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Captured Page 18

by Alvin Townley


  of Denton, 62, 68, 104–7, 115

  of other POWs, 57, 59, 180, 183

  Cherry, Fred, 57, 58

  chess matches of POWs, 58–59, 145

  China, 6, 174–75


  in Alcatraz, 144–45

  in Hanoi Hilton, 182, 186–88

  in the Zoo, 48–49

  Church Riot of 1971, 188–89

  Code of Conduct

  articles of, 16–17, 30

  and Camp Authority’s methods, 47

  central importance of, 86

  consequences for upholding, xii, xv

  and Davis, 45

  Denton’s commitment to, 30, 52, 159

  and Denton’s confession, 75

  establishment of, 15

  and interrogations, 20, 30, 38–39, 44

  and new POWs, 111

  and plans for escape, 26–27

  POWs operating outside of, 182–83

  Coffee, Jerry, 97, 106

  Coker, George

  at Alcatraz, 126, 131, 132, 135

  and Alcatraz Gang, 209

  and Church Riot of 1971, 188

  and communication of prisoners, 151

  and Denton’s death, 210

  at Hanoi Hilton, 178–79, 180

  in Heartbreak Hotel, 190

  leadership of resistance, 108

  Cold War, 6, 11

  communication between prisoners

  between cellblocks, 60–61

  cessation of punishments for, 174

  content of, 61

  between Denton and Davis, 33, 45

  between Denton and Guarino, 22–25

  Denton’s directives on maintaining, 30

  for games, 58–59, 145

  importance of, 56, 60

  and increasing number of POWs, 59

  lengthy, 139

  by means of coughing, 143

  by means of Morse code, 45

  by means of note drops in latrine, 25–26, 30–31, 37, 167

  by means of scraping buckets, 133–36, 153

  by means of sweeping, 136–37, 139

  by means of wall taps (see tapping code)

  POWs’ lack of participation in, 180

  prison rules on, 23, 36, 37

  prison’s attempts to thwart, 60, 121

  punishment for, 117–19, 153, 154, 170, 174

  Communism, 6, 13, 174–75

  complaints made by prisoners, 30


  broadcast, 84, 86–87

  and compassion for victims, 87–88

  of “criminal” POWs, 67–69, 74–75, 84

  of Denton, 74–75, 84, 88, 101

  Denton’s counsel on, 86, 87–88

  extracted with torture, 67–69, 74–75, 86, 87–88

  lies relayed in, 86–87

  recordings of, 86–87

  restraints used to obtain, 100–101

  of Risner, 84

  “Superman Confession,” 135


  allowed by Lê Dun, 169

  of Denton, 48–51, 144–45, 182

  distributed on Christmas, 182

  guards’ theft of contents, 191

  and lack of mail service, 23

  POWs’ desire for, 48–49, 144

  regular arrival of, 191

  coughing as code signals, 143

  criminals, POWs treated as

  and BACK US resistance tactics, 112–13

  and confessions, 67–69, 74–75, 84

  and demands for rights afforded by Geneva Convention, 62

  and Denton’s leadership, 31

  and “Make Your Choice” program, 84–86

  and march of POWs through Hanoi, 91–92, 93, 94–96, 97–98

  and military regulations, 191

  and rules at Zoo complex, 36

  and US’ undeclared war, xiv, 21

  and work party program, 113–14

  Cronkite, Walter, 147–48

  Daughtrey, Norlan, 101

  Davis, Ed

  beaten by guards, 45

  and Denton, 32–33, 43–44

  food rations withheld, 44–45

  punished for resistance, 43–45

  removed from the Zoo, 46

  singing of, 32–33

  weight loss of, 45

  Day, Bud, 189

  Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), 7

  Democratic Republic of Vietnam. See North Vietnam

  Denton, Don (son), 78–79

  Denton, Jane (wife), 50

  advocacy of, 169, 171

  and Alcatraz Gang, 209

  and confession of Denton, 75

  correspondence to/from Denton, 48–51, 144–45, 182

  and Denton’s anticipation of death, 70–71

  Denton’s thoughts of, 33, 141

  and homecoming of Denton, 204–5, 206

  on Powers’s public trial, 78–79

  and POW-MIA movement, 171

  and release of Denton, 200, 203

  and retirement of Denton, 209–10

  and wedding ring of Denton, 1

  Denton, Jeremiah “Jerry,” 18,

  and Alcatraz Gang, 209

  bombing mission of, 1–5, 5, 7–8

  capture of, xiv, 9–10

  Catholicism of, 33, 105, 122 (see also religious devotion of Denton)

