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Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” Lindsey rested her head against his shoulder. His arm was pressed between the valley of her tits, and their fingers were locked together. To anyone else, they were together, but he wasn’t about to argue that.

  “Right,” Marie said, looking at how close they were.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked.

  “On the dance floor.” Marie pointed toward a small group of people. They were all dressed in suits and looking like they were in the peak of shape.

  “I’ll go and grab us a couple of beers,” he said, kissing her head. “You’re sure.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  Leaving his girl with Marie, he made his way toward the bar. Several women checked him out, but he wasn’t interested in any of them. Watching his woman, he saw the rest of the group leave the dance floor. One of the girls completely ignored Lindsey, while several gave her a hug. He noticed the two men that were completely full of themselves and figured they were the two doctors.

  Pie had a good way of reading people, and right now, he didn’t like what he saw. One of the men hugged Lindsey and moved on, but the other, with the smarmy as fuck smile and beady eyes, kept his arm around her.

  Pie noticed that Lindsey was trying to move away and that she even had this smile on that didn’t alert anyone to the fact she was uncomfortable. If he’d not known her this past year, and gotten to know her quirks, he wouldn’t have seen it himself.

  Grabbing his beers, he put down a couple of notes, and made his way over. Wrapping his arm around Lindsey’s waist, he pulled her close.

  “Hey, man, nice to meet you,” Pie said, breaking all contact that the fucker had with her.

  “Pie, I’d like you to meet my boss, Richard. Richard, this is my best friend, Pie.”

  He held out his hand, and Richard took it.

  The guy had a wimp handshake. Pie squeezed the fucker’s hand tight, letting him know exactly who was the boss here. He’d gladly wipe this fucker’s face off the world without batting a fucking eyelid.

  “Wicked party, I think it’s time for me and Lindsey to go and dance now.” He released the man’s hand and sipped from his bottle. Without waiting for any more introductions, he took Lindsey’s hands in his, feeling the slight quiver.

  The song changed to a slow one, and he pulled her in against him.

  “Do you want me to kill that bastard?” he asked.

  “No. It’s nothing I can’t handle. Most of the time he’s harmless.”

  “That shit didn’t look harmless to me.”

  “It’s nothing, Pie.”

  He stared into her eyes, seeing that she was begging him to drop it. “You don’t like him.”

  “I need the job.”

  “Are you screwing him?”

  “What the fuck, Pie? No, I’m not. I know I like sex and I’ve made it pretty clear that I do a lot of stuff, but that doesn’t mean I sleep with every single guy with a dick. He’s my boss. I wouldn’t do that.”

  “He wants it.”

  “That’s the problem, but I can’t get another job. Not one that pays that well, and I like where I live.”

  “I could move in with you. Help pay the rent.”

  “No, I’m not doing that, Pie. You’re my best friend, and this is not a problem. Believe me, okay. It’s really not.”

  “I don’t like it,” Pie said.

  He didn’t want to ruin her job.

  Lindsey was independent all the way. She wouldn’t have any man taking care of her, he knew that. She’d told him from the start that she wanted a man who could handle a woman who was an equal in all things.

  She cupped his face, forcing him to look at her. “Trust me, Pie. Please. I can do this. It’s nothing. Women go through stuff like this every single day.”

  “It doesn’t make it right.”

  “Doesn’t make it wrong either.” She sighed. “Stop worrying. Tonight is about fun.”

  “He’s not going to dance with you.”

  “Then you better make sure you don’t see your Miss Right, and stay dancing with me, don’t you think?”

  He kept his hands on her waist, but he knew there was no chance of him finding anyone else. There wasn’t another person he wanted to see. Lindsey was the woman that he cared about, and everyone else paled in comparison. “You want me to play nice?”

  “Yes. He’s my boss, Pie. I can handle it and him. Please, don’t worry about it.” She tapped his chest and gave him that sweet as fuck smile, but it wasn’t okay, far from it.

  They finished their dance and joined the others at the party. Richard had moved on to different meat, so Pie stayed by Lindsey’s side, wrapping an arm around her waist, keeping her close.

  She didn’t argue, and he didn’t let up either, staying by her side until the perfect opportunity arose, and that was when Richard decided to go to the bathroom. Excusing himself, Pie made his way toward the bathroom.

  Lindsey clearly didn’t want him to go, but that was fine. He needed to pee.

  As luck would have it, there was no one in the room. Pulling out his dick, he stood against the urinals, and cleared his throat.

  “I didn’t know anyone was in here,” Richard said, standing right next to him.

  “Got to take a pee. You’re going to stay away from Lindsey.”

  Richard burst out laughing. “I don’t know if you know Lindsey at all, but she has a tendency to do what she wants and no one controls her.”

  “Okay, you’re clearly not hearing me correctly. I wasn’t asking nicely, and I wasn’t asking you for Lindsey. I get that you work with her, but whatever you think is going to happen, it’s not. You and Lindsey are never going to happen.”

  He finished his piss and moved to wash his hands, still ready to strike at any minute.

  Richard did the same, washing his hands and staring at him.

  “You think I’m afraid of you?”

