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Stryker Page 7

by Lexi Buchanan

  I opened my mouth to deny it, but closed it again remembering. However, now that she’d mentioned him, I wondered if my mind played tricks on me because when Stryker was frozen in place, I saw the guy at the bar as well.

  “As you’re ignoring me and watching the fine specimen across the room, I think you should let me read your notes. To make sure you haven’t missed anything.”

  I laughed and smiled gratefully. “Nice try.”

  “Evie, you’re annoying at times.” Millie grinned as she bumped against me in mock frustration.

  “To be honest, I don’t have any notes. No one will talk to me.” I shrugged at the frown on Millie’s face as she turned to face me. “I introduced myself to his coach,” I added as I nodded at the old man across the gym. “I asked him if I could ask him some questions about the gym. He replied that he wasn’t sure if ‘they’d allow it’.”

  “Why? I mean, I know we were told to stay away from the fighters. Carter seems to have made himself our keeper, which I’m not complaining about, but why wouldn’t they allow Coach to talk to you? You’re here for research.”

  “I know.” I frowned as I glanced around at the fighters. They were all absorbed in their training and seemed to be ignoring me completely. It was like I didn’t exist but I could sense a tension in the room…they were definitely uncomfortable with us being here. “Something is going on and I’m going to talk to Patrick about it.”

  “Do you think that’s wise? His family own the gym, he might be behind the silence.”

  “I won’t push, but I’ll ask.”

  “Be careful, okay? And call me if you need me.”

  “Always, Millie.” I rested my head on her shoulder, my eyes fixated on the way Stryker moved around the bag. The way his shoulders rolled with his strikes. The way his feet danced, which were so light for such a large man. The way his skin glistened, as the sweat beaded on it. I wondered what he’d taste like against my tongue; my hands twitched to touch him—to feel his hardness against my softness.

  “Evie,” Millie dislodged my head, which caused me to clonk it against the wall.

  “Ouch.” I rubbed the sore spot and glared at her.

  “Stop daydreaming while staring at that fighter. He keeps losing his concentration with your eyes on him.” Millie smirked.

  My head whipped back to him, and he’d stopped hitting the bag and stood glaring at me until Coach gripped his jaw and tugged him around to face away.

  I closed my eyes knowing that I was in so much trouble.

  Chapter 5 ~ Stryker

  THE MEAL I ATE went down without any flavor hitting my taste buds, which was a sign to slow down. I needed to chew more instead of knocking it back, except I was too distracted with thoughts of a curvy redhead to concentrate.

  I’d lost concentration at the gym once I’d caught the intense look on her face through the mirror in front of me. Her eyes had devoured me and all I could think about when she licked her lips was having her mouth on my skin. My dick had lengthened and throbbed in my shorts, which caused the slowness in my rhythm. Because no way in hell could I continue to dance around the bag when the ache between my legs nearly left me crippled.

  Shoving my plate away, I breathed deeply to try and get my body’s reaction to my thoughts under control before the security team got more than they bargained for.

  Five minutes later, I moved into the bedroom to dress. Dropping the towel that I’d wrapped around my waist after the shower, I tossed it into the hamper and pulled on sweats. I was ready to crash in bed with a book. It was still early, just past seven, but I was tired as fuck for a change and wanted to get lost in the world of vampires and lycans.

  That plan soon went on the back burner when I heard the apartment door open before it was slammed shut. It wouldn’t be Jamie. He’d left after I’d returned home.

  Curiosity, more than anything, had me moving to the door of the bedroom to see which of the security team had decided to invade my space. My heart sank as I found Patrick pacing in the living room. I crossed my arms and rested against the doorjamb

  I should have asked Jamie that morning if he knew anything about Patrick. I always stopped myself from questioning him though. I didn’t have friends. No one had the balls enough to even approach me. Jamie, however, was different than the others, and although I still kept my thoughts and fears to myself, sometimes I felt like he’d help me out of the situation I lived in. I’d never risk asking him because he was a family man with a wife, and a child on the way.

