Omega's Protector: An MMM Mpreg Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 6)

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Omega's Protector: An MMM Mpreg Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 6) Page 7

by Nora Phoenix

  Felix nodded, then headed out of the kitchen and into one of the two bedrooms, the one with the king-size bed. That’s where they would end up later, he thought, shivering a little with anticipation. Would he get to fuck Gia as well? That was kind of implied, right? And what about Sean taking him? Maybe the alpha needed to spare himself for Gia. The thing about the three of them together at the same time had been more of a joke, perhaps.

  He considered it as he selected a fluffy pillow from the bed and brought it back to the kitchen. He sank to his knees again next to Sean. “Raise yourself as best you can,” he said.

  When Sean did, Felix stuffed the pillow underneath his perfect, glorious ass, taking the opportunity to get a good look at it.

  “See something you like?” Sean asked when he lowered himself, then sighed in what had to be relief. “Thank you. That’s so much better.”

  Felix felt it best to avoid that little jab and pretend he hadn’t heard it. The smirk on Sean’s face told him the cop was onto him, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Tell me about your ex-boyfriend,” Sean said instead, and Felix smiled at the absurdity of the situation.

  “You want me to talk about my ex while you’re knotting our omega and I’m sitting here buck naked?”

  Our omega. The words registered with him at the same time as Sean’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. Felix wanted to take them back, because how crazy would he come across saying something like that when all he’d done was kiss Gia? But they hung in the air now, and much to his surprise, the cop’s eyes softened.

  “There’s something strange happening here, isn’t there?”

  For once, Felix didn’t pretend he was dumb. “I’ve never felt like this,” he whispered. “Do you feel it too?”

  “This deep urge to be with you both, to take care of you? If that’s what you mean, then yes. My alpha is pretty insistent this is not a one-time thing.”

  It wasn’t what Felix felt inside, but it was close enough. It had to be because Sean was an alpha. That caretaker thing, that was inherent to who he was. “I never wanted to end up with an alpha,” Felix admitted.

  Sean’s eyes stayed soft and kind. “Too scared of being forced to stay dumber and smaller than you are?”

  God, he was good. “You have no idea how frustrating it is to be the smartest man in the room but not get the opportunity to speak up because you’re not an alpha.”

  “No, I don’t. I can try to imagine, but being born with alpha privilege will always prevent me from truly experiencing what you’re describing. And I don’t want to belittle it either by saying not all alphas are like that.”

  “But you’re not like that, are you?” Felix asked the question he already knew the answer to.

  Sean sighed. “I’m not perfect, nerdy. I’m really not. But I’m not scared to admit my weaknesses either. You’re way smarter than me, and that’s not something that bothers me. I’m more of the street-smart type. My instincts are great, and I see things others miss. But when it comes to book knowledge or reasoning, that’s not my forte.”

  Felix didn’t know why that simple admission made his heart soar, but it did. The cop was right. He was smart, just in a completely different way than Felix. “Thank you,” the beta said. “It means a lot to hear you admit that.”

  Sean hesitated for a second or two, but Felix could see he wanted to say something. “Look, nerdy, I don’t know what’s happening with the three of us anymore than you do. Yesterday, I had zero desire to even hook up and today, I want to make babies with Gia and take care of the both of you if you’ll let me.”

  Felix’s breath caught at the word babies, but Sean’s face reflected the truth of his words.

  “If you’d told me I’d be sitting here like this discussing a future with you and Gia, I’d have declared you insane. Yet that’s exactly where my thoughts are going. So believe me when I say this: I will never force you to be smaller or dumber than you are. I like your brain as much as the rest of you, okay? I don’t know if that helps you, but I figured I’d say it.”

  Wow. The man had put himself out there, showing he had the guts to make himself extremely vulnerable. “Thank you,” Felix said. “I don’t know what I’m thinking about us, and what I’m feeling is even more of a mess, but yeah, that does help.”

  Gia let out a deep sigh and opened his eyes. “When you guys are done proposing to each other, can we move on to the next part of the program? The knot is coming down, and I need more.”

