Profiling Nathan: Romancing the Guardians, Book Five

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Profiling Nathan: Romancing the Guardians, Book Five Page 5

by Lyn Horner

  Talia burst out laughing and reached out to lay her hand on top of his. Surprised, he turned his hand to grasp hers and stroked her palm with his thumb. She caught her breath, eyes widening and lips parting. He wanted to stretch across the table and kiss those tempting rose lips.

  She hastily freed her hand from his and pushed back her chair. “I-I’d better go. I still need to report in to Detective Lovett.”

  Disappointed, he nodded and rose. “I’ll drive you to the station.”

  “You don’t need to. I can take a bus.”

  “But I can get you there in half the time.” Ignoring her feeble arguments and refusing to let her pay for her lunch, he paid the bill and walked her out to his car. She was quiet during their drive to the police station and anxious to escape when they arrived.

  “Thank you for escorting me to the tattoo shops and for lunch,” she said. Flashing a quick smile, she clutched the door handle, ready to flee.

  He caught her arm, stopping her. “Look at me, Talia,” he said. When she did, he leaned in and kissed her. Feeling her stiffen, he cupped her slender neck and ran his tongue across the narrow gap between her lips, applying light pressure. She hesitantly opened for him and he dove into her sweetness. Exploring the interior of her mouth, he was rewarded by a soft moan from deep in her throat and felt her hands come to rest on his shoulders.

  Reluctantly, he drew back breathing hard. She stared at him with wide silver eyes, lips wet and glistening from his kiss, breasts rising and falling rapidly. With a wordless cry, she shook her head, jumped from the car and dashed into the police station.


  Talia spent the next day, Saturday, with Detective Lovett, making phone calls and knocking on doors, questioning family members and friends of the murdered women. Many had already given statements but Lovett hoped someone might recall a useful detail they’d failed to mention the first time. Unfortunately, their efforts yielded nothing of obvious value.

  Back at the station, they poured over their copious notes and examined the crime photos yet again. The only thing that stood out was the brutal, frenzied quality of the killer’s attacks. Relying upon her experience as a profiler, Talia believed the man was taking revenge for something his victims did to him or, more likely, something done to him by a woman in his past. Which did not help them track him down.

  Lovett and his wife had a dinner engagement and he’d promised to leave work on time tonight. With no reason to stay late, Talia left at the same time. She stopped for a salad at a nearby café, planning to head back to her hotel and enjoy a nice long soak in the tub. But while she ate, her thoughts veered inexorably to Nate Maguire and the scorching kiss he’d given her. Why did she just sit there and let him slip past her defenses the way he’d done? He wasn’t her type, and even if he was, she’d soon return to D.C. and they’d never meet again.

  Suddenly, she had an impulse to check out Ybor City nightlife for herself. It might be helpful to visit the bars near where the murder victims were found, and maybe she’d stop by Nate’s Tattoos and see how busy he was on a Saturday night. Merely out of curiosity, of course, not because she wanted to see him.

  Taking a bus to the entertainment district, she dropped in to several bars, ordering a drink at each that she barely touched as she scanned the room for any suspicious looking character. Making small talk with those around her, she brought up the spree of murders, listening to dismayed comments mingled with fear of the unknown killer. No one knew of a man who showed an unusual fascination with the horrendous crimes as the killer might exhibit.

  She also fended off several men’s attempts, and one woman’s, to pick her up. Most accepted her refusal with good grace, except in the last nightspot. There, an arrogant drunk made a sarcastic remark about her sexuality, or lack thereof that set her teeth on edge. But she held her temper, ignoring him as he wandered off to accost another unlucky woman.

  Deciding she’d had enough of the place, Talia left. Outside, she loosely attached herself to a laughing group of revelers as she’d learned to do in areas like this, where a woman alone was easy prey.

  A block away from Nate’s place, she caught sight of the gangbanger Ortiz and three of his crew hanging out on the nearby corner. She stopped short, getting bumped from behind by a woman who cussed and called her a stupid cow. Paying her no mind, Talia heard Ortiz’s bunch hurl catcalls at two passing young women. Figuring the punks would recognize her from the other day at Nate’s, she chose not to deal with them.

