Saving Jax

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Saving Jax Page 4

by Ramona Gray

  “Melanie?” A soft hand on her back made her jerk wildly and water surged over the sink to soak the counter.

  She cursed lightly and mopped at it with the dish cloth as Julie gave her an apologetic look.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  “That’s fine.” Mel forced herself to smile at her. “I was just, uh, thinking.”

  Thinking about the fact that Jax has your panties in his pocket.


  Julie leaned against the counter and smiled hesitantly at her. “Is everything alright, Melanie?”

  “What do you mean?” She cleared her throat nervously.

  “You seem upset.”

  Mel stared at her. It was ironic that Julie, a woman who barely knew her, had noticed something was wrong when her family had been oblivious. Of course, her father never noticed anything and her mother had been busy grilling Julie and Court about their new relationship.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”

  “Are you sure?” Julie gave her another tentative smile. “I know we don’t know each other very well but I’m a good listener.”

  Mel opened her mouth to repeat that she was fine and was horrified when she said, “I had sex with Jax in the bathroom before dinner.”

  “Oh.” Julie’s mouth dropped open and she clasped her hands together at her waist. “I didn’t realize you knew him that well.”

  “I don’t,” Mel muttered as her cheeks turned red. “Tonight is only the second time I’ve met him.”

  When Julie didn’t reply, Mel sighed. “I’m not a slut. I swear.”

  Julie shook her head. “I don’t think you are and I’m not judging you or anything like that.”

  “Why not?” Mel asked bluntly.

  “Well, I’m hardly one to judge after I paid your brother to sleep with me on our second, uh, date,” she said honestly. “Besides, I don’t really have a lot of what you would call ‘world experience’. For all I know, normal women have sex in a bathroom with a man they just met all the time.”

  “They don’t. Trust me, Julie.”

  She took a quick look at the doorway before groaning loudly. “I don’t know what came over me. One minute I was cleaning his hand and the next minute he had me up on the sink and ripping off my underwear.”

  Julie’s eyes widened and, blushing slightly, she said, “Well, he is good looking in an ‘I could break your arm with my pinky finger’, kind of way. I can see the appeal.”

  Mel gave her a dry look and Julie shrugged. “I’m not kidding. Women like bad boys, right? He seems pretty bad to me.”

  “That’s the problem. I’m not a woman who goes after the bad guy. I like them stable and reliable and predictable, and he’s none of those things.”

  “You don’t know that,” Julie replied. “You just met him, right?”

  Mel shook her head. “He’s Jimmy Golden’s bodyguard, Julie. The guy is paid to beat up other people. Predictable and stable is the last thing he is. He’s everything I stay away from in a guy. Hell, the last guy I slept with was an insurance salesman who took his mother out for dinner every Sunday. His idea of Saturday night excitement was going to a late movie instead of the early show.”

  “But how was he in bed?” Julie asked solemnly.

  “Awful,” Mel replied immediately.

  Julie burst into soft laughter and, after a moment, Mel joined her. When their laughter had tapered off, Julie touched her shoulder gently.

  “So, are you and Jax going to date?”

  Mel shook her head. “Hell, no. We didn’t even finish having sex. Cal interrupted us.”

  “Oh.” Julie picked up a dish towel and dried the pot that was sitting in the dish rack. “Well, maybe that’s for the best.”

  “It is.” Mel agreed. “I don’t want anything to do with Jax Anderson, it was temporary insanity that’s all, and I want him to stay away from Cal too. Cal’s got enough problems, he doesn’t need to get involved in whatever it is that Jimmy Golden is hiding.”

  “Do you think he’s hiding something?” Julie asked curiously. “Cal says he’s just a business owner.”

  “Cal’s being deliberately obtuse about his new boss.” Mel snorted. “He doesn’t want to go back to the escort agency so he’s willing to overlook the rumours about Jimmy Golden.”

