by Tobie Easton
“Seriously?” Clay looks at me like I just saved his first-born child, hazel eyes shining with unexpected glee. “How are you this perfect?”
“You’re just lucky, I guess.” Then, more seriously, “You really like it?”
“Lia, I love it!” He grabs me to him in a hug and kisses my hair. When he pulls back, he says, “And I love you.” He brings our lips together for the first time tonight, and all the desire I’ve felt for him throughout the day crests within me. I pour it into that kiss, telling him with the press of my lips how very much he means to me. Then, the second our mouths separate, I tell him the words.
“Jun elskeen nai.” I love you.
“Jun elskeen nai,” Clay repeats. “I can’t wait to play my guitar here. I’m so excited. Thank you.”
“Maybe you can even put on a concert or something. I bet people would be interested in hearing it.”
“That would be so cool! Maybe after we get back from Greece?” Clay twirls me, and I catch a glimpse of my parents chatting merrily with Caspian’s parents at the high table. I’ll miss them this summer, but I’m thrilled to finally get some much-needed alone time with Clay. Especially because, once our freshman year starts, we’ll both be at different schools, so we’ll probably only get to see each other on weekends. But I’m not complaining; I just consider myself lucky Clay insisted on staying in California.
“Speaking of our trip,” I say, once we’re facing each other again, dancing palm-to-palm, “we should add Santorini and Crete to the list. That way we can visit both the ruins of the Palace of Knossos Above—which is way famous—and the old remnants of Atlantis Below.”
“I’m in,” Clay says. “This trip is going to be so epic.”
“The first of many,” I promise him.
Over Clay’s shoulder, I spot Aunt Rashell and Uncle Kai dancing, and behind them, Lapis practically inhales Beck’s face after he brings her up from a complicated series of dips. Em and Leo finally join us all in the dance arena, and Em catches my eye, nodding toward an alcove in the back of the room where Lazuli looks mighty cozy with some Merman I don’t recognize but who has a really nice—
“What are you looking at?” Clay asks curiously when he sees me staring off into the distance.
“I love how happy everyone is tonight,” I say. What? It’s true. He dips me over one arm, and when I straighten I say, “There’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about. You know how earlier you said you couldn’t believe any of this was real?”
“Now that you know it’s real, how do you feel?”
His gaze wanders the glittering ballroom for a few seconds. “Magical,” he says at last.
“What about when you first found out? We talked a lot about how you felt about me, but what about the rest of it? When you first found out Mer existed, did you feel bad or angry or anything?”
His eyes narrow as he tries to figure out what I’m getting at. “At first, I felt sort of lied to, but pretty soon I was just interested in learning more.”
I nod. “That’s what I thought,” I say, half to myself.
“Lia, what’s this about?”
“I keep thinking about what Ondine said. About how as human technology improves, it’s only a matter of time until Merkind is discovered.”
“I hate that she scared you,” Clay says. “Protecting Mer secrecy was Ondine’s obsession. You told me that.”
“Yeah, but she was right. She was right that it’s only a matter of time. But … I think she was wrong about secrecy being the answer.”
Clay tilts his head. “What do you mean?”
“There’s a reason Ondine and Mr. Havelock’s plan required destroying the human world in order split our worlds apart and protect Mer secrecy. I don’t think our worlds are supposed to exist without each other.” They shouldn’t, but right now we’re keeping them separate. “Sooner or later, we’re going to have to accept that. All of us.”
Clay spins me away then back in again in time to the music. “What do you mean, accept it?”
“Right now, the kingdom’s plan is to pour all these resources into finding new ways for us to stay hidden. But that’ll just prolong the inevitable. And anyway, we shouldn’t have to hide.”
That gleaming image that Ondine’s words painted of Merfolk out in the open has taken shape in my mind and become a living, breathing thing, just as all the times I spent sunning my tail out on the rocks of the lagoon at Sea Daughters Academy now live and breathe in my memory. That’s how life should be.
I lock eyes with Clay. “I want to find a way for Mer to come out of hiding and live in peace with humans.”
Voicing my plan out loud for the first time infuses it with power. It makes it so much more real than it seemed in my head. I want to help Merkind emerge into the sunlight.
To his credit, Clay only floats there with water flowing in above his dropped jaw for a few seconds before he shakes off the shock and says, “Well, we certainly have the time.”
“Right? That’s what I thought.” I practically squeal, my heart beating faster now and my breath starting to flutter as excitement builds. “We have buckets of time to get Mer used to the idea. And humans, too. I don’t know how we’ll do it yet, but I have a couple ideas for where we could start.” My voice picks up speed to match my thoughts, which dive and splash with possibilities. “I know having Mer see you and get to know you will be pivotal. Who better to speak on behalf of a peaceful, open alliance with humans than someone who was a human and has embraced the Mer world wholeheartedly through love instead of violence?”