  “I don’t give a fuck if you’re afraid or not. I can make you piss your pants in less than ten seconds, asshole. Stay away from her. Otherwise I’ll break your fucking hands beyond repair, you hear me?”

  “She likes me.”

  Be nice.

  Lindsey would be so pissed if you got her fired.

  Only because he cared about her did he not go through with his threat.

  Only because she needed this job did he step forward, getting in Richard’s face. “News flash. When a girl is trying hard to get away from you, to avoid any contact with you at all, that doesn’t mean she wants you. That means she’s trying really fucking hard to get as far away from you as possible. Lindsey doesn’t want you. Never has. She wants her job, and that is all you’re going to give her.”

  He stared at him and waited.

  Finally, Richard relented, holding his hands up. “Can’t blame a guy for trying though, right. She’s fucking hot. Chill out, man. Stop being so serious all the time.”

  Following him out, Pie saw Lindsey leaning against the wall, waiting for him. She bit her lip and looked nervous as hell.

  Pulling her into his arms, he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Were you worried?”

  “Just a little. I know you’ve got a pretty short temper.”

  “That I do but no worries. I’m here now. Let’s dance.”


  “Will you put that one there?” Holly said.

  While Pie was out doing club business, Lindsey had opted to help out Holly and Mary with their latest huge summer feature for their blog. They stood outside of the clubhouse. Several tables were laden with good picnic food. There was potato salad, deviled eggs of many different tastes, burgers, wings, and just everything that a person on a diet really shouldn’t eat. Not that she was on any diet or anything, but her mouth was watering.

  She’d been at the clubhouse early to help with whatever the two old ladies needed. While the other women were busy, she’d decided to help out. She enjoyed being around Holly and Mary. They were both nice women and didn’t take shit from a

  “You’re very quiet today,” Mary said.


  “I’ve not heard you speak.”

  Lindsey smiled. “I’ve been staying quiet so you girls can stay in the zone, you know. The weather is warm. How are you going to handle your dessert tables?”

  “Don’t even get me started on that. Making ice cream today has been a fucking nightmare.” Holly spoke as she clicked away behind her camera.

  Holly and Mary’s food blog had a huge following, so when it came to important events from Christmas through to summer, they would always post new recipes and ideas for how to keep hungry crowds satisfied.

  Lindsey could totally eat someone with how delicious everything smelled.

  “I can imagine. It’s not exactly the weather for it,” Lindsey said, hands on hips, and stepping away so her shadow wasn’t cast on any of the tables.

  “How was your and Pie’s date the other night?” Mary asked.

  “It wasn’t really a date. He came with me to give me support, but it was fine. He hates my boss.”

  “That’s because according to Pie, the asshole couldn’t keep his hands to himself,” Holly said, stepping up to the table and rearranging some of the wings on the plate.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Believe it or not, honey, our guys always talk about each other,” Mary said.

  “Guy trouble and all that,” Holly said. “I reckon if they couldn’t get advice from each other, they would never get laid again.”

  Lindsey didn’t know if she liked being talked about like that. Not that she’d done anything wrong, far from it. But, talking about her to the other guys, didn’t that mean something?

  Tucking some hair behind her ears, Lindsey saw Zoe come out carrying her and Raoul’s son, John.

  “Hey, ladies, how is everything?” Zoe asked.

  “We’re doing good. How was your appointment at the doctor’s?” Holly asked.

  “We’re going all good, and he’s such a huge boy. They’re so happy with him. Weight, growth, we’re all on track, aren’t we, little guy?”

  Lindsey moved a little closer and ran her finger against his cheek. “He is so cute. Of course there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a peach, aren’t you, little guy?”

  He gurgled, and she chuckled.

  “Do you want to hold him?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I know from Kasey that you’re good with kids,” Zoe said. “And my arms are aching.”

  Holding John in her arms, Lindsey settled him against her hip, and turned to see Holly and Mary looking at her. “What?”

  “Do you want kids?”

  “Once I did. A whole flock of them.” She held John’s arm and was pretending to dance with him. With his other hand, he slapped her chest and made some baby noises, which totally made her fall in love. He was just the cutest baby. Of course, all the babies were the cutest. If she had Mary’s son, Thomas, she’d be the same. But Thomas was out with his daddy, so it was just the girls.

  She loved kids so much.

  “How is your little dating thing going with Pie?” Holly asked, stepping back to click away again at the tables.

  The spread of food looked really good.

  “Not well, to be honest. It’s been a few weeks since either of us went on any date. I don’t think he’s the best guy to pick to help me with this anyway.”

  “How come?” Mary asked.

  “He seems to think guys that study ants are what I’m looking for.”

  “It’s not?” Holly asked.

  “No. Please don’t take offense, but I want what you ladies have.” She looked at all three of the old ladies. “I know the club can be a bit of a handful at times, but it’s not what I mean. Your men, they look at you as if you’re the only woman in the world, and I like that. I want to be the only woman for the man I find.”

  “Are you sure it has to be a man?” Zoe asked.

  Lindsey chuckled. “Yes, I’m sure. I love women and all, but that’s just a bit of fun, you know. It’s not what I really want.”

