Protecting His Fox's Sass (Sass And Growl Book 2)

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Protecting His Fox's Sass (Sass And Growl Book 2) Page 10

by Dawn Sullivan

  “How nice to see you again, Teine.”

  Teine was aware of Nolan and Knox stopping, but she focused all of her attention on the alpha. “I wish I could say the same about you.”

  His lip curling up into a snarl at the insult, the alpha stepped closer to her. “You have something that is mine. I suggest you give it back, and I might think about letting you live.”

  She knew that wasn’t true. There was no way in hell he would send his goons after her for the past year and then just let her go in the end. He was nothing but a lying, sleazy bastard. “No, I have what is mine,” she corrected, stiffening when she saw two of his enforcers, Rhonda and Max, move up to flank him. Squaring her shoulders, she vowed, “You are not getting my sister back, Bond. You will have to kill me first.”

  “That can be arranged.” His eyes never leaving her, he growled, “Kill her.”

  Teine heard a low growl behind her, and knew her mate was there, backing her up if she needed it. Feeling his strength, she bared her teeth, grasping her Glock tightly in one hand and sliding a knife from her boot with the other. “Still having everyone else do your dirty work? You kept my sister stuck in a fucking hole in the ground for a year, you sick son of a bitch. If you think I am going to let you have her back, you are more deranged than I thought. You go ahead and send your enforcers after me. I will take them out one by one, just like I did all of the others. Then, I’m coming after you.”


  Not taking her gaze from the danger in front of her, she growled, “Get Nadine out of here, Nolan.”

  “Not going to happen, mate.”

  “Please, for me. She is all that matters right now.”

  “No, she’s not.”

  Teine almost dropped her gun at the sound of her grandmother’s voice. The hand that held the Glock shook, but she kept it pointed at the alpha. “Nana?”

  A figured limped around the corner of the building, dressed in filthy, tattered clothes. There was enough light from the moon shining down to see the woman clearly, and Teine gasped as her eyes traced her haggard, worn face. “I’m here, sweet child.” Her grandmother slowly made her way to her, being careful to stay clear of the alpha and his enforcers.

  When one of them made a move in her direction, a deep growl filled the air, and Noah appeared, stalking around the building in bear form. Her eyes narrowed when she saw him, but Aurora was soon by his side.

  “I guess he didn’t like it when I went in after the prisoners,” she said with a shrug, “which turned out to be a good thing when several enforcers showed up. He made short work of them while I freed everyone.”

  Noah raised his head and roared loudly, glaring back in her direction.

  “Down boy,” she said, patting him on the side before moving to stand in front of Idelle.

  “Idelle?” Rhonda said, her voice wavering. “I thought you were dead? The alpha said you died in an accident?”

  “He lied,” Idelle said gently.

  “And Nadine? She’s still alive, too?” Max asked, his voice hard, and full of suspicion.

  “Stuck in the hell pit for a year now,” Teine snarled, glaring at them. “Like you didn’t know.”

  “We’ve never been in the cells,” Rhonda told them. “Only a handful of enforcers are allowed in there. Ones that followed the alpha’s orders explicitly and would do anything for him. We didn’t make the short list.”

  “Consider yourself lucky,” Aurora said, beginning to move one of her hands in a circular motion, drawing energy to her, and soon a small white ball appeared and kept growing. “None of those fools made it. You have a chance.”

  “Bunch of fucking idiots,” Alpha Bond snarled, shaking with rage. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”

  “You’re right,” Teine agreed, tired of the games, pressing the trigger on her Glock. The first bullet left the chamber and lodged itself in the middle of the alpha’s forehead as his eyes widened in shock, the second went through his heart. “I needed to do that myself.”

  When the two enforcers next to him took a step toward her, she cocked an eyebrow. “You do realize there are more bears here besides him, right? Along with the witch next to me who wants to blow you up with a really cool looking energy ball?”

  They glanced nervously in Noah’s direction, then Aurora’s, before slowly lowering their weapons.

  “I know you both, Rhonda and Max. I know you only followed Alpha Bond because you felt you had no choice. I’m giving you a choice now. Leave or suffer the same fate he did.” When they hesitated, Noah stood on his hind legs and let out another loud roar, all but beating his chest. Teine held back laughter as she swore Max pissed himself before the two of them scampered off.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” Knox growled, shaking his head at them. “I need to get home to my mate.”

