Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1) Page 6

by S. E Foster

“No Cami, my father started this!”

  She huffs at me when I finish speaking.

  “If you really believe that, then you’re as crazy as you have been acting.”

  “Fine, you spit your dummy out. At least he is trying to fix this. Giving you somewhere you can be safe.” I get up and turn to walk away not wanting to hear anything else, yes his lines may have been blurry, but his heart was in the right place.

  “You think we are safe, what happens when they don’t find your dad do you think we will be safe then.”

  I just manage to catch her sentence as I slam her door behind me and walk past Malc, I need to find Damien, and I want to know what’s going on.

  Marching back down the stairs, I go in search of him I check the kitchen he’s not in there, checked the living room and nothing. I see his office door is ajar and I poke my head around the door. My heart drops when I see him.

  He is sat at his desk with his head buried in his hands I can’t help it. I go to rush over to him. The scene in front of me tugs at my heart. I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it tightly letting him know that I am here for him, if he needs me. He looks up at me, and in that moment I see it right there in his eyes. The pain, worry and fear.

  He is broken, just like me.



  I sit in the office waiting for a call from Jake, they haven’t stopped trying to find him. Malc came back earlier, but I haven’t seen him yet, I have been hiding in my office like a coward.

  I could not think of a better night’s sleep I’d ever had, nothing could beat keeping her wrapped in my arms. When I woke this morning looking at her, I had all these emotions booming around in my chest. I need to keep a clear head, but thinking of last night, the way she felt against me, my dick is already starting to get hard again, and right now I need to focus on finding Darren and keeping her safe.

  The ringing of my phone pulls me from my thoughts, seeing Jake’s name flash on the screen, I slide my finger across the screen to answer.

  “Well, do you have news?” I bark at him, I wanted answers no I needed answers.

  “Yeah boss I have news, I’m on my way back now I will tell you as soon as I get there.”

  His answer was vague, but I suspected it was because he was driving so I suppose I will have to wait until he gets here.

  “Right, see you soon.” I hang up before he has a chance to reply, Jake has only been working with me for the past 5 or so months, he came to me looking for work and I gave him a chance, the only time he has let me down was when her dad got close to her at the apartment, apart from that he has not put a foot wrong and he works well with Malc, and does as he is told. I bury my head in my hands. This situation is getting out of control. I feel a hand on my shoulder gently squeezing. I know who it is before she even speaks.

  I have wanted her all morning, it was becoming extremely uncomfortable, the bulge pressing hard against my zip, aching for release. I turn to look at her, I don’t think I have ever seen anything as beautiful, dressed in yoga pants and a tiny vest top, hair drying naturally from the shower, and skin free from make-up, she looks stunning, and that voice inside my head is screaming, she is all mine.

  “Are you ok?” she asked me, her voice was quiet, like she was afraid of the answer.

  “I’m fine Faith, I assure you, what do you need?”

  “When I woke up you were gone and I have questions that need answers.”

  “Well then, by all means, ask away.” I tell her, I think in the pit of my stomach, I know what she is going to ask, but it does not make it any easier to swallow, I just want to get this over with.

  “Tell me what made you let me go Damien, I need to understand please.” There it was this is the third time she has asked, there really is no getting away from it now.

  She waits patiently for me to speak. I pull her down to sit on my lap, at least if I am going to tell her my darkest secrets I want her close. It may be the last time that she lets me hold her and if it is, I am going to make sure I hold her tight because I will fight to my last breath to keep hold of her.

  “I had a sister Bella, she was so sweet and pure, like my little shadow, followed me everywhere. One summer I went away on business for my father and I did not see her or speak to her much over the coming months. I assumed it was because she was young and busy enjoying going out with her friends. Little did I know that my family had been torn apart by lies and deceit and hatred. I came home to find that my mother had left my father and that my sister was gone. He said that there was nothing I could do, he had sold her so that he could have the trade of drugs in London, she was part of the deal, he wouldn’t tell me where she was. Every day for over a week I asked him, no begged him to tell me where Bella was and everyday he laughed at me.”

  I start to feel the tears burning in my eyes, why was it so hard to talk about this. I could feel my chest getting tighter as I continued to speak about Bella, the heart she had was beautiful inside and out she never got involved with the family business, she just wanted to go to school graduate and be with her friends.

  “In the end I locked him in a room and beat him, until he gave me the name of the man that had her, I never thought that I would hate my father Faith, so I do know what you are going through. Malc and I found the guy that had her. He was still in London. I made the decision then, that I was going to get her back.”

  I don’t think I can tell her anymore, I look up to see that her eyes are full, she brings her hand up to my cheek and holds me, it is the most tender of touches but it’s what I need right in this moment, I take from her strength.

  “We went to get her, killed every one in that house searching for her, I didn’t care, I was like a man possessed looking for my baby sister, I walked into that hole of a room where they had her, she was beaten to a pulp and lay in a pool of her own blood. I was too late I could not save her Faith.”

  I heard her intake of breath when I softly spoke the last words, but that’s only half of the story.

  She cradled me close pulling me right into her chest; I wrapped both of my arms around her needing her to accept all of me.

