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Stryker Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  Silence followed my words and then I almost missed his whispered word, “Jake.” He licked his lips and swallowed, which told me that he was nervous at having shared his actual name.

  My gaze caressed his face and I saw the trust that he had in me, regardless of my connection to Patrick, his boss.

  “Thank you. I know that there is a lot of speculation about the ‘real’ you, so I promise I won’t repeat it to anyone. You’re secret is safe with me.” I moved closer, knowing that I had to always call him Stryker so that I didn’t slip up.

  When our bodies brushed together, I pressed closer, still wanting his warmth surrounding me. His breath was warm and moist against my face, and my heart raced.

  The heat on Stryker’s face, high on his cheekbones, made my body tingle. I wanted to get closer still. My arms slipped under his and my hands against his back kept me snug against him. My heart jolted and my pulse pounded when I felt his erection twitch between us. His cock would feel so good as he slipped inside my soaked channel.

  Slowly, his hands moved downward skimming either side of my body to my thighs. He grasped one thigh and started to lift it, then the other. Before I could get used to the new sensation, I found myself with my back against the door, my breasts crushed against the hardness of his chest, and his large jean-clad erection pressed, up close and personal, against my panties.

  Stryker groaned and dropped his head into the curve of my shoulder. His breathing ragged, he admitted, “I want you, Evangeline…but I can’t have you.” He thrust against me, and my eyes rolled, so close to release.

  He rocked his hips and I swore I saw stars as I grabbed his head blindly, wanting, needing more. Wedging me between the door and his taunt body, one of his hands slipped up and rubbed against my pebbled nipple.

  I gasped, “Don’t stop,” hoping that he would hear me.

  Instead of stopping, he licked my neck before his mouth covered mine hungrily. The kiss sent new spirals of ecstasy through me. When his hands flexed on my bottom, his hips started to thrust hard against the swollen nub between my thighs. His searching tongue slipped between my lips. My eyes closed as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through me.

  Stryker gasped into my mouth before he grunted in what I presumed to be his own release. I caressed the strong tendons in the back of his neck to sooth the shudders wracking his large frame.

  My trembling limbs clung to him while he held me so tightly against him that I could hardly breathe. I didn’t care because I was in his arms after he’d given me a powerful release.

  He slowly let me slide down his body and straightened my dress. His eyes looked everywhere, but at me.

  Surely he didn’t regret what we’d just done? We didn’t know each other but the attraction, connection, between us was off the charts.

  Instead of wondering, I reached for his jaw and when I brought his face around to mine, I realized that he didn’t regret it, but he was embarrassed.

  “I have loved every second of being with you tonight.” I heard his sigh as he sunk into my caress. I continued, “What you make me feel is powerful, and no one has ever caused me to react the way I have with you. This is all new to me.”

  He kissed my palm. “This is a first for me too,” he admitted, and blushed like a teenager.

  The urge to feel his lips against mine again was so strong that I raised to my toes, and with pressure behind his head, pulled him down to meet my lips.

  Stryker raised his mouth from mine and gazed into my eyes. “I’m not sure what to do about you. It would kill me to cause you harm.”

  I frowned at his choice of words, and watched as he started pacing back and forth in front of me. Why would he cause me harm?

  He suddenly stopped and gently shoved me back into the doorway.

  “He’s waiting for you,” Stryker growled, his eyes full of sorrow. “Don’t mention being with me tonight, or—”

  “Your name?”

  He cupped my face, his thumbs rubbing along my lips. “I wasn’t going to say that, but yes. Don’t mention that you know my name. Knowing me is dangerous… Go.” He gave me a shove toward where Patrick stood waiting, and when I glanced back he’d disappeared down the alley.

  I wanted to run after him, but after the trouble I’d gotten into earlier I thought better of it and moved toward my apartment.

  Stryker’s words made me wonder what was going on and why it was dangerous to know him. I’d wondered at the gym what was really going on there, and now my curiosity was more than piqued.