  She edged to the curb, intending to cross the street, but as she waited for an opening in the traffic Ortiz spotted her. He shouted something in Spanish to his cohorts and they swaggered toward her. Seeing no way to avoid them, she pulled out her badge and held it up when the four toughs were within a few feet of her. They halted and stared at her for a second. Then Ortiz laughed.

  “You think that piece of tin’s gonna scare me and my boys, bitch?” he taunted. “No way.”

  Passersby scattered like frightened pigeons, away from the looming confrontation, but there were still a lot of people around. Hand dipping into her bag, Talia came up with her Glock, praying she wouldn’t have to fire it.

  Ortiz’s cruel grin dropped into a frown. “You ain’t gonna shoot in this crowd,” he sneered.

  “Won’t I? As an FBI agent, I’m well trained in the use of firearms. I hit what I aim at, Ortiz.”

  He glared furiously. “Yeah? Well, I’m packin’ too, and so are my homies. Show her, amigos.” He parted his baggy shirt to display an automatic tucked under his belt. His pals did the same. “And it’s four against one.”

  “True, but you’re in my sights.” Raising her gun, she aimed square at his chest. “You’ll go down with me.” She made sure her tone matched her steely stare.

  His face twitched. Uncertainty showed in his shifting dark eyes. Licking his lips, he smiled falsely and raised his hands. “Whoa, mama, we’re gettin’ ahead of things. This ain’t no showdown. We was just gonna have some fun with you.”

  “If that’s the case, you’ve had your fun. Now step aside and let me pass.” She kept her gun trained on him.

  “Sure, sure.” Over his shoulder, he said, “Give her room, boys.”

  They grumbled but followed his order. Talia circled around them, gun aimed at one then another. Never turning her back on them, she backed away until she reached the street corner. The surging crowd told her the light had turned green. Spinning around, she darted across. Weaving between people, she ran as fast as she could, fearing a bullet in the back at any second.

  She rushed into Nate’s shop out of breath and trembling, gun still clutched in her hand. Whirling, she aimed at the barred window in the door, expecting Ortiz and his thugs to appear. But they didn’t.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” a shrill voice demanded to know.

  Pivoting, Talia saw Misty standing at the entrance of a tattooing cubicle, staring at her and the gun she held, looking scared. A woman seated in the waiting area gasped and the man next to her cussed.

  Talia lowered the gun. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you, any of you,” she said, voice wobbling just as her legs were doing.

  Nate’s head popped out from behind another cubicle partition. “Talia? What’s wrong?”

  “N-nothing now.” She shoved the Glock back into her bag. “I had a little trouble but it’s over.”

  He disappeared behind the partition, said something to the client he’d been working on, then reappeared. Striding to Talia, he grasped her arms. “You’re shaking. What happened?” Tugging her close, he wrapped his arms around her and she clung to him, needing his strength.

  “It was Ortiz and his gang. I ran into them up the street.”

  “Christ! Did they hurt you?” He drew back to look her over. “If they did, I’ll –”

  “No!” She shook her head. “I drew my gun and they backed off. B-but I was afraid they’d follow me. That’s why I burst in here.” Swallowing, she darted a glance at t
he watching customers. “I’m really sorry for scaring everyone.”

  Nate drew her close again. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m glad you’re okay,” he said, pressing her face into the hollow of his throat.

  “Since the excitement’s over, I’m going back to work,” Misty said sarcastically.

  Talia realized Nate’s embrace had refueled the girl’s jealousy, but right now she didn’t care. It felt so good to have his strong arms around her that she could have stayed like that forever. However, he had customers waiting. Pulling back, she smiled at him.

  “I’m fine now and you’re busy. I’d better go.”

  “No you don’t. You’re not going back out there by yourself. You’ll stay here until I close up. Then I’ll drive you to your hotel.”

  “But that will be hours from now. I’ll be in the way.”

  “Bull! Come on, I’ll take you upstairs. You can wait there.” Ignoring her attempt to argue, he gripped her arm, leading her out back and up to his apartment.

