After Forever

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After Forever Page 18

by Krystal McLaughlin

  Mrs. Walt appeared behind him in the mirror, her hands clasped over her mouth.

  “What do you think?” He asked turning slowly so she could see.

  “Oh honey, you look like someone’s dream come true!” She whispered as she ran her hands down the front of the vest, smoothing the lapels.

  “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “You don’t have to, every young man like you deserves a fairy godmother.” She turned, walking to the far corner of the room. She mumbled as she dug through a deep chest.

  Cynder looked over her shoulder as she shifted things from one side to the other.

  “What are you looking for?” He asked. She turned her eyes bright with triumph.

  “Every gentleman needs a pocket watch.” She smiled as she held out a beautiful silver pocket watch, its chain gleaming and delicate. The case was decorated with a compass rose and the phases of the moon, a tiny key hung from the chain.

  “What’s the key for?” He asked touching it gently.

  “That opens it.” She took the small key and placed it in a notch on the bottom of the watch. The face popped open showing the clock face. Inside the front was etched, ‘For my one true love, let there be nothing but time between us.’

  She clicked it closed before placing it in Cynder’s hand.

  “Never let anything come between you and your dreams Cynder. Not that wretched woman or her useless sons. Now let’s get you to the ball.”

  He kissed her cheek, tears brimming in his eyes. He would never be able to thank her enough, but he would spend eternity trying.

  She led him back to the front of the house, before turning toward the garage.

  “One last thing dear.” She said patting him on the hand. The overhead light flickered to life, illuminating a spotless garage. Sitting as if it was new on the lot was a classic car, white wall tires and all.

  “That, Cynder, is a fully refurbished 1929 Studebaker Commander.”

  He stared in awe.

  “Mrs. Walt, this is too much. I can’t drive that car. Look at it, it’s pristine.” He shook his head.

  “Tut- tut boy. You’re taking it. Needs to be out on the road again anyway. Now let me grab the keys.”

  As she shuffled back into the kitchen Cynder raised the garage door and walked around the car. All the times he’d been here he never knew she had this car, never even been in the garage. They always took her old ’86 gold Cadillac to town. He eased the driver door open, amazed that it didn’t creak.

  “Here you are. Have a wonderful night Cynder.” As she reached to hand him the keys they fumbled from her fingers.

  “Oh bibbty-boppity-boo!” She grumbled as she stooped down the retrieve the keys. Cynder hid his smile as she passed the keys to him.

  “Now be back by midnight. I heard the step-monster telling her minions they’d be home by 12:30. You be back before them, you hear me?”

  “Yes mam, I will.”

  He hugged her again and promised to get the car home in one piece. He pulled out into the night and turned towards the Academy. A shooting star chased him down the road. It was going to be a magical night.

  The Academy was lit up with what looked like millions of tiny white lights. Men in tuxedo’s and gold masks stood in the horseshoe drive bowing to guests as they arrived and taking their cars. Everything seemed to halt as Cynder pulled to a stop. All eyes were on the car and then on him as he exited nervously, handing the keys to a still slack jawed valet.

  As he took the wide marble steps up to the main doors he could hear the swell of the music from inside. Laughter floated in the air around him. He checked his mask for the tenth time before stepping thru the threshold. The lobby was filled with costumed guests all milling around laughing as they moved toward the main hall. Through two massive wooden doors lay the ballroom. Cynder took a deep breath and started down the steps. Women in full gowns twirled in the arms of dashing masked men. It was like stepping back in time. Cynder looked around for the step-twits and their mother. The room was so thick with people he wasn’t sure he’d notice them if they were stepping on his toes.

  The waltz ended and the room applauded. Cynder clapped as well as he moved toward the far end of the room. Past the refreshment table loomed a spiral staircase, at the foot of it he nearly tripped over a hunched over figure.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” He bent down to make sure she was okay. When she lifted her face he could see the sadness through her mask. Her emerald green eyes were swimming in tears. He sat down on the step next to her.

  “Hey, are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  She looked over at him, the tears still threatening to fall.

  “No, it’s not you. I’m fine.” Her voice was soft and sweet. Her lips a faint shade of pink, her skin, warm porcelain. She took his breath away.

  “Would you like to step outside? Or maybe I could bring you a drink.” He asked.

  “No, thank you. You really don’t have to sit here. You can go back to the party.”

  He looked around the room again then back to her.

  “Nope, this is where it’s at, as far as I’m concerned. Life of the party right here. I mean nothing says fun like a weeping damsel in distress.” He leaned back on his elbows, crossing his feet in front of him.

  She smiled shaking her head at him. Cynder was sure he could die happy now, knowing her made her smile was all he ever needed from this miserable life.

  “Come on, I’ll get you a drink.” He rose extending his hand to her. As he gently lifted her to her feet a voice boomed behind him, a familiar voice.

  “Hey babe, dance with me.”

  Cynder turned away. He wasn’t sure if Andy would recognize him with the mask on, but he really didn’t want to take any chances.

  “I was going to get punch.” He heard her reply.

  “What? With that guy? I’m sure he won’t mind if I take you away.”

