Momentary Marriage

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Momentary Marriage Page 10

by Carol Rose

  “Keep it private?”

  “Try to imagine the gossip that could leak out if I gave my lawyers instructions to write up a prenuptial like you’re suggesting,” Jared said dryly. “I doubt we would escape question if that got around.”

  “Oh.” Kelsey sighed. “I suppose you’re right. Then we could do whatever is…standard and then I’ll just give you the money back when we divorce.”

  “Whatever,” he said, suppressing the grim note in his voice. A more optimistic man might revel in hearing the woman he pursued showing signs of concern for his future financial well-being. At least, he’d be reassured that she wasn’t just after his money.

  Jared, however, hadn’t built his success by being blind. He knew his sweet Kelsey wanted to keep everything between them on a business-like level. For some reason, she seemed to be more distant now. He didn’t know what had triggered it, but he hadn’t lied when he’d told her he didn’t give up easily.

  It might be an up-hill battle, but he would win her heart.


  Sliding into the room as quietly as possible, Kelsey found a seat in the back row and sat down. The investment seminar was already in progress and she was glad she didn’t have to chit chat with her neighbors. The awkward clutch of tension in her throat would have made doing so difficult.

  Taking the packet offered her by a man in a suit who stood at the back of the room, she flipped it open automatically, her gaze fixed on the men who were presenting the evening’s program.

  Before coming here this evening, she’d dithered about it all day. Several days, actually, ever since seeing the notice in the paper.

  She’d taken to reading the financial section of the paper in the last few weeks. It was good to be informed. The fact that she’d run across her father’s name several times really had little to do with it.

  But when she’d seen the notice of this seminar, presented by his investment firm, Kelsey had been curious. That was what brought her here tonight. Nothing more. She hadn’t said anything to Amy. Her sister was so caught up in the progress she felt she was making with Doug that very little else penetrated these days.

  Kelsey was glad for her.

  So she’d kept John Layton’s seminar to herself, not sure until she’d turned left after leaving the office that she would even come here tonight. Why should she? Her father had shown no interest in she and Amy all these years.

  But she’d wanted to see him from a distance, to see what he looked like and how he carried himself. She’d sit here for a few minutes and then pick up her supper from a deli on her way home.

  It hadn’t been so far out of her way to stop in.


  This wasn’t the kind of place she’d have expected Jared to choose for a business dinner. In Kelsey’s experience, he didn’t usually conduct his meetings with such formal pomp.

  The restaurant was sumptuous and muted in both decor and lighting. Dark, rich woods paired with burgundy and hunter green prints. Everything was hushed, from the diners’ voices to the clink of cutlery on china. Brass hunting horns hung on the walls.

  Kelsey prodded the elegant concoction on her plate, trying to look nonchalant as the men’s conversation eddied around her. She liked good food as well as the next person, but preferred that it at least be identifiable.

  Her knife slipped, clanging against her plate with greater emphasis than she’d intended.

  The noise drew a glance from the third person at the table. Stewart Black’s brow lifted, a sympathetic smile quirking the corner of his mouth.

  Kelsey smiled back without making any comment, turning her fork to try a different angle. She was here as window dressing, she supposed. Certainly, Jared didn’t need her help in handling his business.

  In his middle-thirties, blond and pleasant, Stewart was nothing like she’d imagined a union representative. This guy looked like a lawyer or businessman. Stereotypically, she’d have expected someone less at ease in these rarefied surroundings.

  From the conversation flowing between he and Jared, Stewart seemed sharp as a tack.

  Jared, of course, was no slouch in the intelligence department. He sat next to her, darkly attractive in his expensive navy blue suit, exuding power and sex appeal. As usual, he seemed confident and at ease.

  The snowy white of his shirt, just visible beneath the sleeves of his suit jacket, seemed to emphasize his strong, tanned hands. Despite the fact she was trying not to envision their future, she couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like to have those hands on her body.

  Soon, she’d know. The wedding plans were progressing with the speed of light. All due to the combination of money, influence and Mary Barrett’s management, Kelsey knew.

  He might have gotten that killer smile from his father, but Jared’s mother had definitely contributed the force of character.

  Jared had called Kelsey last night to ask if she were available to join he and a business associate for dinner tonight. She’d agreed, of course. Her participation in social and business activities was part of their deal. Then again, now that she was officially engaged, her social life was going through a definite transition. She’d had the night free.

  Being picked up at work by the limo was different. She’d had the oddest sensation. Mr. Barrett’s car was waiting for her, the doorman had said.

  Weird. She’d gone out with wealthy men before, but never had she felt so…owned. It was an odd sensation, as if she were a package to be delivered. Jared Barrett had bought himself a fiancée. Not with money, but in an even more bizarre exchange.

  She felt, however, that she’d gotten the better end of the deal. The situation with Amy and Doug left her few options. She needed a husband more than Jared needed a wife. If he wanted her to come along on his business dinners, what the heck?

  “We’re very interested in getting the new contract pushed through,” Stewart said, adroitly spearing an odd-looking vegetable from his plate.

  “Then we’re both after the same goal,” Jared responded calmly.