Clay puffs up at that, and I press another kiss to his lips—full of passion and power—before continuing. “And it’ll be a huge help that a whole segment of my generation grew up on land with human friends. By the time they’re grown up, Merkind will be more primed for a move like this than we ever have before. In the meantime, maybe once we get permission for you to tell your mom, the next fantasy series she writes can be about Mermaids. About how we really live, and how some of us have even lived alongside humans. She’ll sell it as fiction, obviously, but it could, y’know, help lay the groundwork for getting humans used to the idea of us. And then, I don’t know, I could use the fancy law school education I’m going to get to start figuring out how to repeal the Secrecy Edict.”
Pure awe shines on Clay’s face. It makes me feel special. Then he leans in—quick since we’re still in the middle of the dance arena—and nips at my earlobe in a way that sends electricity jolting down to my fins. “Did I ever tell you it’s hot how ambitious you are?”
“You know how much I like a project.” I’m aiming for jokey, but the words come out breathy instead. I use the next twirl to run my fins along his. “Especially the impossible ones.”
“I know,” he tells me with a smile. Then he bites his lip. “You, you do like it, right? My tail? The colors and everything?”
I squeeze the hand that’s holding mine as we dance, the music slowing from an allyjull to a romantic, sweeping allydriss. “It’s my favorite tail of all tails ever.” I meet his gaze, my other hand cupping his cheek. “It matches your eyes.”
And wouldn’t you know it, that brings on Return of the Smirk. “I knew it,” he says. “You can’t resist me, Nautilus.”
“And I don’t have to,” I say.
Not anymore.
As the music swells, Merfolk swirl all around us on their jeweled tails, decked in their finest gemstones, the ballroom sparkling in the chandelier light. Clay pulls me closer against him as we sway to the melody, his hands splayed where my skin meets my scales, my arms around his neck. He kisses me again, with all the power of our first kiss—and the kiss we shared a minute ago and all the kisses in between. I taste his lips, certain in the knowledge that I want to spend eternity kissing him.
We fall into each other then, tails and fates intertwined, in a kiss as deep and fathomless as the sea itself.
Etallee Leedis (Pronunciation Guide) for Clay
Dear Melusine,
When you have the opportunity, would you mind reviewing this latest list of Mermese vocabulary that I plan to give Clay? I would appreciate your thoughts as well as any suggestions you may have. Thank you. I’m most looking forward to our excursion in the courtyard this evening.
Warmest regards,
Caspian Zayle
Let’s be perfectly clear: I know you’re only asking in an attempt to involve me in helping Clay. However, as it’s a smart tactic and I appreciate such devious efforts on principle, I will indeed look over this list, provided you find some way to make it up to me. I’ll give you my notes on it tonight—plan to come to my room after the courtyard to pick them up. Clay’s pronunciation is still atrocious, so be sure to remind him to elongate double vowels, stretch out his S’s, and endow his words with a musical quality (if he’s capable). I’m sure you’ll find a nice way to say it. By the way, have I mentioned I like your penmanship?
For Review:
Allydriss: ALLEY(rhymes with “galley”)-DRISS(rhymes with “hiss”), noun
- A graceful Mer dance with a calming melody and slow steps that is performed in pairs on formal occasions
Allytrill: ALLEY(as in “Don’t swim down that dark alley!”)-TRILL(rhymes with “thrill”), noun
- A graceful Mer dance with an upbeat tempo that is performed in pairs on formal occasions
Daniss: DAHN(rhymes with “prawn”)-ISS, noun
- A chancellor assigned control of an ocean principality by the crown
Esslee: ESS(rhymes with “mess”)-LEE, noun
- A chain of pearls made from tears shed over a specific event to commemorate or memorialize the experience. Esslee are cherished possessions.
Glei Elskee: GLY(rhymes with “my”) ELLE(as in the name “Elle” or the letter “L”)-SKI(as in the human winter sport), noun or adjective
- Literally translated: same-love; refers to homosexuality and homosexual relationships
Konklili: KAWN(rhymes with “dawn”)-KLEE-LEE, noun
- A shell imbued with recorded voices that Mer can listen to by holding the shell up to the ear; a Merbook
Lenlitli: LEN(rhymes with “Mermen”)-LEET(rhymes with “fleet”)-LEE, noun
- A male participant in a wedding chosen by the groom to offer emotional support and perform various nuptial activities; a groomsman
Nii nai sillis suzallis: NEE NY(rhymes with “my”) SILL-ISS(rhymes with “abyss”) SOO-ZAHL(rhymes with “call,” as in “the call of the ocean”)-ISS
- Literally translated: “A pleasure to encounter you”; a traditional Mer greeting to use upon meeting someone for the first time
Olee: OH(rhymes with “row”)-LEE(rhymes with “sugar kelp tea”), noun
- An endearing word for grandmother, similar to grandma, granny, or nana
Qokkiis: QUO(as in “status quo”)-KISS(as in what lips do at sunset), noun
- Kitchen
Siluess: SILL-YOU-ESS(rhymes with “guess”), noun
- A traditional chest covering worn by Mer women
Spillu: SPILL-EW(rhymes with “fish stew”), noun
