Sinful Temptations (Forbidden Love Series Book 1)

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Sinful Temptations (Forbidden Love Series Book 1) Page 12

by Kelsey King

  “This guy was kind of like that. He’s around our age, though. Probably in his late twenties,” I say, deep in the memory of the handsome brown-haired stranger.

  “So who is he? What’s his name?” Callie asks, noticing how lost I am in my thoughts.

  “There's nothing much to say. His name is Tate, and he’s sexy as sin,” I say with a giggle, finishing off my drink.

  “Ohh?” Callie says, always on the lookout for a new booty call. There's always handsome tourists traveling through, but it seems like there are very few prospects that actually live in Whitefish.

  “Yes, I was surprised. He's hot. Had this whole rugged thing going on with long hair on one side and a scruffy dark beard.”

  “Mmm. You know how I love a man with a beard,” she teases with a popped eyebrow.

  “Right? Totally not my usual type but the whole look was really working for me. There was something…intriguing about it actually. Oh! He also had a dog with him. A huge dog!”

  “Man with a dog. Why is that so hot?” she taunts. “Please tell me you slipped him your number.”

  I laugh. “I thought about it, but chickened out. Also, he left me a one-hundred dollar tip!”

  Her eyes practically bulge out of her head. “So he’s rich, has a dog, a beard, and a nice body? What the hell? You get all the luck.”

  I start laughing and nearly spit out my beer because Callie has a point.

  “I probably would’ve given him my panties,” she spits out.

  We start laughing even more, and I swear she says this kind of shit for shock value.

  This is why I look forward to hanging out with Callie. It’s our time to laugh and decompress. I know I can share anything with her, and she won’t judge me. There’s nothing better than friendship like this. She doesn’t judge my small house, which I have to admit is a mess at the moment, but in the darkness of night, it's less noticeable. The Christmas lights strung up in my living room are the majority of the illumination in the place. I know it’s summer, but I love the soft glow they cast.

  “So, do you think he’ll come back to the café?” Callie asks. We have polished off the chips, and she eventually dumps the bag of crumbs in her mouth.

  “Probably not. Doubt he even gave me a second look. I’m sure he’s not interested in me. Look at me.”

  “Brianna Carson, shut the hell up. You’re one of the prettiest girls in town, and you know it.” She eyes me.

  “Quit stroking my ego, Cal.”

  “You see, that’s your problem,” Callie says, getting up to find another beer in the fridge. “You're freakin' gorgeous. If I were you, I'd be asking hot people on dates left and right.”

  “Stop it. You know you can have anyone you want,” I say. And it’s true. Not only is Callie beautiful, but she’s also feisty and guys like that.

  “I’m twenty pounds away from hot.”

  “Callie, I’m going to hit you if you say that again,” I say, throwing the empty corn chip bag in her direction.

  “I was supposed to work on my summer body in the winter. I failed!” Callie looks down at her belly and tries to grab fat, but she has none. She likes to joke about her weight even though she's always been small and petite.

  I shake my head and roll my eyes.

  “Anyway, you’ve got to find this guy and ask him out,” Callie says matter-of-factly, plopping back into the couch with her cold beer.

  I laugh at her. “Callie, it's not going to happen. He's lived here for God knows how long and I've never seen him before. What makes you think he's going to come back into the café again?”

  “I don’t know,” Callie says, looking at the Christmas lights and becoming introspective. “Because he met you and probably realizes what he’s missing.”

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  * * *


  Preview of Ruthless Mountain Man

  If you love enemies-to-lovers romance and rugged mountain men, then this next book is for you!! Keep scrolling for a two-chapter preview!

  I moved to the mountains to get away from everyone and everything. All I want is peace and quiet and it’s worked well for me over the last decade. But then she moves in next door and disrupts my solitude.

