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Haven 3 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem

Page 17

by Misty Vixen

  Preferably a foursome with Katya. She was so fucking hot, too.

  It wasn’t long before Jennifer leaned in and pressed her lips to his. He kissed her back, pulling her closer to him, running his hand along her hip, her thigh, back up to her tight ass, up the curve of her back. She shivered at his touch and moaned into the kiss, her own hand exploring across his flesh. “Mmm,” she moaned. “You’re warm...” she whispered between kisses. “So hot, David. Everything about you is hot...” she moaned, then pressed herself completely against him and moaned louder.

  As they kissed, his hand found its way down in between her thighs, and she let out a loud moan and shuddered violently as his fingertip came in contact with her clit.

  “Oh yes. I fucking remember this...” she moaned as he began to massage it.

  “I’ll bet,” he murmured.

  “I’ll-ah!-I’ll try not to-oh fuck!-give you a black eye this time,” she whispered.

  He laughed. “I’d appreciate it.”

  Ashley laughed loudly. “I’d forgotten about that!”

  He heard a few of the other women chuckle as well. They resumed kissing as he fingered her, first massaging her clit, starting out harder than he would have normally, given the fact that she was a wraith. It seemed to be working. He knew he’d have to work extra hard to get her to orgasm, something he fully intended to do, but this time he was going to be using more than just his hand. They made out and he fingered her for a good five minutes, alternating between rubbing her clit and fucking her with his finger, pushing up repeatedly into that wonderfully sensitive spot of hers, making her hips buck and listening to her cry out in pleasure.

  And then he stopped kissing and fingering her.

  “What?” she asked, startled. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he replied. “I’m moving onto the next part.”

  “The sex? We’ll need to find some lube...”

  “No, Jennifer. That’s the part after this part.”

  “Oh...what then?”

  “Spread your legs,” he replied.

  She opened her legs for him and watched as he got down in between them. “Oh!” she said as it seemed to hit her. “Oh, you don’t have to...oh wow,” she whispered.

  “I want to,” he replied. “Though...”


  “I know how loud you get. Although this place is decently soundproofed...I think...we do have families here...”

  “Oh! Yes, of course. I’ll, uh, I’ll try to keep it down,” she said.

  “Good luck with that, he’s got a golden fucking tongue,” Cait muttered.

  “Oh God yes he does,” Evie said.

  “Yeah...pretty sure my parents have heard me screaming your name when you put that tongue to use,” Ashley admitted.

  “How fucking awkward that must be,” Ellie muttered.

  David got to work then, gently parting the lips of her pussy and beginning to lick with firm strokes. Jennifer let out a loud moan and then put a hand over her mouth. She stared at him with wide eyes as he started to eat her out. He thought she might taste bad or weird or...something, but she didn’t. She didn’t taste of anything, except maybe a very faint taste similar to what he experienced when he went down on the other women.

  For the next ten minutes or so he listened to her moan and cry out and carry on and shout, all from behind her hand, and then both hands as she desperately tried to keep quiet. Her legs spread wide open and her hips bucked and jerked occasionally as he tongued her clit. She got especially noisy when he also began fingering her again. Before long, between her frantic cries of pleasure, he became aware of heavy breathing from all around him, and then, quiet moans as well. He realized that some of the women must be pleasuring themselves, masturbating to this display. That only made him a hell of a lot hornier and he was looking forward to Jennifer riding his cock like crazy. But he had to make her come first, he had to.

  And he did.

  It seemed to take forever, and he was literally seconds away from being forced to take a break because between his shoulder and the strain on his fingers, wrist, tongue, and jaw, it was becoming too much, and finally she let out an exultant cry of total, pure, absolute sexual release as she began to orgasm furiously. He pleasured her throughout it, finding a final burst of strength, and barely managed to outlast her as she screamed and cried out and jerked and twitched and spasmed as the climax surged through her body.

  It was a wonderful experience.

  When she was finished, she let go of him, (she’d been grabbing his hair with one of her hands, the other still over her mouth), and looked down at him with wide eyes. “Okay,” she said, “okay, it’s your turn. Get on your back.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied.

  “Where’s your lube?” she muttered as she started looking around.

  “Headboard, right there,” David said, pointing to their headboard, which they had built several compartments into. They contained a lot of different items, among them lube, given how often April showed up, wanting to fuck.

  “Got it,” she said, snagging the bottle, opening it, and getting some into her hand. She tossed it aside and began to massage his rigid cock, making him shudder in response. “You made me come so fucking hard,” she said, almost growled, staring at him with her bloodshot eyes, “now I’m going to make you fucking come so fucking hard.”

  He wasn’t sure what to say to that, and she apparently wasn’t interested in waiting for an answer, because she quickly mounted him, slipped his cock into her pussy, and lowered herself, taking his whole rock-hard length into her.

  “Oh fuck...” he moaned loudly.

  “Big benefit of being skinny, I’ve found: super tight pussy,” she murmured.

  “Yep,” April said.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Ashley agreed.

  “And thank fucking God I got to keep that aspect when I turned,” Jennifer said as she began to ride him. “Because you feel so big and so fucking good in there right now...”

