Addicted to a Detroit Savage 3

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Addicted to a Detroit Savage 3 Page 18

by April Nicole

The explosion was loud and most of the men died immediately from the impact. Azul ran out screaming, falling onto his knees. Kairo and Malachi broke in through the back door while the fire distracted Azul.

  “Ok, I’m going to go this way to find more guns.” Kairo said as she headed towards the opposite direction Malachi was going. She found herself standing in front of an utility closet, thinking that’s where Johnny might have kept the extra guns. She twisted the knob to find a man knocked unconscious, tied up tightly in twine rope. “Oh my goodness!” She ran to touch him, immediately waking Smoke out of his sleep.

  He stared at this woman that was strikingly beautiful. He could not believe Bernice Burgos was rescuing him. “Bernice!” he mumbled through the tape.

  “Who?” Kairo said as she looked around for a pair of scissors to free this man. Then it dawned on him that Bernice would not want no beat-up ass cop. Kairo used her elbow to break the glass for the ax that was on the wall. “I’m going to cut you free with this, be still,” she warned. Kairo cut the string loose and peeled the tape from his mouth. “Now, who did you call me?”

  “My bad, I thought you were Bernice,” Smoke said.

  “No, I’m Kairo, but we really need to get the fuck up out of here. I’m burning this bitch to the fucking ground.”

  “Thank you so much for saving me. I greatly appreciate it.”

  “Yea, you’re welcome,” Kairo said, leaving out the utility closet to finish looking for the extra guns. Smoke was right behind her, not knowing what she was searching for. “Can I help you?”

  “My bad, I thought you were showing me the way out of here.”

  “Nah, I’m looking for extra guns.”

  “Mario?” Malachi said as he approached them. He couldn’t believe he was there.

  “Yea,” Smoke replied, turning around to see who called him by his government, and it was Malachi walking up.

  “What you doing here?” Malachi asked.

  “I was—”

  “No, offense but we got an entire building surrounded with gasoline and burning cars outside. Y’all can continue this reunion so—” Kairo was saying before she was interrupted by women screaming. “See, we got to get the fuck out now!” They ran to the front of the building when they saw naked women running towards them.

  “Ok, we got to go out the back because the front is on fire!” Malachi said.

  “If the front on fire, then the back is definitely on fire,” Kairo stated, looking back behind her. “Let’s go before it gets too crazy!” Kairo turned around and led them towards the back door. Kairo kicked the back door and the flames were blazing out of control. The naked women ran out before Kairo, Malachi, and Smoke could even decide to run.

  “Fuck this, we not gon’ burn alive!” Smoke said. “Kairo, get behind me and Malachi, you get behind Kairo. Without questioning, they did as they were told, but they still suffered from the burns.

  “This way, I parked over here!” Kairo said, pointing across the street.

  “Alright, we all getting into that?” Smoked asked.

  “Unless you want to get caught by the police,” Kairo responded. The sounds of sirens were in the distance nearby. They ran across the street and pulled off without looking back. Within 20 minutes, Kairo drove up the street where their house was and saw the police parked outside the house. “Shit, they looking for me!” Kairo said.

  “Just keep driving normal and avoid looking across the street,” Smoke offered his advice.

  “But we don’t have nowhere else to go,” Kairo said in a panic, forgetting she had some money in her pockets.

  “We can go to my secret spot on Fenkell,” Malachi offered.

  “Great, where is that?”

  Malachi gave Kairo the address and she jumped on I-94 to I-96. The ride was swift and smooth. No one spoke a single word, for they all were in pain from the burn marks they endured from the fire.

  “That’s the house on the left, park the car in the back,” Malachi spoke, breaking the silence that was in the car.

  “You always had this crib?” Kairo asked. She wanted to know how he was surviving since his father was no longer alive.

  “Yea, this was my back-up spot just in case things went left and I needed to run,” Malachi replied, slamming the car door after he got out after Smoke.

  “My niece still stays here?” Smoke asked. He was unaware that Alexis was kicked out, because she didn’t call him. Nor did he know about Olivia, not that it was important for him to know.