  Kylie—my new neighbor—with her smartass mouth and destructive dog. It’s obvious she doesn’t belong here with her designer boots and city girl attitude but she’s stubborn and won’t listen to reason. Despite all that, there’s no denying I want her. Her sass and defiance get under my skin and admittedly turn me on. It’s a love/hate relationship in the most inconvenient way possible.

  When a snowstorm comes barreling through, it’s Kylie who’s at my doorstep needing heat and food because she’s completely unprepared. Although I’d warned her, she finally admits I was right. Between my hatred for her dog and her distaste for me, things are bound to get complicated.

  Secluded in my cabin together means the temperature rises, the gloves come off—but most of all—the arousal and chemistry moving between us reaches its breaking point.



  As I watch the movers unload the last box and pull away, it really sets in that this is my new home. I never anticipated moving to the mountains of Clearview, but after my great-aunt passed and left me her cabin, I knew it was the best place to start fresh.

  “What do you think, Kozmo?” I ask my German Shepherd mix who’s sniffing around with my French Bulldog, Rosie. Kozmo barks in response and continues scampering around the unfamiliar room. The cabin could definitely use a good, thorough cleaning since no one's been here in years. I took a month off work and plan to get this place back in mint condition while I can.

  Over the next three days, I continue unpacking the boxes and cleaning. My dishes are washed and put away. I make my bed with fresh linens and even set up my little desk and bookshelf in the corner. The bathroom and kitchen need the most work, so I save that for last. Starting out with the easiest tasks first, I’ll knock through my to-do list much faster.

  It’s chilly even for October, but it’s bright and sunny out, so I decide to take the dogs out for an afternoon walk. I’ve been letting them wander outside to explore, but I could use the fresh air myself. My blonde hair is piled on top of my head like a wild rat’s nest, and I’m still in the same leggings I went to sleep in the night before. Instead of worrying about it, I pull on my winter jacket and boots before heading out.

  “Let’s go!” I tell Kozmo and Rosie. The moment we step out, I feel the crisp coolness of the air against my face. I pull my hoodie up, but it doesn’t do much to shield me from the wind. Hell, even the air feels thinner up here.

  Regardless of the weather, I love it in the mountains. It’s so quiet and peaceful. The neighboring homes are far enough apart to have privacy, but close enough to feel like you’re not completely alone.

  Once my time off ends, I’ll have to decide if I’ll commute to work every day or rent a small apartment in town until I find a job closer to my new home. I know I don’t want to let this place go. It’s far too beautiful and serene here for me to sell.

  “Kozmo, stay here,” I remind him, but his nose has a mind of its own. He’s my baby though he’s bigger than Rosie. Filled with so much life and energy, he definitely keeps my boring life interesting. Rosie doesn’t stray far from me; she’s my sweetheart, but Kozmo loves to explore and wander. “Kozmo, get back here!” I yell when I see him running toward the cabin that’s closest to mine.

  “Dammit,” I mutter, following behind in his trail. Once his nose gets a hint of something, he’s on a mission, and no amount of yelling at him will snap him out of it. “C’mon, Rosie,” I encourage when she hesitates.

  Halfway up the snowy cliff, I hear chopping noises and Kozmo’s barking.

  “Shit.” I try climbing faster, but my body is sore from unpacking and cleaning nonstop so I slip and fall more times than I’d like to admit. Once I finally make it over, I
follow the sound to the side of the cabin.

  “Kozmo?” I cup my hands around my mouth, hoping my voice echoes. He continues barking, and when I finally round the corner, my breath hitches the moment I spot who he’s barking at.

  A six-foot plus god of a man who’s holding a massive ax over his head and throwing it down against a block of wood. Sweet Jesus. He’s wearing a heavy plaid jacket, dark jeans, and Carhartt boots. He looks like he came out of one of those men’s outdoor fashion magazines. Unruly dark hair and all.

  “Excuse me,” I shout, but he doesn’t hear me over Kozmo or the rustling of the wind that’s suddenly picked up. Stepping closer, I try to get his attention, but by the way his jaw is firmly set, I can tell he’s too focused to hear me approaching.