  “You don’t have to tell me the rest Damien, I can see it’s tearing you apart talking about it.” Her voice was soothing and comforted me in a way I had never felt before.

  I lift my head from her chest looking into her eyes I saw nothing but acceptance in them whether it was for the man or the crime I’m not sure. Only time will tell, what I can say is that while I was looking in her eyes the need in me rose. I need to feel every part of her make sure she is still here with me. Bringing my hand up to the back of her neck I pull her down to me and placed an urgent kiss against her lips it was hot and heavy, I bite at her bottom lip so that I could gain access to her mouth I need to explore every part of her. She opened for me with a moan when I tugged at it a second time, she came back and matched my movements perfectly her hands come up and fist into my shirt pulling me closer to her, this kiss was not going to be enough my cock ached and the need to be inside of her was going to consume me. I turned her so that she now straddled me, I wanted to feel her warm core rubbing up against me but didn’t have time for foreplay I wanted to be buried deep inside of her, trailing my kisses down her neck, I was so hard. “Baby I need to fuck you right now.” I carried on kissing down her neck, over the swell of her breast, she nodded and my reply was not words it was actions. I lifted her up and spun her round she was now stood with her back to my chest, she was a sight to behold dirty blonde hair hanging loose, tight yoga pants fit like a glove over the curve of her arse.

  “I am going to bend you over my desk and fuck you now Faith, I am going to make you scream my name as I make you cum.” She moaned and nodded and it was the most fucking amazing sound I have ever heard, I slowly pulled at her pants tugging them down her thighs to her knees, she has her legs slightly parted as if her instinct guided her. Oh fuck she has no knickers on. Shit I nearly cum just from looking at her bare
arse exposed to me. I give it a gentle slap. “I like you bent over my desk.” I tugged at my trousers as quickly as I could, and got them down around my ankles. I didn’t care, I gripped hold of my cock and started to rub it in her wetness, her liquid coated my dick making it nice and wet. She moaned when my tip brushed against her clit. I pulled back to start the torture all over again, I can smell the tang of her wetness, taste it on the tip of my tongue and hell if it doesn’t make me ache to be inside of her. I don’t think I can hold on much longer. Jesus. I’m not even inside her and I want to cum like some horny fucking teenager.

  “Please, I need you inside me.”

  Her words where my undoing, I line myself up and thrust all the way inside of her. I felt her warm heat wrap around me. She is so fucking tight. I love it knowing that she is mine and only mine. That caveman instinct inside of me comes to life whenever I’m near her. I pull back slowly and push forward again harder this time sending her further across my desk. I grip hold of her hips and pull her back to me hard. She moans my name and it drives me fucking crazy. I thrust inside of her again, wanting to feel her let go again, knowing that I control her pleasure. I slap her arse again and look at the nice pink mark that is now glowing. It covers her backside. I pump my hips faster now, wanting to feel that sweet release knowing that it is Faith bringing it to me. I don’t think I will ever get enough of her. I feel her insides tighten as my speed increases, a few faster, deep strokes will send me over the edge. I hear her moaning, but it’s not enough, I needed her to scream out my name. I don’t care who hears I want everyone to know she is mine. That I am doing this to her, making her body responds to mine. I place my fingers on her clit and rub, then gently I pinch the sensitive bundle of nerves and I hear her screaming out my name. Her pussy clamps hard around my dick as she falls over the edge. Every muscle in her body is rigid as she rides her climax. As she comes down, I feel the tightness of my balls as they pull up tight and I feel pulse after pulse of my release empty inside of her. I fall forward and rest my cheek against her back utterly spent my heaving chest feels heavy and my body now spent.

  “Wow, that was just… wow… I have no words” her words bring a smile to my face, I pull myself up off of her back, pulling out I pull my trousers back up and tuck myself away, bending down I pull Faith’s yoga pants back up and cover her up. When she leans up off the desk she spins around to face me.

  “Now that you have that out of you system, do you want to tell me the rest of the story?” it has to come out so why not now, the knocking at the door pulls my attention from Faith.

  “Yes” I shout, the door opens and in walks Jake.

  “Sir, can we talk?” I look over to Faith, not wanting her to hear what was going to be said just yet.

  “Faith will you please give us a minute.” Fuck I even ask her to do things not demand like I do with everyone else.

  She just nods her head and makes her way out of the office closing the door behind her.

  I sit down in my chair and just look at him, there was something that just does not quite sit right. I’m not sure what it is but I have this gut feeling. When they say don’t judge a book by its cover, well that’s all I had to go off Jake he had no background, no history and no family or so the background check I had done on him revealed.

  He sits down opposite me and looked directly at me he didn’t seem nervous or scared to be in my presence so I just sit and wait for him to spill the information that he has gathered so far.

  “He is hiding Sir.” Well no shit Sherlock I thought to myself as If I didn’t already know that.

  “That much I had pretty much worked out for myself Jake, do you have anything important to tell me or not.” I tell him wanting him to just come right out and say it, why do people do that beat around the bush to make a point, it really does tick me off I have better things to do with my time.

