More than Temptation

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More than Temptation Page 9

by Taige Crenshaw

  “What?” Morgan stared at her, frowning.

  “Oh, maybe you would mind me meeting your friends.” Bella shrugged. “Text them back and we can go home. Let me get some of my favourite candy and yours from Storm.” She turned away.

  Morgan grabbed her arm then pulled her to face him. “Wait. Don’t rush off like that.” He slid his arms around her. “I do want you to meet my friends, but I had plans.” He lowered his voice. “Naked plans.”

  “I remember.” Bella kissed him on the chin.

  “Do you really want to go to a bar to hang out with my friends?” Morgan asked.

  “Sure.” Bella rubbed her finger along the dimple in his cheek. “Maybe they have some stories you don’t want anyone to know about that they can share.”

  “That’s not making me inclined to agree for us to go.” Morgan kissed the tip of her nose. “But I’ll make the sacrifice of them sharing my embarrassing stories and we’ll go. Let me text them and let them know. Later we will fulfil our naked plans.”

  “I can’t wait.” Bella pulled away. “Let me get our candy.”

  “Make sure you get the syrups we talked about.”

  “Of course.” Bella headed off to the section of the store that had the syrups.

  Morgan sent off the text then went after her.

  * * * *

  Morgan passed where he worked in the firehouse and the police precinct across the street, as he drove down Delko Street.

  “Why is the place called RM Bar?” Bella drummed her fingers on the seat between them.

  “After the owner, Richard Maxfield. He’s an ex-firefighter and cop. When he left the force about six years ago, he opened the bar.”

  “He was both a firefighter and a cop?”

  “Yes.” Morgan made the turn into the parking lot then found a space before speaking again. “He worked at Delko Street Firehouse as a firefighter first then changed to the Singleton Police Department and became a cop right across the street from his old firehouse. He was climbing the ranks fast and was expected to be the youngest Commissioner of Police, but he just left. No one knows why and he never said.” Morgan shrugged. “He’s a close friend.”

  “Now that makes me curious.” Bella looked at the bar through the windshield. “This is a big place for a bar.”

  “Richard picked it because of the size and the location to both his old house and precinct. He said he knew his buddies from the fire department and the force would keep him in business. That others from other stations and houses he’s known through his career would come in for some good drinks, food and enjoying times with each other. He was well liked and respected by both, which is a hard balance. And he was right—law enforcement and fire personnel come from all over Singleton and beyond to his place. They know they can have fun with their fellow brothers in arms. On the shitty days as well as just the regular ones. He also figured he would also get the hospital personnel too, due to location. He gets others coming in, but the majority are in one of those professions.”

  “Why haven’t I ever heard of this place?” Bella frowned. “From the direction we came, I’ve been in this area a lot but never even noticed this place. Isn’t Singleton Hospital about twenty minutes from here?”

  “Yep. Location and camaraderie between police, firefighter and hospital makes this the place to hang out.” Morgan got out before opening Bella’s door for her.

  She held on to his arm as she exited the vehicle. Morgan closed the door then led her across the lot. He glanced around and noticed a few off-duty cops and some firefighters he knew from other houses also headed for the door of the bar. Morgan lifted a hand in acknowledgement to their greetings. At the door, they went in and Morgan moved to the side and paused to let Bella take it in. There were tables scattered throughout and booths along the wall. Waiters and waitresses navigated the room serving people and taking orders. In the back was the game room and off to the right of that was a dance floor, which had a raised stage for performances, but during regular times there was a jukebox people put money in so they could dance. A bar was set along the entire wall of the right side of the room. The stools at the counter were filled with people drinking, eating and talking. Beyond the bar was a double door, which Morgan knew led to the kitchens. Low music played in the room so that people could actually talk to each other without shouting.

  “This is much different than I expected. The rich colours and theme make the place feel so comfortable and welcoming.” Bella slid her hand around his waist.

  “I like coming here.” Morgan had no clue what she was referring to. “No idea about theme and such.”