  She sighed and rinsed the pot of the soap before setting it in the dishrack. “I’m glad Cal isn’t working at the escort agency anymore, he really wasn’t happy there, but I wish he could just get a normal job like Court. Court’s offered to hire him on with the construction company numerous times but Cal refuses. Court says he’s afraid of manual labour but I think he just doesn’t want to work for Court. They’ve always competed with each other, and I know Cal believes he’ll be a failure if he has to take a job from Court. You know?”

  “I do,” Julie said quietly.

  “Mom says I spend too much time worrying about my brothers. She says I need to let them live their own lives and enjoy mine,” Mel said.

  Julie shrugged. “I don’t know about that. If you hadn’t intervened with Court and me, we would never have gotten back together. I’m very thankful to you. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be sitting at home eating ice cream and feeling sorry for myself instead of meeting Court’s family and wondering if they hate me.”

  She paused. “Wait, that didn’t come out right.”

  Mel grinned at her. “We definitely don’t hate you, Julie. We, and by we I mean me, might be a little surprised at how quickly things seem to be progressing between you and Court, but we definitely like you. Mom invited you to her knitting club and that group is harder to get into than a locked vault.”

  Julie laughed. “I like your mom a lot. She seems really nice.”

  “She is,” Mel replied. “And you’ll know she really loves you when she gives you a nickname.”

  There was a moment of silence before Mel smiled at her. “So, Court said that you’re an only child and both your parents are gone.”

  “Yes.” Julie dried another pot.

  “That must be very lonely for you.”

  She shrugged. “I have a best friend, her name is Mary, and we spend a lot of time together.”

  “That’s good.”

  Julie bit at her lip nervously. “The thing is, my mom died when I was young and my dad was, well he was controlling and didn’t let me do a lot of things, you know? Mary was my only friend and that’s just because she doesn’t scare easily and refused to let my father intimidate her.”

  She hesitated and then pressed forward bravely. “He’s the reason I’m so awkward and weird and completely inept at social situations. This sounds terrible but when he died I was – was happy. I thought that this was finally my chance to really live my life. Only, I didn’t. I spent six months doing exactly what I had done my entire life – hiding away from people.”

  “What changed?” Mel asked.

  “I met your brother. I know how we met wasn’t exactly conventional but still – he changed my life. I mean, he completely changed my life and I will always be grateful to him.”

  She stared earnestly at Mel. “I love him, Melanie, I really do. I know you’re worried that we’re moving too quickly but I promise you I’ll never hurt Court.”

  Mel sighed. “I just – my brother is the first guy you’ve dated and your entire life has changed because of it. What if what you believe is love, is really just an overwhelming gratefulness to him? I know Court looks tough and he is, but he’s also very,” she hesitated, “sensitive I guess is the word.”

  “I know,” Julie said. “I understand how strange this looks but I really do love him.”

  Mel gave her a searching look before sighing. “I’m sorry. I’m sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong again.”

  Julie patted her arm. “I like how protective you are of him.”

  Mel smiled at her before making a sudden decision. “Hey, a couple friends and I are going to a movie and dinner Tuesd
ay night. I’d love it if you came with us.”

  “Oh, um, I’m not sure if I – “

  “C’mon, Julie, it’ll give us a chance to get to know each other better,” Mel said encouragingly.

  Julie hesitated a moment longer before nodding. “Alright. I have a meeting with my accountant at four but that should only take about a half hour or so.”

  “Perfect. We’re meeting at Carl’s Café around five for dinner. Do you know where that restaurant is?”

  “I can find it.” Julie smiled at her. “Thanks, Mel.”

  “Thanks for not judging me.”

  “Judging you on what?” Court had entered the kitchen and he wrapped his arms around Julie and kissed her throat before staring expectantly at Mel.

  “My behaviour at lunch the other day,” Mel said briefly.

  “Oh.” He squeezed Julie affectionately. “Are you ready to go? I’ve got an early day tomorrow.”

