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More than Temptation

Page 4

by Taige Crenshaw

  “You and your patterns,” she said fondly.

  “Yeah. It’s a thing with me.” Morgan came inside, closing the door behind him. “If only I could figure out the pattern for this weather. Mother Nature sure can’t make up her mind about whether she wants to be cold or warm.” Morgan grinned.

  “Tell me about it. My head is spinning. One day it’s so warm you don’t need a coat, then the next day you have to be bundled up.” Bella stepped close to him. “At least today isn’t so bad, or I’d have to change what I had planned.”

  “Really? Now I’m curious on what we have planned.” Morgan removed his gloves and put them in his pockets. He pulled her close, placing his hands on her hips. “Are you going to tell me?”

  “It’s going to be a surprise.” Bella put her head back then lifted up slightly on her toes.

  Morgan leant down and kissed her gently. She moaned softly and opened up, letting him in. He deepened their kiss. After a few moments, Bella pulled back and stared into his eyes.

  “Let’s get going while it is still nice out.” Bella chuckled. “With this unpredictable weather, we have to take whatever chance we get in case it changes.” She withdrew from his arms and went to retrieve her caramel-coloured coat.

  “Let me get that for you.” Morgan took her jacket then helped her into the garment. He pulled her matching hat from her pocket and smoothed it on her head.

  “We’re going from the back,” Bella said then led the way.

  Morgan’s steps came behind her and she went through the foyer to the hall and across to the kitchen. She crossed the spacious room saying, “I’ll give you a tour when we get back.”

  “Sounds good.” Morgan reached around her and opened the door.

  Bella went, leading him outside to the patio. She waited until he’d exited then locked the door behind them before continuing across to the steps. At the top, Bella stopped and glanced at Morgan. The pleased look on his face made her give herself a figurative pat on the back.

  “Come and join me in an adventure.” Bella gestured grandly. “Our snowmobiles await.”

  They went down the steps and to the transportation.

  “Which colour do you prefer?” Bella patted the silver one with yellow stripes then the black one with magenta stripes.

  “I’m good with either. I can’t believe you rented snowmobiles for our date.” Morgan stroked the shiny surface.

  Bella was caught by the sight of his fingers on the machine and thought of how they would feel against her skin. She imagined his strong, masculine hands on her body, which made her shiver slightly.

  “I didn’t rent them. I own them. All of the family have a few of them we keep around. Sometimes instead of driving to someone’s house on the property, we take a snowmobile to go the quicker off route in the winter. Everyone also has some ATVs—all-terrain vehicles—too and those we use in the summer. We can use those sometime when summer arrives.” Bella smirked. “And yes, we do have some friendly races with them… Well, since you know my family and friends, it is more of a friendly, competitive ‘I get to heckle you if I beat you’, sort of thing.”

  “I bet they do tease and jeer each other.” Morgan chuckled. “Your family and friends love to compete.” Morgan eyed her and she recognised the competitive glint in his gaze. “So what is the wager, if I win?”

  “When I win, I will get to pick our next date.”

  “That’s fine for our wager after this one, because I’m going to win this one. I already have in mind what we’ll do when I win.”

  “Them is some words I’m going to enjoy having you take back.” Bella approached the black snowmobile and got on then took the helmet off the handle and put it on. “This is only part of our date. When we get back, I have a picnic planned for us. We’ll eat either on the patio or in the enclosed porch. Your choice.”

  “After the ride, let’s eat on the porch.” Morgan stepped close and put his hand on her leg. “That way we can lose the outerwear so we can have more access to touching each other.”

  Bella’s pussy clenched as she imagined what they could do under the bay window that overlooked the backyard. “Okay.” She was surprised at how breathless she sounded.

  Morgan’s chuckle was wicked as he went to his own snowmobile. He straddled it then put on the helmet and started the engine. Bella did the same then revved it before she took off.


  She heard Morgan’s voice in her helmet.

  “Just warming up.”