- A Mer game of skill and strategy played on a board of alternating light and dark panels that are equipped with clips to keep the game pieces from floating away
Tallimymee: TALLY(rhymes with “valley”)-MY(as in “Those are my swim trunks.”)-MAY
- The most respectful form of thank you; usually directed at elders
Udell: U(rhymes with “woo”)-DELL, noun or adjective
- A Merperson who has a hateful, prejudiced view of humans
- Describing such a Merperson
- Describing such anti-human prejudice or behavior
Viriss: VEER(as in “to veer off course”)-ISS, adjective
- Salty; used colloquially Below to mean pleasing or appealing in much the same way the word cool is currently used in the human world
For Advancement:
Allyjull: ALLEY(rhymes with “rally,” as in “to rally support for a cause”)-JUHL(rhymes with “seagull”), noun
- A lively Mer dance with an upbeat tempo that is performed in pairs or alone on formal occasions and can entail a series of complex movements requiring great skill
Allyqall: ALLEY(rhymes with “valley,” as in “Let’s swim down into that valley.”)-QUAHL(rhymes with “ball”), noun
- A lively Mer dance with a jaunty tempo that is performed in pairs or groups on both formal and informal occasions
Beluess: BELL-YOU-ESS(rhymes with “yes”), noun
- The siluess (see definition above) worn by a Mer bride to her wedding, often studded with jewels or precious stones
Besklili: BESS(rhymes with “dress”)-KLEE-LEE, noun
- A shell imbued with recorded voices speaking a short, work-related message that Mer can listen to by holding the shell up to the ear; a memo
Bilriika: BILL-REE-KUH(as in, when Lia says, “Duh!”), noun
- A title of respect given to warriors of the highest caliber
Dal deet roliiga: DAHL(as in “That little girl made her own kelp doll.”) DEET(rhymes with “heat”) ROH(rhymes with “rainbow”)-LEE-GAW(rhymes with “claw”)
- Literally translated: “All the good,” short for “All the good of the new day be with you”; a traditional Mer greeting to use with someone you’ve met on a previous occasion
Frort and frortik: noun and adjective, respectively
- Expletives that are inappropriate for polite company (Clay, you asked about these words, but they’re not ones you need to use, so I’d recommend you skip them and focus your attentions on the rest of this list.)
Gluss: GLUHSS(rhymes with “plus,” as in “I’m bringing a plus one to the wedding.”), noun
- A writing instrument similar to a human pen or quill that is made of seagull or fish bone and dipped in ink
Illdri: ILL(as in “His gills grew sore when he was ill.”)-DREE(rhymes with “knee”), adjective
- Unseemly, improper; most often used to describe showing legs needlessly in public, which some Mer (mostly those Below) deem inappropriate
Jun elskeen nai: JOON ELLE(as in the name “Elle” or the letter “L”)-SKEEN(rhymes with “queen”) NY(rhymes with “sigh”)
- Literally translated: “I love you”; best said to someone only when you’re sincere and when you’re truly ready to hear their honest response
Klaniss: KLAWN(rhymes with “gone”)-ISS, adjective
- A nuanced description that roughly translates to an anticipatory mixture of fear and excitement
Lereean: LEHR(rhymes with “care”)-EE-ON(as in “on an island”), noun
- A position taken for the purposes of educating oneself in a specific profession through work experience; a cross between an internship and an apprenticeship
Lereeti: LEHR-EE-TEE, noun
- Someone currently carrying out a lereean (see definition above)
Litlee: LIT(as in “The human lit a fire.”)-LEE, noun
- Niece
Mod Elskee: MOD(rhymes with “cod”) ELLE(as in the name “Elle” or the letter “L”)-SKI(as in the human winter sport), noun or adjective
- Literally translated: different-love; refers to heterosexuality and heterosexual relationships
Nairolell: NY(rhymes with “lobster pie”)-ROH-LELL(rhymes with “shell”)
- Literally translated: “You have a calm nighttime”/“Calm night to you”; good night
Orstitii: OR(as in, “Would you prefer fish or shellfish?”)-STEE-TEE, noun
- Council or parliament that works in collaboration with the ruling monarchs to govern Merkind
Palian: PAL(as in “Pals help each other learn Mermese.”)-LEE-ON(as in “on a ship”), noun
-The most respectful word for father
tromeela: STROHM(rhymes with “sea foam”)-EEL(as in the kind that lives in dark caves)-UH, noun
-The anthem traditionally played at the coronation of new Mer monarchs
Varellska: VAR(rhymes with “star”)-ELLE(rhymes with “spell”)-SKUH, noun
Voklell: VOHK(rhymes with “spoke”)-LELL(rhymes with “tell”), noun or adjective
-Literally translated: folk, from the ancient word for Merfolk; refers to anyone who doesn’t consider themselves strictly a female Mermaid or a male Merman
Vuditi: VU(rhymes with “true”)-DEE-TEE
-A title of respect given to scholars
Vullrin: VULL(rhymes with “bull,” as in “bullshark”)-RIN(rhymes with “fin”), noun
- Literally translated: a weight; usually a thin slab of a translucent material, such as clear quartz or sea glass, that rests atop the opening of a chest or box to keep the objects inside from floating out when the lid is lifted
We did it! Together, we finished our journey with Lia, Clay, Melusine, and Caspian. Since this is my first series, having the Mer Chronicles complete and out in the world for you to read is in many ways a dream come true. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing that with me.