  Cynder’s blood boiled. He did mind, he minded very much, but he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He just shook his head as it hung down. With that Andy swept his mystery girl away. Twirling her onto the dance floor then pulling her against him. Halfway through the song Drew cut in, nearly ripping her from Andy’s grip. Cynder watched from the shadow of the stairs, his teeth clenched as he watched them fight over her. Andy grabbed her tiny wrist pulling her back to him as Drew snagged her by the waist. She pleaded with both of them to just let her go, but they weren’t listening to her, they were too busy arguing and trying to “win” her.

  Cynder couldn’t take it anymore, he stormed towards them, and consequences be damned.

  “Let her go.” He growled at his idiot step brothers. They both turned to look at him but held tight to their prize.

  “Who’s gonna make us?” Drew asked.

  “I will if I have to.” Cynder answered as he stepped closer to them. She reached towards him, desperate to get away from Andy and Drew. The boys considered fighting him, he could see it in their eyes. Before they could decide the dean approached them.

  “You boys enjoying yourselves?” He asked eyeing them all.

  Andy and Drew let her go and turned toward the large man.

  “Of course Dean.”

  She flew into Cynder’s arms. Her small frame pressed against him as he led her to the terrace outside.

  “Thank you again.” She whispered. The moonlight fell on her golden hair and he reached out to run his hand through it.

  “I never should have let them get away with you in the first place.” His fingers softly trailed down her cheek. He held her close to him. They swayed gently to the music. Her cheek pressed against his chest, he longed to see her sparkling green eyes again. So he lifted her head with his finger, then twirled her around, before pulling her back to him. They swayed together, lost in time, needing only each other’s embrace.

  “Why were you crying earlier?” He asked, still holding her against his chest.

  “It’s hard to explain.
I came here this year to find something, and I just don’t think it exists.” She sighed heavily.

  “Well, don’t give up. You never know when you might stumble upon it.” He smiled down at her, entranced by her deep green eyes.

  “My princess charming.” She said breathlessly as she looked up at him longingly. Cynder pushed his hand into her hair and gently pulled her face to his before he remembered he was wearing a mask. Her eyes were already pinched closed in anticipation so he titled his mask back and pressed his lips to hers. It was the perfect kiss. Her mouth was soft and warm. Her lips parted ever so slightly, she tasted like summer rain. He kissed her again as her hands clenched the lapels of his vest. When they parted his mask fell back into place.

  “What’s this?” She asked thumbing the thin chain of the pocket watch.

  “My good lady, all gentlemen need a fine pocket watch.” He tugged the watch from his pocket and held it out to her to inspect.

  “Can I open it?” She asked still running her fingers across the front.

  “Of course.” He pulled the key from the chain and handed it to her, pointing to the notch at the bottom. It clicked open and to his horror read 11:49. He snatched it from her hand looking at it again.

  “I have to go, I’m sorry.” He turned and began back through the ballroom.

  “Wait! I don’t even know your name.” She called as she tried in vain to follow him through the crowd. When she burst through the front doors he was gone.

  Ella examined the tiny key for the hundredth time. Every time she looked at it she saw something new in the details. The miniscule lines were vines with nearly microscopic flowers, the rolling and winding design in the key head made a ‘W’ or maybe an ‘M’ pending which way you held it. Looking at it made her heartache, but she couldn’t put it down.

  She’d fallen asleep that night in her ball gown, the key clasped in her hand as it laid over her heart. She had to find him again. He was her prince charming, her happy ever after he was the thing she was searching for. He’d shown her love and kindness without ever seeing her face, without knowing her name, he’d loved her for her and that’s all she ever wanted. Everyone else wanted her for her money, or to get closer to her mother, for the power, but not her prince.

  She dashed down the hall to her mother’s room, the key on a small chain around her wrist.

  “Mom, mom I have to find him.” She cried as she threw her hands up in the air.

  “Wow Ell you really like this guy huh?” Her mother smirked at her.

  “Mom!” she groaned in desperation.

  “Fine, what do you want me to do honey? Send out the military? Call in the national guard?”

  “Can you do that?’ Ella asked.

  “No sunshine I can’t. I’m not the president of the United States.”

  “But you are the President of Global Trading United. Help me! You brought me here, told me to spread my wings, find freedom, find myself, find love so I could take your place one day. You said that here, miles from the bustling city and the prying eyes of all the people who want to take over the company I could just be me. Well I was me, and he loved me mom. I found everything you wanted me to, and then …then I lost it.!”

  “You’ve grown so much in the year that we’ve been here. I was worried it would be a wasted trip. Are you sure you want to find him again? We leave so soon.” Her mother reached out to smooth Ella’s hair.

  “Yes mom, more than anything. Even if it’s only to say goodbye.”

  “How will you know it’s him?”

  Ella raised her arm, the tiny key dangled from her wrist.

  “I have the key to everything right here.”

  “Fine, we’ll throw a going away party. Invite the entire town, no masks, you can find him and tell him goodbye.” Her mother smiled as she sipped her coffee. Ella was growing into the beautiful soul she always knew she would be.

  “Thank you mother!”

