Protecting His Fox's Sass (Sass And Growl Book 2)

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Protecting His Fox's Sass (Sass And Growl Book 2) Page 1

by Dawn Sullivan

  Protecting His

  Fox’s Sass

  A Sassy Ever After Story

  Dawn Sullivan

  Protecting His Fox’s Sass

  A Sassy Ever After Story

  Copyright 2018 Dawn Sullivan

  Published by MT Worlds Press, Inc.

  Winter Springs, FL 32708

  Cover Design: Tracie Douglas with Dark Water Cover

  Edited by: Jamie White and CP Bialois

  Language: English

  Formatting by Celtic Formatting

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Protecting His Fox’s Sass

  As a shifter enforcer, Teine Carlson lived a life of adventure and purpose. She may not have agreed with everything her alpha did, but she followed the rules. Until, she is suddenly thrust into an existence she’d never imagined for herself. Now she has a new purpose…to protect the life of an innocent child.

  Nolan Channing was a playboy. He worked hard, and played even harder. When his brother met and fell in love with his mate, Nolan’s thoughts and ways shifted. He wanted what his brother had. Walking into the Naked Wolfe, the last thing he expected was to scent the other half of his soul. Now, all bets were off.

  Teine is scared and on the run, with no plans of staying in one place too long, mate or not. She is on a mission, one she promised someone very dear to her she would not fail. Nolan has his eyes on the sly fox, with no intention of letting her slip away. Can Nolan’s determination to protect his mate, along with their future together, change Teine’s mind? Or will her promise keep her on the run, intent on steering clear of her past and two steps ahead of the enemy?

  For Justin. Your support means the world to me. Love you, little brother.


  “You need to take her and run, Teine. Don’t look back.”

  “Nana, I can’t leave you!”

  “You can, and you will,” Idelle said calmly, placing the small bundle wrapped in a dark fleece blanket in her arms. “You don’t have a choice, child. If you don’t, they will kill her.”

  “If I do, they might kill you!”

  “That’s a chance I’m willing to take to save the life of my great-granddaughter.”

  Teine’s wide, light blue eyes filled with tears as she stared at one of the most important people in her life. Shaking her head, she cried, “None of this makes any sense!”

  “I know it doesn’t, but that’s the way it is. If you don’t get that sweet baby out of here, she won’t make it through the night. She’s a mixed breed, and you know our alpha doesn’t allow that.”

  “He’s an idiot,” Teine spat, her eyes glittering with unshed tears and rage. Sharp fangs punched through her gums, and her claws emerged as she thought about what she wanted to do to the bastard they called Alpha.

  “Yes,” Idelle agreed, pulling Teine close, holding her tightly before pushing her away again. “Now, you must go. They will be here soon.”

  “Nana, we need to fight this!”

  “We will never win.”

  “Alpha Bond is a spineless coward. He doesn’t have the balls to come after me,” Teine growled. “I can protect you.”

  “He may not, but his enforcers do, Teine. He hand-picked every one of them. They will do whatever he says, and they are very good at what they do.”

  Her grandmother was right. When Alpha Bond somehow became the head of their small skulk, he had kept only two of the original enforcers who served under the alpha before him. The rest were required to find new jobs in one of the neighboring towns. Then, he held a competition where anyone who wanted an enforcer position was welcome to participate, but only the strongest and most lethal made it all of the way through. Teine was one of them. She’d been so proud when she placed the enforcer badge on her hip, showing proof that she was among the best-of-the-best. In the three years since then, she’d done numerous things she was not proud of. Things her alpha demanded she do. Things she regretted, but couldn’t change no matter how much she wanted to.

  Idelle placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and another on the baby’s head, her soft brown gaze full of resolve. “You are an exceptional warrior, granddaughter, but even you cannot defeat them all. I’ve been on this earth many years. I’ve lived my life. Now, this little girl deserves the chance to live hers.”