  “Nah, she left. I thought she would have called and told you,” Malachi said as he opened the back door to his house. “Olivia!” he yelled, warning her that he was home.

  “I’m here!” she replied, wobbling down the stairs.

  “I brought home guests,” Malachi said, flicking on the lights. Kairo saw Olivia for the first time in months and her eyes widened.

  “Oh, my goodness! You’re pregnant?” Kairo said, shocked because she was not expecting her to be. Olivia stood there like she was a deer caught in headlights.

  “I’m going to go find us something to help with these burn scars. Come help me Smoke,” Malachi said, trying to avoid the conversation that was coming up.

  “Not so fast, son! Bring that ass back here right now!” Kairo demanded. She was upset Malachi would keep this secret from her. “Why would you not tell me she was pregnant?”

  “I wasn’t thinking clearly with my father being killed. I wanted to exact revenge.”

  “I understand son, I do, but you have a child to live for. Plus, you are still young yourself,” Kairo said. She was upset that Malachi was out here in the streets as heavy he was, and he had an unborn child on the way.

  “Should I go get the materials for our injuries? This seems like a family intervention, and I don’t need to be here in the room,” Smoke said and left the room to go find something to help with their burns. After Kairo spent about one hour and a half talking to the two teens on teenage pregnancy, she finally went to go see Smoke to get her burns tended to.

  “Hey, you mind giving me that?” she asked, walking into the living room. Smoke passed her the alcohol and a wad of tissue.

  “This isn’t really going to do anything but make it burn more anyways!” Kairo said, running cool water on the wad of tissue and compressing it onto her skin.

  “Oh, word? I was wondering why my shit was still burning.”

  “Let me see.” Kairo took Smoke’s forearm and compressed cool water with a tissue. “I was an RN at Beaumont before all this shit happened to me.”

  “What could possibly have happened to someone as beautiful as you?” Smoke said, pushing back Kairo’s long hair to see her face fully.

  “Well, first, I got married to a man that I thought loved me, or maybe he did but just showed me in a different way. Because of him, all my family is dead. I have no one to help me, and the one woman I thought was on my side framed me for murder and took my newborn twin girls from me.”

  “Oh, that’s why Malachi said to protect you.”

  “Protect me? Puh-lease, I protect myself!” Kairo smirked, looking at Smoke in the eyes, and felt her hormones creep up. “Well that’s enough for tonight. I’m tired, I’m going to catch some sleep,” Kairo said and left the room to go to bed.

  The Sky is the Limit

  The next morning, Malachi woke up on the couch. He wiped the eye boogers from his eyes, and he saw Smoke sitting across from him staring at him. “Aye, what the fuck man?” Malachi said as he jumped up from the spot where he slept. “Why you staring at me like that?”

  “My bad, I need to return to the police station. Do you have anything else you need to tell me before I go?” Smoke asked. He was hoping Malachi could tell him more about what he knew about Johnny.

  “What’s in it for me?”

  “I really don’t have much leverage,” Smoke said, because he really could not promise much. He didn’t hold that kind of power.

  “Then I told you all that I knew that day at the po
lice station.”

  “I can’t promise you—”

  “I said what I said,” Malachi interrupted, folding his arms across his chest.

  “Ok, listen. I can see what I can do. Let me place a call,” Smoke said, reaching his hand out to use the cell phone that was on the end table next to Malachi. He passed him the phone and Smoke placed the call to the chief, who was head over the police department. After talking for about five minutes, he ended the call swiftly.

  “So, what’s it gon’ be?” Malachi asked.

  “The chief would like to talk to you himself. You have to come down to the station with me.”


  Malachi changed his clothes and headed down to the station with Smoke to talk to the chief. He did not even tell Kairo or Olivia that he was leaving, so when they both awoke Kairo saw the keys and the red Camaro was gone.

  “SHIIT!!” Kairo yelled. She did not have a phone to call and see where he was.

  “Where is Malachi?” Olivia asked Kairo.

  “I don’t have a clue. I just woke up about five minutes ago. One thing I know for certain is that he is gone with that man he calls Smoke,” Kairo said after she searched the house completely.

