Meta Gods War
Page 27
He wanted to jump from excitement. It was the best news he could’ve gotten, and he felt like it almost wasn’t real. After so many days of bad news, it felt good to win for a change.
“Thank you, Felin,” he said. “I don’t know what we would’ve done without your help.”
“You can thank me by taking me into your protection,” she said, her voice soft and pitched a little higher. “I’m just a lone girl, escaped from Ceane Village. I really need your help, Mr. Warrior.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. He almost believed her. The way she looked at him, the innocence in her eyes, she really sold it.
And slowly his smile and laughter faded.
“I promised I’d take you in,” he said. “And I’m going to. But I’m still not sure I can trust you.”
Her own smile faded and a flicker of anger crossed over her eyes. “After all this?” she asked. “You still don’t believe me?”
“Felin—” he started, but she stepped forward, pushed his arms aside, and kissed him.
He was startled at first. She moved fast and lithe, right into his guard. She pressed her warm body against his and her lips tasted like cherries and fresh leaves. He took one half step back and nearly dropped his spear, but his other hand came around to press against her lower back, just above the swell of her ass. His body stirred and he returned her kiss, his tongue sliding against hers, letting her taste play into his mouth.
She pulled away slowly and looked up into his eyes. “I’m not playing games,” she said. “I want to help you, Cam. And I want you to help me.”
“Help you with that?” he asked.
“Help get me away from… them. From her.”
He frowned. “Her?”
“Lycanica.” She bit her lip. “I don’t know if I can explain it. But Cam, please, don’t leave me behind.”
He reached a hand up to brush against her cheek. There was real fear in her tone and in her eyes, and he saw for just a moment the young girl beneath her hard, wild exterior. He slid his fingers back into her hair and she let out a soft, girlish gasp when he gripped it tight. He leaned forward and kissed her again.
“Promise you’ll never hurt my people,” he whispered. “Promise you’ll never hurt my girls.”
“Your… girls?” She stared at him, eyes wide. “You mean the blonde Human and that pretty Elf?”
“Yes,” he said.
“I promise. I swear it, Cam. I won’t ever hurt you or anyone you care about.”
He nodded, staring into her eyes. He saw devotion, pure devotion, and it almost startled him. This girl barely knew him, didn’t know a thing about him, and yet she had done nothing but sacrifice her whole world to be by his side.
“I need to know one more thing,” he said. “Miuri told me something about your people. I don’t know how else to ask, so I’m just going to come out and say it.” He took a deep breath. “Are you attached to me?”
She stared up at him and bit her lip. “That’s not a polite question,” she said.
“I don’t care.”
She shook her head. “We don’t talk about that. If someone attaches… there’s potential for abuse. The attachment isn’t always shared, and it can be taken advantage of.”
“I won’t take advantage of you, Felin,” Cam said. “But I have to know.”
“Yes,” she said. “I attached to you the moment I saw you that first day in the forest, when my people attacked your father. I attached to you and I haven’t been able to get you out of my head, Cam. I know you didn’t ask for this, and neither did I, but I can’t help myself.”
He let out a soft breath and slumped forward. He released her hair and she stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked away, and Cam couldn’t if she was ashamed, embarrassed, or angry with him for making her tell the truth.
But it didn’t matter. He listened to the stream gurgle behind him and sucked in a breath full of tangy pine scent before smiling at Felin.
“Come on,” he said. “I’ll take you to the village.”
“Really?” She stared at him, eyes wide. “Right now?”
“Right now. I’ll tell them I found you in the woods. That’s true enough, right?”
She laughed. “Cam!” She stepped forward and was about to throw herself at him, but he held up his hands.
“You have to pretend like we don’t know each other,” he said. “You can’t let anyone know that you’re… that you’re attached to me.”
She stopped herself and nodded once. “Right. I will. I promise on my blood and my pack, I won’t let you down, Cam. I won’t let anyone touch you.”
