
Home > Romance > Greed > Page 5
Greed Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Just remembering that moment nearly turned Duke’s hair grey. It had been a fucking tense problem.

  “You do realize before I take this to the table, I’m going to want to know what brought it on.”

  Matthew patted the car. His gaze focused, and he actually looked like a man, and not his little boy.

  “I saw her.”


  Matthew nodded. “I didn’t get a chance to speak to her. I was watching her. She sat on a bench reading a book. Her legs were crossed, and she had on this cute hat. I was about to go and see her when some guy ran up to her. She smiled at him, and he hugged her.”

  Duke stared at his son, waiting.

  “I came home.”

  “And you didn’t even bother to find out who he is. If he’s even any competition for you.”

  “I realized that I needed to be something, Dad. I fucked her. I took her virginity, and in that moment, it was the most precious.” Matthew laughed. “Then the next night I had someone else in the back of the car. I didn’t deserve what Luna gave me.”

  “You know, being a virgin, it’s not what it used to be.”

  “I was her first. We nearly had a kid together, and when I realized that we could have a baby, I wasn’t afraid,” Matthew said. “I was happy. I’d fucked up completely. I had screwed other girls after her, and it was only when I saw her in high school and that she wouldn’t speak to me, did I truly realize what I lost. I lost her, Dad. But a baby.” The smile on Matthew’s face tore at his fucking heart.

  Duke was all about protecting the ones he loved, and he couldn’t do that for Matthew.

  “Then there was no baby.”

  “No baby. No nothing, and I lost her again. I had nothing I could do, and it’s all my fault. I wasn’t ready for the club or for these feelings that she makes me feel. I want her more than anything, but I know now, I’ve got to be able to deserve her.”

  “And you think coming to the club will do that?”

  “I think being part of the club will make me a man, Dad. I don’t want special treatment either. This is not like before. This is serious. I’m ready.”

  “Then I’ll talk to the club and I’ll see what they say.”

  “Thank you.”

  “To me, you are a man that does deserve her,” Duke said.

  “Thanks, Dad, but I know I’m not. I’m going to grab a soda. Want one?”

  He watched as Matthew left, knowing his son was growing up, becoming a man. Taking responsibility for his shit, and he was so damn proud of him.


  One week later

  “What about her?” Lindsey asked.

  Pie wasn’t interested in any of the women that were dancing at the club. There had been a big party planned as it was Friday night and of course there was a new sweet-butt joining the club, so later on, several of the guys would take her.

  For the first time in a sweet-butt initiation, Pie wasn’t interested, not even just a little bit. No matter how many chicks Lindsey picked out for him, none of them held his interest. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her close.

  “Will you stop for tonight?” he asked, kissing her neck.

  She sighed. “But how am I supposed to make you find your happiness?”

  He smiled against her shoulder. “I can think of quite a few ways you can help me with that.”

  “Wow, are you flirting with me?”

  “Baby, I always flirt with you.”

  She laughed along with him. “I think I like it. I should see all your moves. Make sure you’re using the right ones.”

  “Believe me, I’m using the ones that count.”

  “Well, let’s see, shall we.” She looked over the dance floor, and he didn’t like where this was going.

  When she made to pull away he reached out, grabbing her arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m going to see if we can put your charms to the test.” She winked at him. “Watch and learn.”

  He wasn’t interested in picking up women or having someone near him right now that was anyone but Lindsey. Shit, he didn’t want any of this. He’d been playing along for some time now, but the truth was, he was greedy. Really fucking greedy as he wanted her all to himself. She wasn’t ready for that though.

  They were close, and he’d even go so far as to say they were the best of friends, but he wanted more, so much more.

  Her smile.

  Her laugh.

  That sexy gasp she made when she came.

  He’d heard her come in the shower. How breathless she’d sounded and sexy.

  He wanted her now.

  He wanted her for forever, and nothing was ever going to change that. Not now, not ever.

  She walked up to a brunette who wore a short skirt and a top that left nothing to the imagination. It wasn’t the first time a Trojan party had picked up a hanger-on, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

  The woman in question placed her hand on Lindsey’s waist.

  He didn’t know what they were saying, but they kept glancing over at him. Sipping at his beer, he saw the woman lean in, and then Lindsey was kissing her.

  Pie stared at the woman’s hand resting on Lindsey curves, the way she gripped his woman, her fingers holding her. Gazing up, he saw them both so close, and he held his beer bottle tightly.

  Some men would be aroused by this, but even though it was hot, it wasn’t what he wanted. Still, Lindsey broke away from the kiss and turned toward him with an arched eyebrow.

  He didn’t do anything. Didn’t shake his head. He just stood there, watching, waiting.

  The two women talked, and then they started walking toward him. His gaze was only on Lindsey though, the sway of her hips. The way she looked so incredibly fuckable.

  “This here is Clarissa,” Lindsey said.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “She’d like to come and party with the two of us. What do you think?”

  He glanced over at Clarissa, not the least bit interested in what that woman had to do or say. His only focus was on Lindsey.

  She’s not ready.