  “Yes. Fucking...goddamn!” he moaned as she began to go faster.

  “Remember, don’t go for too long,” April said.

  “I know. I’ll make him come,” Jennifer replied.

  “Aw, come on,” he groaned. “I can handle this.”

  “Don’t be difficult, David,” Ellie said. “You need to be in as good a shape as you can manage for tomorrow night. You need to rest that shoulder, let it heal as much as possible, because you’re almost certainly going to fuck it up during the assault.”

  “Ugh...yeah, fine,” he replied, but it was hard to be annoyed when a tight as fucking hell wraith was bouncing on your dick.

  She was fucking tight and he was enjoying the hell out of it. He stared up at her limber, lean body, taking in all her nude beauty as she rode him. And she did look beautiful, vibrant, amazingly sexy, not just because she was naked and fucking him, but because she looked so happy, so enthusiastic as she did so. She looked like she’d tossed away any and all of her concerns, like she’d forgotten everything that troubled her, like she was among people that she trusted and liked. And honestly, that was the best part of their sexual encounter.

  Although how downright good it felt was pretty great, too.

  He watched her high, firm breasts bouncing with the rest of her as she enthusiastically bounced on his dick, taking the whole thing into her again and again, putting her firm, tight thighs and smooth hips to good use.

  And she made good on her word.

  Before long, he felt a powerful orgasm rising in him, as though being drawn out by her and her wonderful body and vivacious lust as she stared at him and rode him and reached out, grabbing his hands and holding them up between them both, lacing their fingers together.

  “Do it,” she whispered, “I can feel it, you’re going to come soon. I can just fucking feel it, I can see it on your face, David. Do it. Come in me. I want you to,” she panted.

  “Oh, fuck, are really good at this
,” he groaned.

  “That’s right,” she said with a broad grin. “I remember how to do this. You fucking earned this, David. Now fill me up with everything you’ve got.”

  She began to go harder and faster, slipping that fantastically tight vagina up and down his cock, clenching it even more tightly around him, and he cried out and began to come within another ten seconds.

  “Oh yes!” Jennifer cried as he thrust up into her as the first of his seed burst out of him, spraying into her. More immediately followed as hot pulses of blinding pleasure raced through him, radiating out from the core of his body, filling him as he filled her. His seed left him in hard spurts, pumping her sweet wraith pussy full, and he groaned and cried out, his whole body spasming in pure pleasure as the orgasm overrode everything.

  He came until there was nothing left to give.

  And then he was spent, left panting and slack against the bed, his shoulder aching faintly from the exertion.

  “There,” Jennifer murmured, gently patting his sweat-slicked, bare chest, “now rest up, David. We’ve got a lot to do tomorrow.”

  “Yeah,” he replied, then yawned. “Fuck, I had a nap like an hour ago.”

  “And you’re still tired,” Ellie replied. “What’s it gonna take to make you sleep?”

  “Company,” he answered.

  “This bed’s pretty big...” Evelyn murmured.

  “Think we could all fit?” Cait asked.

  “If we dragged another mattress in here and set it next to the bed, yeah,” Evelyn replied.

  “I volunteer mine. Let’s do a sleepover, all of us,” April said immediately.

  “Okay. Be right back,” Evelyn said, and left the room.

  “Wow, are we really doing this?” Jennifer asked.

  “If you want to,” David replied.

  “I want to. I’m just...I’m still getting used to sharing a bed with someone,” Jennifer replied. “Lemme go wash up.”

  She got up off of him and as she did, Ellie and Ashley both quickly shed their clothes. Evelyn returned a moment later with April’s mattress, blankets and all, and set it down next to their bed, right up against it.

  “We can share this mattress,” Cait said, walking up behind April and hugging her from the back.

  “That sounds very nice,” April replied.

  It wasn’t long before everyone stripped and settled in beneath the blankets, and that night David found himself sleeping among six naked women.


  The next day first went quickly, then took forever.

  David woke not long after sunrise the next morning and found himself passed between first Evie, then Ellie, then Cait, and then April warned them to stop fucking him because he was going to reopen his wound if he kept it up. She ended up washing and re-bandaging the wound again, saying that it seemed to be doing okay for the moment. It still hurt like fuck, but no worse than last night. At first he woke up full of energy and he washed, dressed, and helped prepare a large breakfast with a lot of enthusiasm. He did the same as he walked around the campgrounds, checking in on everyone. The snow had only let up about an hour before he’d woken and so everything was covered in a crisp layer of powder, and the forest around them was almost totally silent.

  He ended up spending the next four hours going over their arsenal with Ellie and Cait, checking over the various weapons, taking them apart, cleaning them, reassembling them. They wanted as few things to go wrong during this whole thing as possible. They had managed to get quite the haul from the thieves’ failed attempt. And, interestingly, he actually ended up managing to claim the assault rifle for himself. Ellie didn’t want it, saying it wasn’t really the kind of weapon she preferred. Cait liked her shotgun too much. Evelyn couldn’t use it, because her fingers were too big. Jennifer didn’t seem interested in it.