He laughed. “You don’t have to go that far. But come on, we’ll find Dagan and explain the situation. Ceane Village isn’t far from here, right?”
“Not too far,” she said. “It’s plausible. We passed the village on our way here. There’s not much left.”
He nodded and looked away, out toward the forest. He briefly wondered how many villages her people had raided, and how many Humans she had personally hurt on their way here, but he pushed the thought away. It was going to be strange to have the wolf girl around, and it was better not to dwell on the past. But at least Miuri and Key would know the truth, so the burden wouldn’t be his alone.
“Come,” he said. “I’ll make the introductions.” He started walking toward the column but stopped when Felin didn’t follow. He looked back at her and she tilted her head at him.
“I haven’t been away from a pack in a long time,” she said. “It feels… strange.”
“Will you be okay?” he asked.
She nodded. “I think so. I’ll adjust. Just be patient with me.”
Cam half turned and held out his hand. She smiled and walked over to him, taking it in her own. He pulled her body against his for a moment then they walked back toward camp together.
Cam took Felin directly to Dagan, who was just waking up. Dagan gave the girl one look, grunted something about being lucky, and said she was welcome to join them.
Cam tugged her away before Dagan could ask her more questions. He showed Felin around a little bit, pointed out which cart had which supplies, and what was fair game for anyone in the village to take. He explained how meals worked, how watches worked, and introduced her to villagers as they walked back toward the cart he’d slept under the night before.
They found Key just getting up. She was stretching her long, lean muscles when Cam called out her name.
Key turned and tilted her head, a smile on her lips, but the smile faded when she saw Felin.
“Key,” Cam said, walking up to her. Felin lingered a few feet away. “This is—”
“This is the girl, isn’t it?” Key asked.
“Her name is Felin.”
Key stared at Felin for a long moment, a small frown on her lips. “She doesn’t look like a wolf,” she said.
Cam grimaced and put a hand on her arm. “You can’t say things like that, Key. If anyone finds out—”
Key shook her head. “I’m sorry. I won’t… I was just taken off guard. I didn’t realize she’d show up like this.”
Cam looked at her for a moment then stepped closer. He whispered into her ear. “If you’re uncomfortable… we can find some other arrangement,” he said.
“No,” Key said. “No, it’s okay. She’s just… a lot prettier than I expected.”
Cam glanced back at Felin. She looked a little shy, her head tilted like she was listening to something, a small smile on her lips, her hands clasped in front of her. He had to admit, Felin was a lot more beautiful than he would have expected, much more attractive than the other wolves they’d come across.
Even though he’d seen her naked plenty of times, her clothes only enhanced her beauty and made him want to strip her down all over again.
“You don’t have
to worry,” he said.
“I know I don’t,” she said with a laugh. “You don’t need to tell me that. I’m fantastic.”
He grinned and kissed her cheek. “Yes, yes you are.”
“But we still need to be careful.” She held him close for a moment. “Are you sure about this?”
“I gave her my word. And… and I trust her.” He reached up and tilted Key’s lips toward his own. He kissed her and she seemed to relax against him.
“Fine,” Key said once the kiss broke off. “We’ll have to find Miuri. She’s going to be so excited. I mean… look at her.”
Cam laughed and looked back at Felin. The wolf girl smiled back at them, a little uncertain and abashed.
“Yeah, I know,” he said.
Key sighed and walked over to Felin.
“I’m Key,” she said. “I’m… with Cam, I guess.”
“She’s my girlfriend,” Cam said.
“Oh,” Felin said. “Nice to meet you, Key. I’m Felin. I’m just… a traveler…” She trailed off when Key laughed.
“It’s okay,” Key said. “I know about you. Both Miuri and I know. You’ll meet her later. I’m sure you two will get along.”
Felin seemed to perk up at that. “She’s the Elf, right? I don’t know any Elves.”