  “Mate,” Nadine whispered, clutching tightly to Nolan’s shirt. “Casen.”

  “We have to find her mate, Nolan,” Teine whispered, walking over to him and running a gentle hand down the side of her sister’s face.

  “That might be hard,” Idelle said, limping to them. Her face full of sympathy and regret, she placed a shaky hand on her granddaughter’s arm. “She told me that they would meet almost every day until he had to leave. He gave her this.” She pulled back Nadine’s shirt, and Teine gasped when she saw the claiming bite.

  “They’re bonded.”

  “Yes. Something must have happened to him, Teine. Nothing would have kept them apart otherwise.”

  Teine’s heart filled with compassion for her sister, understanding now what she was going through. There was no way she could be apart from Nolan for long. It would be too painful, both physically and emotionally. “We have to find him, Nolan. We have to.”

  “We will, baby,” Nolan promised, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her forehead. “I have an old friend that I can call. She’s really good at this kind of thing.”

  Teine saw him flinch, and somehow knew it was more than an old friend. It was someone he’d slept with, but he hadn’t even thought of that when he said he would call her. Placing a hand on his cheek, she whispered, “Thank you, my mate. Please, call her. We need all the help we can get.”

  “Are you sure?” She read the uncertainty in his eyes, the worry in his tone.



  A low moan slipped from Teine’s lips as she felt the hand slide down her waist, over her hip, and down her thigh. Nothing felt better than her mate’s touch. “Nolan,” she breathed, arching back into him, moaning again when his hard length pressed into her ass.

  “So fucking hot,” he muttered, lowering his head and running his tongue over the outer shell of her ear before nibbling on her ear lobe. “I need you, baby. I have to be inside you.”

  “Yes!” Arching back again, she raised an arm and slid her fingers into his hair, guiding him so that he began to lick and suck his way down her neck until he reached the place where he had left his mate mark. Her pussy clenched tightly, hot fire racing over her skin as he lightly scraped his teeth over the mark. “Please, Nolan!” She needed his teeth in her, needed to feel him claiming her again.

  Nolan slipped his hand in between her thighs, lifting her leg in the air, and placing the velvet tip of his hard cock at her wet entrance. “Mine,” he growled, his teeth going over the mark on her shoulder. “You are mine, Teine.”

  “Yes!” she cried out, moving her hips back, urging him to push inside her. “Always, Nolan!”

  A low growl ripped from him, and he shoved inside her at the same time he sank his teeth deep, claiming her again. Teine couldn’t stop the screams that broke free as she came fast and hard, even if she wanted to. The pleasure pouring through her body was just too much.

  Nolan held her leg up, thrusting hard and fast into her, so deep it felt as if he were a part of her. “Oh! Oh!” Teine panted incoherently, her claws extending on one hand, slicing through the sheets as sh
e dug them into the bed and hung on.

  Licking over the mate bite, Nolan lifted his head and rasped, “I love you so fucking much, Teine.”

  “Nolan!” A second orgasm was building quickly, her entire body taunt with desire. “Please!”

  “I got you, mate,” he promised, his hand sliding to her aching clit, rubbing it in small, fast circles. “Come for me, Teine. I want to feel you come all over my cock. It feels so good.”

  Another scream tore from her as she flew apart in his arms, coating him with her cream, her claws ripping the mattress apart. Nolan was right behind her, a loud roar pulled from his throat, as he emptied himself inside her.

  They lay there for several moments, before Nolan finally slid out of Teine and turned her toward him. Cupping her cheek in his hand, he held her eyes captive. “I do love you, Teine. I will spend every day of the rest of my life proving it to you. I fucked up in the past. I know I did. I shouldn’t have done the things I did. I should have thought about how it would affect my mate when I found her. I am so sorry, little fox. I promise, somehow, some way, I will make it up to you. I will earn your love, even if it takes me a century.”

  Eyes shining with tears, Teine kissed him softly. “You already have my love, Nolan.” She felt a shudder run through his body, and she wrapped her arms tightly around him. “Neither of us can change what happened in the past, but the future is ours, to mold together however we want. Don’t ever feel like you can’t say something in front of me, Nolan, or like you have to hide anything. I trust you, and know you are mine. You have my heart, my soul, and my love, forever.”

