Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors)

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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) Page 11

by Stella Sky

“I’ll explain it on the way to Rowan,” Lele offered chirpily.

  Reina looked up at me, her beautiful eyes sparkling, looking like it was all too good to be true. “Are you… sure?” she asked, wrapping her arms around me.

  “I have so much to prove. To you, to your family. To everyone.” I meant every word of it. “If you go to Rowan, I want you to go with the man you deserve. The man that I intend to be.”

  “I love you, Oron,” she said, teary eyes as she embraced me. “Thank you.”

  I had a lot to prove, and I would spend every day for the rest of my life proving to Reina that I deserved to be her protector.

  I turned around with my Reina in my arms and felt a new sense of calm overtake my body. This must be what it feels like to be at peace. My eyes roved about the farmlands: the mountain town that we would make our home. Just like the farmland we had inhabited in the not so distant past.

  We both knew that so long as my people hadn’t come to love a human, and her people to love a Vithohn, they would never truly understand our war. And that because we had, one day we wouldn’t belong here anymore. But until then, this would be our home.

  The mountain town never wanted a war. It was something Reina had always told me. The mountain towns were always about peace: not revenge or battle. And I couldn’t picture a more peaceful life than living side by side with Reina. My chosen one.

  The End

  Extra Value

  I hope you have enjoyed the complete series of the Raither Warraiors! To provide as much value as I can to you my lovely readers, I have partnered with my really good friend Maia Starr who is also a passionate Sci Fi Alien Romance author. If you love big sexy dreamy Aliens/Weredragons then you will absolutely LOVE her stuff. I have also some of my own books as a bonus to introduce you to other worlds and series that I have going on. Enjoy !!

  With Love,

  Stella Sky

  Jex (Weredragons Of Tivoso)

  (Weredragons Of Tivoso.)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1

  Captain Jex Kailen

  “Captain Kailen, I want you to report back to Haven Brook in six months’ time,” King Karik said to me.

  I was readying my fleet of ships to head northeast to a human colony.

  “Yes, my king. As you wish,” I said with a bow of my head.

  “If I am not here you will still report. The report will get to me,” he said.

  “Yes, my king. I will not fail you. We will make sure the mission is successful in the region I am assigned, and I will report back the progress to you,” I said.

  “Good. Now you are going northeast and General Razook is going southeast. That should cover the area along the east. I just hope the human colonies Vanessa has told us about are still there,” he said.

  “So do I, my king,” I said.

  “Carry on, Captain. You are free to leave at will. As soon as you and your soldiers are ready, you are cleared to leave on your mission. Best of luck to you, and remember what I told you about the blackness plague and the cure,” he said.

  “I cannot forget that information, my king. It has given me hope that there is still time to save the Veruka race,” I said.

  “It has given me hope as well as your king. Now go and make your king proud, Captain Kailen,” he said. He held out his hand, and I grabbed his forearm, and he grabbed mine. This was the Veruka handshake. He walked away. He was a good king. I was eager to bring him glory and victory. He was a king that you wanted to fight for and there were a few of us that thought of him as a brother, even if not by blood. We followed him to Earth without a second guess. I would see him again.

  I walked around my fleet of ships, inspecting them to make sure they were to the utmost standards. We were going on a long journey. It was not a space travel journey, but it would take many miles to get where we were going. Then I decided I would stretch my wings before being cooped up on the ship. I shifted into weredragon form. My emerald wings spread out behind me and stretched. I pulled my arms over my head and pulled to stretch my muscles. Then I ran at full speed and flew up into the air. My wings flapped the wind getting me higher and higher. I flew fast and hard over the small village of Haven Brook. I wanted to fly until I felt like I could not fly anymore. I inhaled the crisp air of Earth, allowing it to fill my lungs. Then I flew back to the camp. Now I was ready to go on this mission. I rounded up my soldiers for inspections.

  Later, I left with my band of soldiers to find the small colony called Willow Springs. According to Dr. Vanessa Lopez, there were less than one hundred humans in the colony, but that was a couple of years before. A lot could have changed since then and going there was the only way to find out. I needed to get this virus to them, but I also had my own mission.

  Yeah, I was loyal to my king and loyal to accomplishing the mission, but I also had my own plans. I was going to take care of myself, and I needed a human female in order to do that. You see, King Karik had discovered something during our time in the Haven Brook village. He had come down with an illness called the blackness plague, something that our race of Veruka had been dealing with on Tivoso for years.

  It was the reason we had come to Earth in the first place. But we had come to attain the medical knowledge that the humans had that could possibly help us to defeat this illness that was plaguing our weredragon community. But instead, the king stumbled upon the cure. He fell in love with a human female and mated with her. When he did, he found the most extraordinary results.

  Being with the human female gave him an intense feeling of euphoria, complete blissful joy and wellness. But that wasn’t all; he had found that he was cured of the blackness sickness. Being with a human female somehow bonded her DNA to his own. The human genetics somehow cured the illness of the blackness plague inside of him. It was an astounding find that left the Veruka race filled with hope. If you became ill, you simply had to mate with a human female, and you would be cured. But it wasn’t as simple as that. You had to make sure this was a human female that you wanted to mate with for a long time because the two of you would become bonded, inseparable. You would be able to feel her even when she wasn’t near you.