  “Do they make wings?” Bella bounced on her feet. “I love wings.”

  “Really?” Morgan hadn’t known that. “The wings here are fabulous.”

  “Yeah, love wings. I’ve had them all over the world. Dris, our bands and I all love them. We compare which places are the best. We used to offer suggestions to each other for places to try when we travelled to various countries.” Bella smacked her lips. “I’m looking forward to seeing how the wings here compare.”

  Morgan was used to her causally mentioning her career, but it still seemed surreal to him that she was actually considered famous.

  “Did I mention that I finally looked you up?”

  “You did?” Bella scowled. “What did you look at?”

  “Your biography on one of those music networks, videos, fan boards and all sorts of things.” Morgan squeezed her. “Do you know your fans are still wishing you would come out of retirement? The performance you did with Driscoll at the event was on YouTube and the speculation is rampant you all are planning to come out of retirement together. And the most interesting thing I found was…” He deliberately let it hang.

  “Not happening for either I or Driscoll.” Bella shook her head adamantly. “Driscoll still writes music for others, but he won’t come out of retirement. He might even sing on someone’s album as a secondary vocal, but he won’t go back to performing professionally again. As for myself, I do sometimes write for others and lend my vocals to albums here or there, but I’m not going back.”

  “I know that, but it was interesting seeing the speculation.”

  “Hmm… There is something else you left off.” Bella made a ‘come on’ motion with her hand. “Let me have what outrageous thing they are saying.”

  “How do you know it is outrageous?”

  “I’m accustomed to it.” Bella shook her head. “I’ve had people make assumptions I was on drugs, a drunk, a diva who fires people for getting me the wrong drink and my being pregnant just to name a few. So believe me, nothing you say will shock me.”

  “They said that you both would come out of retirement and finally admit after all these years that you and Driscoll are a couple. That you all do the wild thing on a regular basis.” Morgan grinned.

  “That same old thing. No matter how much we deny it, people believe Dris and I have this illicit secret affair going on.” Bella rolled her eyes. “I have no idea why they believe that.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  Bella looked at him, confused.

  Morgan chuckled. “I guess you are serious. When you all perform, you have some serious chemistry. It’s like you’re inviting the listener to be a voyeur in your bedroom.”

  “Please, that’s just performing. That doesn’t mean every time a performer sings a love song with someone else they are fucking. Or an actor or actress when they do a love scene that they are screwing their co-star. Yes, it happens, but not every time.” Bella blew out an exasperated breath. “I’m glad you at least didn’t believe it.”

  “Of course I didn’t. I’ve been around you and Driscoll to know you all are more brother and sister than anything else.” Morgan kissed her briefly. “Besides, I know who you are doing the wild thing with on a regular basis.”

  “And he is a sexy man who fulfils all my wild tendencies.” Bella patted him on the chest. “Now get me some wings.”

an chuckled and led her towards the bar. As they arrived, someone left and they squeezed into the space. Morgan greeted the men and women he knew and waited for someone to notice them. A man glanced towards them then lifted his hand.

  “Richard will be here in a moment,” he told Bella.

  “That’s Richard?” Bella’s surprise was plain in her tone.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “He looks younger than I thought he would. He’s your age,” Bella replied.

  “Yes he is.” Morgan wondered why she would think different.

  “From his being a firefighter then cop and possibly becoming Commissioner, I’d expected someone older,” Bella said.

  “Youngest Commissioner,” Morgan said.

  Richard came towards them and paused. “Hey, Morgan. Haven’t seen you in here for a while.”

  “Been busy, Rich. Sorry, I’ve been meaning to call. This is B—”

  “I know, Bella Locke.” Richard held out a hand. “I’ve been to your concerts when you performed here in Singleton, as well as in Madison Square Garden. They were phenomenal. It’s a shame you retired. But I hear you still sing at your place—Bella’s. I haven’t been lucky enough to get in on the nights you do.”