“You’re about to.” Key put an arm around Felin’s shoulder. “Are you hungry? Come on, I’m starving. You can tell me all about… what village did you say you’re from?”
“Ceane,” Felin said.
“You can tell me all about that while we eat. Or where you’re really from, if you want.”
Felin laughed and smiled at Key as Cam watched Key steer Felin away, over toward where a group of older men and women were cooking the morning porridge. He leaned back against the cart for a moment and enjoyed the breeze over his skin.
He figured he’d let Key and Felin get to know each other a bit. Key was a better judge of character than he was, since he always wanted to see the best in people, and Key was much more difficult to please. Besides, he figured Felin was attached to him, so she wouldn’t betray him in any meaningful way.
He watched the girls talking for a few minutes then heard his name called. He let out a sigh as Dagan came striding toward him, followed by Gwedi and Miuri. There was never any rest in this camp, not for him at least.
“Dagan,” Cam said as the Elder approached. Gwedi stopped a few feet away with Dagan, but Miuri came right up to him and pressed her lips against his. It surprised him, and he didn’t realize they were doing that in front of others, but he didn’t stop her.
“Good morning,” she said, smiling huge.
“Good morning to you.” He leaned forward, his body tense and almost trembling. “Theus?”
Her smile got bigger. “He’s going to be okay,” she said.
Relief flooded over him. Cam let out a little breath and took Miuri’s hand into his own. “How bad is he?”
“He’s bad,” she said, “but our healers have been doing their work for hundreds of years. Malayuh believes Theus will be on his feet in a week.”
“A week?” Cam let out a little laugh. “I can’t believe it.”
“I know,” Miuri said.
“Our healers could never manage something like that.”
Miuri gave him a sly look. “That’s why Elves are superior,” she said. “But there’s some bad news.”
“What is it?”
“Theus will scar,” she said. “He’ll always be scarred. Malayuh can fix the skin and get Theus back in fighting shape, but he’ll never look the same. We only need to keep him with us for a while, a week at least.”
Cam felt a sharp note of despair. He could still see Theus’s skin bubbling, his eyes wide as he scrambled away from Cam’s fire.
“I’ll make sure he’s taken care of,” Cam said, his voice low. “I’ll give up my life if I have to. Please, make sure you help him.”
Miuri squeezed his hand. “You’re a good friend, Cam. But I don’t think you’ll have to go that far. Theus will be okay.”
Cam nodded and looked down at the ground.
Dagan cleared his throat. Gwedi stood just behind him, staring pure loathing and hate at Cam. Miuri released him and stood just to his side, her shoulder still touching his.
“The Elf scouts returned this morning,” Dagan said, looking between him and Miuri. Cam thought he caught a hint of discomfort and fear in Dagan’s expression, but he pushed that thought away.”
“It worked, Cam,” Miuri said. “The wolves, they’re fighting with each other. Killing each other.”
“The scouts claim that the pack is in chaos,” Dagan said. “I don’t know how, but Miuri here says the wolves we killed last night were part of their leadership.”
“How did you know that, Cam?” Gwedi asked, stepping in front of Dagan. He could see the anger in her eyes. “There’s no way you could have known something like that without inside information. And you’re the one that pressed hard for that ambush. You said it might end up helping in the long run. How did you know, Cam?”
Cam shook his head. “I just got lucky, I guess.”
She glared at him. “Horse shit. That’s too lucky, even for you, shaman.”
“I used magic then,” he said, grinning.
“Oh yes, good magic,” Miuri said, nodding. “Very strong magic.”
“Really?” Dagan asked, frowning. “I don’t remember your father ever using magic like that. Some kind of fortune telling spell?”
Cam nodded and shrugged then studied his fingernails. “Sure. Something like that,” he said.
“You’re lying,” Gwedi hissed. She stepped closer and Cam felt Miuri tense beside him. “You think you can do whatever you wish, just because you have magic now, little Human. But I’m going to figure out what your secrets are, and when I do, I will expose them. I won’t let my people get pulled down into the depths by you.”
