Haven 3 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem

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Haven 3 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Page 15

by Misty Vixen

  Once sliced across his shoulder, through the clothing and biting cruelly into his flesh, and he yelled again, louder, and fell back behind a tree.

  “David!” Cait cried.

  “I’m fine! Keep shooting!” he snarled, waiting for the blinding pain to subside. He waited for the barrage to let up, then leaned around, aimed in their general direction, and emptied the magazine. They were wild shots, but enough to send the survivors in the opening off running for the protection of the trees. They seemed to be in an unfortunate stalemate. Although they now had two avenues of fire between David, Cait, and Jennifer, and those in the campgrounds, the thieves had the men now retreating and firing back, and those hidden among the trees. And soon they were all hidden among the trees. They began pounding both positions with gunfire.

  David wasn’t sure how long it was going to go on for. He couldn’t even see anyone now, at least not clearly, and the pain in his shoulder was awful. It was like someone was holding a fucking lighter to his flesh and he could feel blood seeping out of him. All around him, bullets rained. He heard someone shout, the voice unfamiliar, and leaned back around the tree he was hiding behind. There! He saw a man standing between two trees, holding an assault rifle. That’s fucking mine, he thought furiously, and took aim. More gunfire hit the area around him, blasting chunks out of the dead trees and sending up plumes of snow, but he forced himself to focus.

  David squeezed the trigger.

  The shot was great, taking the man wielding the rifle down as it nailed him right in the eye. He pulled back as another bullet came extremely close to puncturing his chest. Suddenly, someone else shouted, another new voice coming from the direction of the attackers. Then another voice screamed and cut off abruptly. The gunfire began falling silent, until a gunshot rang out, then two more. What was happening? Had zombies or stalkers been drawn in by their fire?

  “Fuck! Kill her! Kill her!” someone screamed.

  No, something worse had found them.


  “Go! Go!” David snapped, rushing the opportunity. He leaned out and opened fire, blasting away at their position. Someone stumbled out of cover and he shot them twice in the back. Cait took another man in the back of the head as he tried to run. After that, it was a confusing mess as David, Ellie, Cait, and the others gunned down the thieves as they tried to flee in the thickening snowfall. He fired off a few more shots, but then didn’t see anyone else, and didn’t want to hit Ellie. He quickly checked Cait and Jennifer, found them to be okay, and then went looking for Ellie.

  “David, wait! Your shoulder!” Cait cried.

  “Check on the others!” he yelled back, heading for the treeline where Ellie had apparently circled around and ambushed the assholes attacking them.

  “Ellie?” he asked.

  Someone groaned, though it definitely wasn’t her. He heard muttering as he carefully drew closer. Then, “No! Wait! Don’t!”

  A gunshot sounded.

  “Ellie?!” he called.

  “I’m fine, David,” Ellie replied, and he saw her through the trees, standing among several dead bodies. “Help me search them, before the snow covers their weapons and supplies.” She paused. “You’re bleeding. You’re shot. Get inside.”

  “I’m fine, it’s just a graze-” he began, coming towards.

  “David, get inside right now!” she snarled at him.

  He stopped dead in his tracks, staring at her in surprise. “Uh...okay,” he replied finally.

  “Send a few people to help me with this. Then get your ass taken care of. Hurry. I’ll be damned if you catch cold or an infection before our job is done,” she said, then crouched by one of the bodies, already beginning to be covered up by the snow.

  He nodded, then turned away and began jogging back towards the campgrounds. He was pretty desperate to see if Evie and April and Ashley were okay. He saw several people moving around just beyond the gates, and thankfully he saw no bodies laying on the ground. One of the people moving was especially tall, and he hurried towards her.

  “Evie!” he called.

  “David! Oh thank fucking God,” she said, relief obvious in her voice. He hurried over to her and she hugged him tightly. Then she pulled back and looked down at him. “You’re shot!”

  “I’m okay,” he replied.

  “Who’s shot!?” someone called.

