction before interrupting us?”

  “You don’t date. I don’t know why you don’t date, but you don’t. So, I thought I was helping.”

  Her pale-blue eyes were the iciest he’d ever seen them, and it cut Jack to the quick. “You don’t know if I date. You don’t know anything about me.”

  “So, you date?” Who the hell was she dating?

  “That’s none of your business. Now stop following me.”

  A couple threw them a concerned look as they passed, and Jack decided he was done having this conversation in public. Grabbing Em’s upper arm, he pulled her down the lane between her building and Cooper’s. She protested, but he didn’t stop until darkness almost completely shrouded them. Light over the bar’s back door was the only reprieve, casting a yellow glow over Em as he maneuvered her against the wall of her shop.

  “What are you doing?” She gaped up at him.

  “I’m sick of chasing you down the boards.” Something light and sweet and floral filled his nose, and he realized it was Em. He leaned his hands on the wall on either side of her head, blocking any escape. Jack was careful, however, not to touch his body to hers.

  He’d lose his mind if he did that.

  Emery swallowed hard, and Jack studied every flicker and nuance of emotion on her face, fascinated by her.

  Why her? he thought. Why did she have to be so beautiful to him in every way?

  It fucking hurt.

  It would be best if she hated him too. But the very idea … Jack was sure if Em hated him, he’d be done for. The anger eating away at Jack would consume him.

  “Don’t be angry at me,” he said gruffly, studying her expression. “I thought I was helping you. I promise.”

  “Were you jealous?” she blurted. Her eyes grew round, like she couldn’t believe she’d asked.

  She was so goddamn adorable, it killed him. Because she was everything. He didn’t know one woman could be so much. Smart. Kind. Oblivious. Perceptive. Sexy. Beautiful. Classy. Awkward. Graceful. Innocent. Wise. And cute as hell. Jack huffed out an aggravated burst of laughter.

  It would be so easy, he thought, weary to his bones, to just give in to her. Jack bent his head, breathing her in as he rested his forehead on her shoulder near the crook of her neck.

  “Jack?” she whispered.

  He could feel her chest rising and falling faster as his nearness affected her.


  She smelled so good. What would it be like to lie with her skin to skin, wrapped up together, just breathing each other in? To confide everything and have her be a safe place to fall?

  Jack turned his head so his nose pressed to her skin and he groaned, melting deeper as images of losing himself in her filled his mind. He buried his head in her throat, feeling her pulse flutter wildly against his lips. He brushed his lips against the flutter. Another brush, her skin soft and warm. Then he touched his tongue to her pulse, and her whimper of need was like a lightning bolt down his spine and straight to his dick.

  “Jack,” she breathed his name. It was a plea.

  And he lost his mind.

  He lifted his head, looked into her desire-filled eyes, and lost his fucking mind.

  His lips crashed down over hers as he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her from the wall and against his body.

  She kissed him back. Just like she’d kissed him on the beach all those years ago.

  Emery Saunders may have been a good girl.

  But she sure as hell didn’t kiss like one.

  She kissed him like she couldn’t breathe without those kisses. Hungry, deep, savage kisses that fired his blood. Her hands were just as hungry. Searching. Touching. Caressing.

  He returned the favor, thrilled at the sound of her bracelets jangling in his ears as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Then he zeroed in on the one place he’d wanted to touch since the moment he’d seen her.

  Jack slid his hands down her slender back and cupped her ass. He groaned down her throat at the feel of her. Firm, supple, round cheeks that he wanted to bite.

  He wanted Em naked on her knees, that beautiful ass in his hands as he fucked her. They stumbled back against the wall as the images made him more desperate, starving. His dick was rock hard against Em’s belly.

  All Jack would have to do was lower himself just a little and then press up, and he’d be right between her sweet thighs.

  As if his body had a mind of his own, it did just that, his dick pushing against his jeans and the fabric of her dress between her legs. The dress was in the way. Swallowing Em’s breathy moans in his kiss, Jack fumbled for the material, bunching it in his fist, pulling it upward.

  “Jack!” she gasped, breaking the kiss, her hands pressing against his chest.

  For a moment he was confused, still lost in the fog of lust.

  Then her hands covered his where he was pulling up her dress.

  “Not here.”

  Realizing he was mauling at this angel like she was a quick dirty fuck in a back alley, Jack stumbled, his stomach feeling sick.

  What was he even doing touching her?

  Selfish bastard that he was.

  He was a selfish fucking bastard and no better than his father.

  “Jack?” Em pushed down her dress and fidgeted with her hair as she stared unsurely up at him.

  He squeezed his eyes closed, remorse flooding him.

  Remorse and anger.

  Because she’d never be his, and he was a dick for touching her. Again.