  Within minutes they were in his room of the clubhouse. Closing and locking the door, he stared at the two women. Taking a sip of his beer, he took the only available chair.

  “What are you doing, Pie?” Lindsey asked.

  “You’re called Pie?”


  “I love to eat pie all day long,” Clarissa said.

  Lindsey chuckled. “I’m sure he’d love you to eat him right up.”

  “How about you two do a bit more of what was going on out there?” he said.

  “You want to see us have some fun?” Lindsey asked.

  If she thought she was going to leave him here with this woman, she had another think coming. Clarissa didn’t appeal to him, but watching the two of them might keep his interest.

  “Yes.” He sipped at his beer, leaning back and watching.

  Lindsey was the first, kissing Clarissa on the lips, then trailing down to her tit, sucking on the hard nipple.

  Clarissa moaned, leaning back, thrusting her chest up.

  He waited, watching as Lindsey worked, moving to her other tit, sucking, biting, nipping. When she made to kneel down he told her no.

  “Clarissa, do the same to her.”

  Lindsey frowned as she looked toward him but didn’t argue as Clarissa opened up her shirt, revealing her bra-covered tits. The red lace made him smile as he’d been with her to pick out the bras.

  As Clarissa’s lips sucked on her nipples, he couldn’t look away as her jeans were pushed down and she stood in a pair of matching panties.

  Since he’d seen her purchase the underwear, he’d been wanting to see her in it but couldn’t think of a single reason to get her to model them for him.

  Now, though, he was fucking aroused, and what was more, he didn’t want Clarissa to stop, and yet at the same time, he did.

l he wanted was for Clarissa to get her naked, and he’d be able to deal with the rest.

  Clarissa pushed her down to the bed, pulling down her panties. The angle he was sitting, he saw everything.

  Lindsey gasped as Clarissa teased her pussy, sliding a finger in deep.

  “Turn her to face me,” he said.

  He took a final sip of his beer as the women changed position.

  “Spread her thighs. Keep her open,” he said.

  Clarissa followed instructions, and his cock hardened at the sight of Lindsey. Her pussy was slick but not overly so. The lips of her cunt were spread open, her clit swollen, peeking out. Their little friend bent down, and he watched, completely jealous as she ran her tongue down Lindsey’s slit, plunging inside.

  Running a hand down his face, he waited for his feelings to dissipate, but they wouldn’t do it.

  Lindsey thrust up to meet Clarissa’s tongue, and he couldn’t handle it.

  Putting the empty bottle on the floor, he stood up. Walking toward them, he caught Lindsey’s knees in his hands.

  “Get the fuck out,” he said, looking at Clarissa.


  “You heard me. That’s enough. Get out.” He glared at her, and she didn’t try to argue with him. He wasn’t in the mood right now and was more than ready to start a fucking fight.

  The door slammed, and Lindsey went to move up on her elbows, but he pushed her back down again, keeping her in place.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. “That was for you.”

  “Did I ask you to do that?”


  “I don’t need you luring women here or trying to get them to fuck me. I have no interest in anyone else.”

  “Anyone else? What about me, right now? She was getting me going.”

  With his hand on her stomach, he stared down at her body. This was the first time he’d seen Lindsey completely naked, and she was fucking perfect.

  Stroking the tips of his fingers across her stomach, he stared into her eyes. The air between them changed. He didn’t know when it happened.

  When he stopped caring about other women and only wanted her. There was no start nor was there any end point. There was just the two of them, like always.

  “You want me to help you come?” he asked.

  Sliding his fingers down, he skimmed the patch of hair above her pussy. She once told him she waxed, but she had to be ready for the pain. Right now, she wasn’t in a pain mood.

  That was fine.

  His balls were fucking blue.

  He ached constantly just to feel her wrapped around his length.

  “I don’t want us to change.”

  “It won’t. What’s a little orgasm between friends, Lindsey? I’ll help you and you’ll help me.”

  She reached between them, cupping his dick. “You want me to help you come?”


  She was biting her lip, looking completely unsure and so cute as she did. “I don’t know. You think I don’t know what happens between friends when this stuff happens?”

  “We’re consenting adults. You want to come?”

  She nodded.

  “Then stop worrying. I can make you feel so good.”

  She cried out as he pressed his fingers between her slit.

  “I don’t want anything to change.”

  “Nothing will change,” he said.

  “Do you promise?”

  “Yes.” He bent forward between her legs and took possession of her lips. “Trust me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then come for me, and trust that I will do everything to protect you.”

  She cried out as he plunged two fingers inside her, curling them so that he stroked over her G-spot. With his thumb he stroked her clit as he kissed down her body. Stopping at her tits, he flicked each bud, before moving down further to her pussy.

  On his knees in front of her, he spread her thighs wide, staring at her pretty cunt.

  Holding the lips of her pussy open, he slid his tongue through her slit, moaning as her taste exploded on his tongue. Gliding down, he filled her tight hole before pulling back and flicking her clit.

  “Oh, fuck, that feels so good.”

  “Yeah, baby. Yeah, it does.” He muttered the words against her pussy.

