The Adept Archives: Volumes 1-3

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The Adept Archives: Volumes 1-3 Page 57

by Darren Hultberg Jr

  The sight in front of Roy Skyworth was absolutely breathtaking. In front of him was a hall of grandeur, a grand spectacle with walls crafted by Eon’s finest spirit masons and pillars carved into the shape of serpentine dragons. At the center of the hall stood four massive statues, each molded into the shape of an imposing warrior with stone eyes that seemed to pierce his very soul.

  “The four dragon gods...” Zyr muttered, nearly breathless as he took the sight in. “Bahamut, Azirylis, Cipherion and Raenoss...”

  Roy’s eyes followed along as Zyr spoke the names aloud. The statue of Bahamut was the largest and by far the most imposing, a mountain of a man with a gaze that could shatter stars. Azirylis stood next, an incredibly beautiful woman with wings draped over her shoulders and a smirk that seemed to hide deadlier intentions. Then came Cipherion, the dragon god from which his divine power was born. His statue was tall and slender with long hair, a flowing cloak and a smug look on his angular face. And last, standing rigid with arms crossed was the statue of Raenoss, his gaze unnerving and his hair styled to look like a pair of small horns.

  Silence encapsulated the hall as Roy took in the sight before him, studying the statues with a curious gaze. Though they didn’t look like “dragons”, he couldn’t shake the feeling that a very profound power lied within their almost human forms. Beyond that, each of them carried subtle draconic qualities, whether it be claws, horns, or a barely visible layer of scales.

  Slowly, he turned his focus to Bahamut, the largest and most imposing of the four. It was this so-called god who had pulled his soul through the stars and dropped him here on Eon. He’d been brought here as some sort of insurance policy to do battle against what? The veil? He wasn’t so sure... but he was beginning to wish that the damned dragon was here so he could ask him himself.

  “So... what now?” Jakki asked, whiskers twitching as he peered around the room.

  “Well, there’s gotta be a reason Rem sent us here,” Kimoura responded. “We just gotta find out what it is.”

  Moving with care, Kimoura led the group past the line of statues and into the next room, a hall that proved to be just as impressive as the first. At its center sat a large, circular table with a map of Eon carved into its surface. Four chairs surrounded the table, mirrored by four darksteel dragon statues protruding from the table’s edge.

  Zyr face twisted into a puzzled expression as he examined the hall. “What in Cipherion’s cold ass is this? Some sort of meeting room?”

  Roy didn’t bother responding. Instead, he carefully approached the table, examining each of the statues with both caution and curiosity. He wasn’t certain, but it was almost like something was pulling at him, drawing him towards those gleaming stone eyes. Slowly, Roy reached for the statue...


  A rapid banging in the previous room quickly grabbed Roy’s attention, followed by the slow, methodic creak of the main door opening. Could it have been Remley? Had he arrived at this damned place as promised?!

  Despite Zyr’s protests, the void adept rushed past him companions and into the previous hall, prepared to reunite with his mentor and friend...

  Instead, he was greeted with a war cry.

  Standing in the now open doorway was an oko larger and more fearsome than any they’d encountered. Woven into its white fur were streaks of fiery red, along with pieces of bony armor protecting its carapace.


  Mountain Kin, Oko Rai

  Elite Spirit Beast


  Roy tensed as the creature took a thunderous step forward, it’s eyes burning with rage and expression filled with contempt. Behind it, the other oko were gathering in the open doorway, quietly observing their king... watching and waiting for him to assert his dominance.

  “Well isn’t this lovely,” Zyr chimed in as he entered the hall behind Roy. Kimoura was quick to follow, her fists glowing with light energy and her gaze resolute.

  Roy let out a sarcastic chuckle before cracking his neck and let his void aura flare. “Guess it’s time we show this thing who the new king of the mountains is.”

  Oko Rai let out a ferocious roar, attempting to intimidate the adepts as it readied itself to charge. Roy merely responded with a blast of void energy to the creature’s gaping maw, staggering the beast and causing it to reset its stance.