  Gia had never known he could feel this amazing and yet so miserable at the same time. His body was on fire, this fierce need inside him roaring, demanding more and more. When it had started, he’d thought Sean’s cock would do the job, but when that hadn’t really fulfilled him, he’d figured knotting would be the answer. And it had helped. For a little bit.

  But the knot was going down, and Gia’s body was already craving more. It consumed him, this hunger inside that demanded to be fed. It wanted, and it wanted things Gia had never even known he’d be interested in. Palani’s blog hadn’t been kidding when it said the gene made you go sex-crazy during your heat.

  “You’re up,” Sean told Felix as he gently helped Gia off his cock. It had softened a bit—no wonder after two rounds, including what had to be the longest knot in history—but Gia knew it would come right back to life in a few minutes. Nature always found a way.

  He looked at Felix, whose cheeks were stained with a blush, then allowed his eyes to take in the beta’s body. Oh, he would do just fine, Gia thought, smacking his lips. He needed to taste him first.

  He wanted to sink to his knees right there, but Sean grabbed his arm. “Bedroom,” he said. “It’s time to get comfortable. We’re gonna be at this a while.”

  Gia took a wavering step, but Sean simply lifted him up and carried him, making his stomach go weak. There was something to be said for that brute alpha strength. Once Sean lowered him on the bed, Gia instantly turned on his back and gestured at Felix, who stood hesitantly in the doorway.

  “I want to suck you off,” Gia declared. Boy, when had he become so forward? It was hard to think with the sex fog that had descended on his brain, focusing on one thing and one thing only: getting what he needed.

  Sean gave Felix a not-so-subtle shove, and the beta climbed on the bed. It took another impatient wave from Gia before Felix positioned himself, straddling Gia’s chest so he could feed him his cock. Gia skipped the subtle foreplay and sucked him right in, opening his throat wide and swallowing him whole. God, his cock was long, and it fit perfectly.

  “Holy fuck!” Felix cried out, and Gia swallowed around his cock, which made the beta moan with abandon. Maybe he’d never been on the receiving end of a good blow job. Well, Gia was about to amend that. Wasn’t it amazing how he didn’t feel so empty with his mouth full of cock? And he tasted fucking good too.

  Then three fingers pushed against his hole, and his eyes welled up with gratitude. God, yes. He needed that. Needed all of it.

  “I’m gonna keep you nice and open for the next step,” Sean said. Had his voice always been that rich and sexy? It reached deep inside Gia, making him want to do whatever he could to please his alpha.

  His alpha.

  His beta.

  These men were his, and even better, they sensed it too. And they didn’t even know about the fated mates thing.

  Felix pulled out, and Gia gasped for breath, not even bothering to wipe off the drool on his chin. Let him drool. There was no shame in loving cock, not when it was as perfect as this.

  He opened his mouth again, craving more, and the next few minutes were a blur as he sucked and fucked himself on those three big fingers. His mouth filled with creamy cum, and he swallowed as fast as he could, eagerly licking to get the very last drop.

  Before he could even say anything, Sean pulled him close and claimed his mouth for a bruising kiss. Gia fully surrendered, allowing the alpha to sweep every corner of his mouth, his strong hands holding him, roaming his body.
It was perfect, or it should be, but he felt empty again.

  The fog in his brain got heavier, the fire inside him more demanding. He made noises, embarrassingly needy noises, and Sean put his big hand on him and made sweet shushing sounds. He had him, he told Gia, and it calmed him enough to wait a bit longer. His body was maneuvered, and he let it happen, no longer able to do much himself. He needed, and his men would have to provide.

  Tears sprang to his eyes when something pushed against his hole. He bore down, let him in. Felix. God, he felt perfect, that long cock of his sliding in all the way, deep inside where that fire demanded to be fed. Gia sighed with relief, even more when Felix started to move.

  Something brushed against his lips, and he opened on instinct. “My sweet kitten,” Sean murmured, teasing Gia’s tongue with the head of his cock. “Look at you, desperate for your men. We’ve got you, kitten. We’ve got you. We know what you need.”