  She cried out his name, and the sound echoed off the walls, driving him crazy for more. When it came to Lindsey, he’d never known these kinds of feelings. He was completely possessed, desperate, hungry for more.

  Once would never do.

  All this time he’d been holding back, afraid of pushing her away.

  He wasn’t going to let her get away.

  This would change their relationship, but he knew deep down it would make it better. There was no way he’d risk it doing anything else.

  She thrust up to meet him, begging him to make her come. Pushing her to the edge, he didn’t tease her. He thrust her over the edge and swallowed down her release, driving her to a second one, holding her as she came.

  There was no turning back now.


  For the past couple of days, Lindsey had been working longer hours and doing everything to avoid spending any time with Pie. Their night together, they hadn’t fucked or made love. After he’d sent her into a completely amazing orgasm, she’d not waited a second, getting his jeans off.

  Her mouth had been on his dick, taking him to the back of her throat. He’d gripped the back of her head, thrusting into her mouth, making her choke on his length, and she’d loved every second of it. When it came to his climax, he’d made her hold his cum in his mouth. He’d demanded to see it, and then only when he’d seen did he let her swallow. Afterward, he’d asked to see, and she’d stuck her tongue out.

  Rather than be a bit weird though, they’d curled up on the bed, and fallen asleep together. In the morning, he’d still been pretty out of it, and she’d left him on the bed.

  Since then, she’d worked late and gone to Kasey’s.

  So far, she’d avoided him, but she knew there would come a point when she couldn’t do that.

  He didn’t deserve to be kept in the dark.

  Pushing some of her hair out of her eyes, she glanced in the mirror of the work bathroom, and saw she looked tired, exhausted.

  Clarissa had been a bit of fun, something to get him back in the saddle even if she’d hated the woman’s mouth on her.

  Only the look in Pie’s eyes had kept her going. She’d been willing to play along for him. Running fingers through her hair, she winced at the greasy feel. It had been a couple of days since she’d washed it.

  At least it didn’t look greasy.

  Stepping out of the bathroom, she didn’t see anyone in the building, which wasn’t unusual. She’d been one of the last ones to leave.

  The building had security, so they would lock everything up.

  Heading back into the staffroom, she opened up her locker and pulled out her bag. Checking her cell phone, she saw several missed calls from Pie. Her thumb hovered over his name, and she was tempted to call him, but decided against it.

  Can’t keep avoiding him.

  You were there every single step of the way.

  Cock in your mouth and all.

  Stepping away from her locker, she jumped as she heard the door close.

  Spinning around, she saw Richard standing in the staffroom.

  “You scared me. I thought I was the only one here.”

  “Yeah, I had heard that you liked to stay late just recently.” He walked a few steps left, then right. Pacing, looking at her.

  She didn’t like the look in his eyes.

  “Well, I better get going.”

  “You know when you first started here I figured you’d go under the knife within months,” he said.

  “I told you from the start I wasn’t interested in changing who I am.”

  “You’re beautiful, I get that. A few pounds heavier than when you started, but it suits you. I could make
you perfect.”

  “Never wanted to be perfect.” She held her bag tightly on her shoulder. “Not everything needs to be changed.”

  “If I allow people to think that, I wouldn’t have a job.”

  She shrugged. “There are plenty of people out there who want to change. I better get going.” She stepped up to the door, but he stopped her, standing in front of her. “Let me pass.”

  “I’m talking.”

  “We can talk tomorrow.”

  He caught her shoulders, and she tried not to flinch, but he caught it. She saw the smirk on his face.

  “Cut it out, Richard. I mean it. I’m really tired.”

  She went to pull out of his arms, but he held her firm. When he ran his fingers through her hair, she pushed at his arm, but he was stronger than she was.

  “Let me go.”

  “I’ve been a patient man. Dancing to this tune of yours. You’ve been flirting with me for months.”

  “Are you crazy? I’ve not done any such thing.”

  She made to push him off, but he cupped her breast and she jerked out of his arms, shaking her head.

  “You want me, Lindsey.”

  “You’re crazy. I don’t want you.”

  He reached behind him and flicked the lock of the staffroom door. That sound echoed throughout the room, and her heart started to pound.

  She’d been doing so well avoiding Richard.

  There’s no way she’d show weakness, cry, or give him that kind of satisfaction. He stepped into the room, and she backed away, which was a big mistake. He slammed his hands against her head, trapping her as he pressed his body against hers. The bag fell from her arms as he moved in to kiss her.

  “You want it, Lindsey. I’ve heard you talking with Marie. You want a nice piece of cock. A slut like you.”

  “No! Get off.” She hated the sob in her voice as his hands were everywhere and she tried to fight him off.

  Tears flooded her eyes, and she kept on fighting. Drawing her hand back, she slapped him across the face.

  Big mistake.

  He drew back his fist, shocking her as the pain splintered inside her.

  The force of the blow knocked her to the floor.

  She cried out as he pulled her hair, lifting her back up, and moving her toward the sofa.

  “No. No. No.” She clawed at his hands, fighting him.

  This was so far out of control.


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