  “I can’t offer you much to eat but there’s beer in the fridge. Watch TV if you like.” He pointed to a remote device lying on the coffee table. “Or, feel free to lie down on the couch or on my bed.” He grinned. “The sheets are clean. I went to the laundromat today.”

  “Thank you, Nate.” She bent her head. “I have to admit I wasn’t eager to step out on the street knowing Ortiz might be hanging around.”

  He caressed her cheek with one finger. “That punk won’t bother you again. I’ll see to that.”

  She stiffened and frowned. “Please don’t do something that will get you in trouble. I don’t want to see you behind bars. And I can take care of myself as I did tonight.”

  Making a face, he rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re too independent for your own good, lady. But don’t worry, I won’t do any permanent damage to Ortiz.” Smiling, he brushed her lips with a light kiss. “I’d better get back. Stay in and stay safe.” With that, he walked out, locking the door.

  Talia wandered around the small living room and kitchen, finding few personal touches. The man appeared to live an austere, lonely life when he wasn’t working. Strolling into his bedroom, she spied a photograph on a rickety nightstand. Picking up the expensive looking frame, she sat on the bed and studied the photo of a grinning young boy, perhaps seven or eight years old, standing in front of a handsome, smiling couple. The man looked a little like Nate. Guessing the photo was of him and his parents, she remembered him saying that his mother had died when he was ten. How painful losing her must have been for him at such a young age.

  Then he hadn’t gotten along with his stepmother, starting him on a path to delinquency and prison. As he’d said, it wasn’t a pretty story, but she admired him for pulling out of that downward spiral and making a new life for himself. She still wasn’t a fan of tattoos but saw from his work that he was a talented artist.

  She touched the boy’s face in the photo, wishing the happiness he’d obviously enjoyed in his early years could have lasted. Sighing, she returned the frame to the nightstand, slipped off her jacket and hung it over a ladder back chair standing in the corner on the other side of the bed. Then she switched off the light and stretched out on the bed as Nate had suggested. The day had been long and tiring, the evening stressful. It wouldn’t hurt to lie here for a little while and rest.


  Nate padded quietly into the bedroom, softly illuminated by light coming from the outer rooms. Seeing Talia curled on her side asleep, he smiled. Her hair had come down, forming a silvery shawl around her. She looked vulnerable and trusting, very different from the self-sufficient FBI agent she portrayed when awake.

  He stepped to the far side of the bed and reclined beside her, doing his best not to wake her. She’d been on the verge of collapse when she showed up hours ago. Although she’d never admit it, her run-in with Ortiz and his crew had badly shaken her. She needed to sleep and recharge. He stacked his hands under his head, wondering if he would be able to sleep with a beautiful woman in his bed – well, on it – who he’d wanted from the first moment he saw her.

  Talia sighed and rolled toward him. Her hand came to rest on his belly, shooting a fiery arrow to his groin. He lowered his arms, thinking to move farther away, but before he could, she snuggled closer. Her head ended up on his shoulder, her warm breath fanning his throat. Her breasts pressed against his side.

  Oh Lord! This wasn’t good. She was giving off dangerous signals, making his cock harden and strain at his confining jeans. What the hell was he to do? He couldn’t take advantage of a woman who was sound asleep, who didn’t know what she was doing to him. Could he?

  No, dammit! He wasn’t an animal. Swearing copiously under his breath, he curled his arm around her, resigning himself to hours of misery. Sleep was out of the question. So he thought, but at some point during those long hours, he did fall asleep.

  He awoke to the pounding of small fists on his back and a flurry of words hurled at him by an irate female voice.

  “Get off me, you, you snake in the grass!” she snarled in his ear.

  With his face buried in her sweet-smelling hair, it required a couple more blows to make him raise his head. Gazing groggily into Talia’s furious silver eyes, he grinned. “Snake in the grass? That’s cute.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “It’s the best I could come up with,” she gritted. “Will you please get off me?”

  Realizing he was laying half on top of her, he rose on one elbow, intending to lift himself away, but she cried out in pain.

  “You’re pulling my hair!” she wailed.

