Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors)

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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) Page 36

by Stella Sky

  “That is good news. What did you want to speak with me about? I hope you are not going to persuade me to try to speak of peace again. We have put that behind us, haven’t we?” He looked at me with anger on his face.

  “I have not come to speak about humans at all. Yes, I have put that behind me. I have come to offer my assistance to you and to the government.”

  He looked at me confused. “I don’t understand your meaning, Miranda.”

  “You know that I held a prominent position on Earth. You know that requires some form of intelligence. You were able to trick me. You captured me and my team. I bow to your intelligence. You are clearly a worthy leader,” I said stroking his ego before my request. He smiled in response.

  “Go on,” he said.

  “I want to use my intelligence against the rebels. I want to join the fight. I want to be active. Clearly, I do not hold a candle to your soldiers. I am not a battlefield fighter, but I am a fighter of intelligence. I want to help. I want to take down the rebel scum that took my child from me. Use my intelligence, Leader Rangellis. I promise to do all that I can to defeat the rebels. I want to help you bring them to their knees. I do not know of what assistance I can be yet, but once I know how the Waysaw handles the rebels, I can offer my expertise. I know I can help if you will just give me a chance.”

  “You want to help us bring down the rebels?” he arched a brow at me.

  “Yes, exactly. How many human intelligence officers do you have working with your government?”

  “None, for obvious reasons. We cannot have information leaking back to the humans on Earth,” he said.

  “I understand that. All of my work can be monitored if you wish. I have no interest in Earth anymore. Anvin is my home. I belong here. I am owned by the Zenkian soldier Evlon. I want to be part of the fight. I want to help defend my new home. I want to defeat the enemy that took my child from me. I will not stop until they are all eliminated.

  He smiled. He seemed pleased with my request. Then he said, “It looks like I did a very efficient job in converting you into one of us. I will consider this if you will consider my proposal,” he said.

  “What is that?”

  “I will allow you to be in the government structure system and help us to defeat the rebels in exchange for your information of all things humans. And by that, I mean everything you know of the military defenses against us and of your own department. Real information that we can use,” he said.

  I was quiet. He was asking a lot of me. He was asking me to betray my own race and planet. But in everyone’s eyes, I had already betrayed the humans. I thought about my unborn child and how it was taken from me. A fire lit inside of me.

  “Deal,” I said. “When do I start?”

  He smiled and clasped his hands together. Clearly, he was very impressed with his work in converting me. I didn’t consider myself converted. I considered myself a woman scorned and I was going to do whatever it took to bring down the rebels. I would even betray my own race for it. I considered it a successful meeting.

  A year later, I stood on the sidelines of the war game complex. This was the real deal. This was not a practice. This was the war games we had been waiting for. Evlon was on the field ready to fight against another Zenkian soldier. They were the only two left after the mass battles, and now they would fight for the ultimate victory title.

  I stood there feeling very nervous as the two soldiers faced each other warming up and getting ready for the game to begin.

  The crowd was going crazy.

  “Don’t worry, Miranda. Evlon is going to win. He is in great shape and the best soldier in Waysaw” Tormunt said to me.

  “You are right. He is going to win. No one can beat him. Not even you, Tormunt,” I said to him. He groaned in response to my adequate call on his skills.

  “Yeah, well anxiety is not good for a pregnant human like you. You humans are so fragile. So do not be anxious for your Zenkian soldier. This fun, remember?” he said looking at my belly.

  I took a deep breath and smiled. Tormunt was right. I needed to calm myself down and not get overworked. I was not going to lose this child this time. It took a lot for Evlon and I to get back to a place where we could welcome another child. Now it had happened, and I was being extra cautious. I laughed just to make myself not be so nervous.

  I watched as Evlon lined up against the other soldier. The crowd suddenly calmed down and grew silent. Everyone was aware that it was about to begin. I took another deep breath and bit my lower lip. This is just for fun; this is just for fun, I repeated in my head.

  The whistle blew. Evlon screamed and charged at the other soldier. Boom! A blow with his shield. Clang! His sword swooped through the air, hitting the soldier’s shield. The two went at it, jabbing and slicing at each other, but they were both very skilled. I felt like Evlon was holding back. I think he was doing it on purpose and I smiled to think that he was so skilled that he was holding back simply to give the crowd something to watch. The fight went on for almost fifteen minutes. It was a good show, and the crowd was loving it. Then I could tell that Evlon had enough. He did a quick maneuver and used his shield to knock the soldier off his feet then he aimed his sword at the soldier and plunged it through him. I gasped. I had never seen a real war game. The Zenkians fought to the death. I thought it was a waste of a good soldier, but they thought otherwise. The crowd cheered. I had to look away from the dead soldier. I looked at Evlon. He threw his arms up in victory. The crowd went wild for him.

  Leader Rangellis got up on the platform at the end of the field and shouted into the microphone. “Evlon has won the war games for the sixth time in a row! He has broken the previous record held by a warrior that had five wins in a row! This is what a Zenkian Waysaw can do! We are invincible!” he shouted.