  I’d hinted a few times that he needed to find a different job, so far though, he hadn’t listened.

  As my focus went back to the asshole who continued to pace, he’d yet to see me because he was riled up about something. He was here in my apartment so that meant it involved me. Had he found out about my distraction with his fiancée? Or was it something else?

  I watched him silently for a few minutes before his pacing grated on my patience. Finally, I cleared my throat, which got his attention.

  I waited and let the silence stretch while I observed him through narrowed eyes.

  Outward appearance, he looked like any young businessman. Lawyer maybe. His dark blue pants were neatly pressed along with his dress shirt and blazer. He certainly didn’t look like he’d come from the gym.

  Finally, Patrick stood facing me—hands on his hips, and deep frown lines across his forehead.

  “We need to talk about your upcoming fight.”

  I stiffened, my eyes filled with a hardened resolved as I focused more clearly on him. He’d definitely had my full attention. I waited silently…everything was a waiting game with these guys.

  “It’s not that long off,” Patrick stated, not looking happy. “You should have had a sparring partner long before this, but it couldn’t be helped. Coach is getting in touch with Carter. He’s similar height and weight to your opponent. Just don’t kill him.”

  “Who? Carter or my opponent?” I moved closer and dropped down onto the chair in front of him, feeling so damn tired but not willing to let Patrick know that. Anger clouded my face, which he would see along with the clenched fists resting on my thighs.

  Patrick narrowed his eyes in annoyance. “Don’t get smart with me. You know who the hell I mean. Carter is to be used for sparring only, your real opponent…anything goes.”

  I clenched my jaw tightly before I let fly what I really wanted to say. An anything goes fight meant no rules. It was underground, usually Russian organized—from past experience, and it wasn’t legal.


  “That doesn’t matter.”

  I froze, my anger churned just under the surface and I knew that was a lot closer to the surface than Patrick would like. “Don’t you want me to win this fight?” I growl. “Isn’t your money going to be going on…ME?”

  Patrick jumped in surprise at my anger and before he could cover it, I caught a brief glimpse of fear.

  Yeah, fear me fucker!

  “Calm down,” he said calmly, before he offered a nervous laugh.

  I smirked because I’d rattled him.

  “I’ll be calm once you leave.”

  He sat down opposite and glared. Obviously, courage and anger had replaced the fear that I’d seen. “My spies at the gym told me you haven’t spoken to my fiancée or her friend. That’s good. Very good. Let’s keep it that way.”

  Leaning forward, I smiled, throwing him off balance. I rested my arms on my thighs as my hands hung loosely between my legs while I breathed deeply.

  What would he do if he knew I hid my stiff cock because thoughts of Evie filled my mind? That I’d jerked off hard all over my stomach and chest with thoughts of her sucking me off. What would he do if he knew that I wondered how it would feel to sink inside her softness, to have her wetness surrounding my shaft that ached so badly for her touch? That she was the only woman I wanted, that my heart ached because I knew I could never have her. Even if my situation wasn’t what it was, she was still too good for me. />
  “Evie is only going to be there one more day if I have my way…I’ve also heard that her little friend, Millie, has something going on with Carter. I want you to make sure he’s too occupied tomorrow to even say hello to them.” Patrick’s nostrils flared in annoyance and I felt the same as I glared back at him.

  I wasn’t completely annoyed but the panic at the thought of not seeing her again made me want to hit something and he was close. Very close.

  Don’t do it…as much as you want to, don’t…

  Deep down I knew it would be safer for her to stay away from me. I wouldn’t hurt her. All I wanted to do was cherish her. I just didn’t trust the fuckers to not use her to remind me of who had the upper hand.

  Even though I’d wondered if she knew what Patrick was involved in, and about me, deep down in my heart and gut, I knew she had no clue. She looked too sweet to know about anything that was going on. The fact that Patrick was happy to keep her away from the gym proved that she knew nothing and I should be happy that she wasn’t going to be there too.

