Lilly: A Kensington Family Novel

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Lilly: A Kensington Family Novel Page 27

by Allie Everhart

  "Yes. I'll keep her away from Lilly."

  "That's not good enough. I don't trust your mother to stay away. Lilly said your mother showed up on campus without telling you."

  "Yeah, but there's nothing I can do about that. She's unpredictable."

  "Reed." I slide my coffee cup aside. "My daughter means the world to me and I will do anything to protect her, even if she doesn't like my method for doing so."

  "So what does that mean for Lilly and me?"

  "It means that I will not allow you to continue this relationship with her if your mother remains part of your life. If she's willing to pull a knife on her own son, then she's capable of doing far worse to someone she doesn't care about, specifically my daughter."

  "My mom wouldn't hurt anyone. She was just trying to scare me."

  "I know that's what you want to think, and perhaps your mother is harmless when she's sober. But if she's drinking, she could become violent, which she proved by putting a knife to your throat."

  He slowly nods. I think it's starting to sink in that his mother is not the woman he wants her to be, and that she may never be that person.

  "Do you plan to continue your relationship with your mother?"

  "I don't know," he says, gazing down at the table.

  "Reed, I'm sorry about your situation, but I have to take care of my daughter. I know she cares about you and you care about her, but I can't allow you to keep seeing her if your mother is still part of your life."

  "She wouldn't harm Lilly," he says quietly, as though talking to himself.

  "I'm not taking any chances. I understand you wanting to have your mother in your life, but if that's the case, then you need to let Lilly go."

  "I can't. I love—" His head jerks up, searching for my reaction at what he almost let slip out.

  "If you love her, then you'll want her to be safe. And that won't be the case if your mother is still in your life."

  He nods.

  "You should take some time to think about this. I know it's a difficult decision."

  "It's not." His eyes drop to his coffee cup as he runs his finger along the top of it. "I know I need to cut my mom out of my life, at least until she cleans up. Or maybe forever. It's just hard. I've always taken care of her and if I'm not there, I'm afraid..." His voice trails off.

  "Reed, I'm not telling you what to do. She's your mother and it's normal for you to feel an obligation to take care of her. There's nothing wrong with that. I just can't allow my daughter to be put at risk."

  "I understand," he says, and I get the feeling he's finally acknowledging the fact that his mother can't be trusted. Just like Lilly's mother can't be trusted. It's odd, the similarities these two share when it comes to that.

  "What does your father have to say about this?"

  "I don't talk to my dad much. Usually just once or twice a month."

  "You don't get along with him?"

  "I do. He's just really busy. He's a tour manager for bands. He spends most of the year on the road so he hasn't been around for most of my life."

  "I see." Reed's father sounds like me. Or how I used to be. For years, I wasn't around for my children and I deeply regret it. "When will he be in Los Angeles again?"

  "He's there now. He just got back from an overseas tour. He left me a message but I haven't had time to call him back with everything going on."

  "So he's not aware you were questioned by the police today?"

  Reed shakes his head. "No. And I can't tell him. He doesn't know about the accident, and I don't want him to know."

  "How long will he be in town?"

  "I don't know. Maybe a few days?"

  "You need to go see him. You need to drive down there today."


  "If you're serious about distancing yourself from your mother, then you need to re-establish a relationship with your father."

  "I don't think he'll go for that. Being a dad isn't really his thing."

  "He needs to make it a priority or this isn't going to work. If you don't have his support, you'll keep going back to your mother and this will never end."

  "I know but...I'm just not sure about my dad."

  "What are you unsure of? Whether you want a relationship with him?"

  "It's not that. It's more like I'm not sure if he wants a relationship with me."

  "You said he calls you, correct?"

  "Yeah, but not very often."

  "Perhaps because he assumes you don't want to talk to him."

  "I don't know why he'd think that. I've never told him that. He can call me whenever he wants."

  "Is it possible your mother told him that?"

  He sighs. "Yeah. I didn't think they talked, but you're probably right. Knowing my mom, she probably told him I didn't want to see him, or talk to him."

  "You need to straighten this out. Call your father and tell him you'll be coming down to see him."

  He nods.

  "What about the situation with your mother?"

  "I don't know, but something has to change. I can't keep doing this. She's out of control and she's only getting worse."

  "I understand you need time to think about this, but as I said before, I will not allow you to continue seeing my daughter if your mother continues to be involved in your life. She could've easily held that knife against Lilly's throat that day, and if she had, well...we both know what could've happened. I won't allow you to put my daughter at risk like that ever again."

  "I didn't mean to put her at risk. I swear. My mom has never done anything like that before." He checks the clock on the wall. "I need to go. I have to drive to LA and talk to my dad. It may be my only chance before he leaves again. Can you give me a ride back to campus?"

  "Of course." I get my wallet out to pay the bill.

  On the drive back, Reed tells me more about his mother and about how he suspects she's doing drugs, which he thinks she's getting from her current boyfriend. I'm surprised at his openness because his admission is just another reason why I don't want Lilly around this woman.