  Roy Skyworth would not be intimidated.

  Another roar filled the hall as Oko Rai shook off the blow and charged back in, leaping through the god statues for cover as it closed in on its prey. Roy waited, timing his strike so that it met the creature the very instant it showed its face.


  Void Skill: Aura Bullet


  The sphere of spirit energy cut through the air, catching the king oko as he emerged from behind the statue of Bahamut. Unfortunately, the blast landed a bit too low and was mostly absorbed by the oko’s bony cuirass...

  Then came the counter strike.

  Oko Rai’s fist came thundering in with enough strength to blast Roy through the wall. However, Roy didn’t flinch. Rather, he stood his ground as a shield of light materialized in front of him, deflecting the blow and leaving the oversized oko completely mystified.

  “I got your back!” Kimoura shouted, stepping in beside the void adept as she channeled more energy into her light shield and forced the creature off him.

  “As do I,” Zyr added, firing off dual strands of spider silk directly into the oko’s eyes.

  The creature’s rage seemed to mount as it scratched away the silk in its eyes, leaving self-inflicted gouges in its fleshy cheeks. Unfortunately, it’s power level began to spike along with it. The red in Oko Rai’s fur seemed to take over its body as raw spiritual power started to swirl around its form. Its fangs lengthened, it’s muscles expanded and it’s howl became so mighty that it nearly made Roy cover his ears.

  “Perhaps I need to recant that statement,” Zyr said as he joined the others in a defensive stance.

  Roy let out a chuckle through clenched teeth, preparing himself for the sleeping giant that he’d just awakened. “Guess I can’t blame you. Now, get reeeaaady...”

  The void adept raised his left hand, channeling void energy as his right hand reached for his blade. He widened stance, ready to counter whatever the king oko through his way...

  Suddenly, the creature’s spiritual power diminished and its bright red fur returned to white as the color in its eyes faded. That’s when Roy noticed the harpoon tip protruding from its chest. A breath later the king oko fell flat on its face, revealing a sight that Roy had yearned for.

  Floating just outside the ivory castle was the Blazing Falcon, and aboard its deck was its crew... the rest of his guild, his companions... The Sky Wolves.

  They’d arrived.

  Chapter 21

  Reformation of the Pack

  The pinnacle, the western reaches of Eon

  For the second time today, Roy Skyworth found himself breathless. Hovering in the sky mere paces away from the castle was the Blazing Fang, its mounted harpoon launcher smoking from its recent discharge. More importantly though were the adepts standing on its sturdy, wooden deck. Remley, Leila, Quinn, Kai, even Yoshiro were all there wearing worn down smiles and looks of relief. He just couldn’t believe it... They were there. By the damned gods, they made it!

  As the ship settled, the horde of okos began to retreat down the mountainside, the fight in them gone now that their king had been slain. Slowly, an anchor lowered into the snow, securing the airship to the mountainside as the wintry winds blew past. Then the engines dimmed and the man in the red coat leapt over the ship’s railing.

  “Royboy!” Remley shouted as he raced over to the void adept, squeezing him in a tight embrace. “You made it!”

  “What d’ya mean I made it?” Roy replied. “I beat you here!”

  Remley shrugged, shooting Roy a disarming smile. “Well, we had some issues. Captivity, insurrection, and a lovely litt
le ride around the world. You know, the usual stuff.”

  Roy grinned, though he was quickly pushed aside as Kimoura rushed in and wrapped her arms around Rem. “I knew you’d make it!”

  “Of course, I did, Moura,” Remley replied, returning her embrace. “You didn’t think I’d leave you up here, did you?”

  A breath later, the crunch of snow filled Roy’s ears as Leila leapt from atop her ship, landing mere feet away. “Hey wolves, glad to see your still kickin!”

  Roy shot her a wide smile, meeting his guild leader’s sultry gaze. “Your damn right we are. What took you guys so long?”

  Leila smirked. “I had to rescue Remley and Varyon from getting their asses kicked around Shadowreach.”