  “I am fine!” he snapped back. “Just a graze!”

  Ashley appeared at his side, staring at his shoulder. “Shit,” she whispered. “That’s gotta hurt.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed.

  “Come on. We need to get you to April,” Evelyn said.

  “No, we need to make sure everyone’s okay.”

  “Go, we’ll deal with that. I promise. I’ll come tell you as soon as I know how everyone is,” Evelyn replied.

  He lingered for a few seconds, looking around. He saw Jim and Amanda, Ashley’s parents, Ann, they all looked okay. Shaken, to varying degrees, but okay. God, he hoped that the kids were okay, though he saw Ann making for her house and Ashley’s mom making for hers. He was tempted to go check on the Walsh’s, but his shoulder throbbed in agony and he grit his teeth and angrily began making his way towards the main house, where April should be. He hurried across the snowy area and in through the front door, where he saw April in the main room laying out blankets on the floor next to some medical supplies.

  “Oh, David,” she said, jumping as he came on. “Oh, you’re hurt! Come here!” she demanded, and he moved over to her.

  “Just a graze, babe,” he replied.

  She winced as she looked at it. “I need to clean this. Get your top off. Is anyone else hurt?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so, but I don’t know for sure,” he replied.

  “Once the shooting died down, I figured I should get ready for injured,” she said as he painfully got out of his backpack, then his jacket, then his shirt, then his undershirt. Lots of layers in the winter. He looked at his shoulder. An ugly furrow had been gouged out of his skin and there was a lot of blood. April studied it too, then made him sit down on one of the blankets she’d laid down. She grabbed some supplies and set to work. “Luckily for you, I’ve got some local anesthetic. I’m going to numb your shoulder so I can clean in peace,” she muttered.

  He winced as she stuck him with a needle a few times, and then he didn’t feel anything, which was a great relief. He didn’t look as she went to work.

  “What happened out there?” she murmured.

  “I don’t know. Cait, Ellie, Jennifer, and I were coming back from our trip when we heard the shooting. Ellie managed to sneak around behind them and break the assault. They’re all dead, as far as I know,” he replied.


  “You remember that wraith I told you about? The one who lives in the woods?”

  “The one you made love with,” she replied.

  “Yes. That one. She’s decided to come for a visit.”

  “To make love again?”

  “Yes, and to meet you and Evie and some others, I imagine. And to help with the assault.”

  “You’re very kind,” April murmured. Now she was cleaning the wound, and he was very grateful that he couldn’t feel it.

  “How, exactly?”

  “Having sex with Jennifer.”

  “What?” He glanced at her.

  “She’s a wraith,” April replied, looking surprised. He caught brief sight of his wound, made a face and turned away. April went back to work.

  “Having sex with Jennifer is not an act of kindness,” David replied. “I had sex with Jennifer, and will again, because she offered and I’m attracted to her.”

  “Truly?” she asked.

  “Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to insult either of you. I don’t mean to imply that I think it’s impossible to be genuinely attracted to a wraith, it’s just...the way I’ve heard people talk about them, especially humans, so many of them have
been so utterly repulsed by the idea, so disgusted by the mere thought of it, that I do find it a bit strange for someone to be naturally attracted to a wraith. I suppose...you can’t make yourself be attracted to someone, can you?”

  “You really can’t,” he murmured. “I don’t know. I don’t want to shit on people who think wraiths are ugly, because I do think you can’t control who you’re attracted to, but I don’t think that means you need to tell them you think they’re repulsive. At the most, a person might find themselves in a position to turn down a wraith’s advances, which can be done without being cruel. But no, to be clear, I really want to fuck Jennifer. I think she’s really hot.”

  “I’m glad. She sounds nice.” She sealed a bandage carefully over his wounded shoulder and smoothed it gently into place. “Okay, I’m done. You need to move very little for the next several days,” she said, sitting back.

  “That’s not happening,” David muttered.