  “Sure, peanut.” She grinned at him as he gave her a mock scowl and slapped her lightly on the ass.

  Mel snickered. “Mum said when Cal and Court were born, she nicknamed Cal pumpkin because of his giant head, and Court peanut because of his really small – “

  “Shut it, Mel!” Court gave her a pointed look as Julie bit back her laughter.

  “It was nice to see you again and I’ll um, I’ll see you on Tuesday night,” Julie said.

  “You bet. Looking forward to it.” Mel grabbed her purse from the counter and slung it over her shoulder. “Can you tell mom thanks for dinner and I’ll call her later?”

  “You’re not going to say goodbye?” Court asked.

  Mel shook her head. “No, I’ll be late for work. I’ve got to run.”

  * * *

  “I don’t mind staying at your place, Jules.” Court said as they entered his apartment.

  She shook her head and tossed her purse on the side table before kicking off her shoes. “I like your place better.”

  He glanced at the tiny apartment skeptically. “Yeah, it’s way better than a giant mansion with a cleaning service and a personal chef.”

  “I don’t have a personal chef.” She smacked him lightly on the chest and he grinned and pulled her into his arms.

  “I know.”

  She rested her head on his broad chest. “Your place has nothing but good memories for me, Court. I love it here.”

  “I don’t know, I’ve got some pretty good memories of your place.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Your bedroom and the first time I tasted your sweet pussy, in the shower teaching you to suck my cock …”

  She blushed furiously and he squeezed her full ass. “You’re adorable when you blush.”

  She stroked his arms and stared up at him. “Do you – do you think your family liked me, Court?”

  He nodded. “Yes, I know they did. Stop worrying, Jules.”

  “Right.” She smiled tentatively at him and he kissed her firmly.

  “Are you tired?”

  “A little.”

  “Then maybe we should go to bed,” he said innocently.

  She smiled as he squeezed her ass again. “Maybe we should.”

  He led her down the hallway and into his bedroom. He unzipped her skirt and tugged it down her legs as she unbuttoned his shirt and pressed a kiss against his naked chest.

  “God, Jules,” he groaned, “you drive me crazy.”

  “Good,” she whispered as she traced a path of kisses along his collarbone.

  He threaded his fingers through her dark hair and held her head steady as she licked and nipped at his firm skin. His other hand slid into her panties and he cupped her bare ass before pressing a kiss against her forehead.

  “Take off your clothes, Jules.”

  He shrugged out of his shirt as she pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. She was wearing a black lace bra with matching panties and his cock swelled at the sight of her pale flesh.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  “Do you like my new underwear? I went shopping the other day.”

  He nodded, his gaze dropping to her breasts, “I fucking love it.”

  “Good.” She moved her hands behind her back and unclipped her bra before slowly pulling it from her body.

  Court groaned under his breath. Julie was growing more and more confident each time they made love and he loved seeing this new side of her. She cupped her breasts, pulling lightly on her nipples, and he growled under his breath and shoved his jeans and underwear down his legs before stepping out of them. He nearly tripped and she giggled a little as she took a step back toward his bed.

  He growled playfully at her and she sat down on the bed and leaned back, resting her hands on his bed. She lifted her leg and traced her foot across his chest and he ran his hands up her leg. She sighed happily and lay back on the bed as he reached for her panties. He pulled them slowly from her body, dropping them to the floor and placing a warm kiss just above the neat patch of dark hair that covered her pussy.

  She widened her legs immediately and pouted when he didn’t kneel between her legs.

  “Court, please.”

  He grinned and kissed her inner thigh before running his tongue along the crease where her thigh met her pussy. She moaned and shivered with delight and he smiled again when her hands clutched his head and she pushed him toward her warm core.

  “What do you want, Jules?”

  “Lick my pussy,” she demanded immediately and he laughed quietly before pressing a kiss against her wet lips.

  “You’ve become quite the demanding little thing, haven’t you?” He knelt between her legs and reached up to give her breasts a gentle squeeze.