  “And she couldn’t have done it without me.” Roy turned as Kai climbed down onto the snowy surface and made his approach. “Good to see you, brother.”

  “Glad to have you with us, old friend,” Roy replied as he gripped Kai’s hand and pulled him into an embrace.

  In the moments that followed, the others made their way off the airship, sharing long-awaited reunions and falling into old routines. However, as Zyr approached, an awkward silence befell the small group. Roy stepped in, intent on introducing his new monstrous companion... that is until he realized he didn’t have to.

  Without speaking, Quinn waltzed up to the chimera adept and reached out his hand, offering the man a smoking reed of pipeweed. Zyr nodded, silently taking the reed before blowing a large cloud of smoke into the air.

  Roy chuckled as he watched the spectacle unfold, an offering of peace on both Earth and Eon.

  “Please tell me this place has somewhere comfortable to sit down,” Yoshiro said, rubbing his back as he made his way towards the entrance. “That airship doesn’t have a single damn seat cushion!”

  Roy chuckled. “Actually...”

  Remley raised his brow, his interest suddenly piqued. “Wait, have you scoured the inside already, Royboy?”

  “Not entirely,” Roy replied. “But there’s definitely something... different about it.”

  Remley nodded, making his way towards the open doorway with a growing look of wonderment in his eyes. “My father Tiberius spoke at length about this place before his death. He said it held the key to the steel brotherhood’s future. Perhaps-“

  That was the final word Remley got out before the mountainside was engulfed in shadow and the black flames of a mighty shadow phoenix rained down from above.


  Flame and ash and smoke swirled in Roy’s vision as he picked himself up out of the snow, his eyes stinging and his body laced with pain after being caught in a technique that had nearly swallowed he and his guildmates whole. He still wasn’t quite sure what the Hell happened, but it felt like he’d been hit by a truck… a flaming truck, no less. And yet, despite the ringing in his ears rang and his shot equilibrium, Roy Skyworth steeled himself, forcing his way to a knee as he cycled spirit aura through his channels.

  Then his senses returned and his horror resumed.

  Spirit smoke billowed from the mountainside as a massive, black phoenix descended from the sky, landing atop the Blazing Fang before letting out a screech that nearly made his ears bleed. The tips of the creature’s wings glowed a fiery red, likely an after-effect of the spirit summon’s powerful technique. However, what had caught Roy’s attention was the beast’s rider, an imposing adept with a singular eye and a body wrapped in shadow…

  Wrath of the thousand-legged spiders had arrived.



  Shadow Adept

  Rank: 8th

  Specialization: Mystic

  Divine Power: None


  “Fall back!” Leila shouted, rallying her guild as she launched a wind lance in Wrath’s direction. The shadow adept didn’t so much as flinch, allowing his phoenix to intercept the technique with one of its wings before showering the woman in a flurry of burning feathers.

  Behind Wrath, Roy noticed another creature making its descent, a strange beast with a twisted face, hulking torso, barbed tail and large, leathery wings. And on its back was another dark adept radiating spiritual power that far surpassed his own.



  Wind Adept

  Rank: 6th

  Specialization: Assassin

  Divine Power: None


  Roy shuddered as the information flickered in his vision. Two spirikai, one nearly at the rank of spirit lord had come for them. Worse, Roy could recognize that look in Wrath’s singular eye. They weren’t leaving until each and every person on that mountaintop was dead. They’d come for blood.

  Well, they weren’t going to take it without a fight.

  Channeling his spirit aura, Roy climbed fully to his feet and prepared to fire, allowing a sphere of energy to build in his palm. However, a hand on his shoulder quickly yanked him off balance, dragging him back towards the castle doors.

  “I said fall back!” Leila growled, using her enhanced strength to quite literally toss the man through the entrance. A breath later, twin water serpents swirled around Leila’s form as Yoshiro desperately worked to cover her own retreat.

  Moving with haste, the sky wolves dashed into the entrance hall as Wrath’s phoenix continued its assault, flapping its wings and pummeling the peak with its fiery feathers and bolts of spirit energy that were strong enough to scour rock.