  “Sorry.” Quickly shifting his weight to his other hand, he managed to untangle himself from her long, pale blonde hair and sit up. “Did I tear out any chunks of scalp?”

  “You came close, but no.” Scooting to the edge of the bed, she jumped to her feet and turned to glare at him, hands balled at her sides. “How dare you sprawl all over me like that?”

  “Hey, I was asleep. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

  “And why were you sleeping with me?”

  Releasing an irritated sigh, he rose to face her. “This is my bed in case you forgot. You were sound asleep when I came upstairs last night. Very early this morning, I mean.” He waved his hand at the technicality.

  “Then why didn’t you wake me and drive me to the hotel like you promised?” she questioned, still angry.

  Nate scrubbed both hands over his face and raked back his hair. “Because you were worn out and I didn’t want to disturb you. And I was dead tired, too.”

  “Oh.” Looking away, she gnawed her bottom lip. “Alright, I understand and I apologize for jumping down your throat. It’s just that waking up like that was such a shock. I thought you … you had –”

  “Tried to rape you?”

  “I-I guess. It was stupid of me, I realize now,” she said, still avoiding his gaze. “We’re both fully clothed, after all.”

  He laughed softly. “Yeah, clothes would kind of get in the way if I had in mind seducing you.” He’d had the idea very much in mind while lying with her, but he kept that to himself. “And by the way, I’ve never forced a woman in my life. No way am I going to start with you.”

  Finally looking at him, she smiled. “I believe you, Nate.”

  “Glad to hear it.” His stomach reminded him he hadn’t eaten in well over twelve hours. “You want to get something to eat? The Cuban sandwich shop we ate at the other day has a pretty good breakfast menu.”

  She glanced down at herself and grimaced. “I’d better go back to my hotel and clean up. And try to steam these wrinkles out.” Swiping hair away from her face, she added, “Then I really need to shop for some more clothes. I wasn’t expecting to be in Tampa so long.”

  “Fine, I’ll take you wherever you want to go after we eat.” He raised his hand when she opened her mouth to argue. “We’ll both do better with food in our stomachs.” She required some convincing but finally gave in. Offering her his relatively
clean hairbrush, he chuckled as she critically examined it. “I don’t have cooties.”

  Making a sassy face, she worked the tangles from her hair while he washed up, shaved and put on a fresh t-shirt. When she went hunting for the hairpins she’d lost in his bed, he wished she would leave her shiny mane down. To his surprise, she dropped the retrieved pins in her bag, unknowingly granting his wish.

  Nate felt more lively after eating, and Talia also seemed to perk up. He drove her to the economy class hotel where she was staying and sat in the lobby while she went to shower and put herself back together in her room. He checked his cell phone for messages, finding nothing important, and spent a few minutes reading the spots pages in the morning newspaper. Then he twiddled his thumbs until she returned looking good as new with her suit free of wrinkles and her hair twisted up in its usual tidy style.

  “Thank you for waiting,” she said with a smile. “If you’re willing to do me one more favor, I’d appreciate it if you’d drop me off near some clothing stores.”

  “Nope.” Rising, he grinned at her disconcerted expression. “But I’ll take you shopping and bring you and your packages back here afterward.”

  “Oh!” She blinked twice and shook her head. “You needn’t do that. I don’t want to take up your whole day.”

  He glanced at his wristwatch. “It’s only eleven. You figure on spending all afternoon shopping?”

  “Well, no.” Her tongue darted out to lick her lips. “But still –”

  He pressed a finger to those luscious lips. “Don’t argue, gorgeous. You ought to know by now that it won’t do any good.”

  She stared at him for a moment then slapped his hand away and laughed. “Fine, but you don’t know what you’re in for.”

  “It can’t be all that bad.”


  He was wrong. Accompanying her on a shopping trip was just as bad as she’d hinted at. Oh, he didn’t mind waiting while she tried on tailored pantsuits, all in black or gray. In fact, he liked it when she stepped out of the dressing room to ask his opinion of how each one looked on her. He wasn’t much help. To him, they all looked perfect. Perfectly sexy, that is, filled out by her alluring curves.


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