  “I’m sorry.” He looked at her now. “I’m so sorry, Em. This won’t happen again.”

  Hurt and rejection flashed across her face.

  Jack moved to her, but she held up a hand against him.

  “You deserve better than me,” he explained. “You deserve a hell of a lot better than me.”

  Emery tilted her chin stubbornly. “Isn’t that up to me to decide?”

  He smiled at her naivety and couldn’t help but reach out to stroke her cheek. “Not this time.”

  “Jack.” She tried to capture his hand, but he wit
hdrew it. “Jack, why won’t you tell me what’s going on with you? What’s been going on for years?”

  Just like that, he was ice again.

  Because no one he cared about could ever know the truth. It was too dangerous for them. “I’ll walk you home.”

  Hearing the chill in his tone, Emery’s expression closed down. “No, thank you. I can see myself home.” She walked out of the lane without a backward glance. Jack followed at a slow pace.

  He followed until he saw her disappear along the sand dunes and then watched from a distance as she let herself into her beach house.

  Assured she was safely home, Jack retreated.

  As he strolled down the boards, he tried to find the numbness that kept him moving through the days.

  He struggled.

  He struggled because he could still feel Em’s warmth.

  And that’s when he knew what he would do.

  Jack left the boards in search of Vanessa Hartwell.

  He couldn’t let her sell the shares to Bailey’s inn to his father, so he had to control that situation. Had to manipulate her to protect Bailey. If that meant sleeping with Vanessa, then fine. She’d numb him to his bones, just like he needed.

  And eventually Em would find out.

  And she’d hate him.

  Maybe that would crush Jack.

  No maybe about it.

  It would.

  But it would be the best thing for Emery.

  That was all that mattered.



  One year ago

  I’d lied to Bailey. Right to her face.

  It happened two days after Jack had scared off a potential suitor on the boardwalk and then proceeded to kiss the life out of me only to turn cold once again. For some inexplicable reason, he’d come into my store while Bailey was there. Remembering our kisses in the alley, I was sure I’d turned redder than a stoplight. I hadn’t wanted to touch or talk to him. I’d just wanted him out of there before Bailey noticed anything unusual between us.

  Too late.

  She’d pounced on me about Jack. So, I’d lied. I’d pretended Jack and I didn’t even know each other. I’d told her I wouldn’t jeopardize my friendships by pursuing a Devlin. The truth was, however, I wouldn’t jeopardize my sanity by pursuing Jack Devlin.

  He was the one man I’d decided to trust in almost a decade, and once again, I’d chosen the wrong man.

  I knew that for a fact now.

  Jack was sleeping with Vanessa Hartwell. He was using her as part of his father’s manipulations to get his grasping paws on shares of Bailey’s inn.

  The thought made me sick.

  I tried desperately to not let thoughts of Jack invade during Jessica and Cooper’s wedding, but it was not the easiest of tasks. I was elated for Jess, overjoyed watching her marry the love of her life. And I was so honored to be a bridesmaid with Bailey and Dahlia.

  As expected all eyes were on Jessica and Cooper… until they were on Bailey and Vaughn. Why? Because Vaughn punched out some guy at the wedding who, once upon a time, had broken Bailey’s heart.

  It was all very romantic and entertaining.

  But then everyone started mingling again, and I was overwhelmed by attention from guests who wanted a chance to speak with me. Yes, I’d made a lot of progress in my friendships, but being surrounded by this many people was still out of my comfort zone.

  Dahlia seemed to catch my deer-in-the-headlights look as Kell Summers, a councilman and town event planner, hinted about Emery’s Bookstore and Coffeehouse hosting a stall at Winter Carnival this year.

  “Hey, Em.” Dahlia sidled up to me, wrapping her arm around my waist. It was a comical embrace as her head barely came to my shoulder. “Jess was looking for you.”

  “She was?”

  “Uh-huh. Why don’t you go check that out?”

  The stunted quality of her tone alerted me that she was lying to rescue me, and I smiled gratefully. “I will do that. Excuse me.” I gave Kell a polite smile and hurried away.

  And by away, I mean I hurried right out of Paradise Sands Hotel where the reception was being held.

  It was nighttime, the boardwalk lit up. I shivered as the ocean breeze swept over the boards, carrying with it the scent of sea salt that did nothing to mask the smells of popcorn, caramel, and burgers that pervaded every inch of the esplanade.

  Goose bumps prickled down my arms. I was wearing the strapless teal bridesmaid dress Jess had picked out.

  I’d heard horror stories about bridesmaid dresses, but Jess had great taste. We’d all worn the same color but in a style that suited our individual figures.