  The crowd went wild again, and Evlon was hoisted on the shoulders of soldiers as they paraded him around. I was so very proud of him, and glad that he was not dead.

  The soldiers set Evlon down on his feet. He ran directly over to me.

  “You did it! I am so happy for you! You did it!” I shouted.

  He kissed me. Everyone cheered.

  We had done it. Evlon and I got through the most trying time in both of our lives as I had to endure the brutal end to my Earth peace mission and the loss of my team and child. He had to endure falling in love with a human and breaking a record. Now we were starting a life together.

  “Congratulations, Evlon!” Leader Rangellis said patting him on the back.

  “Thank you, Leader Rangellis!” Evlon said.

  “You have made the Waysaw Renkians and your government very proud to have you as a soldier here and our second in command. You have made me proud,” he said.

  The leader’s words made me proud. Yes, he was a snake, but he had been a very intelligent snake that had even got the better of me. There was something to admire about that. This was a moment of happiness for both Evlon and me.

  As Evlon moved away from me, getting more congratulations and being passed around like a trophy, I looked around the war game complex and had an idea.

  “Leader Rangellis, I do wonder…”

  “Yes, Miranda?” he asked.

  “Why the blue rebels of Grantsion are not invited to the war games? It would make more sense to fight against them instead of one of our own. That poor soldier out there could have lost his life in battle and been a great asset to us instead of losing in this game,” I said.

  “The rebels would never come here. They would think we were tricking them,” he said.

  “And we would be. We would lure them here under the false pretense of a temporary truce in order for us to have real war games against the regions of Anvin. We would play it out to the very end; then we would kill them all,” I said, looking at him with complete seriousness.

  He looked at me surprised. “That is a devious plan of trickery,” he said.

  “I learned from the best. You practiced on me and my team. This would be th
e same, only much larger. I believe you could pull it off and of course, I would help, and my master, Evlon.”

  “I like the way you think. It is something to be considered. I will bring it up to the rest of the government in consideration for next year’s war games,” he smiled. “I think you have completed your full conversion into a ruthless Waysaw Zenkian,” he said.

  “Yes, I have a Waysaw inside of me,” I said putting my hands on my belly. “I must think of his safety. The rebels are a threat to him,” I said.

  “What is my slave saying that you are smiling so?” Evlon said, coming over to us.

  “She has the cleverest plan to defeat the rebels. Indeed, one so clever I have never even thought of it myself. And it just might work,” Leader Rangellis said.

  “Yes, she is a clever slave,” Evlon looked at me seductively.

  “And you are a great soldier. You are the victor of the war games,” I said.

  “Then let us celebrate,” Evlon said.

  “Yes, let the celebrations begin!” Leader Rangellis put his hands in the air and then drums began to beat wildly. I was surprised by it. The entire crowd came onto the field. Rangellis wandered off into the crowd.

  Evlon looked at me. “I think you might be in danger of taking over this entire planet one day.”

  “No, you are second in command. You will be first in command one day. I will see to it,” I whispered to him.

  He moaned in my ear. “You don’t plan; you plot,” he said.

  “Yes, and I and our child will be at your side, Leader Evlon,” I whispered.

  He moaned. He was ready. “I like where your mind goes.”

  “Yes, together we will conquer,” I said. He kissed me hard and fast. I wanted control of all of this and Evlon was going to get me there.

  I kissed him back and put my arms around him. For now, we would celebrate this war game victory, but there would be many more to come for us.

  The End

  Zenkian Warriors (Complete Box Set)

  Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited or purchase for only 99 cents in the kindle store! Continue reading the amazing standalones in this Box set by Maia Starr

  Cylo-Dragons Of Kelon

  (Dragons Of Kelon)

  By Maia Starr



  I saw a large dark shadow just underneath the surface of the water. The massive ripples let me know that it was something fast. It looked dangerous, but I could not look away. I took a few more steps and got as close as I could to the edge of the cliff jutting over the Pacific Ocean. I was very scared of heights and I did not want to be anywhere near the edge, but I had to take a look. My knees grew weak as I looked out over the water.

  “Are those wings?” I whispered to myself as I watched the dark shadow underneath the water get closer to the surface and create a dark outline. It looked like a very large bird swimming underneath the water.

  “That can’t be, Melody. I think the pressures of being the president’s daughter have finally caught up with you,” I said as I rubbed my eyes and shook my head from side to side as though I could make it disappear.

  I looked back at the water. Whoosh! Suddenly the creature burst from the surface of the water and flew straight up, shooting into the sky, into the blinding light of the bright sun. It was so fast that I could not exactly see what I was looking at. But in the backlight of the sun I saw a brief outline as the creature spread its wings out from its sides. They look to be at least 10 feet across and my mouth was wide open as I stared at it. What the hell was I looking at? Was it some form of dinosaur that we thought was extinct, but would reappear now and then to create a legend like the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland?

  I took steps backward as the creature seemed to hit the highest point of its flight and change direction, toward me. It was diving very fast. I kept my eyes on it but walked faster; I could not run. I was too frozen with awe at the sight of this strange thing.

