The Cat's Meow (SEALS, Inc. Book 5)

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The Cat's Meow (SEALS, Inc. Book 5) Page 7

by Mia Dymond

  “True. Is it weird he doesn’t know her social?”

  “Nah.” Shadow started the engine and drove away from the house. “I have no clue about Claire’s and I’ve known her practically all her life.”

  “Surely he’s recorded it on financial documents.”

  “Probably, but that doesn’t mean he knows it by memory.” His friend chuckled. “You wanna haul him in?”

  He grinned. “Not yet. I’ll talk to Tess tonight. Maybe she can open some doors.”

  “Speaking of Tess,” his friend began as he turned a corner, “are you thinking about seeing more of her?”

  He took several seconds to consider Shadow’s not-so-subtle push for information. The answer was a no-brainer; hell, yes he planned to see more of her – a whole lot more. Might as well admit it and let Shadow rat him out to the rest of the team. He chuckled under his breath when that thought didn’t bother him in the least.

  “I like her.”

  “According to my wife, she’s just what you need.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “A woman to kick your cocky attitude right in the ass.”

  He laughed at Shadow’s admission, mostly because he could pretty well bet that it came directly from Claire. “Isn’t that what all the wives do?”

  “Pretty much,” Shadow mumbled as he pulled into the parking lot of The Cathouse. “Just remember one thing, my friend.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Never, ever let her see you sweat.” His teammate shook his head. “If you do, we’re all in serious trouble.”


  Later that evening, Tess sat behind her desk, twirling around in her chair to pass the time. She’d already collected the cash for the evening’s draws and figured totals in a matter of minutes. Now only the closing draw remained and time crept.

  She hadn’t seen Ranger all night; in fact, she didn’t even know if he’d been in the club. She expected to see him during her rounds, but since the crowd was normally thick, it didn’t surprise her. Now that she knew his real reason for being there, she had a feeling that he had a distinct talent for hiding in plain view. And even though his toned body was a work of art, she most likely couldn’t pick him out of a line-up if he didn’t want to be recognized.

  She gave the chair a hard spin. As angry as she was that he had deceived her, she was honest when she told him she understood his reasoning. And her anger seemed to fuel her interest. She released a hard sigh. For all she knew, she could be wasting her time, thinking about him. Admiring him. Wanting him. Perhaps she had a bad case of hero-worship. After all, he seemed to be doing everything he could to find the thief.

  Maybe he feigned interest in her to gather information. Yeah, right, her desperate libido scoffed. No woman in her right mind could dispute his apparent attraction. His chocolate brown gaze gave him away when he moved it over her body while flames danced in his irises. Heat tightened her thighs, a sure sign she should re-direct her thoughts.

  She swallowed hard and moved her concentration back to the robbery. She had to admit, whoever the culprit was, he or she had definitely studied the area. Not only had they managed to discover her personal codes, they knew enough to steal the disc from the security recorder. Did Veronica have something to do with it?

  She gave her chair another twist and then pushed one foot against the floor to stop the motion when she heard a knock on the door.


  “Tess, it’s Ranger. Can I come in?”

  She stood from the chair and paused momentarily to dispel the dizziness. When she decided she could walk without diving headfirst into the carpet, she closed the distance and opened the door.


  “Hi. You’re out of breath.”

  Heat consumed her cheeks and she blamed her out-of-control heartbeat. Not really prepared to confess her reasoning, she improvised. “I thought you liked my breathless tone.”

  “It’s sexy as hell.”

  She gestured at a chair in front of her desk with one hand while she closed the door with the other. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  “The place is busy tonight.”

  “Yes, it is.” She slid the lock and then headed back to her chair.

  “Do you always keep the door locked when you’re inside?”

  “Absolutely,” she said as she sat behind the desk. “I have quite a bit of money in here at any given time.”

  He settled into the chair and buckled his hands behind his head. “I’m sorry you found out about the investigation the way you did. We just thought it would be better to keep it quiet until we identified a suspect.”

  “Yeah, about that – you owe me.”

  “I do?”

  She nodded. “Big time.”

  “For what?”

  “For naming me as a suspect.”

  “I had to rely on the evidence, but in my defense, I cleared you first.”


  His admission left his lips without a hint of hesitation. “Because a woman with a voice as sexy as yours could not possibly be a criminal.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You are such a flirt.”

  “Honestly, we don’t think you’re responsible.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Good, but you still owe me.”

  “And how do you suggest I make amends?”

  “I need a date for the Wounded Heroes charity dinner on Saturday night.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a punishment.”

  “It’s a black tie dinner. You’ll need a tuxedo.”

  “I think I can manage.”

  “Good.” She leaned back in her chair. “Did Veronica have anything interesting to say?”

  “Not really. She swears she didn’t have anything to do with the robbery, of course, but she didn’t have any idea who else would’ve been responsible.”

  “In her defense, I looked guilty first.”

  He nodded. “Do you know much about Warren Hicks?”