  death of, 210–11

  education of, 57, 99–100, 123

  family (see family of Denton)

  homecoming, 204–5, 206, 208–9

  leadership (see leadership of Denton)

  length of captivity, 186, 206

  life after POW camps, 207–10

  official statement, upon release, 200–202, 210–11

  optimism of, 90, 91, 160, 195

  patriotism of, 57

  poetry composed by, 148–49, 164–65

  principles of, 158–59 (see also Code of Conduct)

  release of, 198, 199–200

  televised interview of, xv–xvi, 76–81, 82, 83

  youth of, 99–100, 142

  Denton, Jerry, III, 210

  depression, 104, 167–68. See also mental/emotional strain of prison life

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 10

  Domino Theory of Communism, 6

  early releases of POWs, 113, 147, 167

  Easter holidays, 148–49, 164–65

  education program led by POWs, 191

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 12

  emotional strain of prison life. See mental/ emotional strain of prison life

  escape, 15, 16, 26–27, 30, 36

  families of POWs

  advocacy of, 169–70, 171–73

  of Denton (see family of Denton)

  and POW-MIA movement, 171–73, 172, 173

  and release of POWs, 203

  and uncertainty of POWs’ fates, 48

  family of Denton, 50

  correspondence to/from Denton, 48–51, 144–45, 182

  Denton’s thoughts of, 37, 141

  and deployment of Denton, xiii–xiv

  and difficulties of separation, 144–45

  and homecoming of Denton, 204–5

  news of son’s Little League, 117

  and retirement of Denton, 209–10

  See also Denton, Jane

  Fellows, Jack, 101

  Fink Release Program, 113

  Five Questions, 145

  Flynn, John, 190

  food rations

  at Alcatraz, 136, 145, 174

  complaining about, 30

  covert sharing of, 103–4

  and end of Vietnam War, 195–96, 197–98

  feces in, 43

  at Hanoi Hilton, 20, 23, 195–96, 197–98

  withheld, 23, 38, 44–45

  at the Zoo, 38, 41, 42–43, 103–4

  Four Wise Men, 190

  Fourth Allied POW Wing, 190, 195


  colonial rule of Vietnam, 11–12, 174

  and Indochina War, 11–12, 13, 76

constructed by, 19–20

  and Vietnam’s Communist allies, 174–75

  Vietnam’s independence from, 11–12, 75, 121, 174–76

  Garden Party, 97

  “GBU” (“God bless you”), xvi, 88, 164

  Geneva Conference (1954), 12

  Geneva Convention (1949)

  Camp’s enforcement of, 170

  demands for rights afforded by, 62

  and interrogations, 20, 21, 62

  and Johnson administration, 169–70

  and Lê Dun administration, 169

  and Nixon administration, 172

  and SERE training, 15

  and threats, 21

  and treatment of POWs (see criminals, POWs treated as)

