Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1) Page 14

by S. E Foster

  I wake up alone wondering why Cami is not back yet. I didn’t sleep at all, with everything that’s going on, listening to her screams killed me. She still hasn’t been brought back to the room that Jake is keeping us in.

  I sit on the cold floor wondering what has happened to us over the last day. I still can’t wrap my brain around the idea that Jake is Conner’s brother. The moment he said it my blood ran cold, and that feeling of fear came back tenfold.

  How did I miss it? There must have been signs. I think back to all my encounters with Jake and there seemed to be nothing that truly stood out to me.

  The thought of what Jake had said to me and I quote “That the next time you see me cum, it will be inside of you eradicating every trace of him from your body, I will fuck you on top of his cold dead body. There is nothing you can do about it.” It was those words that sent the chills up my spine that set the alarm bells ringing, he was not going to give me a choice. He was just the same as Conner except I feared he was worse.

  I went through so much after what Conner tried to do to me, I withdrew into myself closed myself off to the outside world, I could not face the world for 6 months, I lived and breathed Cami’s apartment, the only place I went was to the therapist. But what I felt for Damien never faltered. Even after I found out who he was and what he did, my feelings never really changed. Sure it felt wrong how people would see it, but not in my heart. I knew that I was in love with him and being here now trapped in this place, I pine for him even more, but not wanting Damien to come for me, I want him safe.

  I hear the door open and I know they are bringing Cami back. What has that sick fucker Jake done to her? I huddle closer to the wall as the guards place Cami on the floor. A gasp escapes me when I finally get a good look at her, only it doesn’t look like her. Her hair is matted with blood and one eye is swollen shut, her nose has been bleeding and there are finger marks and scratches all over her body. I feel the tears coming to my eyes and I am helpless to stop them.

  I rush over to where she is passed out on the floor and the guard just looks at me and offers me a first aid kit.

  “She was lucky she passed out, if she hadn’t he wouldn’t have stopped until she was dead.” Did he really just say she was lucky, looking at any part of her broken body you can see she is anything but, blood covers her from head to toe, big purple welts colour her beautiful skin.

  “If you call this lucky, I dread to think what is unlucky to you. Why the first aid kit?” I was getting snarky with my reply but I really didn’t care anymore. Looking down at my best friend I couldn’t help it. I should have made him take me not her. Nothing in this whole mess has anything to do with Cami. I’m here because of my dad and Damien, but Cami is only here because of me and look what has happened to her.

  “To help get her cleaned up a little, that’s all, look I am only hired help I don’t work for the psycho, and if I thought for a minute he was going to do that to her I would have tried to stop him.” I see the truth in his eyes and I take the kit from him just nodding at him, I remember it was Jake that dragged her away nobody else, how were they to know what he was going to do to her, even I did not think that at first. It wasn’t until I heard her screams flooding down the hall to where I tried to sleep curled up on the floor. It was no use I couldn’t get out to help her, so I had to lie there on the floor and listen to what that monster was doing to Cami. “Can I have a little water please, so I can clean her up a little.”

  The guard walks back into the room a moment later with warm water and a sponge so I can at least mop up some of the dried blood.

  “Thank you,” I say to him in the kindest voice I can muster in these awful circumstances. Now I am wondering if the guard is doing this because he cares or if Jake is still playing some twisted game, to make us think someone is going to help us.

  Before going in for the kill, and it’s that thought that has me not trusting him. He leaves the room and I hear the door lock into place as I kneel down at the side of Cami.

  I dip the sponge back in the now red water and try to clean her as best as I can, she is still out cold and I am beginning to worry a little. There is a cut still open on her head and I tried to put her jeans back on to cover her a little, but I couldn’t pull them fully up. It’s then I notice the blood that is now staining the rug from where she is laying it pools between her legs and my heart breaks that little bit more to know that he has taken her body and her power, all so he could exert his will over her, and beat her into submission. I hope she fought till the very end. It makes bile rise in my throat knowing that sick fuckers, like this walk among us.

  I spend the next few hours just stroking the top of her hair, I don’t even think it’s a soothing benefit for her I think it’s more for me. I think about everything while I’m sat there waiting for Cami to come around.

  I think of my dad and how I watched as he was killed, and I don’t feel anything, not even sadness that my father is no longer alive, sure my mum will miss the clothes and the shopping trips but I am sure she will land on her feet she always did. No the only thing I feel is relief that he is gone and I won’t have him trying to sell me or trade me for money and that all this will be over soon.

  “Faith” I hear in a quiet voice

  I look down and see that Cami has her eye open and is trying to look up at me.

  “Ssh it’s ok Cami don’t try to speak I got you,” I say as soothingly as I can. I can feel the tears build again and I know it’s guilt that I am swamped with. I brought her into this when I called her from the hospital all those months ago because I was selfish and couldn’t be on my own. I wanted someone to help me and guide me and look what that caused. We are now sat in a concrete room with a dirty rug on the floor and no furniture, I caused her this pain. Me. Some friend I am. It should be me not her, laying here on the ground used and beaten within an inch of their life, if I could give anything for it to be me and not her I would do it in an instant.