  Stewart smiled. “I certainly hope so. The only snags we haven’t been able to work through in preliminary talks involve the number of sick days and the exact percentage of pay raises over the term of the contract.”

  “Yes,” Jared said, his face pleasant, but not reflecting much. “So my people tell me.”

  Kelsey quietly chewed a bite, intrigued to see Jared in action. He’d be a hell of a poker player, that much was evident. But what fascinated her was the difference in his eyes. Jared’s eyes were normally as rich and warm as dark chocolate. A woman could drown in his eyes.

  Tonight, there was nothing seductive in his glance. He smiled as affably as did Stewart, but Jared’s eyes were cool and shrewd. He gave the appearance of a gamesman, waiting for his opponent to slip. It occurred to Kelsey that she wouldn’t want him to set that mind against her.

  She’d always known he had shark tendencies, but she’d never really seen him as predatory. Even when he’d arranged to get the ad space they needed to launch the new hotel early.

  “We think our request of five more sick days annually is in line with—“

  “Forget it,” Jared said suddenly, leaning back in his chair. “I have half a dozen five-star hotels and several lesser ones. My sick day policies are company-wide and are already twice as generous as most. If you want concessions, pick another area of the contract.”

  Stewart look down at his plate, seeming surprised by Jared’s unequivocal position. “So you’re saying that the sick days are a contract breaker?”

  “Only if you insist on it,” Jared said pleasantly enough, his eyes still cool. “I’m prepared to work with you on your people’s specific needs, but I’m not altering something that would spread to the entire company.”

  “Of course, we aren’t concerned with all your employees,” Stewart pointed out.

  “No, but I am.” Jared leaned forward. “Let’s concentrate our energies on something we can agree about. The pay in
creases and dismissal policies.”

  “Dismissal policies?” Stewart repeated. “I wasn’t aware of a problem in that area.”

  “I want the right to fire people who don’t do their job without going through a lot of union hassle,” Jared said, meeting the other man’s gaze. “I understand your union is concerned that the members are treated fairly. That’s my plan, too. But I won’t have my hands tied. Employees who don’t do their jobs don’t have a right to stay employed just because they pay their union dues.”

  “The purpose of our organization,” Stewart protested, “is to require that management behave responsibly with our members. We can’t give you carte blanche to fire whomever you want.”

  Kelsey listened as the conversation went back and forth, neither man giving much. The situation obviously wouldn’t be solved tonight.

  Eventually, Stewart Black dropped his napkin in his plate, looking a little peevish. “I’m going to have to talk with some of our people about this, Mr. Barrett. Your position on this issue wasn’t clear before.”

  “Certainly,” Jared pushed back his chair, “get back to me and let’s talk some more.”

  He stood and went to pull back Kelsey’s chair.

  “It was very nice meeting you, Ms. Layton,” Stewart said, no smile in his eyes. “Good evening.”

  “Whew.” She gathered up her evening purse as the other man walked away. “Do you do this all the time?”

  “Do what?” Jared lightly clasped her upper arm to steer her through the tables.

  “Sword play over dinner.”

  He laughed, escorting her toward the door.

  Kelsey glanced back. “Don’t we have to take care of the check?”

  “No.” Jared held the heavy wood door open for her. “It’s taken care of.”

  “Mmmm. It’s nice to be rich,” she said, her voice teasing.

  Jared smiled, taking her hand in his as they walked to the waiting limousine. “Money brings perks.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  Just then his breast pocket chirped.

  Pausing on the sidewalk, Jared pulled out a tiny cell phone.


  Kelsey stood beside him, unsure if she should go or stay. Jared made up her mind when he reached out and snagged her hand.

  “Listen, Clay, I don’t give a damn about the dismissal policy,” Jared said into the phone, his tone curt. “The money is the issue.”

  Glancing up at him in surprise, Kelsey startled to hear him speak like a tough customer. She stood patiently waiting while Jared made several other terse comments about the contract into the phone. She’d always known there was more to Jared Barrett than a teasing smile and incredible biceps.

  “I expected we’d hear from them pretty quick. Yes, I know what I told him about needing a free hand with the hiring and firing. Dammit, Clay, you’re a negotiator. You know how it works,” Jared said impatiently. “No, I’m not flexible on the length of sick leave, which I told Black. That was the straight truth.”

  Jared, the shark, in action. He was so absorbed in his conversation that she didn’t hesitate to study him. The man was a mass of contradictions. Considerate and ruthless, controlled and wildly passionate. What the heck had she gotten herself into?

  Maybe this was how his business was conducted. Certainly the advertising world wasn’t always a bastion of fair play.

  Jared stood a few yards away from the waiting limo, still holding her hand.

  “I know the guy’s a smooth number,” Jared declared. “But if I didn’t think you could handle him, I’d have said so. You know I only met with him tonight because you thought a little puff to his ego would help matters.”

  It was all so interesting, seeing the inner workings of his world. Unsettling, too. She’d never realized just how calculating he could be. The union guy had no clue as to Jared’s real goal.

  “Listen,” Jared said, his voice cool, “I’m not paying their asking price. You remember how they handled the last contract. We’ve been fair with them. I’m not giving another inch.”