  “But… what about Nadine?” Teine choked out, her eyes going to where her sister lay on a bed in the corner of the bedroom. Her beautiful face was so pale that it matched the stark white sheets she lay on. Long, brown hair lay limply around her, her hands clasped loosely on her stomach. If she wasn’t able to see the slow rise and fall of her chest, Teine would think her sister’s spirit had already left the small shack they were in out in the middle of the woods. “She needs me.”

  Her grandmother reached out and cupped her cheek gently. “There’s nothing you can do for your sister now, except focus on the baby. That’s what she would want.”

  Teine’s gaze dropped to the infant who was sleeping in her arms. So sweet and innocent, unaware that her life was in jeopardy, all because her DNA was made up of fox shifter… and something altogether different.

  Teine ran a finger slowly down the soft skin of the baby’s cheek as she rasped, “I’m an enforcer, Nana. All I know is how to fight and kill. I know nothing about babies.”


  It was a weak gasp, hardly noticeable, but Teine heard it. Her startled gaze flew to where her sister’s dark golden eyes were now trained on her. Teine quickly crossed the room and knelt beside the bed, the precious infant still held snuggly in her arms. “Nadine!”

  Nadine reached out and gently touched her daughter’s face where it peeked out through the blanket, a slow smile crossing her face. “Athena. So beautiful.”

  When her hand fell weakly to her side, Teine covered it with one of her own. “Nadine, I don’t know what to do.”

  Nadine’s eyes met hers, and she whispered, “Protect my daughter, little sister. There’s a bag with everything you need in the closet.” A tear slipped free, trailing slowly down her cheek as she said, “I am so sorry I didn’t tell you about her father. That he wasn’t like us.”

  “Where is he, Nadine?” Teine asked, her hand tightening on her sister’s. “Maybe if I find him…”

  Nadine shook her head, the tears coming faster now. “He’s gone,” she whispered, closing her eyes, a shudder running through her. “Go, Teine. Before they get here.”

  “Come with me,” Teine tried one last time. “You and Nana.”

  Nadine’s eyes fluttered open, and once again landed on her daughter. “Athena is yours now, Teine. Love her, protect her, and raise her as your own.”

  Knowing it was useless to argue any longer, and that she needed to get out of there before Alpha Bond and his enforcers showed up, Teine swallowed hard and nodded. Giving her sister the peace of mind that she needed, she promised, “I won’t let anything happen to her, Nadine.” Leaning over to place a kiss on Nadine’s forehead, she murmured, “I love you, sis, now and always. I give you my word that I
will protect your daughter with my life.”

  A soft sigh left Nadine’s lips, and they curved up into a small smile. “Love you, sissy.”

  Teine rose, and with one last look at her sister, she turned toward her grandmother. Silently accepting the bag Idelle held out to her, Teine slipped the strap over her shoulder and gave the woman one last hug. “I love you, Nana.”

  Idelle cupped Teine’s cheeks in her hands and smiled through her tears. “You have always been special, Granddaughter. Made for greater things than serving our poor excuse of an alpha. Go. Take little Athena far from here, and soar high, baby girl. Remember, wherever you are, and wherever Nadine and I are, you will always be in our hearts.”

  After one last hug, Teine left the shack, running as quickly as she could to where she’d left her car hidden close to two miles away. She was almost there when the first shot rang out in the middle of the night. A loud gasp left her when pain sliced through her left shoulder, but she kept running. She had promised her sister that she would protect Athena, and she always kept her promises.

  When another loud bang filled the air and the bullet slammed into a tree as she flew past, Teine bared her teeth, and palmed the Glock strapped to her thigh. If the bastards wanted a fight, they would get one.

  Cradling Athena close, Teine sprinted the last few yards to her car. Yanking open the passenger side door, she placed her niece on the seat and dropped the bag onto the floor, cursing darkly when a bullet bit into her left leg. Stepping back, she slammed the door shut and turned to face whoever was filling her with holes, stiffening when her gaze met three of Bond’s deadliest enforcers.