  “Kozmo, get over here!” I walk over, ready to grab his collar but before I can reach him, I’m pushed to the ground in a bank of snow. The weight of his body presses into mine, and it feels oddly intimate as he wraps his muscular arms around me. I miss it the moment he leans back.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he growls at me before noticeably studying my face and wandering his gaze down my body. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

  His remark has me flinching because I have no idea what the hell he’s talking about.

  “What? No! You’re the one who pummeled me to the ground like an animal,” I retort, blinking the dryness from my eyes.

  He stands and holds his hand out for me. Once I grab it, he pulls me up to my feet. Staring up at him, I realize how much taller and bigger than me he is. Much, much bigger.

  “You don’t just go up to a strange dog,” he says, breaking the tension. I realize he’s referring to Kozmo whose bark is much bigger than his bite. “He’s been barking at me for the last ten minutes and probably has rabies.”

  I burst out laughing at this massive, rugged man worried about a dog who’s now rolling around in the snow and kicking his legs up to the sky.

  Narrowing his eyes at me, he stands taller and crosses his arms over his chest. “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh at you, but Kozmo is my dog. He got away from me, and I was trying to grab him. I hollered, but neither of you heard me over your wood chopping.”

  He grimaces. “That’s your dog?” he asks with such distaste in his mouth, I furrow my brows in defense. “So you’re the new neighbor.”

  “Yeah, I just moved in.”

  “I know.” He brushes the snow off his jacket. “He’s been wandering in my yard for the past three days.”

  “Oh,” I say, shocked. “I hadn’t realized. He’s just exploring the new territory.”

  He grunts, grabbing his ax off the tree stump. “Think you can manage to keep your damn animal on your own property? I don’t care for dog shit in my yard, and I definitely don’t like picking it up.” His voice is deep and demanding, and if he wasn’t scolding me, I’d be tempted to say sexy.

  “And how do you suggest I do that without a privacy fence?” I cross my arms now, guarded and annoyed he’s being so rude. “I’ll come pick up after him if it’s that big of a deal.”

  He grunts again, which isn’t the answer I was hoping for.

  “It’s not like we aren’t in the mountains or anything, where wild animals shit everywhere,” I say under my breath.

  “I have some chains if you want to leash them up,” he offers but not in that nice neighborly kind of way.

  “That’s dangerous with all the surrounding trees in my yard,” I tell him. “But I’ll try harder at keeping an eye on them.” It’s the only thing I can offer at the moment until spring, and at that point, I can put a fence up. “C’mon, Kozmo. Let’s go home.” I grab his collar and drag him with me.

  “There’s animal traps on my property,” he calls out, and I look over my shoulder at him. “So it’d be in your best interest to keep them close to home from now on.” His voice is filled with a sugary sweetness I don’t trust.

  “Thanks for the heads-up.” I roll my eyes.

  “Anytime, neighbor.”

  “Asshole,” I mutter to myself, though I’m pretty sure he overheard me when I hear him chuckling behind me.

  Well, that’s one thing I hadn’t anticipated on when moving to the mountains—a sexy as fuck neighbor who coincidentally is an arrogant jerk.




  I carry another armful of logs toward my woodshed and start stacking them up. Winter has already come, especially being this high in the mountains. The air is crisp enough you can feel it as you inhale—that chill that seeps right to your very marrow. But this is the life I’ve chosen to lead, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  All year I prepare for the brutal winters, making sure I have gas for the generators, propane for the heat, and plenty of firewood as a fail-safe. After inheriting this property a decade ago, I built my cabin with the help of a team to design it just how I wanted it, and I’ve spent these years enjoying the peace and quiet. A solitary life. Even the one neighbor within earshot had been an older woman who kept to herself. And that suited me just fine.

  But looks like that’s changed with the new resident.