  Nolan’s lips crushed hers as he pulled her tightly against him, another shudder racking his body. He kissed her over and over again, whispering words of love, and she reveled in it. There was no doubt in her mind that her mate loved her. She could see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch, his kiss.

  When he finally pulled back, Teine ran a hand softly over his jaw, smiling up at him with all of the love she had glowing in her eyes. “I almost missed out on all of this. My bags were packed. I was leaving.”

  “I would never have let you go.”

  A tremulous smile crossed her lips, her eyes misting with tears “I know.” Biting her lip, she paused before asking, “What if my sister never has this again, Nolan? What if we can’t find Casen? She’s so lost and alone right now. She hardly even acknowledged Athena when we brought her home last night. Her own daughter.”

  Resting his forehead against hers, Nolan sighed. “I don’t know, baby. I’ll call Shayna as soon as we get moving this morning to see if there is anything she can do.”

  “Thank you.” Running a hand through his hair, she whispered, “A part of me can understand. I mean, I have no idea what I would do without you. I need you by my side. It has to be such agony not having him near. But…”

  “But you can’t understand why she doesn’t want to hold her own daughter. Doesn’t want to love her and take care of her.”

  He seemed to know exactly what she was feeling, and she didn’t deny it. “Well, yes. Shouldn’t she want to?”

  Nolan kissed her softly, first her eyes, then her nose, then her lips. “She doesn’t know Athena right now, baby. She is going through so much pain and suffering at the loss of her mate, not knowing if he is alive, and if he is, why he never came back to her. We need to help her by gradually strengthening her bond with her daughter. The instinct to love and nurture will kick in at some point. Until then, we need to have patience and understanding. Between you, Athena, your grandmother, and the rest of our family, we will get through to her. It will just take time.”

  “You are so wonderful, Nolan,” Teine whispered, rubbing her cheek against his. “So special.”

  “So in love with you,” he whispered, running a hand down over the curve of her ass.

  “Nolan,” she breathed, her hand slipping around his back to gently rake her nails over his skin.

  Leaning down, Nolan began to place gentle kisses over her lips. “Teine?’

  “Yeah,” she gasped, moaning when she felt the hard length of his cock digging into her thigh.

  “You are quitting your job.”

  Teine burst into laughter, tilting her head back to give him better access to her neck where he was now trailing those small, hot kisses. “But, I like dancing for you, Nolan.”

  “You can do that anytime you want in the privacy of our own bedroom, but you are not taking your clothes off in front of anyone but me ever again,” he told her, nipping at her skin, before soothing the small bite with his tongue.

  Sighing, she slid a leg over his waist, and reached down to guide him inside of her. Throwing her head back in pleasure, she gasped, “Only for you, my bear. Only for you.”

  I hope you enjoyed Protecting His Fox’s Sass! Make sure and visit my website for information on all of my books, and to sign up for my Newsletter where you will receive all of the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!


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  Dawn Sullivan

  About the Author

  Dawn Sullivan has a wonderful, supportive husband, and three beautiful children. She enjoys spending time with them, which normally involves some baseball, shooting hoops, taking walks, watching movies, and reading.

  Her passion for reading began at a very young age and only grew over time. Whether she was bringing home a book from the library, or sneaking one of her mother's romance novels to read by the light in the hallway when she was supposed to be sleeping, Dawn always had a book. She reads several different genres and subgenres, but Paranormal Romance and Romantic Suspense are her favorites.

  Dawn has always made up stories of her own, and finally decided to start sharing them with others. She hopes everyone enjoys reading them as much as she enjoys writing them.

  Other books by Dawn Sullivan

  RARE Series

  Book 1 Nico’s Heart

  Book 2 Phoenix’s Fate

  Book 3 Trace’s Temptation

  Book 4 Saving Storm

  Book 5 Angel’s Destiny

  White River Wolves Series

  Book 1 Josie’s Miracle

  Book 2 Slade’s Desire

  Book 3 Janie’s Salvation

  Book 4 Sable’s Fire

  Serenity Springs Series

  Book 1 Tempting His Heart

  Book 2 Healing Her Spirit

  Book 3 Saving His Soul

  Book 3.5 A Caldwell Wedding

  Chosen By Destiny

  Book 1 Blayke

  Sass And Growl

  Book 1 His Bunny Kicks Sass

  Sassy Ever After World

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