  Though they only had mere seconds, Leila turned to them, sharing a gaze that was both unwavering and resolute.

  “Alright wolves… get ready for war.”


  Wrath watched with both amusement and disgust as the foolish spiriteka fled his spirit summon’s fiery assault. However, more prevalent than anything was the feeling of exhilaration coursing through his spirit…

  He was right. Just as he had hoped, the lone airship had led him to his prize. Varyon, the lone Bonaduce heir… they were all here, ready to suffer the anguish they so rightfully deserved and fall under his might. Perhaps after absorbing their soul essence he might even be strong enough to ascend to spirit lord…

  “Fools!” Wrath shouted, eyeing the group with malicious intent as they withdrew into the castle doors. “I’ll bring this place down just like I did your precious tower! No one will be left alive!” In truth, he wasn’t certain if his underworld serpent technique would be enough to shatter the fortified walls of the castle, but unleashing it inside its doors would be more than enough to tear the place down.

  “Shall we?’ Jeska offered, dismounting from her manticore summon and absorbing it back into her spirit as he brandished her tri-blade gauntlets.

  Wrath grinned, his expression reflecting the malicious intent that swelled from deep within his soul. “Oh, we shall.’ Wrath raised a gloved hand, directing his shadow phoenix to attack the structure from the roof. Then with quiet confidence, he began to march towards the castle’s entrance.


  Kmoura watched with growing trepidation as the shadow adept made his way towards the door. She could feel the tension in the air, a thick, paralyzing feeling that seemed mere seconds away from causing her to knees to buckle… But she couldn’t. She refused to allow such feelings to infiltrate her mind, a mind forged by the tutelage of the platinum lotus and tempered by the mean streets of Eon. She was light… and she refused to give an inch to the darkness.

  Unfortunately, sometimes the darkness took what it wanted.

  With her eyes locked on Wrath, Kmoura barely detected the sudden rush of wind aura that flooded the castle’s entrance. The gust buffeted her vision, causing her to blink as tears began to swell in the corner of her eyes…

  And when her eyes opened, she was met with a swirling array of violence.

  “Don’t blink!” Jeska mocked as she appeared in front of Kimoura, moving with blinding speed as she infiltrated the ivory hall. The light adept tried to react, tried to throw her guard up in time, but a well-plac
ed kick sent her careening into a nearby pillar, cracking her head off the serpentine stone.

  “You-“ was all Kimoura managed to get out before Jeska was on her again, crouching above her on the pillar as she rained down fury with her tri-blade strikes. Only a mere second passed but it felt like the light adept had been struck a thousand times.

  Kimoura tried to defend herself with her forearms but her defensive aura was quickly shattered, and her flesh immediately torn. She braced herself as her lifeblood began to pool, trying desperately to defend her vital spots… That is, until a dark energy spear tore through the hall, forcing Jeska to disengage and giving Kimoura a brief reprieve. Moving with haste, Leila charged over to Kimoura’s side, hoisting her spear in the woman’s defense as her darkbeast power swirled around her form.

  Kimoura rose, immediately invigorated by the sight of her guild leader at her side, feeding off the energy exuded by her unwavering confidence. “Glad to be with you again, Lei.”

  “Good,’ Leila replied, narrowing her gaze at their opponent. “Now let’s show this bitch who she’s dealing with.


  Black-violet aura swirled around Roy’s form as he readied himself for the coming assault. He’d crossed paths with Wrath before, he’d seen the man almost singlehandedly destroy their home in Shadowreach. Well, he would be damned if he let the man destroy this place too.

  As Roy reached for his blade, a mighty gust of wind blew through the hall, causing him to wince. A breath later, Wrath’s partner appeared in their presence, knocking Kimoura back with near blinding speed.

  Roy’s first reaction was to turn and charge to her side, but Remley’s hand on his shoulder brought him pause. An instant later, he watched as Leila rushed over, intercepting her attacker and sparing her further harm.

  “Let Leila handle that one,” Remley growled, his cheery demeanor now replaced with razor-sharp focus. “I need you here.”


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