  Cynder held the light pink floral invitation in his hand. He knew it was meant for him. There were too many coincidences. The bold lettering across the top said “Our time is up, come help us say goodbye” The envelope and the invitation were both embossed with a compass rose as well as a beautiful pocket watch. His damsel in distress was leaving, but she wanted to see him one last time. His heart soared even as it sank. The party began in just a few hours he had to get ready. He ran next door to Mrs. Walt’s house.

  “Mrs. Walt,” he shouted waving the invitation over his head.

  “What is it Cynder? Is everything alright?” She asked pushing open the screen door.

  “Look, she wants to see me again. I need to borrow the watch, please, it’s the only way she’ll know it’s me.”

  She smiled as she turned the soft paper over in her hand. Cynder had barely made it home before Andy’s truck pulled into the drive that night. He’d spent the whole next day at her house rehashing the magical night and thanking her to no end for all she’d done. She pulled the pocket watch from her apron and handed it to him.

  “I was going to call you over today and give it to you anyway. I want you to have it.” She closed his hand around it before he could protest.

  “Thank you so much.” Tears welled in his eyes as he turned to rush home.

  She held her hand to her heart, he looked so much like her Mickey.

  Upstairs he worried about what to wear. In the end he decided it was best to just be himself. He pulled on a pair of faded jeans and a black button up shirt. He checked himself in the mirror one last time. Before he headed downstairs he grabbed the watch and put it in his front pocket. He clutched his bedroom door handle and ran into the door.

  “What the hell?” He jiggled the handle again. It was locked.

  “Hey!” He yelled pounding against the door.

  “Cindy, did you really think we’d let you go to the party?” Andy called from the other side of the door.

  “Yeah Cindy. You don’t know anyone there. And they don’t want to know you.” Drew piped in.

  Cynder slammed against the door. It shook in the frame but held tight.

  “Settle down Cindy. I’ll let you out when we get home.” His step mother hissed from the safety of the hallway.

  “This party is for someone very important and my boys are going to sweep her off her feet. When our companies merge, I will practically rule the world!” Her laugh echoed down the hall.

  Cynder slid down the door and crumpled to the floor. He’d never see her again, they ruined his chance, they ruined his life.

  Ella looked around the grand hall again but no one seemed to catch her eye. Prince Charming would surely recognize her. The dress she wore was the same sea foam green as her ball gown, her long blonde hair pulled into the same soft up do as before. There should be no mistaking who she was.

  The key hung from her wrist, she touched it again, checking every few minutes to make sure it was still there.

  Two boys approached her and she held her breath.

  “Hey, wanna dance?” The shorter one asked. Before she could reply the taller one stepped between them.

  “Sorry dude she can’t, she wants to dance with me.” He pulled her by the hand onto the floor, pressing himself against her.

  ‘Oh no’ she thought. These had to be the same idiots from the ball. As they began fighting over her again she managed to slip away. The party started hours ago, why wasn’t he here? Maybe their moment wasn’t as special as she thought it was. Maybe he was just a lot smoother than the morons she left on the dance floor. Broken she slipped into the kitchen and began to cry. The hostesses moved around her, refilling the drink trays and grabbing fresh hors d'oeuvres.

  Her mother found her with her head on the counter sobbing softly.

  “Oh honey, give him time. True love always finds a way.” She kissed her daughter and returned to the party.

  Cynder looked at the hard packed ground below. He wished there was a tree or a drain pipe, or that the garage roof was closer. It didn’t matter thoug
h, he had to get out of that room and get to the party before he missed his chance to tell his mystery girl how he felt. As he stepped one leg out the window he prayed he’d still be able to walk after he hit the ground.


  He jumped almost losing his grip on the windowsill. Staring up below him was his father.


  “What are you doing son?”

  “It’s a long story dad. Get me out of here and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  As they sped toward the Grande Hotel he told his father everything. How mean his step mother was to him, how his step brothers taunted him, how they’d locked him in the room and gone to the party without him. How important it was that he get there before it was over because there was a girl waiting for him and he just couldn’t let her down.

  “I’m so sorry son, I had no idea.”

  “I know dad, it’s okay.”

  He hugged his dad, glad that he was back and relieved at last that the truth was out in the open.

  Cynder was practically out of the car before his dad could stop.

  “Go, I’ll be in as soon as I park.”

  Cars were filing out of the parking lot and Cynder was sure he was too late.

  He rushed into the banquet room. There were still plenty of people milling around, eating, dancing, and laughing. He searched the room for her. Trapped in the corner at a table she sat like a wilted flower. His step mother on one side, Drew and Andy on the other. He rushed towards them.

  “My lady.” He bowed as he reached the table. Her eyes lit up with hope.

  “Cynder, what are you doing here?” His step mother hissed.

  “Is it really you?” Ella asked, standing quickly.

  “Cindy? You’ve been waiting for Cindy?” Andy asked.

  “That’s impossible.” His step mother laughed. “This is our house boy, you needn’t waste your time talking to him.” She stood pushing Cynder away from the table.

  “Prince Charming?!” Ella called as Andy pulled her toward the terrace.


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