  She reached for his hands and they linked fingers as he bent his head and buried his face between her soft thighs. She squealed happily and arched her pelvis, rubbing herself against his rough stubble as he licked and nibbled at her wet and swollen clit. Her fingers tightened around his and he squeezed them back as he nipped at her pussy.

  “OH!” Her back arched and her heels dug into his back as she suddenly came.

  He lapped at her until she squirmed against him and then placed a soft kiss against her thigh before moving up her body and settling himself between her thighs.

  “A new record, I think.” He sucked on one swollen nipple as her thighs tightened around his narrow hips.

  “I love how easily I can make you come, Jules,” he whispered as she traced her fingers across his cheekbone.

  “I love you, Court,” she pressed a soft kiss against his mouth and he groaned and thrust into her.

  She cried out into his mouth, her legs hooking around his waist and clinging to him tightly as he began a smooth, slow slide and retreat motion.

  “I love you, darlin’,” he breathed into her ear. She made a soft sound of happiness and he closed his eyes and lost himself in the warmth of her body.

  * * *

  “What are you doing with Mel on Tuesday?” Court asked curiously.

  They were lying in his bed and Julie traced the hair on his chest as he stroked her long hair.

  “She invited me to go for dinner and a movie with her friends.”

  He could hear the trepidation in her voice and he squeezed her lightly. “Don’t be nervous, Julie. Mel’s friends are very nice and you’ll have a great time.”

  “Right.” She smiled up at him. “As long as they don’t mind social awkwardness.”

  “You’re not awkward,” he insisted. “You think you are, but I swear you’re not.”

  “You have to say that.” She poked him playfully and he squeezed her bare ass.

  “I don’t have to say anything. I thought you had an appointment with your accountant on Tuesday.”

  “I do. I’ll meet them after.”

  “Did you make an appointment with your investment guy?”

  She shook her head and Court sighed softly. “Jules, if you’re going to apply for architectural school, you really need to talk to him about taking money out of y
our investments.”

  “I know,” she said.

  “Have you spoken to the admissions guy at the college?”

  She shook her head and he frowned at her. “Why not?”

  “I’ve been busy and it’s a different time zone so it’s hard to get a hold of them.”

  “It’s not that big of a difference, Jules, and if you’re going to find out what you need to do to qualify for the program, you have to talk to them before – “

  “I’m really tired,” she interrupted. “Can we talk about this later, Court? Please.”

  He paused and then nodded. “Yeah, sure.”


  She turned away, curling up on her side, and a troubled look crossed his face before he pressed himself against her and cupped one breast. “Goodnight, Jules, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Court. Goodnight.”

  Chapter 5

  “So, Julie, what do you do for a living?” Bev sipped at her coffee as Julie cleared her throat.

  “Oh, I, um – “

  “Julie is thinking of going back to school.” Mel broke in smoothly.

  “How exciting! What are you taking?” Tina asked.

  “I’m thinking of going into an architecture program.” Julie sipped at her tea.

  “I didn’t know we had one here,” Bev said.

  “There isn’t. I’d have to move,” Julie replied.

  “Kind of tough decision to make when you’re in a new relationship, huh?” Tina said sympathetically. “I imagine Court is encouraging you not to go.”

  “Oh, um, actually he thinks I should do it.”

  “Really? That seems kind of odd for someone in a new relationship.”

  Julie gave her a faint smile and Tina glanced at Bev before taking a drink of coffee. “So, Bev, how’s that project at work going?”

  Julie breathed a sigh of relief and stared into her cup of tea. Up until this awkward moment, the evening had been going really well. Dinner had gone smoothly and there hadn’t been much opportunity to chat during the movie. When the others had decided on coffee afterward, she hadn’t felt obligated to join them, instead she had been excited about it. Now though, she could feel her usual awkwardness creeping in and she stared miserably into her mug as Mel patted her leg under the table.


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