  I couldn’t ask Patrick because then he’d become suspicious, and I sure as hell didn’t want him paying more interest to what I was doing than usual. It was then that I realized Patrick was indeed waiting for me at the door to my building. I glanced back. Had Patrick seen me with Stryker? I raised my chin. Maybe it was for the best if he had.

  As I approached him, he glanced up from his phone and it was clear that he hadn’t seen me. And he didn’t look happy. In fact, he looked damn right angry. I glanced down at my dress and winced when I realized that it was dirty from when I’d hit the ground in the alley. That wasn’t the end of the world, so I squared my shoulders ready to face him.

  “What happened?” he drawled, as though I was a naughty child.

  “I was attacked, rescued, patched up, and brought home.”

  His eyes widened and then narrowed. “Attacked? By whom?”

  “Two men, and before you ask I’ve no idea what they wanted as they didn’t tell me.”

  He watched me and tried to decide as to whether or not I was telling the truth. It didn’t take long and then he let out a heavy sigh.

  “Let’s go inside.” He took my arm and led me to the elevator, ignoring everyone else in the lobby.

  I kept my eyes cast downwards, trying to think of a way to get him to leave. My heart sank. I had to remind myself that at the moment he was still my fiancé.

  As he led me inside my apartment, I tried to move away, but he held firm to my arm. “You’re pulling away from me, Evie.”

  “I’m not the only one,” I snapped, trying to pull free but to no avail.

  “You want to fight.” I hadn’t feared him before. But when I felt the hand to the back of my neck as he gently shoved me against the wall, I feared him now.

  “Don’t fight me, Evie… You won’t like the consequences,” he breathed into my neck, causing my stomach to roll with nerves.

  My knees throbbed against the wall as he pressed into me from behind. Even though I was afraid of what he’d do next, I was relieved when I felt his trousers rub against my leg because it meant that he was still clothed.

  I started to shake as silent tears ran down my face. “Please, don’t do anything you’ll regret,” I begged, trying to escape his hold, but knowing I wouldn’t be able to because he was too strong for me. “This isn’t you, Patrick. Please don’t hurt me.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You don’t know a damn thing about me, or my life… So shut up,” he yelled, slamming my head into the wall in his agitation.

  Pain ricocheted through my skull as my vision dimmed. Tears continued to run down my face, but I refused to break down into sobs.

  “Tell me why you’re here,” I spat out, “and go.” I bucked into him. He was too strong and wouldn’t budge, but seconds later his hands flexed in my hair as he grunted from pain when I managed to stomp on his foot.

  “Fuck,” he hissed. “You’re a fucking hell cat. I’m only here to tell you that there will be a wedding regardless of your thoughts on the matter… Don’t piss me off again, Evie.”

  I didn’t answer, and seconds later the weight of him was removed, and then, silence.

  Minutes more went by and then I hissed, “I hate you.”

  No response.

  I chanced a glance behind me, but he’d gone and then I heard the click of the apartment door as it was closed.

  The sob I’d held inside of me rose and I finally let it burst forth as I made my way to the bed. Grabbing a pi
llow, I hugged it close and cried. I wanted Stryker to be here holding me, loving me, keeping me safe. If he’d been here I know that he’d have killed Patrick to keep me safe.

  My tears eventually gave way to anger. How dare Patrick come in here and threaten me. I suppose I should be grateful that he hadn’t done a lot more.

  That asshole!

  Quickly jumping from the bed, I checked the apartment to make sure that I really was alone. Sliding the security bolt into place, I swiped at the tears brimming in my eyes. He wouldn’t make me cry. He didn’t get to do that to me but I knew that he had. I gagged on the nausea threatening to overwhelm me and raced into the bathroom.

  Glancing in the mirror, I stared at the dark hollows under my eyes and the haunted woman that was staring back at me as fresh tears brimmed in my eyes.