  We were still trying to figure out the complexities of the situation, but one thing was for sure: mating with human females made you resistant against the blackness plague, and because of that, I was going to get me one. I thought of it as a sort of vaccination that would make sure I did not come down with the illness in the first place. That was my real mission in going to the human colony called Willow Springs. If I was going to be surrounded by human females, I might as well get one to mate with me and make sure that I never got this illness in the first place.

  But I had to make sure that it was a human female that enticed me, drove me to complete lust, and was a true match. When I was stationed in Haven Brook, I did not have the time to look for a female because we were under a constant threat of battle by the Clenok cyborgs. I was military elite as a captain, so I had to make sure that I was available and my higher-ranking commanders always had work for me to do. But now that had changed. I was on my own mission. I was in charge. Nothing could stop me now. Now all I had to do was find her.

  Chapter 2

  Helen Maven

  The sunlight gleamed off the water of the bay like sparkling glitter. It was beautiful and peaceful. I was sitting on the banks of a large estate. It was an old, grand home. It was the kind that you read about in the old, old, books, like the Great Gatsby. It was a palatial sprawling mansion with art deco architecture. The mansion was a dark gray color with white accents. There were over twenty bedrooms inside the house, and ten more small cottages around the grounds that were used for servants back in the day. Inside the mansion were chandeliers, marble floors, beautiful, luxurious furnishings, and a big library.

  Outside the house was a small park just outside the west wing of the mansion. Here there were amazing gardens with big trees and flowering vines, herbs, and fruit trees. On the left side of the mansion,
just outside the left wing of the home, was a large swimming pool with many fountains that had now turned green with moss and leaves. The front of the mansion, just off the main road, was a massive brick wall with large shrubs growing all over it. This large wall encompassed the entire property in a horseshoe fashion. The gate was strong, and at one point I am sure that many celebrities and movie stars drove in through those gates to come to this compound. On the open side of the horseshoe wall was where I sat. It was the back of the mansion that had a sprawling green lawn that faced the bay.

  There was a long pier that jutted out from the lawn into the water. This mansion compound was a paradise, or was at one time. Now, Willow Springs was a sanctuary. The great wall was our defense against the Clenok cyborgs that had taken over Earth several years before.

  The park with the fruit and herbs was part of our food resources. The bay protected us from the backside from the Clenok cyborgs that did not travel over water. It was also an evacuation point if the Clenok cyborgs were ever to assault us from the road side; we would evacuate onto boats and leave. We had been fortunate to find this compound and to never be attacked here. It seemed that the Clenok did not know of its existence and we counted our blessings every day for that truth.

  There were only eighty or so people in this compound. It was more than the compound could handle, but we made do by having people share rooms, sometimes three or four to a bedroom to sleep, and turning the mini large massive rooms like the ballroom, the conservatory, and the parlors into bedrooms as well. We were lucky to have access to a library full of books, and an entire bookcase full of survival books that taught us how to create a well for water, treat the water, grow food, and make things like boats and other necessities. We had to all go back to the old ways after computers were banned—those of us humans that were left anyway.

  We did not know how many humans were left on Earth. We were in isolation, and as far as we knew, we were the only humans within a one-hundred-mile radius. We did not dare travel more than thirty miles whenever we needed to go on a supply run, which usually meant breaking into other abandoned homes and taking what resources we could find. If we found a family hiding there, we would invite them to join us at the compound; that had happened two times before in the years that I had been living at Willow Springs with my twin sister Hannah.

  Hannah and I came to the compound by accident. We were vacationing on Long Island in a bed and breakfast at the south end of the island when the first wave of Clenok cyborgs hit our home city of Atlanta, Georgia. We had lost everything: our family and our homes. The city was closed, and all travel had been stopped. There was no way to get home. So we just stayed where we were. At the time, we thought the cyborgs would be crushed in no time by all the militaries of Earth. We knew that eventually, we would be able to leave, but that was not what happened.

  The battles raged on forever, and it seemed to be a stalemate between the cyborgs and the human army. Weeks turned into months, and before we knew it, New York and the entire East Coast was under attack by the cyborgs as well. We had to find shelter, and fast, that was when Hannah and I came across Willow Springs. It wasn’t perfect, like a military underground bunker, but it was the closest thing we could find to something with a wall defense, resources, and other people. So that was where we stayed, and before we knew it months had turned into years and we had been living at Willow Springs while the entire Earth succumbed to the Clenok armies.

  Now, this was my life with my sister and the only thing that mattered was survival and keeping a low profile so that maybe the Clenok armies never found us.

  I sat on the pier overlooking the bay. But I wasn’t sitting for leisure. I was waiting.