  and Zoo prison complex, 36

  “The Great Sign” (Denton), 148–49

  Guarino, Larry

  capture of, 15

  and Denton’s command, 29

  Denton’s communication with, 22–24, 25, 27, 69

  deteriorating health of, 23–24

  pencil acquired by, 29

  Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 13

  Halyburton, Porter, 57–59

  Hanoi, North Vietnam

  hardship faced by citizens in, 199

  map of POW camps in and around, 185

  POWs marched through, 91–92, 93, 94–96, 97–98, 198–99

  US’ bombing of, 89–90, 91–92, 193–94

  Hanoi Hannah

  addresses to soldiers, 111, 145–46

  on antiwar sentiment in US, 110, 116, 146

  broadcast at Alcatraz, 138

  confessions reported by, 87, 88

  on Cronkite’s assessment of war, 147–48

  and end of Vietnam War, 195

  on H Ch Minh’s death, 168–69

  on Nixon’s inauguration, 161

  on release of three POWs, 147

  on Tt Offensive, 146, 147

  on US’ withdrawal, 192

  Hanoi Hilton (Ha L Prison), 11–34, 26

  Alcatraz Gang’s relocation to, 178

  Christmas at, 182, 186–88

  and Church Riot of 1971, 188–89

  commanding officers at, 184–85

  communication between prisoners at, 22–23, 25–26, 30–31, 33

  Denton’s arrival at, 11, 13–14, 17–20

  Denton’s leadership in, 26

  Denton’s return to, 60, 108, 178

  and Denton’s televised interview, xv–xvi, 76–81, 82, 83

  education program led by POWs, 191

  and end of Vietnam War, 193–97

  food rations at, 20, 23, 195–96, 197–98

  hunger strikes in, 183

  influx of POWs to, 185, 186

  isolation of prisoners in, 180

  latrine of, 24–26, 29–31

  location of, 185

  map, 114

  release of prisoners, 194, 198–200, 201

  religious observances at, 188–89

  stacked-stools punishment at, 65–69, 70

  See also Little Vegas

  Harnavee, Chicharn, 190

  Harris, Smitty, 32

  heroism, 10

  Ha L Prison. See Hanoi Hilton

  H Ch Minh

  ambitions of, 47, 75–76

  and amnesty statements, 160

  and Communist allies, 174–75

  death of, 168–69

  and guerrilla fighters, 12

  and independence of Vietnam, 11, 75

  and Operation Rolling Thunder, 6

  and public opinion, 47

  homecoming, 193–210

  and antiwar sentiment in US, 203–4

  arrival of Denton in US, 204–5, 208–9

  clothing choices for, 197

  and families of POWS, 203

  with honor, 205

  official statement by Denton, 200–2, 210–11

  premature expectations of, 168, 177, 178

  and psychological exams, 203

  release of prisoners, 194, 198–200, 201

  wagers placed on dates of, 160–61


  goal of returning with, 39, 47, 85, 191

  and homecoming of Denton, 205

  and resistance, 47, 52, 55, 67, 129

  humane treatment of POWs, 15

  hunger strikes, 162–63, 183

  Indochina War, 11–12, 13, 76


  and Code of Conduct, 20, 30, 38–39, 44

  confessions pursued through, 67–69, 74–75

  of Davis, 43–44

  of Denton, 19–21, 62–63, 196–97

  and end of Vietnam War, 196

  focused on leadership of POWs, 124–25

  and Geneva Convention, 20, 21, 62

  of Guarino, 24

  lies told in, 86

  punishments for lack of cooperation in, 43

  resistance exercised in, 20, 51–52

  threats made in, 21

  violent techniques used in, 38 (see also punishment; torture)

  interview of Denton, televised, xv–xvi, 76–81, 82, 83

  “Invictus” (Henley), ix

  isolation of POWs, 23, 37. See also solitary confinement of prisoners

  Jeffrey, Bob, 103

  Jenkins, Harry

  at Alcatraz, 132, 134, 135

  cramps, 161–62

  at Hanoi Hilton, 178

  instruction led by, 191

  leadership of resistance, 108

  and Shumaker’s anniversary, 190

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  and antiwar sentiment in US, 146