  “Thanks. Any time you come by, just let the guard know I said let you in. I’ll leave your name at the door.” Bella shook his hand.

  “Great.” Richard grinned, leaning closer. “Maybe sometime I could convince you to perform on my stage by the dance floor over there.”

  “It’d take something very convincing.” Bella chuckled. “I hear you make some mean wings. I have to warn you I’ve had wings all over the world and to tempt my taste buds you have to be good.”

  “That’s a challenge then.” Richard smiled a wicked grin. “How about we set a little wager? If the wings I get you stack up against any you have had before, you sing for your supper. Tonight. Deal?” He put out his hand.

  Morgan bit his lip, not warning Bella what she was in for.

  “Deal.” She shook his hand. “Bring it on.”

  “Okay. I’ll bring them to you.” Richard looked at him. “The guys are in the back.”

  Morgan nodded and led Bella towards the game room. As they walked, he paused to say hi to people he knew and Bella also greeted a few of them. When they finally arrived at the back room, he went to one of the pool tables in the large area. He introduced Bella to his friends from the firehouse.

  “Mike.” He hugged Michelle. “What are you doing here?”

  “Seems like someone told the guys I was back.” She poked Morgan in the side. “Richard called me today and said I better come show my face before he comes and hunts me down.” Michelle laughed. “He had no idea I worked at Bella’s. We somehow missed each other when he came by the club. Anyway, here I am to show my face. I was roped into playing with the guys. They said you were coming.”

  “Come on, Mike,” a female firefighter called. “Stop your yapping, it’s your shot.”

  “I’m being summoned.” Michelle hugged Bella. “Don’t let these crazy people suck you in. Run while you can.”

  “Too late, she is ours,” the people around the pool table all said at once.

  Morgan and Bella laughed. He leaned against the wall and held her in front of him as they watched the game. When it was their turn, Morgan observed as Bella leaned over, making her jeans hug her ass as she bent to take her shot. He held back a groan, debating how long they had to be social before they could leave. Bella hit the ball with her cue. Morgan shifted his attention to the table and his mouth fell open as the balls sank into the holes of the table. Bella strolled over to him and put her finger under his chin, pushing up to close his mouth.

  “There are a lot of bars we went to in our downtime,” Bella whispered as she walked by.

  “Damn, Morgan, you brought a ringer with you,” Kennan said.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t know I could play. Julianne can too.” Bella patted Kennan. “Where is she, anyway?”

  “She’s on her way. A meeting ran late.” Kennan frowned. “Julianne pays pool? Usually when we come here she plays darts.”

  “She prefers that game. But she’s a mean pool player too. Haven’t you realised by now our family is very sports and game orientated, so we play lots of things? And with us being so competitive, we work to excel at it.” Bella bent again and took another shot.

  Morgan didn’t say anything as she cleared the table. The firefighters and the others who were playing at the various tables came closer to watch.

  “I should have known you were grabbing all the attention, Bella.” Julianne pushed through the crowd and hugged her cousin.

  “Just showing these kind folks how to play pool.” Bella smirked. “Do you want to give me some competition?”

  “Oh, boy, I know that look on Julianne’s face,” Kennan said as he sat on one of the other stools at the table.

  “I know the one on Bella’s,” Morgan replied. “There is going to be fun watching them match skills.”

  “Hundred says Jules wins,” Kennan said.

  “I’ll put a hundred on Bella,” Morgan said.

  Soon the rest of those around them started to get in on the wager.

  “Can you believe these fine, upstanding officers of the law are betting on us?” Bella glanced around the room.

  “Yes, I can, and their favouring me shows they are smart.”

  “Tsk, tsk, Jules, you will regret those words.” Bella gestured regally. “I’ll let you have the handicap of breaking because that will be the only time you will get a shot.”

  “Hah. You wish. I’ll take stripes.” Julianne racked the balls then got a cue and readied her shot.