  The words caressed his skin, then floated inside his brain where they spun around and around in the fog. They had him. He opened wide, and Sean slid into his mouth, tasting fresh and clean. He’d cleaned himself for Gia. Somehow, that thought was what Gia needed to let go of the last bit of sanity he had. The fire took over, consuming him whole.

  He was fucked on both ends, hard and ruthless, in perfect rhythm. He took a load, swallowed another one, felt another orgasm barrel though him. But he was unstoppable now, unquenchable. More. More. More. That was the mantra of his body now, of his mind.

  Felix was still buried deep inside him, and Gia didn’t want him to leave, but god, when would that need inside him be stilled? What would it take for it to be satisfied?

  His body was moved again, pressed tight against another body. He kept his eyes closed, too much in need to have the energy to watch. But when something else pressed against his hole, his eyes flew open, looking straight into Sean’s.

  The alpha was watching him intently, sweat pearling on his forehead. “I’ll stop if you say no,” he said, and Gia’s brain had trouble understanding for a second or two.

  Why would he want him to stop? He needed… Oh. Oh. Felix was still inside him, and Sean wanted to… Hell to the fucking yes. He’d take them both. He hadn’t even thought of it, but now that he did, it was all he could think of. Two cocks filling his greedy hole.

  “Yes,” he croaked, then swallowed and tried again. “Yes. Please, alpha. Yes.”

  Sean lifted his chin, studying his eyes up close as if to verify he was speaking the truth. “I’m so empty,” Gia whispered. “I need you both.”

  Sean nodded, then pressed a soft kiss on his lips that were still throbbing from what they’d been through already. “We have you, kitten. You can say stop at any time.”

  It hurt when Sean pressed inside him, his fat cock so impossibly big next to Felix’s. Gia closed his eyes again, focusing on his breathing. As soon as he relaxed, Sean inched in deeper, and bit by bit, he took that emptiness away until there was nothing left. He felt full, whole, for the first time since his heat had started.

  Then they started to move, or maybe one of them, and Gia dropped back against Felix, who held him so tenderly even as he assisted in ravishing Gia’s ass. They found their rhythm, and Gia’s mind went blank, his body taking over. He rode them, craved them, sucked them in, used them to come and then again, until everything went black.


  When Sean woke up, his first thought was that something had happened to him, because his entire body hurt. Not badly, but enough to make him aware he’d been beaten up or had engaged in some strenuous exercise. Then his eyes flew open, and he remembered.

  He turned his head sideways and discovered he was alone in the king-size bed. He strained his ears, catching a muffled conversation elsewhere in the house. Good, at least they hadn’t left him all by himself, because that would’ve been embarrassing. It was bad enough he’d slept so long, he thought as he stretched leisurely, his neck popping several times.

  He checked the alarm clock on the nightstand, then frowned as he tried to remember what time they'd gone to bed. The details were a little hazy, he had to admit. Gia's heat had lasted over thirty-six hours, which was still less than Sean had calculated, but it certainly felt long enough.

  Not that it had bothered him while it lasted. His body had continued to give whatever Gia needed, fueled by his need. God, double penetrating him had been amazing, his body swallowing both of them. He'd kept a close eye on Gia to make sure he was okay with it, but his blissed-out expression had said enough.

  After that, he had knotted him again, and then he and Felix had basically tag-teamed Gia until they had all felt the energy leave the room. To be honest, the half hour after that had been the hardest, when the urge to crash had been almost overwhelming.

  Gia had instantly fallen asleep, and Sean and Felix had showered him together to make sure he'd wake up clean, and they had even stripped the bed and remade it before finally crawling between the clean sheets, completely exhausted. He certainly appreciated their efforts now, as it was a hell of a lot better to wake up clean in a fresh bed than covered in the copious amounts of fluids they had produced.

  He pushed himself into a sitting position, groaning when his muscles reminded him how strenuously he had put them to use. Still, nothing a solid dose of Advil wouldn't cure.

  Sean had no idea where his clothes were. Probably in the kitchen, where he'd taken them off when things had gotten started. But he wasn't about to walk out naked either, so he opened the built-in closet in the bedroom, delighted when he discovered a pair of sweats he could wear. With a grateful thanks to the previous owner and whoever had put them there, he slipped them on, wincing slightly when they rubbed against his cock. Damn, that would probably be sensitive for a while.