  “How the hell did you hear me? Hell, how am I hearing you?” Morgan came adjacent to her.

  “Since we like to be able to talk to each other, we had our helmets all specially fitted so we can talk to and hear each other. Also had the helmets we use with the ATVs done too.” Bella blew out a raspberry. “That’s me giving you a raspberry. Now let’s get going, slowpoke. We have a picnic to get to.” And I’m really looking forward to what happens after we eat, or heck, even when we eat.

  “After, you will be calling me Winner.”

  “Whiner. I can call you that since that’s what you’ll do when I win.” Bella laughed.

  “Acting like you didn’t hear what I actually said won’t make you win.” Morgan revved then took off, driving around the trees and into the forest.

  Bella did the same and sped off behind him. She laughed, eager to get back so she could get her seduction of Morgan going.

  * * * *

  “When did my seduction ideas go so wrong?” Bella muttered, staring at the back of Morgan’s head.

  “Did you say something, Bella?” Morgan turned slightly on the trail to look at her.

  She caught up with him then answered, “No.” Nothing I want to share. “It’s a beautiful day today.” The late April day was unseasonably warm for New York and they were enjoying it.

  “It is.” Morgan placed his arm around her waist, resting his hand on her hip.

  Bella stifled a moan at his touch. Seven weeks since they had started dating and Morgan had this way of touching her at random times, making her want to rip his clothing off. Long weeks of nothing but slight touches and many deep kisses had her primed for him. She’d tried everything to let him know she was ready, but Morgan hadn’t taken any of her hints. You’re known to be blunt. Why not just tell him?

  Hell if I know. Bella had no idea why she didn’t just come out and say so when she wanted him. It was baffling because she wasn’t usually one not to let others know what she wanted.

  “I’m glad we were able to do this.”

  “Me too. I know you’ve wanted to go hiking for weeks here in Couric Park.” Bella rested her hand on his chest. “Although it’s been cold for it, I was willing to give it a try.”

  “Yeah, you were. But work, yours and mine, kept getting in the way. Then the snow and cold. It was like something was conspiring against us.”

  Not just for hiking. In the weeks they’d been together, they had spent as much time as they could with each other. Since their snowmobile adventure, which Morgan had won and gloated about it too, he’d picked their next date. After that, the tone had been set. Sometimes when they were doing something that one of them could win, they would place bets on the winner. Whoever won got to pick what date they went on next. When there was no wager, one of them figured something out for them to do. It was so easy to be with him and she enjoyed each time. Their dates were often shortened by either of them being called away for their professions. It was as if something was trying to keep them apart. When they had been able to finish their dates, she’d been left frustrated, waiting for him to take the lead for them to progress to more intimate things.

  “Yeah, there seems to have been.” Bella chuckled ruefully.

  “At least we’re here today.” Morgan turned her in his arms. “How’s the planning for the seventies event at your club coming along?”

  “Just one more week and it will be over. All the last minute things are ready. We’re just waiting for the day to happen.” Bel
la lifted up on her toes and gave him a peck. “It’s going to be so awesome.”

  “You have that twinkle in your eye like when you are up to something.”

  “I’m not up to something.”

  Morgan’s look clearly said he didn’t believe her. With the weeks they had been together, Bella couldn’t fault him for not buying what she said.

  She sighed. “Okay, I am, but I can’t tell you. I want it to be a surprise to everyone.”

  “Okay.” Morgan tweaked her nose. “You’re so sexy when you plan mischief.”

  “I know.” She wrinkled her nose. “It’s a gift.”

  “I have to go in for my last fitting for my seventies clothing.” Morgan blew out a breath. “Christ, listen to me saying that. How did I let you talk me into going to Simply Essential to get clothing?”

  “Humph, I didn’t need to do much convincing. When you heard many of the men we both know were getting custom clothing, you wanted to get some too.” She tapped her finger on her lip. “As I recall, and I quote, ‘I can’t let the other guys show me up’. Since all of you are keeping mum about what you are wearing, I can’t wait to see what you all came up with.” Bella hugged him. “I know you’ll be handsome no matter what.”