  She sighed. “I know. But at least not today. And I’ll need to check it every day. Multiple times a day in the beginning. If possible, you really should go lay down.”

  He began to tell her that was out of the question, but then he yawned as a wave of sleepiness washed over him. “Shit, maybe,” he muttered. “But I’ve got so much to do...” he groaned.

  “I’ll be right back,” April said.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To check on the others.”

  He nodded, then laid back carefully on the blanket, staring up at the chipped, old ceiling, listening to the sounds of the others moving outside. It didn’t sound panicked, at least. He’d heard crying, earlier, one of the children, but now that had stopped. He felt so guilty to subject them to this, but...what was the alternative? Leave? Were there safer places around? Maybe the farm, but it wasn’t like they were looking for new roommates. Same with the military outpost. Obviously the fishing villages weren’t really safe. No, the only real option was to remove the threat. Or at least the most obvious threat, not like they could remove all the undead. At best, they might be able to remove a few trouble spots with a lot of effort, and make some secure zones. Maybe. But that was always a tenuous prospect.

  He heard footsteps coming, Evie’s and someone else’s, and a moment later, Evie and Cait walked into the room, all smiles and smirks.

  “What’s going on?” he asked. “Is everyone okay? Are you okay?”

  “We’re fine, David. Everyone’s fine. You were the only one injured. We got lucky,” Evelyn replied as she came up to him. She crouched by his side, and Cait stood on his other side, both looking down at him. “Amanda caught them while they were trying to mount an attack and sounded the alarm. I happened to be heading out with Jim to do some poaching, so we had guns. You showed up almost immediately after the attack began. We got very lucky. The children are shaken, but okay. Don’t worry, babe, you did great.”

  “Thank fucking God,” he muttered, relaxing.

  “Yes. Now, April tells us you need some bed rest, and you’re being a little stubborn about it. So we decided we’re going to help you with it,” Cait said.

  “Help me how?” he asked.

  “You’ll see,” Evelyn replied.

  She knelt and then scooped him up in her arms, and he let out a surprised sound. “Wow, you are so fucking strong,” he muttered as she raised him swiftly off the floor.

  “Yep,” she agreed.

  Cait gathered his stuff and they walked upstairs. David had another strong sense of dreamlike quality sweep over him as he was carried up two flights of stairs, the notion only enhanced by the fact that he was so tired. Evelyn smiled down at him from time to time as she carried him, and he found himself smiling back up at her. Being carried by her felt...so good. It wasn’t the first time she’d carried him, but each time he worried it might make him feel...bad, somehow. He supposed the most obvious emotion would be emasculation, but it never came. It was less that he felt he should feel bad or weak or whatever about being carried by his girlfriend, and more that the society he’d grown up in had kind of programmed him to feel that way.

  But maybe he was changing, because it didn’t come. Maybe it was easier to stop giving a shit about stupid things when your life was at risk all the time and a lot of people were counting on you. Well, if so, that would be a nice side effect. As she brought him up to their bed, she paused as she stood beside it, an interested look on her face.

  “What?” he asked.

  “There’s something I’ve always wanted to try with you...Cait, get his cock out,” she said.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Cait replied, setting his stuff down and coming over.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “You’ll see,” Evelyn replied with a very sultry smirk that she seemed to have picked up from Cait and Ellie. Cait undid his pants and dug his cock out, which was already rigid because he kept getting hard-ons whenever he touched one of his girlfriends for more than a moment. As soon as it was out, Evelyn lifted him up higher, then slipped it into her mouth.

  “Oh my fucking...holy fucking shit, Evie,” he groaned as she began sucking him off.

  Now this was fucking unreal.

  She held him firmly and securely, and she didn’t bob her head this time as she gave him oral, she lifted him up and down while keeping her head in place.

  “Wow, this is just...amazingly erotic,” Cait whispered.

  “Yes. It is. Fuck. Holy shit, Evie,” he panted.