  I grit my teeth as I stack the last log and head over to the chopping block to collect more. Just thinking about Kylie and her damn dogs has my blood boiling. I can tell she’s not the type of person used to this kind of living. Or maybe I’m just so out of touch with people. Either way, I don’t like it. I’ve only actually seen her one time, and that was enough to know she had a mouth on her and was stubborn as fuck.

  Her dog, on the other hand, is another story. I saw him daily as he came barreling onto my property like he owned the damn place. I growl low at the thought of him invading my space.

  And just the thought of her infuriates me…and unwillingly turns me on.

  Once I finish stacking the wood, I head inside and down a glass of water. I’m sweating despite the chilly weather outside, but that’s not going to stop me from getting a caffeine kick. I grab a mug and pour myself a cup of scalding hot coffee—my heart racing at the thought of the black gold about to hit my system. The sound of a dog barking has me exhaling in irritation. Coffee in hand, I head outside.

  I lean against the deck railing and stare off at my neighbor’s place. Since I’m on higher ground than her, it gives me the perfect view. Since our last interaction, just two short days ago, her dog has been in my yard, using it like it’s his damn toilet. I had to chase the mangy mutt away from my trash cans, knowing he would have no doubt gotten into them and scattered garbage all across my property.

  I hadn’t been kidding when I warned her about the animal traps. Being surrounded by trees means we get all kinds of predators coming around at night. Raccoons, foxes, wolves, and even bears are no stranger to these parts. As much as her dog is pissing me the hell off by shitting on my property, I don’t want to see it get trapped and hurt because she didn’t heed my warning.

  I consider myself a patient man, but I moved out to the mountains to get away from people and anything that would stress me out. And her nosy dog is stressing me the fuck out.

  Bringing my mug up, I take a sip of the coffee. My whole body straightens when I see Kylie come out of her front door. She’s wearing skin tight pants with a crazy ass pattern scattered across them. And her shirt, this neon yellow with bright pink flowers all over it is enough to give me a headache. Hell, even her slippers have this bright white fur lining the edges.

  Where the hell does she think she’s at? She certainly doesn’t look like she just stepped out of a cabin in the middle of the woods.

  She starts hollering for the dog to come back inside, and I can’t help but chuckle as Kozmo starts running around in circles, clearly not giving a shit that his owner wants him inside. The smaller dog she has with her seems far better trained and behaved, as it sits by her feet.

  I can see her aggravation as her voice rises and she starts flailing her arms around. But it
’s clear he’s the one who has the upper hand and calls the shots. I shake my head and grin. No way she’s going to be able to keep her dog off my property like she said, not when the damn thing doesn’t even listen to her.

  But what pisses me off even more, is the fact I want her. From the moment I saw her, or more accurately tackled her sweet little ass to the ground, I wanted her. But it was clear she and I wouldn’t be getting along anytime soon. From our short interaction, I could tell she was stubborn and probably used to getting her way.

  Does she even know how to tend to a cabin out in the middle of the woods? Does she know how to survive out here? I don’t know where she came from, but I see her as a city girl—high heels and pencil skirts.

  I finish off my coffee but don’t move as I watch her continue to yell at the dog. Finally, she gets fed up and stomps off the porch and toward him, where he’s currently rolling around in the snow. She bends over, reaching for his collar, and I can’t help but zero in on the perfect mounds of her ass—the material hugging them like a second skin.

  I feel my cock stiffen behind the zipper of my jeans and reach down to adjust myself. I should turn around and head back inside, not watch as she tries to wrangle the shaggy beast. But I don’t. I stand there and watch her, smiling as she finally manages to get the canine onto the porch and in the house.

  I’m standing there grinning from ear to ear, watching the scene unfold when she stops and faces me. Maybe she knew I’d been watching this whole time. I kind of hope she does. I can’t help but chuckle at the fact she’s got this intense glower covering her face. Hell, even from a distance I can see the daggers she’s shooting my way. And then, as if she couldn’t wait to piss me off even more, she lifts her hand up and flips me off.


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