  Boom! The ground seemed to shake underneath me as the creature landed a few yards in front of me.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered to myself as I put my hands over my mouth. I could not believe what I was looking at. It was a man. It was a very large man, almost 9 feet tall. His very broad strong chest was naked, and only a simple loincloth covered his waist down to his thighs. He was very muscular, toned, with six-pack abs that looked chiseled. His jet-black hair was long down to his jaw, and a 5 o’clock shadow beard covered his face. But as he took slows cautious steps toward me, it was not these features that made me feel like I was losing my mind. It was the imprint, almost like a tattoo, that covered his right arm from his wrist up to his shoulder. It looked like a strange pattern, and the very large wings that he had folded behind him let me know this was something not human. My breathing grew heavier, and I knew then that this moment was the start of something that would change my life forever. But little did I know exactly what it all meant.

  I couldn’t believe that all of this was happening simply because my friend Gloria had recommended I take a hike to clear my mind. I was the daughter of the current President of the United States, President Reeves. The pressure of all of it was getting to me, even though I lived all the way across the country in California. Being the daughter of the president was not all it was cracked up to be. I hated politics. But I hated even more the intrusion of privacy that came with it. I was a writer, and I wanted nothing more than to have an adventure in order to write about it. But I was never able to really get away without people knowing who I was. My father’s security detail watched my every move. Even though I was 25-years-old with my own life on the other side of the country, my father ran my life. I could not wait for his term in office to be over. It affected my life more than anything, and that included my romantic life. I never knew if a man was interested in me because of my own personality or if he was just using me for my position in the world.

  Just like the guy I had been seeing: James Buckley.

  “Are you going to eat that?” James said as he sat across the table from me at a romantic restaurant. We had been dating for two months, and he was a very dashing, rich, Ivy Leaguer. My girlfriends loved him and thought he was perfect. I, on the other hand, thought he was just okay. He was nice and did everything by the book, but I found him to be very boring.

  “No, I’m not,” I said pushing the plate of veal toward him.

  “Good, I am famished.”

  I looked down at my very expensive pink and maroon Dior dress and heels. “What a waste,” I said under my breath.

  “What was that, Melody?” James said.

  “Oh nothing,” I said.

  “I worked out for two hours today before dinner. I’m working on my quads. Have you been able to tell?” he said.

  “No, I have not really—”

  “I’ll show you later back at your place. My personal trainer says that I am doing really well. Maybe you should start going to him too. You could use a little strengthening,” he said squeezing my arm.

  “You want me to go to your personal trainer?” I said, looking at him with annoyance.

  “Sure. It’s not like you can’t afford it. Just tell your dad to cover it. You could use some working out.”

  “I will consider it,” I said simply because I knew that opposing him would keep him talking about it. I did not have the energy to deal with that.

  “Speaking of your father, when will you be visiting him? I would like to go with you if I could. Or better yet, when is he coming here? I’d love to show him around my office. I think he would be very excited about some of my proposals,” he said to me.

  “I don’t know,” I said rolling my eyes and turning my attention to the attractive waiter walking by the table. A part of me wanted to grab that waiter and take him home. I just wanted to have some passion without the man putting his agenda on me.

  “Or, you could email him some of my proposals…” James continued talking about my father, and I tuned him out. This was how i
t went. This was always how it went. Even before my father was president, he was the Governor of Connecticut. Even then when I was dating, the men in my life always had a political agenda. It did not matter if I was dating a veterinarian or a stockbroker, they always found a way to try to help their position in life through me, and through my father. I wondered if I would ever find someone that did not care who my father was, someone that would really fall in love with me, me as a person.

  “Ready to go back to your place?” James said as he pushed the bill toward me on the table. I gave him a look. I knew that he was rich. Why was he not going to pay for dinner, again?

  “I think it’s your turn to pay,” he said as he looked at the bill and stood up from the table. I sighed and took out my wallet and placed a couple of bills to cover the cost and tip on the table. Then I followed him outside.

  Twenty minutes later, we were in my townhouse in Santa Monica that overlooked the ocean. The security detail was parked outside across the street, keeping an eye on my place, as they always did. Walking in with James, they knew that I was going to have sex, and that really bothered me. Would they be reporting that to my father as well? They reported everybody that I dated to him because everybody had to be checked out; they could be a spy from another country or an assassin. It was all ridiculous. So when I finally found someone that was cleared, I had a habit of sticking with him even though I did not like him simply because it was a major hassle to date someone else.

  “How do you want to do this?” James asked as he stood in my bedroom and unbuckled his pants.

  “What? What do you mean?” I asked him.

  “Do you want to be on top? Or do you want me to be on top? I got to say that I’m really tired after working out and eating so much food. It’s probably better if you’re on top,” he said as he pulled off his pants and continued to get undressed.

  “Whatever…” I said moving into the bathroom and freshening up. This was our routine. The sex was very boring, but it was sex. I deserved sex, and lots of it. I was a very sexual and sensual woman in my prime, and I wanted to enjoy it. Like I said, the hassle of getting another guy cleared was too much, so I had to work with what I had, and right now it would be the very boring in bed James.


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