  The deep voice drew my attention. Jack. He leaned against the hotel, a bottle of beer in his hand. His hair was a sexy mess. Instead of the stylish suit he usually wore, he was in a T-shirt and jeans.

  Images of him with Vanessa at this very hotel filled my head and chilled my bones.

  Vaughn had caught them. He’d seen Jack and Vanessa disappear into a hotel room, all over each other, just minutes after the morning he’d come into buy two coffees when Bailey was there to witness our interaction. Had he been sleeping with Vanessa when he kissed me?

  How could I have been so wrong about him?

  For years, I’d held on to the belief that Jack Devlin was a good person beneath his mysterious transformation.

  What a blind fool I’d been.

  Jack pushed off the building, taking a swig of beer. He walked closer, and it took everything within me not to run.

  Then the light from the hotel hit his eyes, and my breath caught.

  Grief. His eyes were dark with grief.


  “Coop and Jess tied the knot, then?” His eyes flew to the hotel doors.

  And that’s when I understood.


  Jack’s gaze came back to mine. All tortured, making my heart ache for him despite him having hurt me. Damn him. “He’s happy?”

  I nodded. “I’ve never seen a man happier.”

  “Good.” His eyes brightened, and he took another long drink of his beer. It seemed like an attempt to get a hold on his emotion.

  There was a long silence between us and then his eyes drifted down my body and back up. “You look beautiful. But then, you always do.”

  I didn’t blush. Not this time. “You should go home, Jack.”

  His lips quirked in derision. “You heard.”

  “About Vanessa. Yes.”

  The muscle in his jaw ticked and he stared out at the ocean.

  “Were you sleeping with her when you kissed me?” I had to ask. I had to know.

  He didn’t look at me. “Does it matter?”

  Pain flared across my chest, a hurt so deep, a little gasp escaped me.

  Something like remorse flickered over his face.

  Or maybe that’s just what I wanted to believe.

  Angry, I took a step toward him. He watched me warily. “I won’t let you hurt Bailey.”

  He huffed. “So now you’re finally starting to believe I’m not a good guy?”

  “Sleeping with Vanessa Hartwell because your father wants Bailey’s inn is not the action of a good man.”

  Jack glowered at me.

  Tired of this dance between us, I shook my head in exasperation and turned to go. But his hand wrapped around my arm, halting me. I could feel the heat of his touch everywhere, not just on my bicep. “Let me go,” I whispered.

  Those blue-gray eyes of his were bright with intensity. “I would never let anything happen to Bailey. I know what I’m doing.” Then he cursed, letting go of my arm. “What the hell do you do to me?” he breathed quietly, shaking his head as if in disbelief.

  I hated that I cared that he was in turmoil.

  But I couldn’t trust him anymore.

  “Go home, Jack. If you’re here to make amends with Cooper, tonight is not the night.”

  “Amends.” He scoffed, throwing me a “you�
�re joking, right?” look. “Sunrise, you can’t make amends for what I did to him.”

  “I don’t know if that’s true. What is true is that you can stop making things worse. Do you know that before Vanessa, Bailey never gave up on you? She believed, like I believed, that there was a reason for all you’ve done. But Vanessa was a step too far, even for Bailey. You’re spiraling, Jack. Please stop before you lose the chance to come back from this.”

  Jack’s eyes lowered to the ground. I thought he wouldn’t respond but then he bit out, “And for you? Is Vanessa a step too far for you?”

  The question pierced me. Painful and sharp. “I … I guess she was just a reminder.”

  “A reminder?”

  “Of how you see and treat women. I’m not special to you, Jack.”

  His expression turned baleful. Furious.

  That only made me madder. “In fact, some might say flirting with the town’s shy bookstore owner whenever it strikes your fancy makes you kind of a dick.” I was as stunned as he was by my honesty. But I was also proud of myself. “I’m done letting you toy with me whenever it amuses you.” I turned from his shocked expression and marched back into the hotel to escape him.

  Shaking, I hurried to the restrooms.

  As brave as I’d been with Jack, it was enough for one evening.

  I hid in the ladies’ until it was safe to go home.


  He’d wanted to get drunk that night because his best friend was finally marrying the right woman, and he wouldn’t be there to see it.

  However, as Emery’s words echoed around in his head, Jack found himself getting drunk because of her.

  It was one thing suspecting what your actions might cause … it was another experiencing the consequences.

  Not only did Em hate him for sleeping with Vanessa, now she thought all their interactions over the years were just him fucking around with her.

  He tried to tell himself it was for the best.

  But he couldn’t stand it.

  He couldn’t stand the awful pain in his chest, in his gut. Everything fucking hurt.

  So he went home and cracked open the whisky.

  He wanted nothing but oblivion now.


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