  He stared at her large head, at his cock disappearing into her big mouth, her lips, luscious and wet, wrapped around it. He could feel her hands beneath him, lifting him with relative ease it seemed, and this was definitely one of those instances where the nature of the situation had a direct increase on the pleasure. He liked blowjobs, a lot, obviously, but this felt even better than a normal one would simply because of how heavily her size was emphasized. David had always known he’d had a thing for women who were taller than him, but dear fucking lord, this was just amazing. The pleasure was eating into him, consuming him whole, radiating out from his cock as her wonderful lips slid slowly up and down.

  She sucked him off like that for another half minute or so, then she took it out of her mouth and grinned down at him. “Okay, now I’m going to lay you down, and Cait and I are going to convince you to take a nap,” she said, and began laying him down on their bed.

  “I’ve got shit to,” he complained.

  “No, David. You’ve done enough. All three of your girlfriends are agreed on this one.”

  “Oh. Well then I guess I’m fucked,” he replied.

  Cait giggled. “Yes, you are.”

  As he finished laying down, Cait pulled his pants and boxers off and tossed them away. She began to kiss him, lavishing him with wonderful, long, hot kisses as Evelyn resumed sucking his dick. He groaned into the kisses and pulled her shirt up until her huge breasts had been freed. They continued making out as more oral pleasure burned into him, engulfing and consuming him. He could feel himself throbbing, pulsing in response to it. Especially when Cait stopped kissing him, took off her shirt, and then joined Evelyn.

  “Oh my fucking God, you two are the best...” he moaned loudly as they both started to drag their tongues across the head of his cock. He felt powerless before them, watching both of them as they started taking turns putting his cock in their mouth. Cait took it into hers and locked eyes with him as she bobbed her head. There seemed to be a new intensity in her gaze, he saw, or maybe that was just his exhaustion, or imagination. Either way, he liked it. She was running her hand lovingly up and down his leg as she bobbed her head and her touch was soft and warm and wonderful. They passed him back and forth like that until he started letting off in Cait’s mouth. He cried out in primal bliss as his orgasm erupted and he shot his load into her willing mouth. She kept on sucking, staring at him with her beautiful eyes the whole time.

  Hot, rapturous ecstasy blasted through him, destroying any hopes he had of staying awake. It was almost like what
little energy he had left was leaving through his cock. Cait sucked him dry and then swallowed.

  “You doing okay there, handsome?” Evie asked.

  “Uh-huh,” he managed, his lids heavy.

  “Oh yeah, he’s not going anywhere,” Cait said. “Come on, David, let’s get you covered up so you can catch some sleep.”

  “All right,” he murmured.

  He got under the blankets and fell asleep almost immediately.


  When he came to, he heard voices talking, though they weren’t nearby. And there was someone in the bed with him, someone warm and curvy that he had apparently wrapped himself around in his sleep. He ran his hands slowly over her body, and surmised that it must be Cait. Her skin wasn’t scaly nor furry, so it wasn’t April or Ellie, too small to be Evie, and too buxom to be Ashley. As he shifted around, he confirmed that it was indeed his redheaded lover in the soft moonlight that came in through the windows.

  After a little bit, David realized that he was starving, and that his shoulder hurt. A lot. Carefully, he sat up and began to get out of bed.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Cait murmured.

  “To eat,” he replied. “I smell dinner...and I’ve been asleep for too long.”

  “It’s only been an hour or two...I think,” she replied, rolling over to face him. “I need to look at your bandage.”

  “Think I reopened the wound in my sleep?” he asked.

  “It’s possible. But it wasn’t done bleeding by the time April finished patching it,” she replied. “Stay here, babe.”

  She got up, and he got a good look at her ass in the moonlight. There were a lot of things to love about Cait, but he had a particular love of her fat white ass. She returned a moment later with some medical supplies and a battery-powered lantern, then sat on the bed beside him. She considered him for a moment, then set the supplies down, pulled on some panties, pulled a chair over, and sat down in it. “Sit here,” she said, motioning in front of her on the bed.


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