  So he got an assault rifle. He spent awhile cleaning it, taking it apart, cleaning it some more, putting it back together again. He’d learned how to do that over the course of his life. It seemed like a useful skill to have. It was a solid piece of hardware and took thirty round magazines of nine millimeter ammo, so that was pretty fucking nice, since that was the type of bullet they had most in abundance. He managed to put together four magazines for it, and another four for his pistol. By the time he was done with all that, lunch was ready.

  It was after lunch that things began to slow down.

  He grabbed a pair of knives and spent awhile cleaning and sharpening them, chatting with Ellie and April and Jennifer while he did that. When he was finished, he went and selected his outfit. Something that would protect him from the cold and leave him mobile. Unfortunately, none of them had the luxury of bulletproof vests. Lara might, though, he figured. As he was preparing his outfit, figuring out what he was going to bring, something abruptly occurred to him, and he went back down to where the others were preparing their own arsenals still.

  “Something just hit me,” David said.

  “What?” Ellie asked, looking up.

  “We should all bring backpacks, any duffel-bags we have, too, all empty. Or as empty as we can make them. Might want to bring some emergency food and medical supplies, just in case. But after we hit that camp, I mean, if it all goes the way it’s supposed to, there’s at least a decent chance that there’ll be a haul there. And we can’t necessarily trust that it will stay there, unless one or two of us wants to hang out and guard it. We’ll want to bring back as much as we can, in either scenario.”

  “Shit, you’re right,” Cait murmured.

  “See what you can rustle up,” Ellie said.

  And so that’s what he’d spent another hour doing, hunting through first all of the main office, then going around to the cabins and asking people for whatever they could spare. In the end, they got enough backpacks for everyone going, and four duffel-bags and two fur sacks that were easy enough to shove into the backpacks. David had to admit, he wasn’t looking forward to the walk back, as he was going to no doubt be loaded down with all manner of heavy gear. After that, he still had a few hours to kill, and time seemed to come to a crawl.

  First, he took a shift of guard duty for two hours that he shared first with Jennifer, then with Cait. They took turns standing watch atop one of the cabins and patrolling around the perimeter. Occasionally, they shot a zombie that wandered too close to the property. The conversation made the time go by more quickly, but they didn’t stick together for too long before one of them would go off to patrol. Seconds went by. Minutes went by. Eventually, somehow, David managed to get through his shift and headed back inside.

  There was still about an hour and a half before Lara was due to show up.

  He wandered around, talking with anyone he could find, but they were all, to varying degrees, in a similar state, and conversation grew difficult.

  Finally, after what felt like ages, Lara arrived at the front entrance of the campgrounds just about the time the sun was beginning to set. Amanda, who was on watch, almost shot her, but Lara convinced her to at least confirm her identity by sending someone to check with the people in charge, and so she’d sent Ann off. David had told everyone to start getting ready and run out to the main gate, where he found her waiting with a submachine gun and her uniform that still looked amazing on her. She looked anxious, but relieved when she saw David.

  “It’s okay, Amanda. She’s a friend,” he said.

  “All right. I’m sorry, ma’am. We’ve had several attacks of the human variety just lately,” Amanda replied from where she stood atop the nearest cabin.

  “It’s okay,” Lara replied, “I genuinely completely understand.”

  “Come on. We’re preparing to get underway. We’ve got a plan,” David said.

  “Good.” She followed him into the campgrounds and then into the main office, where all the others were gathered on the first floor, finishing up getting their gear on. They’d already made sure everything they wanted to take was pre-selected and ready for quick access.

“You made it!” Cait said.

  “Yes. I almost didn’t. I managed to slip away after telling one of the others that I was going out for a supply run to a place I found that I thought might have spare parts for our solar panels,” Lara replied. Ellie snorted and looked away. “What?” Lara asked.

  “Your boss threatened our life to get those solar panels,” David said.

  “What? He did?” she asked, looking surprised.

  “To be completely fair, Ellie threatened him first. Though it wasn’t much of a threat,” David replied.

  “Excuse me?” Ellie asked, looking sharply at him.

  “What I meant was,” he replied, holding up his hands, “it was three of us with pistols against fifteen fucking people with goddamned assault rifles and shotguns. Don’t get me wrong, I know everything you do is genuine, Ellie, but you aren’t fucking insane. That was a no-win situation, so it was a bluff.”

  She sighed disgustedly and got back to prepping her gear.

  “It’s still a really sore spot for her,” Cait said.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. Stern said that they salvaged them from a bunker out in the woods. I didn’t realize you were there.”

  “We were trying to salvage them to help those doctors,” David replied. “Or even just salvage one. He couldn’t even give us one.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry. He’s always been a hardass, but up until the past few months, he was rarely an outright asshole.” She sighed and shook her head. “We should probably stay focused. What’s the plan?” she asked.

  David told her while he suited up with his own gear. He was relieved to see that she agreed with the plan. They were all, to varying degrees, combat-experienced, but Lara was someone who, he figured at least, had real military experience. If she thought the plan was good, then there was probably a better chance that it was actually good. After gearing up, he checked in with Ashley, to make sure she didn’t have any further questions or concerns.


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