  and authority to send military forces to war, 13

  and bombing of Hanoi, 89

  and Diệm regime, 12

  and Domino Theory of Communism, 6

  escalation of conflict, 12–13

  peace talks proposal of, 149–50

  policy on POW-MIAs in Vietnam, 169–70

  refusal to seek second term in office, 150

  Johnson, Sam

  at Alcatraz, 132, 134, 135

  and Alcatraz Gang, 208

  and antiwar sentiment in US, 147

  and Christmas service, 188

  and Denton’s death, 210

  at Hanoi Hilton, 178

  hunger strike on behalf of, 183

  instruction led by, 191

  leadership of resistance, 108

  letter of apology signed by, 163–64

  in solitary confinement, 183–84

  and Storz’s decline, 176

  journalists, Denton’s televised interview with, xv–xvi, 76–81, 82, 83

  Kennedy, John F., 12

  King, Martin Luther Jr., 110

  Kissinger, Henry, 194

  Laird, Melvin, 170

  “La Pieta” (Denton), 164–65


  buckets for, 17, 40, 118–19, 130, 133–36, 153

  cleaning duties, 39–40, 139–40, 163

  described, 24

  items conveyed through, 29, 33

  note drops in, 25–26, 30–31, 37, 167

  and toilet paper, 118–19

  unsanitary conditions of, 39

  leadership of Denton

  in Alcatraz, 139

  Camp Authority’s attempts to undermine, 88

  and Code of Conduct, 30

  and Denton’s youth, 28–29, 99–100

  directives issued, 30, 31, 62

  and example set by Denton, 100

  and faltering solidarity, 181, 182–83

  in Hanoi Hilton, 29–31

  and hard-line resistance, 39, 44, 51, 85–87, 124

  importance of service, 207

  and lists of POWs, 59, 140–41

  and Rabbit’s threats, 113

  respect of POWs for, 88–89

  and Stockdale’s return, 184–85

  and torture of POWs, 44–47

  leadership of POWs

  of Alcatraz Gang members, 137

  Camp Authority’s crackdown on, 74, 88, 120, 124–25, 147

  on early rele
ases, 113

  and end of Vietnam War, 195

  Four Wise Men, 190

  isolation of, 74, 103, 120, 130–31, 131, 136, 147

  in Little Vegas, 108

  POWs’ protection of, 124

  Lê Dun, 169

  leg irons and leg stocks

  about, 17, 28

  and bodily wastes, 27, 122

  and Code of Conduct, xii

  leg irons and leg stocks (cont.)

  Denton’s restraint in, 27, 39, 99–100, 121–24, 138, 155

  Guarino’s restraint in, 23–24, 27

  Mulligan’s restraint in, 121–24

  letters. See correspondence

  Liar’s Box, 86

  Little Vegas, 109–25

  and BACK US resistance tactics, 111–12, 113–14

  and cellblock names, 109–10

  communication between prisoners, 117–18

  Denton’s relocation to, 107–8

  excessive heat in, 115–16

  facilities of, 109

  leadership of resistance at, 108, 118–19, 124–25

  map, 114

  punishment of Denton in, 118–22, 123–24

  and Radio Hanoi, 110

  restoring order to, 182–83

  and work party program, 113–14

  mail service in prisons. See correspondence

  “Make Your Choice” program, 84–86, 99, 198

  march of POWs through Hanoi, 91–92, 93, 94–96, 97–98, 198–99

  McCain, John, 191

  McDaniel, Red, 117, 192

  McGill Institute, 57, 99–100, 123

  McGrath, Mike, 114, 131

  McKnight, George

  at Alcatraz, 131, 132, 135, 136, 137

  and Alcatraz Gang, 208

  Camp Authority’s attempt to isolate, 136

  and communication between prisoners, 151, 153, 168

  at Hanoi Hilton, 178–79, 180

  leadership of resistance, 108

  torture endured by, 153

  McNamara, Robert, 6

  mental/emotional strain of prison life

  on Denton, 166

  and depression, 104, 167–68

  feelings of purposelessness, 133, 148, 191

  and regression, 142

  of solitary confinement, 37, 68, 104, 107, 167

  on Storz, 166–67

  strategies for fighting, 140–42

  Morse code, 45, 79–81, 82

  Mulligan, Jim, 105

  at Alcatraz, 134, 136

  and Alcatraz Gang, 208

  attempts to extract statements from, 160

  Catholicism of, 105, 122

  and Christmas, 186

  as Denton’s cellmate, 104–7, 115–16, 119–20, 181

  and Denton’s death, 210

  Denton’s relationship with, 122–23

  at Hanoi Hilton, 178

  homecoming of, 203, 204

  homecoming wager placed by, 160

  leadership of resistance, 108

  in leg irons, 121–24

  memorized lists of POWs, 141

  news of wife, 117

  on number of POWs, 116

  physical debilitation of, 101, 151

  and Shumaker’s anniversary, 190

  on Storz’s condition, 166–67


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