  “Oh, Smoke the cop dude. They must have went to the police station,” Olivia said.

  “You said what?” Kairo yelled, because she did not know who Smoke was, but she had an idea that he was set up. “Did you just say a cop?”


  “Um, I need to go get my son. He is headed straight for a trap!”

  “Chill, they just want Johnny.” Olivia rolled her eyes and huffed.

  “Little girl, you have no idea of all the shit my son been through. You don’t know what the cops are up to. They will drag Malachi’s young black ass right to prison.”

  “I know enough not to worry—”

  “Ok, hush Liv, because you are not making any sense right now. You have no idea what they are doing down at that station.”

  “Well let’s just wait to see,” Olivia suggested as she sat down on the couch.

  “You can wait, but I got to find my son,” Kairo said as she was leaving out the door. She was not sure where she was going to start, but she walked to the nearest Family Dollar to purchase her a minute phone, dialing every police station within a 25-mile radius.

  “Hello, this is Sergeant Collins, how may I help you?” the lady with a country-like voice answered.

  “Hi, I’m looking for my son, Malachi Harris. He is a minor, about 15 years old?”

  “Ma’am, what is his date of birth?”

  “It’s June 14, 2005,” Kairo responded, hoping the lady would find him.

  “Please hold,” Sergeant Collins said, placing Kairo on a brief hold for about two minutes. “Yes ma’am, he is here in custody.”

  “Custody?” Kairo said, looking at the phone. “Is his lawyer there?”


  “How is it that y’all holding a minor without his parent or his legal representation?”

  “Ma’am, I cannot provide that!”

  “Ok, where is you located? I will be there soon.”

  “We are located 12000 Livernois, that’s Detroit, Michigan 48204.”

  “Thank you,” Kairo said, ending the call and catching a Lyft to the beauty supply where she purchased a wig and sunglasses to disguise her look. She then Lyfted over to the 10th precinct, walking into the station like she owned the place. Smoke was coming from the room Malachi was in to get water when he caught a glimpse of Kairo walking into the police station.

  “Kairo?” he said and caught her attention. She looked up and saw Smoke by the water fountain staring at her. She noticed the police badge hanging around Smoke’s neck and rushed over to the water fountain.

  “Where the fuck is my son?” Kairo whispered, being careful not to cause a scene at the police station.

  “Shh, he is safe. The question is, what are you doing here?”

  “Don’t fucking shh me! And don’t you dare fucking question me! I said where the fuck is my son?”

  “He is safe,” Smoke replied, pulling Kairo to the side. Kairo swiftly removed his gun from his waist and pointed it at his head.

  “Take me to my fucking son now!” Kairo said through her teeth.

  “Alright, alright!” Smoke said, surrendering with his hands up. He was not about to get shot, so at last, he took Kairo to the room where they were keeping Malachi. Soon as they reached the room, Kairo saw Malachi’s eyes were bloodshot red from crying. He looked up and saw Kairo walk in with Smoke through the door. Sitting across from Malachi was the chief of the precinct. He turned back and mouthed to Smoke “What the fuck!” as if Kairo couldn’t read lips.

  “Ma! I fucked up!” Malachi said, running to Kairo.

  “Shh. I’m here now,” she said, holding Malachi’s face looking directly into his eyes. “I’m going to fix this, ok?”

  “But how? I already confessed.”

  “Just let the adults do the talking,” Kairo said, pulling up a chair to the table, pulling her shades off her face. She was about to chew their asses up and spit them back out something so nasty. “So, this is what the fuck we doing now? Trying to manipulate minors into confessing to shit without a parent or lawyer?”

  “Rest assured Mrs. Harris, we are sorry to in—” the chief spoke up and said but was rudely interrupted by Kairo slapping her palms onto the table.

  “Fuck all that! You want a criminal, why don’t you take out the motherfucker who’s been taking us all through hell? Why can’t y’all get Johnny’s ass?”

  “We are working on it,” Smoke said.