  Turning the shower to scalding hot, I climbed under the spray and collapsed down the wall of it. Tears flowed freely now and I gave into them as I allowed the hot water to wash away every memory of Patrick’s anger, and touch. I was alone and a night that had been almost magical had taken on a horrid twist.

  I wasn’t sure how long I’d been in the shower but I stayed there until it ran cold. Sometime during it, I’d pulled myself to my feet and scrubbed my body until my skin was red. And then I’d planned. First I would pack a bag, then I’d move in with Millie while I ended things with Patrick. He didn’t deserve me. He never had and all the guilt I’d been feeling was gone. I hated him enough now to walk away and what he did tonight would give me the leverage I needed to get him to leave me alone. If he thought I wouldn’t carry out a threat of exposing him, he would be so wrong.

  Chapter 7

  HE JUST MADE IT to the alley before he lost the burger and fries he’d eaten in the car on his way over.

  The image of what he’d just done ran through his mind, causing his stomach to lurch again.

  “Here.” His best friend, and lover, passed him a bottle of water.

  He took it and greedily gulped the bottle down.

  “You did it?” his lover asked, but the answer was obvious.

  He nodded anyway.

  “I wanted to explain…but, I can’t and it’s killing me.” He tossed the bottle into the dumpster. “That in there,” he pointed toward the apartment, “wasn’t me…which she pointed out.” Tears clouded his vision.

  His lover gave a tug and embraced him. He was kept in the cocoon of his lover’s arms, where he felt safe.

  It was only temporary, but he’d take whatever he could get while trapped between family loyalties and doing the right thing.

  Chapter 8 ~ Stryker

  SWEAT RAN DOWN MY back and my feet danced around the bag as my fists connected with the old leather. I’d alternated between the bag and the ropes since I’d arrived a few hours before. It felt good, and helped me focus because I sure as hell was having a hard enough time at concentrating. Hard being the condition I’d been in since last night.

  Having Evie in my arms, rubbing her sexy little body over mine, had been a dream come true. She’d felt perfect. The soft murmurs she’d made while I gave her pleasure had been enough to send me over with her. My first orgasm with a woman and I stayed zipped.

  The mess I’d made had been washed away with a shower once I’d gotten back to the apartment, to questions of where I’d been and with whom. I ignored them all and had been surprised when Patrick wasn’t there this morning to question me about the shattered door, and my whereabouts.

  Everything went back to Evie though. Her smile, her scent, her small hands compared to my much larger ones. She was amazing, and I wanted her so much. I knew I could never have her. Her life meant too much to have her associated with me. She was too good. Her parents wouldn’t even want me near her because they’d know that I wasn’t good enough.

  “That bag have a name?”

  I stumbled when I heard Carter’s voice behind me. I turned and glared at him, but the grin he offered nearly had my lips twitching.

  “Maybe,” I offered.

  He chuckled. “You want to spar in the ring?” Carter nodded toward the empty one.

  “They told you about the upcoming fight?” I asked, walking toward the ring.

  Carter pulled his gloves on, making no move to get into the ring. “They did.” He frowned, and turned to sit on the edge of the ring. “What’s wrong with that picture?”

  I rubbed at my forehead with my wrist and wondered whether Carter could be someone I trusted. He willingly kept to himself most of the time, unlike me who was forced to be alone. “I think they sense I’ve had enough, and want me to go out in a different way than I usually do after a fight.”

  His eyes widened at one of my assumptions.

  “Wouldn’t they lose a lot of money if you lost?”

  “Or, they could believe that I’ll win and by doing what they’re doing, my odds could be set higher than usual, in which case, they’d make a hell of a lot more money than they would usually do.”

  Carter nodded but he didn’t reply, so I climbed into the ring and waited for him to join me.

  When he did, he moved closer and held his gloved hands out. My gaze met his and as my gloves met his, he whispered, “You ever need anything, I’m here.”