  You still have the bar.

  The bar!

  I’d forgotten about that, in fact, I’d forgotten that Patrick had told me about the fight. I still had no idea who my opponent was.

  “Tell me who my opponent is, and I’ll keep Carter busy tomorrow.”

  “You’re trying to bargain with me?” Patrick laughed. “Incredible.” He shook his head.

  “So I’m guessing that you’re either planning on putting money on him, or nothing at all on anyone.” I raised a brow and waited.

  It didn’t take long for the look on his face to switch from amusement to pissed. He was angry. About damn time.

  “You’re fighting Lethal Black.” His sneer said it all. He hated my fucking guts and wanted to see me bleed.


  I held my shock and surprise back, and let him see the anger inside of me. I wondered if they really did want me dead. It would be so much easier for them to have someone else kill me, and what a better way than to do it in the cage. I wouldn’t go down without causing some damage of my own, but Lethal Black was taller and more muscular than me. I knew my ability and if I’d been fighting in a professional fight, I wouldn’t have worried, cage or ring. I knew the rules and how far the fighters could go. But there are no rules in the illegal underground.

  “And, you’re going to win a small fortune for us,” Patrick continued. “Coach has been told what you need to concentrate on and he knows the Lethal Black’s weaknesses. Listen to him.” Patrick stood, brushing imaginary wrinkles from his pants.

  He moved to the mirror beside the door and straightened his tie. His short blond hair was neatly styled.

  When he turned, he grinned. “Think I’ll do for my hot date with Evie. Dinner and sex. What more can a guy ask for?”

  My gut clenched as my head screamed, No, no, no; she’s mine!

  He sneered before he turned and slid through the doorway like the snake he was. Part of me wanted to chase him down and pummel him into the ground.

  Instead, I grabbed the coffee table and threw it straight through the balcony doors in lieu of not being able to go after Patrick.

  The glass doors splintered and shattered as the table hit. Luckily my balcony was large, otherwise, the table and glass would have ended up on the street below. That wasn’t something I’d thought about when I’d let my anger out. I was damn lucky. The last thing I wanted was to hurt an innocent bystander.

  The apartment doors flew open.

  The security detail had arrived.

  They met my gaze before moving toward the shattered doors. Their attention flitted between me, and the damage I’d caused.

  My anger was still there, and the pain of knowing that he was going to my girl hurt more than anything. The jealousy was about to eat me alive.

  I needed to get out of here.

  I needed to be somewhere I felt close to her.

  While security cleaned up my mess, I turned, disappeared into my room to quickly change into jeans. Once I’d accomplished that I managed to slip out while they were distracted.


  I STARED AT PATRICK in relief as he fiddled with his cell phone. He was clearly distracted with his messages and that was a lot better than he’d been since we’d arrived at the restaurant. He’d been abrupt, and almost cruel, since we’d sat down. I stared at the phone, silently thanking the thing, which was never far from his reach since we’d become engaged. Thinking about it, I’d never seen him use the thing before the engagement.

  I studied him and could see what had originally caught my attention. Patrick was handsome in the blonde haired, boy next-door type of way. Comfortable like the sex was. No heat, no drive; just the basics that were over before it had really begun. I didn’t see what the whole big deal about sex was. I certainly wasn’t naïve with the birds and the bees, and had experimented with boyfriends while away at college. While some had been a little exciting; most of my sexual encounters were innocent and rather…boring. I’d known something had been missing from those experiences but they seemed hot when I compared them to what I had with Patrick.

  I sighed and took a sip of water as I watched him smile at a text. It was obvious he had no wish to be here with me tonight. It was like sitting with a total stranger because there was no other place to sit. In fact, I’d probably get more conversation out of a stranger.

  Patrick was angry because he hated the fact that I’d talked him into letting me hang out at the gym. I’d been underhanded and blown him to get the answer I’d wanted. It had worked out so I shouldn’t complain, and this was the first time I’d seen him since I’d been to the gym with Millie.