  When we're almost at the campus, he calls his father and tells him he's coming down there to talk. He was nervous before the call, but as he spoke with his father he started to relax. When he finishes the call, I notice a slight smile on his face as he looks out the window.

  "How'd it go?" I ask.

  "Good. He said to call him when I get there and he'll leave work early. He's in town for the next few days. He said if I want, he'll take time off from work so we can hang out together."

  "Is that what you're going to do?"

  "I'm not sure yet. I'll have to miss class, but I feel like I need to deal with this. I need to figure out what to do with my mom and I need to know if my dad will help me."

  We're back at the campus and I stop the car just outside of his dorm.

  "Thanks for the ride," Reed says.

  "You're welcome. Good luck with your father."

  "Thanks." He starts to leave, but then turns back and says, "And thanks for giving me a chance. I know I don't have the best past but I promise you I'm not like that anymore."

  "Everyone deserves a second chance." I look him in the eye. "But not a third."

  He stares at me a moment and I hear him breathing faster. I scared him with the comment and the serious tone I used and the threatening look I gave him. It was intentional. He needs to know I'm not kidding around.

  "Understood," he says. "Tell Lilly I'll call her later."

  "I think it's best if you two don't talk until this is settled."

  He nods. "Goodbye, Mr. Kensington."

  "Goodbye, Reed."

  He walks off and goes into his dorm.

  I've had concerns about Reed ever since I found out he was dating Lilly, but after our conversation today, I'm starting to feel better about him. He's a respectful young man and very mature for his age. He's had to deal with a lot of adult issues, taking care of his mother the way he does. But I still won't allow him to date Lilly if h
is mother remains in the picture. I won't allow him to put her in danger ever again.

  I drive away from his dorm and find a quiet spot to park and call Katherine. She answers right away.

  "What is it, Pearce?"

  "What the fuck did you do?" I can't hide my anger. It's been bottling up ever since I found out about those microphones she hid in Lilly's room.

  "We've already been through this. I admitted to listening in on her. And I'm not sorry about it. It had to be done."

  "What else did you do?"

  "Nothing," she says, playing innocent.

  "Reed received a phone call, threatening him if he didn't end his relationship with Lilly. I know you're behind that. Who was it who called him? And don't you dare lie to me."

  "The boy wouldn't leave her alone. I had to do something."

  "Did you get them involved? If you say yes, I will come after you and I will not hold back."

  "Now who's the one making threats?"

  "Tell me the truth. Right now!"

  "It was just a random person I hired to put a scare in the boy."

  "Are they involved? Yes or no?"

  "Pearce, you know I don't have connections in that world anymore. I'm no longer married to you. My father's dead. I have no brothers."

  "You have a sister who's married to a member. And last I heard, your brother-in-law was trying to claw his way to the top."

  "You're being paranoid. You've always been like that. It's a very unattractive trait."

  "I know you, Katherine, and I know you're desperate for Lilly to be part of that world again. You'll do anything to get her married into it, despite knowing how hard I've worked to keep her out."

  "It's her destiny. She's a Kensington. She's meant to be a member's wife. It's a privilege. An honor."

  "It's none of those things. Marrying a member means a life of unhappiness. Being married to someone she doesn't love. A man who cheats on her. A man who lies to her. A killer."

  She laughs a little. "Just like her father. Perhaps it's time we tell her the truth about you. She's old enough now. She needs to know who her father is. The real Pearce. The one who never loved her mother. Who cheated on me. Lied to me. The man who has killed. Many, many times."

  "Don't you dare hold that against me. I was forced to do those things. And I'm no longer that man. I never was. I never wanted to hurt anyone."

  "If you think so highly of yourself, then you should have no problem marrying your daughter off to one of the members. If they're all like you, then you've just admitted they're decent men who've simply been placed into unfortunate circumstances."

  "Don't twist my words. You know what I meant. Yes, there are some members who are better than others, but I don't want my daughter marrying any of them. I don't want her part of it, or even knowing it exists."

  "You can't keep it from her forever. Like it or not, you're still a member. And maybe someday Garret will be."

  "Garret will NEVER be part of it. And if you put him on their radar again, I will destroy you, Katherine. You think I was harsh to you after our divorce? That's nothing. I'm capable of far worse."

  "You see? You're no different than the other members. You're just as violent. Just as evil. You have no compassion. Your father made sure of that years ago."

  "You have no idea who I am. You never have, because you never took the time to get to know me. Not even when we were married." I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Katherine has a way of riling me up, despite my best efforts to not let her get to me. "Now for the last time, is the organization involved in this or not?"

  She sighs. "No. Unfortunately, William's loyalty to you prevented me from seeking their assistance."

  William is my main source of information when it comes to the organization. I rarely attend meetings anymore so I don't know what they're up to unless William tells me. But I never ask him about it because I don't want to know. I try to pretend that part of my life doesn't exist, although I'm still forced to do assignments every now and then, mainly the forging of documents or managing the politicians we put in office.