  “Not really. All I know is that he is Jack’s insurance agent. I only see him occasionally if there are issues with the policies.”


  “Renewals, usually.”

  He sighed. “There are really no other leads. Can you give me your version of what happened the morning of the incident? Maybe something will jump out at us.”

  Ranger listened, hypnotized by the sound of her voice as she relayed the same information he’d heard from Jack. Yet somehow, her version of the story was a whole lot more stimulating.

  “And then I called Jack.”

  “Are you certain about the amount you placed in the safe?”

  “Absolutely.” And then, before he could continue, she rattled off the numerical denomination of each bill.

  He cocked his head to one side, intrigued by her detail. “You remember exactly how much of each bill?”

  “To the penny.”

  “Do you record it somewhere?”

  “On the deposit slip and my ledger before I take it to the bank.”

  “So, it’s in your head.”

  “Yes. Since the money’s missing,” she drawled, “I can’t make the deposit.”

  He grinned. “You’re sure you had change, as well?”

  She released a hard breath, as if attempting to be politely put-out. “I realize you don’t know me all that well, but when it comes to numbers, I’m never mistaken. For some reason they’re brain food for me.”

  “Can you give me a ballpark figure of how much cash you handle on an average night?”

  “I can do better than that. On Monday, I collected $15,242.15. On Tuesday, $30,125.72. Wednesday, $5,423.20. For three days, that’s an average of $16,930.36.”


  “Thank you.”

  “Why were sales low on Wednesday?”

  “That’s normal. Wednesday is church night.”

  “How does the money fall into your hands?”

  “Each manager has a bank bag. I
collect bags from the bar manager, the door manager, and the entertainment manager every two hours after we open at 6:00, 8:00, 10:00, and finally at midnight after we close.”

  He nodded slightly, running the protocol through his brain. “How do you know the amount they give you is accurate?”

  “They don’t load the bags until I’m present. And, the registers will report discrepancy.”

  “What about the dancers?”

  “Jack is more concerned about them making a living rather than sharing their tips. He came up with an average nightly amount and that’s what we collect.”

  “Do you lock the office when you leave?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “I think you know the answer to that.”

  “I do. I’ve already figured out you’re an everything-in-its-place kinda woman.”

  “Ya think?”

  He grinned. Sexy, sassy and smart – his kinda woman.

  “Do you know much about the security system?”

  “Each manager, Jack, and I have a code to open the front door. There are numerous cameras positioned around the club and one specifically pointed at the safe. All the activity is recorded onto a DVD by a machine mounted underneath the bar.”

  “So, when you drop cash into the safe your activity is recorded.”

  “Normally, but the discs from two of the robberies are missing.”

  “You checked the machine when you discovered the theft?”

  “Actually no, it totally slipped my mind. Jack reminded me when I called him. When I opened the machine, it was empty.”

  Her confession was one more reason to clear her, in his book. If she had robbed the safe and forgotten about the DVD, the evidence would have convicted her.

  “How well do you know the employees?”

  Her tongue left her mouth to sweep her bottom lip. “Not well. I stay behind this locked door most of the time.”

  “Do they know you?”

  “Since all one has to do is type my name into a Google search, my identity is pretty much an open book.”

  Her subtle reprimand sparked a fire deep in his groin. There was just something in her blunt honesty that aroused him. His cock stretched.

  “What about your personal information? Is there any way someone could’ve accessed your codes?”

  “I don’t think so. My social security number is monitored closely.”

  “What about your credit cards or bank account?”

  “I’ve checked them both. I only carry one card for emergencies and there hasn’t been any suspicious activity. My financial advisor monitors the bank account and nothing unusual has come through.”


  She lifted her wrist and glanced at the watch fastened there. “Exactly forty-two minutes and fifteen seconds until closing time. Have you been here all night?”

  He nodded. “I just wish I’d come in here sooner.”

  “Oh, really?” She folded her arms across her very full, very firm breasts. “To hear my voice?”

  “Yes.” He ran a hand over the top of his head, resisting the urge to give her a whole handful of reasons why he’d come to see her. “We’ve decided to bring in some special investigators.”


  He nodded. “Holly Steele and Claire Windsor.”

  “I know them, remember?”

  He groaned. “Yeah, and you know all about me too, don’t you?”

  “They might’ve mentioned a few things. Like the fact that you asked Holly to confirm my presence at Fitness in the Buff a few days ago.”

  “I wanted your alibi. If it makes you feel any better, she only told me enough to clear you.”

  “I know that too.”

  “Holly and Claire have some special techniques.”

  She grinned. “It seems the SEALs, Inc. wives have adopted me.”

  “Good for you. You don’t get out enough.”

  “Have you followed me?”

  “No, lucky guess.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. But I have a feeling Cameron may change all that.”

  “She’s bold and brassy, just like her husband, but you couldn’t ask for better back-up.”

  “I like all of them. Holly and Claire told me about their abilities. I don’t really understand the logistics, but I’m open to anything at this point.”