  “Don’t worry, Helen; she will come back. They always do,” Erick said as he came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

  A chill ran down my arm; I didn’t like him touching me. It was obvious to me that he looked at me with desire, but I did not reciprocate that feeling. But it was a very complex situation because although Willow Springs did not have an official leader, it was obvious that Erick was in charge. He was an older man of about fifty. He had been a retired Marine, and when he came across Willow Springs, he immediately took charge. It was a good thing; Willow Springs needed structure and leadership just like any system, but the dark side was that he let the power go to his head. He started to act like a king with a temper; everyone was afraid of him, but no one wanted to be kicked out of Willow Springs and forced to survive on their own. So everyone was compliant.

  But I had it harder than everyone else because he had set his eyes on me for whatever reason. I never spoke to him with romance in my voice. But this did not seem to push him away. It only seemed to make him want me more, like I was a challenge, and it was not my intention to make him think that. But he persisted.

  “I am not so sure about that, Erick. I have a bad feeling,” I said.

  “She and the others will return from this supply run. They will find their way back. Supply missions always do,” he said.

  “Yes, but this supply mission is further than we’ve ever gone before. Besides, Hannah is my twin sister. I can feel when something is not right. It is twin intuition,” I said.

  “Not with that again. I have told you many times there is no such thing,” he said.

  “And I have told you many times you are not the all-knowing. Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said getting up to my feet and turning around.

  “Wait. Look!” he shouted. I turned back to him and he was pointing across the bay. I looked and saw a small dot coming down the shoreline. It was a boat, but not one of our boats.

  “What is it? Is it them?” I asked.

  “I’ll take a look!” he shouted as he ran down the pier to the grassy area. That was where we kept a telescope and binoculars. I ran after him. My brown hair tied in a ponytail caught in the breeze because I was running as fast as I could. My heavy boots made a banging sound on the wooden boards of the pier. Finally, I reached the observation platform. Erick was already at the telescope aiming it in that direction. I grabbed binoculars and looked.

  “It is Scott!” Erick shouted.

  “But why is he alone? Where are the others? I don’t see them. He is not in one of our boats either,” I said as I began to shake. This was not good. I knew that something awful had happened. Erick took off running down the shoreline in the direction of the boat. By now the commotion had gone through the complex and people were beginning to run out of the buildings and off of the lawn toward the bay. I ran after Erick down the shore as far as the wall went. We waited as Scott slowly paddled his way toward us. He did not look well. He was injured. Erick grabbed the boat and pulled it ashore. We helped Scott out of the boat.

  “Scott! What happened? Where are the others? Where is my sister?” I shouted in a panic as he laid onto the grass trying to catch his breath. His arm was bleeding.

  “Tourniquet!” Erick shouted. Others were by our side doing their trained responsibilities. We had all learned some survival and medical skills; we had to. As Erick and one other worked on tying off Scott’s arm with clean bandages, I looked at him, searching for answers. Waiting for him to catch his breath and drink the water that was being offered to him.

  “We were ambushed. It was the Clenok. I have never seen anything like it. We fought them off, but most of us died. Some ran off in directions into houses and the woods, and I don’t know where they went. I ran toward the shore bleeding, as you can see. I kept running down the shoreline until I found this small boat tied to a dock. It was night. I was able to quietly paddle this boat back here,” Scott said.

  There was panic and commotion all around as people began to scream in despair. Almost everyone had a family member or significant other that was on that mission. Erick had insisted that I stay and help him with the greenhouse projects that would prepare growing food for the winter season. I never should have given in to him. I looked at Scott, wanting to ask him the question that I did not want the a
nswer to. Was Hannah among the dead, or was she one of the ones he saw run away in different directions? Was she lying dead on that battlefield, or was she wondering the wilderness and suburban areas alone?

  “Scott, my sister? Is she dead?” I asked barely able to get the words out.

  He looked at me strangely. “Neither. You are not going to believe this, but I specifically saw the cyborgs capture Hannah. I don’t know why they would take her. She was surrounded by them, and they had every opportunity to just shoot her the way they were shooting everyone else, but for some reason they took her. They carried her off, and none of us were able to get to her. It was complete chaos. I am sorry, Helen,” he said.

  I stood up in shock. I stood there not knowing what to make of this information. The Clenok cyborgs had never been known to capture humans as far as we knew. It was always a battle to the death on both sides. The commotion around me as people asked Scott about who had died and who had run away so that they could know if their loved ones were also missing in action or dead, had become an echo in the back of my mind. I was in a tunnel as I thought about Helen being in the hands of the ruthless Clenok cyborgs. They had no compassion or sympathy; they were machines after all. They did not think the way that we did; they were calculated logistically and not with emotion. They would not be kind to her, if they even understood the concept of kind.

  “Look! In the sky!” someone shouted so loudly that it pulled me out of my hazy thoughts. Suddenly everyone began to scream in a panic and run in the direction of the house. I looked up into the gray cloudy sky. I was in shock by what I saw, and because of that, I could not move my feet. It was impossible, what I was seeing, therefore I did not believe it. I was still reeling from the fact that my sister had been captured and dealing with that shock, therefore I could not put myself in a state to react to the fleet of spaceships I saw in the sky coming toward us.

  “It’s the Clenok!” I heard someone shout as they ran for the safety of the house. But it did not look like Clenok to me. The Clenok did not have ships, as far as we knew. But what else could this be? It definitely was not human.


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