  "So you admit you were trying to get Lilly into the organization?" My anger is seething but I'm trying to hide it. Trying to keep the upper hand.

  "Of course I was. It's where she belongs. She certainly doesn't belong with some low-life artist with a deadbeat mother. She belongs with someone like Preston."

  "Why Preston? His father's not a member. So why did you pressure Lilly to be with his son?"

  "Wyatt is going to be a senator. It would be beneficial for Lilly to be seen with a senator's son. It would improve her image. Attract the media's attention. Boost her social status."

  "Those are all things you want. Not her."

  "There's nothing wrong with a daughter helping her mother."

  Although I'm sure that was one of Katherine's prime motivations, there has to be more to it than that. There are other ways to boost her social status. Easier ways than this elaborate setup she arranged with Preston.

  "Wyatt was chosen," I say.

  "It's taken you this long to figure that out? You're slipping, Pearce. You used to be able to put the pieces together faster than that. You knew Lilly had been out with Preston. I'm surprised you didn't do your usual background check on the boy."

  "Is Wyatt already a member?"

  "Not yet. But the process has begun."

  "What about Preston? Does he know about the organization?"

  "No, but he will once his father has gone through the initiation."

  "And then Preston will be a member, which is why you wanted Lilly to be with him." I huff. "I suppose you think you're quite clever. Trying to get Lilly attached to that boy so that she'd eventually be tied to the organization. You really don't care about her happiness, do you? This is all about you. You want the perks, the prestige, the protection that comes from being part of the organization, and you're using your daughter to do it."

  "I'm not using her. I'm helping her. She benefits from this more than I do. She'll have everything she could ever want. Unlimited wealth. Elevated social status. Invitations to premiere events."

  "She already has plenty of money and she doesn't care about her social status or attending events. Those things are important to you, Katherine. Not Lilly. And you'd know that if you actually spent time with your daughter and accepted her for who she is, rather than trying to force her to be someone she doesn't want to be. She's not you. She never will be. And she will never be part of the organization. I will never let it happen. And I will be calling William and putting a stop to Wyatt's membership offer. I will also make sure he never gets into the Senate."

  "None of that matters now. Lilly refuses to be with Preston."

  "Wyatt needs to be punished for going along with your scheme. If he knows about the organization, then he knows I don't want my children to be part of it. If I did, Garret would be a member. And since he's not, he knows I wouldn't want Lilly to be part of it either. Wyatt betrayed my wishes and went behind my back, which I will tell William."

  "Fine. Go ahead. I don't care what they do to Wyatt. It no longer impacts me."

  "This is over, Katherine. You will never interfere with Lilly's life again."

  She laughs. "Whatever you say, Pearce."

  "Goodbye, Katherine." I end the call before I completely lose it.

  She won't give up on this. She'll continue trying to get Lilly back in the organization. But I won't let her. If I have to keep tabs on her every day for the rest of my life, I will. She's done interfering with Lilly's life. I will make sure of it.

  After the call I go back to Lilly's room to tell her what happened. I can't tell her everything. I never want her knowing about the organization or her mother's attempt to involve her in it. I've spent years hiding it from her and I'll continue to do so. Her life will be better if she never knows they exist.

  I never wanted Garret to know either, but now that he does, I try to shield him from it. I rarely even talk about it with him.
But I'll have to now. Later tonight, I'll tell Garret what Katherine was planning. Jade and Rachel will be told as well, along with William. It will take all of us to make sure Katherine never tries to interfere with Lilly's life again.



  Just before noon, my dad shows up. I run up to him as he walks in my room. "What happened? Did they arrest him?"

  "They can't charge him unless the person claiming to have witnessed the scene actually comes forward to testify, and Katherine won't do that. She doesn't want her name being brought into this. She thought the recorded confession would be all she'd need to have Reed thrown in jail, but she wasn't aware of the laws regarding recording someone without their consent."

  "So the police don't think it was me who made the recording?"

  "No. Reed told them he knew nothing about it and said the recording must be a fake, which led the police to question whether this was all some kind of hoax. They asked Reed if he has any enemies who might be trying to set him up. He told them it's possible but that he didn't know who it would be."

  "If Reed didn't tell them anything, then why did he agree to go to the police station?"

  "He was cooperating, doing what they asked. It was a way to gain their trust. I'm assuming he learned that from his uncle. Being a police officer, I'm sure his uncle taught Reed exactly what to do and say should he ever be arrested or brought in for questioning."

  "How do you know all this? Did you talk to Reed?"

  "Yes. After we left the police station, Reed and I went to a coffee shop and discussed what he told the police. Then I explained how your mother was behind this and how Preston was involved."

  "What did he say?"

  "He wasn't surprised, given what you've told him about your mother."

  "Did you two talk about anything else?"

  "We talked about his mother. It sounds as if her behavior has been getting worse the past year. And given this latest incident with the knife, I told Reed that I won't allow you to be anywhere near his mother now that she's shown she can be dangerous. He never should've even introduced you to that woman."


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