  “Where are you going, Teine?” Alec snarled, lowering his gun and glaring at her.

  Gripping her Glock tightly, she met his gaze, shrugging indifferently as she fought to block out the pain that was racking her body. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her leg was going numb, but she ignored it all as she replied, “What does it matter?”

  Tori took a step forward and inhaled deeply, her eyes narrowing on the car. “It matters because you know the alpha’s rules.”

  “His rules suck,” Teine growled, aware that Redrick was slowly making his way around the front of the car. Slipping a knife from one of the side pockets on her cargo pants, she warned him, “Stop right there, Redrick.”

  He paused, his eyes taking on an amber tinge as he growled, “The girl is to be eliminated, Teine. Alpha Bond has ordered it.”

  Raising her top lip so that they could see one of her sharp fangs, Teine snarled, “This is one order that you are not going to follow through on.”

  “And if we do?” Tori asked quietly, her gaze still on the car.

  “Then you will all die.”

  Tori nodded slowly, raising her gun to aim it at Teine. “So be it.”

  Teine ducked, barely missing the bullet as it burst from Tori’s gun, and let her knife fly, grunting in satisfaction when it struck, burying deeply into Redrick’s neck.

  “You bitch!” Tori yelled, rushing toward her, the gun in her hand blasting shots as she came.

  Teine sprang to the side in a somersault, before rising to her knees and returning fire. The Glock kicked in her hand, the first bullet finding Tori’s chest, the second her heart, the third right between her now vacant eyes.

  Teine cried out in shock when something slammed into her and her gun went flying. Shit! She’d forgotten about Alec. Waves of dizziness swamped her when he grabbed hold of her shoulders and shoved her into the ground. She couldn’t stop the scream of pain that emerged when the prick dug his fingers into her wound, his eyes full of satisfaction and just plain evil.

  Holding her down, he leaned close and growled, “I’ve always wanted you in this position. Filling you with my cock. Hearing you beg me for more.”

  Fighting the urge to throw up in her mouth, Teine stilled beneath him. “Oh, yeah?”

  Alec pushed his hardening erection into her as he rasped, “Maybe I will take you now. Fuck you hard, then let you feel the bite of my blade on your throat after I come.”

  Teine slid her fingers down the side of her cargo pants, arching into him, as she said, “Maybe I would like it.”

  It was a lie, but the man above her was too far gone now to scent it. Raising his head, Alec closed one hand around her throat as he reached between them with the other one and quickly unbuttoned his jeans, muttering, “Hell yeah.”

  Her hand closing around the hilt of the knife in another side pocket, Teine slowly slid it from its sheath, her eyes locked on the man above her. She waited until he had his pants slid down over his hips, freeing his dick, before she made her move. The knife came up, slicing through the bastard’s dick and into his groin. When he let out a roar of pain, rearing up, Teine sank the knife deep into his heart. Alec froze, his eyes widening in horror, and then he slowly slumped over her, pinning her to the ground.

  The sound of a baby’s crying got Teine moving. Struggling out from under his huge bulk, she rose on shaky feet and looked around for her Glock. Quickly retrieving it from the ground a few feet away, she stumbled to the car, stopping beside Redrick where he lay gasping for breath, the knife protruding from his throat. A human would have been dead, but not a shifter. His eyes met hers, silently begging for her help, but there was no way she could leave him alive. She knew Redrick. Had known him since she was a child. If she did, he would hunt her down and do to her what she had failed to do to him.

  Leaning down, she grabbed the hilt of the knife and pulled it free. Blood pooled on the ground around him, leaving him looking helpless, but Teine knew better. The man was head enforcer of their skulk for a reason. Raising her gun, she muttered, “I made a promise to my sister to protect her baby at all cost, Redrick. I can’t do that with you still breathing.” His eyes darkened with anger, and his lips moved as he tried to talk, but Teine didn’t hesitate. Squeezing the trigger, she watched it hit its mark before turning back to her car. She had no idea where she was going to go, and only a few hundred dollars to her name, but one thing she knew for certain: her niece was going to live, no matter what she had to do to make that happen.


