Last Horizon: Live

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Last Horizon: Live Page 17

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Dumadin gave a small nod, his face still set in a grim expression as he tried to hold his feelings back. “I just wanted to spare her the pain if possible.”

  “I can understand but she says she will already feel the loss. Now man up, or dwarf up as the case may be and enjoy all you can.” She kissed him passionately before getting to her feet and dragging him toward the front of the wagon.

  Alvira watched them come around from the back, her eyes full of uncertainty, “Dumadin...” She hesitated and while she tried to get the words he walked up and hugged her firmly.

  “Alvira, I just did not want to cause you pain. Kittish says you talked and you know I am not long for the world, either of them. I do care for you and hope you and her can be happy when I go. If you are willing, please let me love you while I can.” Dumadin said softly into her chest, his head bowed.

  Alvira's arms wrapped him up in return and she kissed the top of his helmet. “Yes. I’ve felt a connection with you two for some time now and worried I might cause you both pain by trying to join with you both.”

  Dumadin raised his head and caught her eyes, stunned at the sheer depth of emotion he could see in them. Pain, sadness, fear, trepidation but overall the kernel of caring and love. He raised himself up onto his toes and kissed her, softly and deeply. “Thank you.”

  Alvira clung to him, a tear sliding down her cheek when they broke. “Until you are taken from us please do not turn away from us.” She kissed him again but pulled back when someone cleared their throat nearby.

  “So, things look like they are working out then,” Terets said with a smile on his lips. “I never did understand your relationship and this is taking it to a whole new point I’m sure. However, shouldn't we get things in order for the pending attack?”

  Nodding, Dumadin disengaged from Alvira and slapped her ass. “Distracting the leader of the plan, eh? Kittish take this wench in for questioning, I'll be along when I can for her.”

  Alvira grinned at his words and stepped back to find Kittish hugging her from behind. “Oh, I think the questioning is going to be quite rough and intense. Please take pity on me,” Alvira said in mock horror.

  Kittish giggled at the two of them, “Good to see you two are going to be able to go back to what we had before.” With that she moved Alvira around the back of the wagon.

  Terets shook his head, “You’re all weird. Good thing I balance your kinky, perverse ways by being so vanilla that ice cream doesn't compare to me.”

  Laughing, Dumadin waved him away, “Let's go find the people who volunteered to be bait and get them into the correct wagons.”

  Amythyst joined them a few seconds later and the trio were quite busy making sure each player knew which wagon to get into. The townsfolk set up the tents in the middle of the camp that Ivan had provided for them to use.

  Two hours after everyone was settled into their positions Vengeance launched their attack. As Dumadin had predicted they launched groups at each wagon to pull the NPCs from them. What they found instead was small groups of players in each wagon who attacked them back.

  As the attack commenced the other players who had stayed inside the circle of wagons boiled out between the gaps and fell upon the attackers as well. Minutes later the attack was over with, leaving most of Vengeance dead while the survivors tried to flee while being chased down.

  Dumadin got back to his feet, his elixir having had to kick in so he could stand back up. Terets joined him a minute later along with Kittish and Amythyst. Terets had also gotten killed but the women who had been out of the melee had survived.

  “Terets, check with Bjorn and the townsfolk see if any of them were attacked by stealthers during the fight. Amythyst, go with him in case anyone needs healing. Hun, let's go check on the players and see how many got killed.” Dumadin said, taking Kittish's arm and checking in with the other players.

  Half an hour later Dumadin and Kittish joined back up with Terets, “Well over half of the defenders died. G was right, we had seemingly all of Vengeance or as many as they could field. It will be highly interesting for them when they all spawn at the shrine we passed an hour before we set camp.”

  Terets chuckled, “True enough. None of the NPCs got injured during this attack. What do you think, will they be back for another go?”

  “Yeah, but they’ll have the players who were with us spawning at the same point which will kick off another fight. Tonight is going to be interesting.” Dumadin said, rubbing his nose and sighing.

  Bjorn coughed politely, “So we will be seeing them again tonight, then?”

  “More than likely, they aren't known for intelligence after all.” Kittish said, shaking her head. “But it will take them at least an hour to get back here. More as they will have the others spawning right on top of them.”

  “Good enough,” Bjorn chuckled and walked towards his tent.

  “You have someone to go see,” Kittish nudged Dumadin. “I'll drag you out in an hour so no back talk.”

  Dumadin chuckled, “Told by my love to go see another woman. Man, my life is so rough,” he kissed Kittish before walking to Alvira's tent.

  Terets snorted as his friend walked off, “I have never understood your relationship. I don't think I would, even with another hundred years.”

  Kittish chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, “It's okay, you poor little vanilla.”

  Amythyst giggled and pulled Terets to her, “He tastes much better than that.”

  Going red, Terets spluttered, “Gah, they’re corrupting you.”