  When had she ever seen him so implacable, so…callous? He’d never seemed like a pushover, of course. But this side of him made her reflect on their dealings, just as she had after watching him manage the details of the hotel launch.

  Clearly, Jared kept his agenda to himself. How could she tell if he was less than honest with her?

  “Do whatever you have to,” he said to whomever was on the other end. “You know my position. Tell them whatever they want to hear and then get the approval on the contract we want.”

  What exactly did she know about the man she’d committed herself to marry? Yes, he could reduce her to a panting fool with a single kiss. He was richer than most people dreamed of being. And he’d agreed to her terms…had claimed to want nothing more from this marriage than she had to give.

  But listening to him now, she couldn’t help wondering if he had a hidden agenda with her, as well.

  She was too far in to get out, of course. Her bailing out of this engagement could do nothing but reinforce Doug’s crazy ideas about the two of them. She might as well buy her sister’s ticket to London if she didn’t marry Jared. But if she was going through with the deal, she’d have to keep her eyes open.

  Maybe Jared’s shark tendencies were confined to his work. They wouldn’t affect her then. Still, she was seeing her fiancé in a whole new light.

  “Okay. I’ll talk to you later.” He pushed a button on the phone, folded it up and slid it back into his pocket.

  “That sounded important,” Kelsey said lightly.

  He shrugged. “Business.”

  They walked toward the limousine.

  Ignoring the driver who was hurrying out of his seat to open the door, Jared leaned down and opened it for her. The driver stepped back, returning to slide behind the wheel.

  “I wish I could take you home,” Jared looked tired suddenly as they stood next to the open car door, “but I’ve got people waiting back at the office.”

  Kelsey glanced at her watch. “But it’s after ten.”

  “I know,” he looked down at her, a small smile curling his mouth. “I appreciate your coming this evening.”

  “Just out of curiosity,” she said, raising her gaze to meet his. “Why did you want me here?”

  Jared met her eyes for a reflective moment, then reached out, drawing her into his arms. She went willingly enough, standing enclosed in his embrace.

  His warmth and the wonderful scent that was his alone, surrounded her. This was part of Jared the shark, too, this dangerously sheltered feeling he evoked in her. When had she ever known a more complicated man?

  He made no move to kiss her, only holding her close, his head bent to rest against hers, regardless of the fact that they stood on a still-busy sidewalk in full view of passersby.

  “It’s been a hectic week,” Jared said finally, his voice low and warm, vibrating through his chest. “I just wanted to see you.”

  Warmth, sudden and insidious, curled through Kelsey. She lifted her head to look at him again, feeling the urge to comfort and sooth him. It was odd to think of Jared needing such a thing.

  He brushed a kiss against her temple. “You need to go. Tomorrow’s a work day.”

  “How will you get back to the office if the limo takes me home?”

  “I’ll walk. It’s just around the corner.”

  “Around several corners,” she corrected.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Jared loosed her, stepping back. “I’ll call you.”

  “Okay,” Kelsey said, obediently climbing into the waiting car. “Goodnight.”

  As the limousine pulled away from the curb, she looked through the darkened windows to see him wave briefly before he turned and walked up the street.

  Kelsey sank back against the car’s rich upholstery, puzzled as much by her reaction to Jared as by his sudden tenderness. She’d had her fair share of boyfriends, but Jared was something else.

They were entering into this marriage with nothing more between them than lust and necessity.

  She really needed to remember that regardless of a few tender moments, a man like Jared Barrett could do permanent damage to her careful heart. If she let him.


  “You saw Dad!” Amy’s voice rose to a squeak as she stood in the middle of Kelsey’s small, cluttered living area. “Well, what did he say? Was he nice? What does he look like?”

  “He’s…tall,” Kelsey said, answering the easiest of the questions pouring out of her sister’s mouth. “Dark hair and a…nice face.”

  The words seemed so inadequate. She didn’t have clue how to convey the jumbled emotions that rose in her when she sat looking at her father for the first time three days ago.

  “And?” Amy prompted impatiently. “Did he hug you? Did he say why he’s never tried to see us?”

  Kelsey turned away from where her sister stood, going to slump in a corner of the loveseat.

  “I just went to the seminar,” she said haltingly, not sure she wanted to have this discussion at all. But she’d thought about John Layton many times since that night when their gazes had caught and held. Thought about the fact that he was Amy’s father, too. Still, she wasn’t sure she should have opened the subject with her impressionable younger sister.

  “Okay,” Amy said, making an obvious attempt to calm down in the face of her sister’s inarticulate responses. She sat on the loveseat next to Kelsey. “You saw the seminar in the paper and you went, but what happened when you introduced yourself to him?”

  “I-I got there late,” Kelsey said, her fingers fidgeting with the tassel dripping from the corner of the cushion on her lap. Suddenly, she wasn’t sure if her reticence that night was more about cowardice than indifference.

  “What did he say when you told him who you are?” Amy said, clearly wild with curiosity and imagining a much warmer family reunion than Kelsey could report.

  “I sat down in the back,” Kelsey said. “It had already started—the seminar—and I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  “Okay,” her sister said reasonably, “then you went up afterwards?”


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