  “It hurts Faith, it hurts so much please, make it stop.” Her broken voice makes my heartbreak with her words. What can I do to help her? I have done everything I can do with what I have.

  “Ssh I’m so sorry Cami go back to sleep I’m not leaving you.” I tell her soothingly trying to keep her calm as I continue to stroke her hair as I feel her breathing even out again. At least she is at least able to sleep through some of this nightmare. I rest my head against the wall trying to get comfy. I won't let go of Cami, I will stroke her hair as long as she needs me. I know it’s not the best thing I can do but right now in this room it’s the only thing I can do.

  I don’t know how long passes before the door flies open and a very smug looking Jake steps inside the room.

  “So now you have seen what I can do” he leers at me and I can feel the anger in me coming to the surface keep calm, keep calm, I repeat over and over again I must not react.

  “I have seen, I do have eyes, and I can say I'm most definitely am not impressed.” Oh why can I not keep my opinions to myself.

  “I do like seeing that fire in your eyes Faith, I am going to enjoy breaking you so fucking much, and I will break you, something that my brother could not manage. Looking at her you see that I am a man of my word I follow through.” His words fuel my hatred more I will not cower and shrink in front of this worthless piece of shit.

  “I don’t think you will be doing anything of the sort, I will bite it off before I let your dick and your filthy hands come anywhere near me.” I spit the words out Cami still sleeps blissfully with her head resting on my lap.

  “You think I am affected by words of a woman like you? The harder you fight me the more I enjoy it; look at her. She tried to fight me it only took few hours before she finally gave in. I got bored quickly so I was getting ready to finish and take her last breath when she passed out. That is the only reason she is still alive. Not that I had any mercy or a change of heart, I like to know that my victims see their fate coming with eyes wide open it makes it more enjoyabl
e for me.” I hate that his words wound me. I can see the hunger there in his eyes, he wants to break me and strip me down piece by piece but it does not coincide with his plans. Well not just yet anyway.

  “You think I am scared of you? I’m not, I won’t fight you if that’s what gets you off, I will just lie there, I won’t scream, I won’t fight and I won’t say no. Lets’ see you enjoy it then, you never know your dick might just go soft with me being willing.” I say with as much bravado in my voice as I could find but on the inside I was scared and torn and almost at breaking point, the only thing that is keeping me going is that he does not have Damien.

  “We will see what you are like when the time comes and the time is drawing near. Damien is due in a few hours then my plan can really take shape.” With his words he left the room leaving me to ponder what had just happened.

  Cami tries to sit herself up and when I try to help her she pushes me away. I sit her up against the wall so she could lean back and use it to hold her up.

  “I really don’t feel right Faith. I don’t know what it is, my ribs hurt from his punches my head hurts from being smashed against the wall and between my legs hurt where he... Well you know you… cleaned me.” She tries to look away to hide her embarrassment but she hasn’t even got the strength to do that.

  “Hey Cami don’t be embarrassed in front of me you are my best friend, Damien will come I promise. He will get us out just hang on for me, don’t give up the fight Camilla, I will always need you. I need you to stay focused on freedom because it will come.”

  I hear her intake of breath and looked across at the tears that were falling down her cheek. She looks a mess and I can’t stand to see her like this. I have tried to clean her up and dress some of the wounds, but the blood is still flowing, she needs to get to a hospital to get checked over and time to heal, without fear of it happening again.

  My friend is broken I can see it and I don’t think I have the energy to save us both, but I will try my hardest for her, I will be strong, I will fight or I will die trying, I will not give up. He will not get to her again.



  I had to walk out of that room, I could feel myself losing the fight with her. She is strong I will give her that. The fight in her eyes is still as strong as it was when I took them.

  I thought that telling her who I was and doing what I did to Cami would be enough to break her but no she still fights and I can’t say that it doesn’t keep me as hard as fucking stone, I could feel my balls tightening with her sparing with me. But then she had to go and spout about being willing and will not fight and she was right my dick did start to deflate, it would not be the same. So I left the room looking at her pitiful friend, who put up a good fight, that was until the end when she passed out so I never got my finale.

  Once I kill Damien and break Faith, that’s when I will finally be better than Conner. I will have had the one person he craved and could not stop talking about after all the girls we have done this to, he never kept tokens like I did sure, he took a few polaroid’s but never to the extent I did, I would keep their hair and I had pictures, with all of their names and dates on the back. So that I will never forget each time or each one of them.

  The time was drawing nearer and I was starting to get impatient, months of planning were at stake here. All he had to do was show up alone and unarmed. I knew that if Malc came then there would be a real fight and by god that man can fight, I have seen it on a few occasions he is fast and deadly. He never misses his target.

  I have a man at the start of the road to the warehouse to make sure he is alone in the car I will search him when he gets here for communications. I can’t wait to tell him who I am, and see the recognition in his eyes when he realises that he set all of this in motion.