  Kittish laughed as she walked away, leaving the other two to their own devices. “Have fun, play nice and see you in a bit.” She called over her shoulder, still chuckling at Terets.

  An hour later Kittish made sure Dumadin got his stuff together so he would be ready when Vengeance came back. As the dwarf donned his armor Alvira tackled Kittish and kissed her quite thoroughly, thanking her for the good time.

  The duo left the smiling elf behind and went to make sure everyone was ready for the next attack they figured would be coming.

  The rest of the night was punctuated by smaller attacks as Vengeance seemed to have trouble dealing with the respawning defenders as they also respawned. Still, small groups would try to get into the wagon circle only to be killed by the remaining defenders.

  Hours later the sun rose and the NPCs got up and ready to get the caravan moving again. Bjorn found Dumadin and his friends. “We haven't seen anyone in almost an hour. I am thinking we should get going now.”

  “Works. In an hour or so our friends will be back to help as we will be resting again. It should be another quiet day for you.” Dumadin replied to Bjorn.

  “Quiet days, that sounds good to me.” Walking off Bjorn started calling to the others to get the horses out and hitched.

  Almost an hour later as the caravan was rolling again Felton and the others dropped out of the wagon. “So how was last night?”

  Terets chuckled, “Fun.” He gave Felton a run down on the events from the night. Fifteen minutes later the original foursome climbed into Bjorn's wagon and logged out to get some sleep.


  Dumadin stretched, again reveling in the lack of constant pain in the game. When the others joined him he filled them in. “So a GNN reporter should be here tonight, we need to spread the word so the other players know to be on the lookout for her.”

  “Which one?” Terets asked.

  “Ashley Mason, seems she was in the beta as well. She apparently ran roughshod over Newsley to make sure she was the one to get this interview.”

  “Hmmm, going to try and add a third to your harem?” Kittish teased him.

  “Gods no,” Dumadin shuddered. “I mean yes she is sexy, but a reporter? Can you imagine the after coitus reviews?”

  Amythyst snerked, “Oh gods.”

  Terets shook his head, “Wow really, that’s your reason?”

  “Naw, just fucking with you. I don't want a harem, I am perfectly fin
e with my Kittish and maybe with an Alvira as well. More than that and I think I would be flirting with disaster.”

  “Besides, you already have a blonde in me,” Kittish said. “You have a brunette in Alvira, so if we do add another it should be a redhead. This way we can be a Neapolitan.”

  Terets jumped out of the wagon, “On that note, I'm out.”

  Amythyst shook her head, smiling as she also got out of the wagon. “Back to the ice cream analogy again.”

  Dumadin smirked and hugged Kittish to him. “Don't need a redhead. I have you and possibly Alvira, I already think I’m doubly blessed.”

  Kittish kissed him before getting out of the wagon, “Yes, yes you are.”

  Following the others out, Dumadin found Garthur with the others. “So again we only had a few minor skirmishes. I don't know how they’re keeping up with the caravan so well though.”

  “The NPC wagons move at half the player speed. So they can always catch up again. On top of that, I think they’re using a mounted person to have people log out on horseback to keep the mass of them moving.” Dumadin opined with a thoughtful look on his face.

  “Maybe we should send a contingent back to find the trailing rider and kill him then?” Terets asked.

  “No the person with the horse probably set it on auto travel towards Veno. Which means we can't attack the horse or the rider who is logged out.”

  “Well that sucks, but at least it gives an idea of how they are staying with us all the time.”

  “Well I'm off. You all be careful and have fun.” G said before climbing into the wagon and logging out.

  “Let's go check in with everyone and spread the news about Ashley showing up.” Kittish said, taking Dumadin's arm and leading him away.

  “Should go check with Bjorn and see where the last shrine was. If we can get right near equal distance from two of them but edged towards one of them slightly we can put off attacks for another hour.” Terets finished, claiming Amythyst’s arm and leading her up the wagon to Bjorn.

  “Oh, good idea since the shrines are four hours apart for players. That would give us roughly two hours between attacks.” Amythyst agreed and smiled at her lover.

  “Greetings Heroes, how are you tonight?” Bjorn asked as they came abreast of his seat.

  “Pretty good Bjorn. Question, how long ago did you pass the last shrine?” Terets asked.

  “About three hours back. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, we adventurers come back into being at the shrines. So we’re thinking of stopping just short of equidistant between two of them. That should give us a longer lull between fights.”

  “Oh I see. In that case we will stop in about half an hour. That will put us slightly closer to the one we passed.” Bjorn chuckled, liking the strategy Terets outlined.

  Terets blinked then nodded as he converted the NPC movement rate. “Perfect. I’ll let Dumadin know. Is everything else okay?”

  “Fine. Everyone is in high spirits today. Since no one’s been killed over the last day they all feel much safer.”

  “Where is Tabitha?” Amythyst asked, diverting the conversation.