  “Well what the fuck is y’all going to get from a teenager? Don’t you see he is scared shitless? I mean, if you really want some answers y’all should talk to me.”

  “What could you possibly know?” the chief asked.

  “I ain’t telling y’all shit until y’all promise me my son’s freedom on tape and writing!” Kairo said, pulling out her minute phone, pressing the record button. She sat the phone in the middle of the table while the chief and Smoke whispered amongst themselves.

  “Fine, we will guarantee Malachi’s freedom—”

  “From what?” Kairo chimed in. She wanted to make sure he was scot free.

  “From serving life in prison, but he at least got to do 20 years for manslaughter,” the chief said, baffled by this woman’s aggressiveness.

  “No can do. The sky is the limit. I said he is free from doing any time.”

  “No!” the chief shouted, getting aggravated.

  “Chief, can I meet you in your office privately please?” Kairo asked. She knew she had to do what she needed to do to get him to agree.

  “Whatever you got to say, you can say it here.”

  “Your office!” Kairo hollered with the same aggressiveness.

  “Fine,” the chief said, finally giving in for the simple reason he was wrong for not including his legal representation. They walked down the narrow hall until they reached his office. “Now what is so important that you had to speak to me privately?”

  “You know you one handsome man?” Kairo said seductively, locking the door and throwing herself completely onto the chief. “Looking at you sitting across from me made me so horny and wet.”

  “What!?” This caught the chief by surprise. He was certainly not expecting this extremely attractive woman hovering over him the way she did. Kairo leaned in to nibble on his left earlobe.

  “Do you want your dick sucked?”


  “I take that as a yes!” Kairo said as she began to unbuckle his pants, pulling them down to his ankles exposing his light-blue Polo drawers. Now chief was a big man with a belly, but that didn’t stop Kairo from pulling his little penis out. Soon as she was able to get a good grip, she licked slowly around the tip of his dick, waiting patiently until he closed his eyes and rolled his neck back before she took the pen that was on his desk and jabbed it into his dick.
/>   “AGHHHHHH!” Chief screamed, but was soon silenced when she quickly snapped his neck twice.

  “Dirty motherfucka!” She spit on him, fixed her clothes, and walked back into the room where Smoke and Malachi were. “Chief would like to speak to you,” she lied. Smoke left the room immediately, hoping the chief didn’t change his mind on Malachi’s 20-year bid. “Ok, on my signal we gon’ walk out of here. We need to stop at the house and get Olivia first and head to Mexico. Do you have the key to the Camaro?”

  “Yea,” Malachi said, pulling the key out his pocket.

  “Good, let’s go.” She gave Malachi the signal to walk and get out of there. They calmly walked out and soon as they reached the parking lot, they made a run for it, not looking back.

  As Smoke slowly approached the chief’s office, he got a gut feeling something was not right. Following his instincts, he peeked into the door that was already left ajar. “Chief, you wanted to see me?” His mouth dropped once he noticed the trail of blood surrounding his desk. “OH NO!” He ran to check the chief’s pulse once he realized his body was slumped. He got closer and decided to find out where the blood was coming from. “GUWAAA!!!!” Smoke lost his stomach when he saw the pen lodged deeply into the hole of his dick.

  He rushed back to the room and realized both Malachi and Kairo made an escape. He ran into the lobby. “STOP THEM! SHE KILLED THE CHIEF!! I want every fucking unit after her right now. Bring out the SWAT team, we got two fugitives on our hands!” he yelled, trying to catch his breath from running, but the only thing you heard was tires screeching on the pavement. SCUUUURRRTTTTT!!!!!

  Every Man Must Fall

  “What the fuck am I doing in here?” Johnny thought to himself as he awoke to dirty, strange men staring at him while he sat inside the Sterling Heights holding cell. He was waiting patiently to post bail, but no one was coming fast enough, so he had no choice but to spend the night there. Yesterday, on his conquest to find Malachi, he was stopped for speeding and the cop felt the need to take him to jail so he could reach his quota for the month. “The fuck y’all dirty asses looking at?” Johnny snapped, folding his arms across his chest.


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