  When I found my brother I was gutted at how he had been killed, the way his body had been mutilated and the words carved into his chest. Even though we were always in competition, no one was allowed to hurt him but me. Even though I had not known him all my life I looked up to him, he taught me everything I know, so it was only right for me to want revenge for his death and by god I will have it. I can taste it as the time was draws nearer. The smell of blood and death lingers in the air, I will be happier when I know it’s Damien’s blood that lingerers in the air.

  I need to make sure my final plans fall into place. I can’t risk anything going wrong I had the room all set up for him and the table where I would fuck her while he watched, I will get great satisfaction in watching whilst he is strung up, helpless, with his dick cut off knowing that the only fuck she would get before she died was me. That he would have to suffer watching her scream in pain while I used her body for my pleasure.

  The wall where the shackles are waiting for him. Every act that he did to Conner I will do to him, on the table set up close to the wall. I have the biggest hard on at the thought of what will happen in this very room in a few short hours, I will not masturbate like a fucking teenager, over what I will get to do soon.

  Of what, I will get to taste, with my own tongue.

  Of what, I will get to watch, with my own eyes.

  Of what, I will get to feel, with my own cock.

  Of what, I will get to kill, with my own hands.



  Yet again I find myself on the sofa in the living room with the bottle of Jack on the table, I must have passed out again. I haven’t been able to sleep in the bed without her. I can’t stand the thought of not having her in my arms. I had to drink myself unconscious, so that I could pass out without thoughts of what she could be going through invade my mind. I am trying but failing to hold it together, when everyone has turned in for the night I found the bottle of Jack and started drinking.

  I rise off the couch and make my way to the bedroom, I need to shower and get ready, after all today is going to be one hell of a day, however it ends.

  Stripping off I walk in to the ensuite bathroom and step into the shower. I rest my head against the wall, the hot spray beating down against my back. I just stand until I can’t take any more.

  I finally emerge from the bedroom dressed in black trousers and a blue shirt, I can’t really be wearing combat gear that might just scream ‘I know what you’re up to’.

  I see Malc and Anton in the kitchen as I make my way through to get some coffee. I’m going to need a hell of a lot of that before I leave.

  My mother is reading the paper at the table and she glances my way. She seems to have aged about 20 years overnight. I can’t imagine how she must feel right now, she really bonded with Faith and Cami. To know that it’s my fault that she feels this way. That all her memories of Bella are being dragged to the surface… It’s like a twist of the knife hat’s been wedged in my heart since I found out Faith was gone

  “Morning Damien.” My mother says in a sombre tone. I know what that tone means she is prepared for what could happen today. She knows how this story goes and that sometimes, not everything goes to plan. She was married to my father long enough to know what happens in times like this, but she knows when to question me and when to hold her tongue.

  “Mother.” I know I should ask her how she’s holding up. It’s not that I don’t care, I’m just trying to keep a handle on my emotions. It’s hard enough as it is, not to shout and scream at everyone. I’m barely holding on, I just want to get on with it and go and get my girl.

  “Are you ready for today?” Anton says to me. Am I ready? I don’t think you can ever be ready when the stakes are so high. One wrong move could bring the house down.

  “I’ll be fine. What about you? Is everything in place?” I ask him wanting to take some of the heat away from me, I can feel everyone’s eyes on me.

  “Yes we have the SUV stocked. We’ll follow you there at a distance so we can bide our time, then come in and get you. Just remember he has to think you’re alone and unarmed. Take your phone and everything you would normally take with you, and let him
take them from you. That way he won’t think you’ve done any planning beforehand.” I nod in agreement.

  I just hope everything goes to plan.

  “Right one hour then we move out. Did you get back up sorted? I don’t really want to go in with just us. We don’t know how many goons he will have with him, or what her dad will be up to. I don’t trust that motherfucker.”

  “I have two men joining us, they should be arriving at the house anytime now.” He said as he glancing down at his watch.

  “I take it they can be trusted?”

  “Of course they can, I handpicked these two myself they are ex-Special Forces, so these boys know exactly what they are doing.”

  “Ok.” As I leave the kitchen I wonder back down the hall to my office, I need to do something, to take my mind off what’s going to happen next.


  The drive to the warehouse is lonely and long, my heart is in my stomach the whole time. They follow behind me even though I can’t see them, I know they’re there. Watching, waiting for the right time to strike.

  I have the case of money with me, it’s beside me on the front seat and I realise I have to play this just right or else, I risk blowing this whole plan. I need him to think he is in control of everything.

  It still gets to me that the piece of shit is in my building, talk about rubbing salt in a wound. This is going to end today, I will make sure of it. I just need Jake to believe that I know nothing and take me inside. That way I can make sure she is ok before the guys arrive.

  I finally turn down the dirt road that leads to the warehouse; the car must find every pothole leading down towards the little car park at the side of the building.

  Pulling the car to a stop, I don’t see anyone around. I’m on edge, the hair on my neck standing on end in anticipating what is going to happen.

  I turn off the engine and step out of the car, grabbing the case as I open the door. I look around and walk towards the doors, I still can’t see anyone around. I’m at a loss but if Anthon said they’re here. Then this is where they will be. I pull open the door and step inside the building, the door slams shut behind me.


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