  Bjorn smiled, “She should be well. I had her use an item and go on ahead of us. We will meet up with her in the town just before Veno.”

  Amythyst blinked, “How? Why?”

  Laughing, Bjorn held up a hand, “There are one use items that can teleport a person to capitals. Phobee had one and I purchased it from her for Tabitha. As to the why, well that isn't important right now. If everything works out, then things will be much better for us over all in a week or so.”

  Terets frowned slightly, “Seems like you’re keeping secrets from us, Bjorn.”

  Bjorn shook his head, frowning himself. “No. I just don't know if what I am hoping for will happen and do not want to raise spirits just to have them dashed. Once Tabitha sends word things are okay, I will let you know as soon as I can.”

  “Is that why you checked the mail at the last village?” Amythyst asked remembering something G had said earlier.

  “Yes, and in every village we come across I will do the same.” Bjorn said, his face a little strained, “I didn't want to send her away after all. I do want as many as possible to make it through this trip as well, though. So I am trying to call in a favor that might help.”

  Terets nodded, “We trust you, Bjorn. I hope this favor comes through and things improve.”

  Bjorn just nodded, looking into the distance. “I just hope Tabitha will be okay until we get to her.”

  “As long as no one lets on she’s gone I’m sure she will be fine.” Amythyst said before the pair dropped back along the wagon train. “Let's go find Dumadin and fill him in.”

  A number of minutes later they found him walking next to Camelia's wagon engaged in conversation with Kristof. “Glad to hear you two are doing well.”

  Before Kristof could respond Terets cleared his throat, “Need you for a minute, Dumadin.”

  Excusing himself he moved over to Terets, “What’s up?”

  Terets gave him a quick rundown on what Bjorn had said. “So what do you think?”

  “No idea really. Maybe he’s setting up for more guards?” Shrugging, Dumadin looked around to find the two women chatting with Camelia and Kristof. “Guess we’ll find out once he knows.”

  “True enough, I guess. Is everyone doing okay?” Terets asked looking around and seeing some players climb out of wagons as he did. “Looks like the second shift is here.”

  “Everyone we talked to was good. From what people are saying a lot more people who could opted to leave game earlier to show up tonight.” Dumadin chuckled, “That will make tonight's attacks that much more entertaining.”

  “You think they would just give up,” Terets sighed.

  “Yeah, like Talia did with you?”

  “Point, set and match,” Terets sniggered. “They are very tenacious if nothing else.”

  “True enough. Let's circulate again and make sure all the new arrivals are aware of Ashley showing up.” Dumadin said before snagging Kittish and moving off after saying goodbye to Kristof and Camelia.

  Not long afterwards Bjorn called a halt to the trip for the day and the group quickly set up the wagon circle again. Dumadin watched the NPCs and players all hustle about getting things organized for the pending attacks.

  A few minutes after the camp was set a group of players came into the middle of camp all gathered around a stunning blonde elf. Dumadin had been reaching for his weapon but stopped when he noticed the elf's face was Ashley Mason's.

  “Welcome to the Caravan,” he greeted her as she neared the tents at the center of the camp. “I hope you didn't have a horrible trip.”

  “No, it was pretty boring all in all. So where do I start?” Her eyes darted around camp taking in all the NPCs gathered by the tents.

  Dumadin led her over to Bjorn, “Bjorn Tankardson, this is an acquaintance of mine, Ashley Mason. She reports on the condition of things to other adventurers where we go when we are not here. I would be very grateful if you and the others would talk to her.”

  Bjorn stood up and shook her hand, “Be glad to, Dumadin. Greetings Miss Mason, please have a seat.” He motioned to a cushion on a blanket, “I will have some of the others come by to speak with you.”

  “I'll let them know to head over, Bjorn.” Dumadin said walking away, “Play nice, Ashley.”

  He stopped in at the other merchants and passed on his request that they speak with Ashley. Alvira was the only one who seemed hesitant. “Am I allowed to disclose things?” Alvira asked with a raised brow.

  “As much or as little as you wish, Alvira,” he gave her cheek a kiss before moving away. “Me and the others will move away so as not to give the impression we are coercing you all. Keep an eye on the other adventurers, if they get out of line just yell.”

  Alvira snagged him for a hug before turning him loose and walking over to the growing clump of NPCs around the reporter. Dumadin watched her go,
sad that he wouldn't have her for much longer.

  Terets caught up to him as he distanced himself from the group, “Ashley made it in, eh?”

  “Yeah, I set the merchants on her and got out. I want to make sure we’re not seen much in the report. It will give a better view of the townsfolk doing this on their own and us just assisting. They will get the story straight and it won't appear as if we’re coaching them.”

  “You’re kind of sneaky that way,” Amythyst commented as she joined them, with Kittish following her.

  “Well, what can I say?” Dumadin began then cut off as he saw a face walking their way. “Kristof,” he called out, snagging the players attention.


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