  “It’s amazing to see them in action. I worked several cases with Claire when I was with the Navajo PD. I’ve never worked with Holly, but she reads me very well.”

  She leaned forward and braced her elbows on the desk. “So tell me, whose idea was it to include them?”

  “Do you already know the answer?”


  “Claire told Shadow they were coming and we could watch if we wanted.”

  “When are they coming?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to watch?”

  She gave him a smug smile. “Thanks for asking, but I’ve already RSVP’d.”

  “Of course,” he mumbled. “Something tells me you’re a perfect addition to their group.”

  He reached out his hand across the desk in an offer for her to slide hers into his grip. She paused a few seconds, the gold flecks flickering in her eyes as she glanced at his hand, and then back into his face. Then, very slowly she slid one hand into his.

  He closed his hand in a gentle squeeze. “I’ll see you again tomorrow night.”

  “Until then.”

  He released her hand and winked. “Until then.”


  Bright sunlight seeped through the front windows of the club while Tess sat on the bar stool and swung her feet, watching Holly and Claire work their magic and hoping upon hope that they could find something. The women had split up the room, Holly wandering around the bar area and Claire on the stage. Shadow sat at one of the stools at the edge of the stage, his attention focused on his wife. Steele sat at a table in the middle of Holly’s area.

  “Shadow,” Claire drawled as she tapped the pole with one finger then patted her stomach, “I can’t do that right now. Besides, that’s what got us in this predicament.”

  “Hell, Shadow,” Steele groaned, “you could at least block her.”

  “I thought I was. Stay out of my head, Claire Voyant.”

  “For your information, I wasn’t in there. You just confessed your naughty little thoughts.”

  “We have a pole in the bedroom,” Holly chimed in. “I’m sure Brett’s thinking the same thing.”

  “Holly,” Steele snapped. “Concentrate on your colors.”

  Tess bit her bottom lip to keep her amusement at bay. Who would have ever thought that two tiny women had such a hold on two big, bad Navy SEALs? She didn’t need to be psychic to feel the love and respect in the room.

  “Colors, right.” Holly gave her husband a cheeky grin and then turned to look across the room. “Do you have anything over there, Claire?”

  “Loads of lust. I’ve got so many erotic pictures flashing in my head they might as well be porn.”

  “Hormones,” Shadow mumbled.

  Claire rolled her eyes. “You wish.” She glanced back at Holly. “I’m also picking up anger and desperation.”

  “Me too. Lots of deep red, almost burgundy. I also have pink splotches on the burgundy stripes – a female presence.”

  Claire tilted her head to one side. “I feel a female, as well. Not an employee, but she’s visited here. She’s angry but not vengeful.”

  “I don’t think desperation is connected to her.” Holly ran her finger along the oak trim of the countertop. “The person with that emotion has stood behind the counter.”

  Tess watched the two women, amazed at the wealth of information. “How do you see the emotions, Holly?”

  “The colors I see are also equipped with temperature or energy. Sometimes the emotion is hot like anger or cold like now. Desperation and fear are usually icy cold.”

  “That is absolutely incredible.” She glanced at Claire. “You actually
feel the emotion?”

  Claire nodded. “Believe it or not, every single object in the universe is capable of either feeling or attracting emotion. For example, I can feel anger from an individual, but if he also touched the cash register, I would feel the anger radiating from that object, as well.”

  “You guys are so awesome.”

  “Sometimes it’s not quite so awesome,” Claire murmured as she waddled across the room until she stood next to Holly. “Do you think the desperation is male or female?”

  “I can’t tell. The dark, black cloud around the safe is obstructing my view.”

  Claire squatted as best she could beside the safe and brushed her fingers across the top. “There’s a healthy dose of fear here.”

  “Fear of being caught?”

  “No.” Claire frowned. “Fear that there won’t be enough money.”

  “I’m picking up a lot of ego.” Holly placed her palm flat on top of the safe. “Lots of scarlet red bands here. And dark green – do you feel stress, Claire?”


  “The pink splotches are back.” Holly frowned and glanced at Tess. “Have you touched this in the last 24 hours?”


  Holly turned back to Claire. “Do you feel anything feminine?”

  “Vaguely, but I can’t connect it to the safe.” She paused. “I’m also getting a strong male sense.”

  Tess grinned. Claire’s sense may have had something to do with the two, testosterone-ridden men in the room. Shadow still occupied the stool at the stage, his arms folded across his broad chest, silent as usual while his attention never left his wife. Brett appeared a little more relaxed, his legs stretched in front of him, ankles crossed, while he too watched his wife in action. Neither man’s gaze never left his woman – a silent gesture of possession, she assumed.

  All of the SEALs, Inc. men were definite eye candy, Ranger included. The man had sex appeal in spades from his strong, broad shoulders to his long, lean legs. Although she had never seen him without a shirt, she was willing to bet his abdominals were carved in a staircase of muscle. What she wouldn’t give to poke her fingers into the crevices and climb that mountain.

  Claire cleared her throat. “Tess, would there be a man back here?”


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