“Gwedi,” Miuri said. “Mind yourself. These are our friends. Cam is our ally.”
“Cam is your bedmate, Princess,” Gwedi said. “Cam is your little fuck toy until you get bored and move on to something else, or until he dies. Don’t forget what you are, and don’t forget what he is.”
She turned and stormed off, her red hair billowing in the breeze.
Dagan watched her go. For a moment, nobody spoke, until the Elder broke the silence.
“I guess she doesn’t like that you two have a relationship,” he said.
“That’s an understatement, Elder,” Miuri said.
“Well, I think it’s, uh, nice.” He gave them an uncomfortable look and shook his head. “I don’t care what you two do. It doesn’t matter, so long as we reach the Mansion.”
“We will,” Cam said. “Today, soon. Get everyone ready to move. If we can push on hard through the afternoon, we’ll reach the Mansion well before sundown.”
“Finally,” Dagan said. “It feels like we’ve been traveling for years.”
“I know,” Cam said. “And we’ve lost so much along the way.”
“But we could have lost more. Remember everything that we’ve saved.” Dagan nodded at Cam and turned away, letting out a slow breath. “I’ll have everyone prepared to move soon.”
He walked off and began barking orders. Cam smiled as the man rallied some bored-looking warriors into getting off their lazy asses and helping with the breakfast meal. He wasn’t creative and he wasn’t particularly strong, but he was very good at motivating people and keeping the logistical side of things running smoothly.
Cam turned to Miuri. She was staring off after where Gwedi had retreated with a small frown on her lips. He reached up and touched her face, and she turned to him, her smile returning.
“She hates me,” he said.
“She really does.” Miuri laughed. “But it’s okay. She hates all Humans. She just hates you even more.”
Cam smiled and ran a hand through his hair. “Which is strange, because I’m so charming and handsome.”
p; “And great with your hands and your tongue.” Miuri leaned against him, pressing her body against his. Even in her leather armor, he could feel the softness of her. She kissed his lips and tilted her chin up. “Where’s our girl?”
“Oh,” Cam said. “I almost forgot. Key’s with Felin.”
“Felin?” Miuri looked surprised. “You mean, the wolf girl?”
Cam nodded. “But that’s a secret, remember. Now she’s just a refugee from a village that got destroyed by the wolves.”
“Good.” Miuri grinned and looked around. “Where are they? I want to meet her.”
Cam scanned the grounds and spotted Felin and Key sitting across from each other in the shade of a large patchwork tent. Felin was smiling and Key laughed at something she said, leaning back on her hands, her golden hair blowing in the wind.
“There,” Cam said, nodding in their direction.
Miuri turned and frowned then took a sharp little breath.
“She’s really pretty,” Miuri said. “You didn’t tell me she looked like that.”
“I didn’t know I had to,” Cam said. “And Miuri… she’s attached to me. I asked her and she admitted it.”
“Makes sense,” she said. “But that could be dangerous. We don’t know her yet, Cam.”
“I know. I’m going to be careful.”
“Good. I will too.” Miuri looked back at him. “But goddess, she’s pretty. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous.
“Don’t be.” Cam pulled Miuri against him and kissed her one more time. “I’m sure she’s going to like you just as much as I do.”
Miuri laughed and pushed him away. “Of course she will,” she said. “I’m even more amazing than you are.”
Cam grinned and stretched then leaned against his spear. “Go meet her,” he said. “I’m going to help the camp get ready.”
“I will,” Miuri said. “My father wants to get moving soon as well, so I can’t stay long. But I’ll get a feel for our new girl.”
Cam winced. “She’s not… she’s not our new girl. She’s not part of… you know, us.”
Miuri laughed. “She will be,” she said. “Key likes her, I can already tell. And she’s very pretty. I’m picturing what she’ll look like naked, and I have to admit, I’m excited to see if the vision in my mind can stand up to reality.”