  “And you will be all seventies diva, I’m sure.” Morgan squeezed her gently then released her. “Now let’s finish our hike so I can then take you home and impress you with my culinary abilities.”

  That’s not the abilities I want to see. Bella cleared her throat. “Sounds good. What are you making?”

  “I’m still not telling you.” Morgan smiled. “It’s a surprise.”

  “No fair. My keeping something I have planned at the event secret isn’t the same.” Bella laughed, linking arms with him as they walked. “I told you what I was making when we had dinner at my place.” She was referring to a few days ago when they had finally got around to her cooking for him.

  “And the potato stuffing and rosemary orange chicken were delicious.” Morgan smiled ruefully. “Sorry I had to leave for an emergency so quickly.”

  “Stop apologising.” Bella shrugged. “It was your job calling.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for leaving the leftovers for me on my porch.” Morgan grinned. “It tasted even better heated up.”

  “You’re welcome.” Bella rested her head against the side of his shoulder.

  They kept hiking on the path away from everyone deep within Couric Park. As they walked, they talked about random things and later as they went to his house, their conversation was easy, as it usually was. Soon they were inside. Morgan went to work right away on their meal. Bella braced her bare feet on the rung at the bottom of the high-backed stool and leaned against the cushioned surface as she watched him move around the kitchen. Morgan whistled under his breath as he cut up chicken before he cleaned his hands and went to stir the bubbling pot on the stove. Bella inhaled deeply then moaned. Morgan stopped and stared at her.

  “You’re trying to seduce me with stuffing.” Not that you need to. I’m yours already, just take me, now.

  “I’m sure it’ll take more than that.” He smiled.

  “Probably. But watching you cook makes me want to drag you to my cave by your hair and keep you there.” Bella put her elbows on the island counter then braced her chin on her knuckles.

  “You have that backward. It’s usually the caveman who drags the woman to his lair and keeps her.” Morgan set the chicken in the baking dish along with other ingredients and stirred.

  “This is the twenty-first century and times have changed.” Bella wiggled her eyebrows. “I’m a progressive woman and taking you to my lair has a certain appeal.”

  When she said that, Bella straightened and stared at him. Morgan continued to prepare the meal as he spread the stuffing over the mixture in the pan, covering the mixture on the bottom. He quickly took the dish and slid it into the pre-heated oven before turning to her.



  “You have this look on your face.” Morgan gestured.

  “What look?”

  “I’m not sure how to interpret it.” Morgan came around the counter and leaned beside her.

  “How long until the food is finished?” Bella sat forward, closer to him.

  “About forty minutes or so. Why? Are you hungry?”

  “Yes,” she replied, gaze on his mouth.

  “I can make you a snack.” Morgan turned.

  “No need. I’ll wait.” She stopped him by touching his arm.

  “Okay.” Morgan stared at her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”


  “Want to watch some TV while we wait? Or listen to some music?”

  “Either.” She glanced at the oven, willing it to cook faster.

  “Let’s go to the living room then.” Morgan helped her out of the chair and across the room. Bella looked back at the oven as he led her out. When they were settled, Morgan turned on the TV and started flipping channels.

  “What do you want to see?”

  You naked and ready for me. She made a humming sound and Morgan took that as her acceptance to watch what he’d found on TV. She watched Castle while glancing at the clock and watching the minutes tick by. When there were ten minutes left, she sat forward and tapped her fingers on her knees. The time slowly passed and Bella stood as it hit forty minutes.

  “I’ll take out the food.” She hurried to the kitchen. Immediately she went to the stove and turned it off. Bella quickly grabbed the pot holders then took out the food and set it on the counter before pivoting to go back the way she had come.

  “When you said you loved stuffing, I had no idea,” Morgan spoke as he entered the kitchen.

  “Stuffing is good. But there is something even better.” She walked towards him.