  She hit the balls and they flowed across the table. When they started whooshing in the pockets, Morgan thought Bella would surely lose. Julianne finally missed then Bella strode over to Morgan where he had taken a seat at a table with a high-backed stool. She lifted up on her toes slightly then kissed him gently. The people in the room hooted.

  “For luck.” Bella winked.

  “I don’t think you need it, my Bella.” Morgan stroked his finger down her nose.

  She walked to the table then leaned over and took her shot. As soon as she did, Morgan knew she would win. In a smooth shot, she started clearing the table. One by one, the solid balls went in then Bella did a twirl and lined up for her last shot. Bella lifted her head and met his gaze. When the cue hit the ball, Morgan stared into her eyes and in that moment, he realised he did after all know how to answer Storm’s question. He was indeed serious about the lovely woman who had worked her way into his thoughts and who he couldn’t wait to be near. The room erupted in cheers and groans as Bella’s ball sank into the pocket.

  She straightened and winked again at him before she turned to Julianne. They slapped hands then hugged. The women laughed and when the crowd surrounded them, Morgan lost sight of Bella.

  “She is a hell of a woman,” Kennan said.

  “I know.”

  “You’re a lucky bastard to have her.” Kennan pushed at his shoulder. “You better appreciate her.”

  “Not you too. I’ve already got the threat from her brothers to treat her right or they will find ways to make my life hell.” Morgan chuckled. “I’d never met Rowan until today and he is one—”

  “Intense and scary man.” Kennan shuddered slightly. “I know. When I met him the first time, I had to resist my instinct to pull my gun.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I felt too.” Morgan stared at the crowd. “I wonder if his family realizes the vibes of danger he puts off.”

  “I think they do. Julianne made a comment to me that her cousin Rowan and her sister Simone are the ones that people are more cautious around and some give a wide berth to. I haven’t met her sister yet, since she is deployed, but she is coming home to be stationed here in Singleton with her team.” Kennan shrugged. “I’m going to see if what she says is true about her. I’m figuring it is, since it is about Rowan.”

>   “Every time I turn around it seems that there are more Lockes.”

  “Yeah. I told Julianne the same thing. With cousins by marriage, friends who are family and so on, there are many of them.” Kennan slapped him on the shoulder. “Welcome to the family.”

  Morgan’s heart clenched then steadied. He didn’t know what to say and thankfully before he had to reply, Bella and Julianne came out of the crowd. The women sat on each of the two remaining stools. Bella leaned against him.

  “What are you going to do with your winnings?”

  “Once we split it between those who bet on you, I’m going to treat the woman who made me get the windfall of cash.” Morgan turned and accepted his share of the winnings from the one who had taken the cash for the bets. “What shall we do with this?”

  “Dune buggy race.”

  “What?” Morgan said.

  “We can have a dune buggy race with some of the family and friends on the beach then have a picnic and bonfire later. Each of the family have a dune buggy.” Bella looked at Julianne. “How about end of July? That gives us about nine or so weeks to plan it.”

  “Sounds good.” Julianne bit her lip. “We can ask people to all ante up some funds for food and prizes and so on.”

  “Sounds like a start of a plan. We’ll meet up with some folks to plan it.” Bella turned to Morgan and wiggled her fingers. “Gimme.”

  He handed her the money. Bella took off two bills then gave the rest back to Morgan before handing Julianne the two she had taken.

  “Here is Morgan’s and my share.” Bella returned to leaning against him.

  Morgan’s head was spinning at how she was making plans already for July. It was a while away, but it felt good that she was already thinking for them so far in advance. He opened his mouth to tell her so but a plate slid onto the table before them. Morgan met Richard’s gaze and he smirked. Morgan stifled a laugh, knowing Bella was in for a treat.

  “Your wings, madam.” Richard crossed his arms over his chest.

  “The awesome ones.” Bella rubbed her hands together and pulled the plate Richard had set on the table before her. “Jules, Rich here thinks he can make me sing for my supper with his wings. I did tell him I’ve had wings all over and they have to be fabulous to get me to do that.”


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