  “What about you and Pie?” Holly asked.

  “What about it?”

  “You two are very close, and you’re, like, glued together most of the time. He’s not been with any of the women at the clubhouse.”

  Lindsey smiled. “Nah, he’s looking for his woman, and I’m not it.” She felt all three women’s eyes on her. “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing, but it’s true what they say. Some people can be so blind,” Holly said, winking at her.

  “I have no idea what that means.”

  “It’s fine. It’ll work out in the end.” Holly stepped back. “I’m so hungry right now.”

  “Let’s eat then, or at least try something.” Lindsey was all for eating. She stepped forward and took a chicken wing that totally had her name all over it. Taking a bite, she closed her eyes and moaned. There was spice and flavor and just so much juiciness. Within seconds she had finished and taken another. “You girls, it’s a shame you’re taken because I’d so want to marry the both of you.”

  “We are taken.” Mary hugged her close. “But you can come around anytime.”

  “I don’t annoy you too much?” Lindsey asked.

  “Just a little but that’s okay. You’re a good one, I know, I can tell,” Holly said, pointing the camera their way and taking a snap. “You’re part of our little clan, Lindsey. You even came to the Billionaire Bikers’ picnic, and that shit was tense.”

  “You shouldn’t have pissed off Angel,” Mary said. “She was nice.”

  Angel was The Skulls Prez’s old lady and had a reputation for being one of the nicest women in the club.

  “Yeah, well, we’d never be friends anyway, so there’s no point in worrying about that. We need to get this food covered, and we’re going to need to snap the ice cream as we serve and do it pretty quickly,” Holly said.

  Zoe held her hands up and asked Lindsey to keep on holding John. Lindsey had no problem with that, and walked around the yard, showing him some of the plants, and pointing out a few caterpillars, and other stuff that might interest a boy.

  “I don’t think Zoe will love that,” Pie said. “What will you do when he has an entire insect collection in his bedroom?”

  “She’ll thank me that he wants to help save the planet by learning all the animal species,” she said.

  Pie wasn’t wearing his leather cut but a white vest that showed off his muscular arms, which were covered in ink.

  Her pussy grew wet just by looking at him. He was so handsome but sexy along with it. The epitome of a bad boy.

  “I thought you had club business to do,” she said.

  “I did, and that’s all done, and I can move on.”

  “Cool. Missed you.”

  “I see you’re on babysitting duty. The shit storm you got the last time didn’t bother you?”

  She thought about Kasey’s son, Liam, and how he seemed to enjoy making a mess with lots of bowel movements. She burst out laughing. She couldn’t help it. To her, it had been so funny.

  “What can I say, I happen to love making a mess. I don’t know. Look at how cute they are.” She tilted her body so that Pie could look. “Don’t you want kids one day?”

  “An entire flock of them, I guess.”

  She glanced up at him. “What?”

  “I’d love to have a bunch of little kids running around. It could be fun, you know. I love kids.”

  “A flock?”

  “Yes. What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just, you know, being weird.”

  He chuckled. “You can keep on being weird.”

  “Hey, why don’t you two pose for the camera?” Holly said, coming out.

  “Okay.” Pie stepped behind her. His hand rested on her waist, and she smiled at Holly, who was snapping away. “Do I get to see?” Pie asked.

  “Not yet you don’t. You both look cute though. Like you were meant for each oth
er.” Holly winked at her, and Lindsey chuckled, smiling up at Pie.

  The way he looked at her sometimes, she could allow herself to dream. For just a fleeting second, it seemed he stared at her like the other men did their old ladies.

  Chapter Five

  “What’s going on, son?” Duke asked, looking up from the car he was working on to Matthew, who’d just entered the garage.

  Since Matthew had returned, he’d spent more time in his room than he did when he was a moody teenager.


  “You gonna help me with this?” Duke nodded toward the engine.

  “Sure.” Matthew removed his jacket and walked over to the car.

  Grabbing the right tools, they both got to work on fixing the car. Duke would check over Matthew’s work just in case, and if something wasn’t right, he’d finish it. For over an hour they worked in complete silence. No radio playing, nothing.

  He wanted to know what was wrong with Matthew but also knew his son would tell him the moment he was ready.



  “I want to try again,” Matthew said.

  Duke looked up and frowned. “With what?”

  “Joining the club. I want to take it seriously.”

  “What about your studies?”

  “I can do them. Landon prospected for the club and still studied. He’s doing okay.”

  Duke stared at his son, wondering what was with the change of heart. “I thought we had gone over this.”

  “We had, and I wasn’t ready. That was my problem. I fucked up, but now I am.”

  Duke waited, thinking about it.

  He’d always wanted Matthew to join the club at some point. Even though Holly had wanted him to go to college and enjoy everything a young kid should enjoy, Duke had hoped his son would return.

  Matthew was hotheaded and could be an asshole at times, but most kids went through that stage. He was a nightmare to live with growing up, especially when all he’d wanted was violence and the chance to get his dick wet. Not only had Matthew gone through that, he’d also experienced the fear of possibly getting a girl pregnant.


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