  Millie was the one who was urging me to end the farce of my life with Patrick tonight, but I couldn’t. Not only was I nervous about how he’d react, which was why tonight at the restaurant would have been the ideal place, but if I did end it, my access to the gym would be instantly revoked. No more research for the novel. Oh, who was I kidding, there would be no more Stryker.

  “Why the long face?” Patrick asked.

  I glanced up from my plate of uneaten food and realized he’d put his cell away and focused on me. “We’re on a date and you’ve been sitting there for about thirty minutes having more of a conversation with your phone than with me.” I shrugged. I wasn’t bothered about his lack of interest in me, but I couldn’t let him know that.

  Anger crossed his face before he’d schooled it to one of apology. He reached across the table and took my cold hands into his. His thumb rubbed along mine. “I’m sorry, Evie. You know that I’ve been busy since I started working for my father, and tonight just isn’t a good night.” He looked to the side and pulled away, taking a sip of his red wine.

  He winced as the wine went down his throat, probably because he preferred beer. Sitting forward he ignored his food and held my steady gaze. “We have a temperamental fighter who causes trouble, and tonight I’ve been dealing with that.” He sighed, which sounded a bit over the top, and continued, “Which is why I’d prefer for you and Millie to stay away from the gym.”

  I knew it!

  “There was no trouble while we were there.” I frowned and dipped my head, hoping I had time to hide my panic.

  I had to go back to the gym. Perhaps I needed to ask myself why because I’d certainly never acted like I was before. No one had ever caught my eye to the point that he was all I could think even when I was with my fiancé.

  “If you think it’s for the best, I’m sure that Millie and I can find another gym.” I gave a small smile. “I mean, the Club is big and we’re in New York so there are tons of gyms filled with fighters that are available to use.” My smile widened as if I’d just thought of the option and was really the best one. I just hoped he wouldn’t see the lie. I didn’t want another gym, I wanted the one Stryker went to.

  “Mmm, you’d do it as well, wouldn’t you?” Patrick leaned back in his chair, the stem of the wine glass in his fingers while
he watched me.

  I tried not to squirm and pump the air with my fists, when he said, “To the end of this week only. He’s preparing for a fight and doesn’t need any distraction. Although I think he’s gay so you’ll be okay.”

  My surprise wasn’t hidden. “He’s gay?”

  Please tell me he wasn’t talking about Stryker because no way was he gay? I couldn’t believe that.

  “The guys think so.”

  “How do they know?” I frowned. “Have they seen him with…guys.”

  “No. Which is why they speculate.” Patrick started to eat the now cold food. He didn’t seem to notice.


  “Dammit Evie,” he hissed, fighting back his anger. “He’s a single guy and doesn’t fuck the whores that are given to him after he’s won a fight…happy now?” He glared and went back to his food before he shoved it away. “Too damn cold now.”

  I tried not to let the tears fall. He’d been harsh but I shouldn’t have expected much else from him. This had become a common thing since we’d gotten engaged. I stopped myself from pointing out that if he’d eaten instead of messing on his cell then it wouldn’t have been. We might have even been out of the restaurant as well.

  “Why are you so angry?” I asked carefully. “I was curious and since you often ask me questions about my family that I answer.” I waved my hand to end the sentence.

  “That’s true. Stryker isn’t family though.” He sighed and took my hand again. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s just been a bad day. The best thing for you is to concentrate on the research for your book.” He kissed my fingers, his hold tightening. “I’m just concerned about you. Stryker isn’t someone to be messed with and with a fight coming up, he’s going to start sparring with Carter. Please tell Millie to stay away from them.”

  A slither of fear ran down my back. He may have said that with a loving caress to my hand, and a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with anger and it was clearly a warning.

  “I hear you.” I tugged my hand free and prayed his father would call and ask him to do something that involved leaving me here.


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