  A year later

  Teine stood outside the Naked Wolfe, trying to work up the courage to open the door. She was going to be late for her interview if she didn’t get her ass inside, but she was so nervous…fine, she was terrified. She’d had to be strong for so long, doing things she never thought she would do to survive, but this was pressing the limits, even for her. Just the thought of removing her clothes in front of a bunch of strangers for money made her feel like a prostitute. If she got the job, people were going to pay to see her naked. She might not be having sex with them, but they would be fucking her with their eyes. Just the thought made her want to turn around and run, but she couldn’t. There was nowhere else around that she could make the kind of money she needed, as quickly as she needed it.

  Shit, she would take squaring off against a badass shifter who wanted to tear her to pieces over this any day. Swearing darkly, Teine opened the door and stepped inside. Pausing, she let her gaze slowly move around the large area, taking in everything. The lighting was dim, but not too bad since the place wasn’t technically open to customers yet. There was a bar along the wall to her right, and several tables surrounding a large stage directly in front of her. It was set back a ways away from the door, but was the first thing you saw when you walked in.

  The room was large, clean, and looked classy for a strip club. It was a lot different than the places she’d worked at lately. The seedy bars where they paid her cash under the table were way beneath this establishment. Teine hesitated, her gaze once again slowly pursuing the area. Maybe this wasn’t the place for her after all. How could she hide somewhere where her face and body would be on display? It wasn’t safe for her or little Athena. Although, she could always wear a mask, and maybe get a wig to cover her signature red hair. Hell, this was a bad idea.

  Turning, intent on leaving and finding anothe
r place of employment, Teine jumped, a small squeal passing her lips when a hand dropped on her shoulder. Stiffening, she swung around, her fist tightening around the can of Mace hooked to her keys. It was better than reaching for the gun hidden in the holster at her back, or the knives secured in the sheathes on the insides of her black boots. Unless, of course, Bond and his band of dipshits found her.

  A hand grabbed her wrist, and the scent of wolf filled the air as a deep voice said, “Hey, there. Calm down. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Scare her? Yes, maybe he had caught her off guard, but she didn’t scare easily. Not even after all she’d been through in the past year. Her eyes met a pair of kind, but calculating ones as she snapped in irritation, “You didn’t, but you might want to get your filthy paws off of me, right now!” Wolf shifters were higher up on the food chain than she was, and the bastards knew it. She hadn’t met one she liked, yet.

  He raised an eyebrow and slowly let her go, a grin tipping the corners of his mouth up. Raising his hands, he stepped back, “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not your fucking sweetheart,” Teine snarled, lifting the can to aim it at him.

  The man grinned as a voice floated over to them, “Boss, everything okay over there?”

  Teine froze, her gaze going from the man in front of her to a leggy blonde walking toward them, wrapping a small robe around her scantily clad body. Boss? Shit! Please don’t let this be…

  “Jake Wolfe,” he said, holding out a hand to her.

  Lowering her head, Teine counted to ten, cursing loudly in her mind, before slowly looking back up into eyes filled with amusement. Reaching out to grasp the hand that was still out in front of her, she continued the litany of fucks in her head as she accidentally dropped her keys, with the can of Mace, on the floor. Quickly bending over to pick them up, she cried out when her head slammed into Jake’s, and she ended up on the floor. “Fuck!” Slamming one hand over her mouth to prevent anymore verbal diarrhea from spewing from it, the other went to her forehead where she was sure a bruise was already starting to form. She had royally just jacked-up any chance she had of a job at the Naked Wolfe. It was a good thing she’d already decided it wouldn’t be a good fit for the hidden life she led, because there was no way he was hiring her now. Glancing across the room in frustration, Teine sighed. Either way, it was probably for the best. She would probably fall off the damn pole that stood in the middle of the stage if she tried to dance with it like she’d seen in the movies. Wouldn’t that be sexy as hell?


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