  Morgan’s eyes narrowed then he smiled. The wolfish grin made Bella’s heart race. She began to close the distance between them and he met her partway. They came together and he kissed her, hungry and claiming. Bella opened, sucking in his tongue and lifting her leg around his waist. Morgan cupped her ass and held her close, rocking between her legs. Bella whimpered at the sweet motion of him against her. It changed to a sound of frustration as she wanted more friction and skin. She pulled away from their kiss.

  “This isn’t my house, but I’m taking you to my lair.” Bella chuckled. “We’re taking this to your bedroom.” She lowered her leg and pulled his hand off her ass, grabbing it and leading him back out of the kitchen.

  From the tour he’d given her earlier, she knew the way to his room. They went up the stairs then right on the landing to the room at the end of the hall.

  Morgan turned her to him and kissed her thoroughly before he said, “My house. My lair.”

  The possessive note in his tone thrilled her. He opened the door and pushed her backward as he undressed her. Bella trusted him to make sure she didn’t bump into anything as she went to work on his clothing. She yanked off his T-shirt and raised her hands as he did hers. They both worked on each other’s jeans. Bella wiggled her hips as he slid his hand into the side of her jeans and removed the garment as well as her underwear. She freed him of his jeans then kicked her clothing away and watched as he did the same. She paused, taking in his muscled frame, her mouth watering at the sight. Morgan stepped forward and pulled her close, tucking her along his body. Bella shivered as their skin met.

  “Bella.” Morgan’s deep voice resonated against her chest.

  He walked backwards, moving her with him as he kissed the underside of her jaw then licked before teasing his teeth along the flesh. Bella moaned, tightening her hold on his waist. Morgan stopped, turning then laying her gently on the mattress. Bella opened her thighs, rocking her ass against the bed as she stared up into his eyes.

  Morgan lay over her and kissed her before he trailed kissed down her chin then her collarbone. She lifted her head, giving him better access. He repeated the caress from earlier, setting her pulse racing. Bella gripped his shoulde
rs, moving with him and moaning. He licked directly between her full breasts then went to the right one. He nibbled the skin then her nipple. Circling the beaded nub, he sucked it in deeply.

  “Morgan.” She arched, gripping the back of his neck. “Please.”

  He continued plying the nipple, driving her higher into a frenzy. Morgan went to the left breast then did the same. Wetness filled her pussy and she rubbed her bare feet along his calves. Morgan slid his hand between them, moving along her stomach then to the top of her pussy just above her clit before pushing a finger deep into her moistness.

  “Yes.” Bella grinned as she rocked against his finger, grinding to get more friction. “More.”

  Morgan took her urging and added another finger then quickly another, plunging in and out of her. Bella arched, tightening her inner walls on his digit. Morgan shifted to go down her body and kissed her belly before he went lower. She clenched her toes, waiting in anticipation. He licked the sensitive nub and along her pussy, making her groan loudly. He quickened the thrusting of his fingers. Morgan sucked her and touched her and the dual sensation bombarded Bella.

  “Yes.” She breathed in and out. “Please, I need.”

  Morgan stopped and moved over her. She grunted in frustration. He reached over to the side and opened a drawer. In moments, he pulled out a condom and donned it before settling between her open thighs. In one thrust, Morgan filled her.

  “Morgan.” She gripped his shoulders, staring into his eyes.

  Morgan’s gaze was fierce as he pushed in and out of her. She held him as he plunged into her, countering his rhythm. The passion rose and she held on as he took her with a possessiveness that left her breathless.

  “Bella.” Morgan’s tone was one of demand.

  She tightened around him and he shook, moving inside her faster. Bella dug her nails into his shoulders. Morgan’s body rippled under her touch as he continued to stroke. She smoothed her hands down his sides then cupped his ass, pulling him deeper into her. With each glide, the pleasure built. She stiffened as she came, moaning. Morgan kissed her, swiping his tongue into her mouth.


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