  When he opened the door, he could make out their voices better. They were in the kitchen, and as soon as he realized that, the smell of something delicious hit his nose. His mouth watered. Food. God, he craved food.

  The kitchen offered a domestic scene that made his heart all warm and fuzzy. Felix was seated at the table, digging into what looked to be a perfectly grilled steak with a steaming loaded baked potato on the side. Gia stood at the stove, expertly handling a fancy grilling pan containing another big steak.

  "If that steak is for me, I will marry you," Sean said.

  Gia turned around, laughing. "It's all yours, big guy. I figured you could use the sustenance after that stellar performance."

  Stellar performance. Sean liked that description almost as much as he liked the look of Gia, appearing wonderfully awake and healthy, his eyes clear. He stepped in behind him, and without even thinking about it, pressed a soft kiss on his head. "How are you feeling, kitten?"

  The intimacy of his gesture registered with him, but Gia leaned back for a second against his chest, seeming to breathe him in. "Sore, but good. Thank you."

  Sean let go of his shoulders. "Are you sure you have the energy to cook?" he asked, hoping with all his heart Gia would confirm. He'd be ten kinds of fucked if he said no, because the kitchen definitely wasn't where he excelled.

  The look Gia sent him showed he'd almost taken offense at that remark. "Did you really think I would let these perfect steaks go to waste?"

  Sean held up his hands, then smiled as he walked over to the fridge and grabbed himself a soda. Luck was on his side as the fridge contained an ice-cold Coca-Cola, his guilty pleasure. He took a few greedy gulps, sighing with pleasure as the sugar hit his tongue. God, that was so what he had needed.

  Felix's eyes had followed him quietly, but the beta had yet to speak. Sean figured that he might as well go all in, so he bent down and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "And how's my nerdy boy doing?"

  Felix's eyes signaled his pleasure at that question. "The same as both of you, I reckon. Sore and still a little tired, but otherwise good."

  Gia signaled for him to sit down, and Sean took his seat. Seconds later, a plate was put in front of him, containing an even bigger steak than Fel
ix had, with two baked potatoes, loaded with sour cream, cheese, and even some bacon bits.

  He moaned at the first bite of the steak, which was perfectly cooked. "Seriously, tell me the date, and I'll take you to the courthouse," he said with his mouth full.

  Gia's happy laugh tinkled through the room. "You be careful now, alpha, or I will take you up on that offer."

  They were teasing, and Sean knew that deep inside, but somehow, the thought of taking Gia to the courthouse didn't scare him at all.

  Gia put down a third plate, containing the smallest steak, and for the next few minutes, they all ate in blissful silence. Sean couldn't remember ever needing a meal more than he needed this one, and the fact that it tasted like heaven only added to his contentment. Gia was one hell of a cook, and wasn't that a nice bonus?

  "So," Gia said when he'd cleared his plate, leaning back in his chair. "They dropped off this food for us here in the fridge, but there was also a note that told us we we’re welcome in the main house, which apparently is called Jawon's House."

  "How many people live on this ranch?" Sean asked, nowhere near done with his food yet.

  “It’s pretty big,” Felix said. “My guess would be at least twenty, but I’m not sure.”

  "Is it just me, or is there a strange energy here?" Gia asked. "I know it sounds ridiculous when I say it, but it's almost like the air is humming with it."

  Felix and Sean nodded at the same time. "I thought it was because of your heat," Felix said. "But I still feel it. It's like a buzz in my blood that calls out to my beta."

  Sean finished his steak before he responded, trying to find the right words. "There's something otherworldly about Lidon," he said. "His instincts are beyond anything I've ever seen, and so are his senses. He'd be able to hear and see things no one else could, and when I asked him about it, he never had a satisfactory explanation."

  He thought back on that day when Lidon had still been his partner and the ranch had been attacked, making Lidon fear for the lives of his mates. They'd been on a stakeout, sitting in the car, when Lidon had gotten the message something was wrong. The way he had reacted had been eerie enough in itself, as if he knew far more than he could have rationally, but it had been his eyes that had frightened Sean.


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