  Carter tapped my hands before backing up and into position to start the sparring session except my heart wasn’t in this today. I needed it though.

  Cameras were hidden throughout the gym and no one could do anything without security knowing about it. If it involved me, then management—whoever they might be—would be informed.

  The only place without cameras was the locker room and showers. No windows large enough for me to fit through.

  When Carter caught me on the jaw with a left hook, I blinked my surprise.

  “Concentrate.” He grinned.

  I shook my head, my eyes narrowing.

  My concentration was back, and although, when I had the opportunity to spar, I held back, Carter was going to hit the mat today. Something told me that he’d be pissed if I held too much back.

  We hadn’t been sparring long, when the doors opened and my head whipped around to watch as Evie walked in…pain exploded in my jaw as I hit the deck.

  “Fuck.” I laid there stunned for a minute, and then glared at a grinning Carter. “What the fuck?”

  He laughed and offered a hand to help me up. “I told you to concentrate.”

  “I was.”

  “Like hell. The girls are back, and the redhead distracts you.”

  “She doesn’t,” I snapped and turned away.

  “Oh yes, she does. I’m not blind…and neither are they.” Carter moved his eyes to the camera, and back to me. “Be careful, Stryker. I don’t know what’s really going on here with you and them, but they’re watching… Don’t forget.”

  Carter jumped from the ring and made his way over to Evie and her friend. They smiled in greeting, but it was Evie that I couldn’t stop looking at. My heart raced knowing she was so close. Her scent had been all over me last night. The sap that I was had slept with my T-shirt on the pillow to feel her close. I wasn’t sure how wise that had been considering my dick had woken me, wanting Evie’s touch.


  AFTER WHAT HAPPENED LAST night with Patrick, my nerves were all over the place. I’d snuck into Millie’s apartment around two in the morning, telling her I’d explain later and that we both needed sleep.

  I’d avoided her gaze since I’d appeared from the room that she’d designated mine, but I knew Millie and she wouldn’t wait too much longer. I was surprised that we’d made it to the gym without her prying the information out of me.

  While she spoke to Carter, I tried to edge away to the stepper before she could corner me for answers, but that didn’t work. Her hand reached out and grabbed hold of my wrist. She laughed. “Oh, no you don’t. Even Carter can’t distract me from what I want to ask you.” She smiled, her attention back on Carter. “Can you give us five minutes?”

  He looked between us
, a frown marred his brow. “I can.”

  Millie watched Carter walk away, her eyes trained on his ass.

  “He’s going to turn and catch you,” I commented.

  “I hope he does.” She grinned.

  I rolled my eyes, and finally admitted to her what happened last night from arriving at Julio’s up to Stryker walking me home. I left out the part about what ‘actually’ happened with Stryker, and didn’t want to think about what followed that, but…

  “And the rest,” Millie raised a brow. “I’m not stupid. You don’t come knocking in the middle of the night when there’s no reason.” She didn’t miss a beat. “What happened with Patrick?”

  Hearing his name, my shoulders sagged and tears threatened to fall. Then one escaped, which I swiped from my cheek in a mixture of fear and anger. I was scared of Patrick and what he did and I was angry…at him…at myself for allowing him that close…for not fighting harder.

  Millie moved to hug me, except before she could I was tugged around. Stryker’s gloved hands cupped my face; his worried gaze met my startled one.

  He cursed, tore his gloves free before he let them drop to the floor. Then he was cupping my face as his gentle fingers brushed my tears away. “Evangeline, talk to me,” he whispered.

  “I love hearing my full name on your lips, it sends goose bumps through me,” I whispered against his lips. “I’m fine,” I mumbled, hoping they’d both accept that even though, deep down, I knew they wouldn’t.

  Stryker stepped closer, and the minute I placed my hands at each side of his waist I felt his body tremble and watched as his eyes dipped with pleasure.


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