  “Of course sir, we tracked him down to a hotel in the city where he is staying but he has bodyguards with him so we could not get to him, so Malc came back here and I was to watch which is what I did sir. After a couple of hours a man left his hotel with a large case, from what I have been able to gather is that he has paid for protection,” Right well that’s not too bad I knew he would go into hiding it was pretty obvious, so why the importance that’s what I don’t get I need him to finish explaining it too me right now

  “Sir he has no money to pay for protection, he has promised them something when all this has blown over.” I was getting that feeling again in the pit of my stomach that my world was going to fall from under my feet.

  “What has he promised them in return for protection Jake.” His head dropped down to his chest and I knew by looking at him that I was not going to like the answer one little bit.

  “Faith” he said. With that I roar at him to get the fuck out.

  I shout for the one man I need.




  I hear him shouting Malc’s name and I run back towards his office. What the fuck has Jake said to him, to cause him to want Malc right at this moment.

  I don’t stop to knock, I just burst through his office door, and stop right in front of him, the amber liquid was sliding effortlessly down his throat, his head was tipped right back as he finished his drink, he slammed the glass down so hard on his desk I thought it was going to smash.

  “What happened?” I ask him as his head snapped up to me as if he had only just realised I was there.

  “Just leave it Faith, go and wait for me in the living room I will be in soon.” How dare he just order me out who the fuck does he think he is just because we have fucked twice does not give him the power to rule me, hell no!

  “I only came to see what was going on, I don’t need a fucking lecture you arsehole.” Rage runs through me at this point and I just want to slap him, across that face, gone is the man who 30 minutes ago had me bent over this desk making me scream for a whole other reason and in his place is the arrogant, self-assured prick of a boss who has to control every little detail of what is going on around him.

  “I told you to leave Faith. This does not concern you. It’s my fucking business not yours.” he snaps at me and I feel like a child being told off, to say my mood was really becoming sour was an understatement.

  “You know what fine, have it your way I will go.”

  I turn around walking back the way I came in, just who the hell does he think he is? The arrogant arse, he wants me to go, fine! That’s what I will do. I rush down the hall and pass the living room coming to his bedroom. Stepping inside I slam the door behind me, I don’t care if I am heard, I want to stomp, scream and throw something heavy, preferably at his head. But he hasn’t followed me so I will just have to settle for the wall.

  Pulling my bag out of his walk in wardrobe, I stomp around some more pulling my few items of clothes that I brought with me and stuffing them into the bag I don’t care if they are folded or not. I want out of this house.

  Zipping up the bag I grab my jacket and bag and set off, the only aim in my head is to get out of this house.

  I walk out of the door from the bedroom and head towards the front door of this beautiful house, the natural creams and brown colours that line all the walls make it clean and warm and inviting I wonder who decorated this house was it a ex or a designer or a family member. It just goes to show I hardly know anything about him, the only thing I am certain of is my body’s reaction to his kisses and touches. They make me feel alive something, I did not even realise that I was missing from my life how can one person live everyday but not feel alive, I don’t think I will ever not crave his touch.

  I see the door ahead of me and I walk as quickly as I can, when I reach it I see that no one has come looking for me. Pulling open the door I get outside, just as I walk away, I feel the hand clamp around my arm spinning me back around, but it’s not who I expected it to be, “Malc” I breath slightly scared and relieved at the same time.

“Where do you think you’re going Faith, you know you can’t be out here it’s not safe.” His words are a warning but they show that he cares as well.

  “Well I’m not staying in there, you should have heard how he spoke to me, and I am not some drone he can order about.”

  I realise I do not want to be someone he orders about, damn feelings always stirring up trouble where there should be none, after all if it wasn’t for Damien then I would be at the hands of my father suffering God knows what. “Just give him time to sort his shit out Faith.” I do like Malc’s voice it has a lovely low tone to it, the accent did make him sound sexy and gruff but it was nothing compared to Damien’s, his silky voice makes my insides squirm.

  “What does he expect me to do? Just stand there while he dictates to me. That just isn’t going to happen.” As the anger flares up again, it was also embarrassment that I was feeling, the way he had spoken to me like that. That is what really had me running, I know deep down that I do not want to leave, but I’m making a stand, damn it.

  “I can’t let you leave you know that, don’t make me manhandle you, I’ve done it before I will do it again little one, I don’t answer to you, he gives me my orders and I listen and follow.” I shrink back a little at the memory of being taken, all that I had come to endure due to my father's actions still burned deep, but to come face to face with the man who had actually taken me. I didn’t know what to feel. On one hand I should run kicking and screaming but on the other, the few times that I had seen him since, he has not hurt me. The way he saved my best friend and has looked after her since, has me wondering about the man he is, I know it’s wrong to push him, but I can't help the snarky comment that leaves my mouth.

  “Like a lap dog you mean,” I knew the instant my eyes met his I had pushed him too far, His hands fisted at his sides so quick, I almost missed it, but with my next breath, I was hoisted up over his shoulder his arm clamped around my legs holding them securely to him. He lowered his other arm and picked up my bag and walked back into the house. Well this can’t get any worse, I thought to myself I started smacking his back with my closed fists.


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