Hand of Thorns

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Hand of Thorns Page 4

by Ashley Beale

  I hurry with using the bathroom and washing my hands, because poor Sumner causes it to smell in no time at all. Rushing out of the restroom, I round the corner to sit on the nearby bench, but I'm blocked by someone whom I almost run into. His back is faced towards me, but he's a tall man.

  "Oops," I mutter out.

  I start to walk around him but he turns to look down at me. I'm frozen in place by the penetrating gaze of his sharp, silver eyes. They're... alluring. Demanding. Fascinating.

  They slowly narrow as the side of his mouth lifts into a crooked smile. I can't help but to be entirely mesmerized by the intoxicating sight of him. His voice is deep and slightly husky when he speaks. "Excuse me, I didn't mean to be in your way."

  Clearing my throat, I give him a nervous smile in return. "It's... it's fine."

  He continues to stare at me, that half smile of his melting my panties right off. I'm waiting for him to say something, but he doesn't. After a few seconds, I take in the rest of his appearance. He looks vaguely familiar, but I can't place from where. His dark hair is smoothly combed back, probably to match the suit and tie he currently has on. He's extremely tall, at least six feet.

  He cocks his head to the side while my eyes roam over him. Once again I'm perplexed by his mere existence. "You have yourself a nice night."

  His obvious goodbye unsettles my stomach, because for some reason I want to stand and chat with him, but from his looks, he's probably already snatched up- either that, or highly sought after. I know I'm practically drooling over him. "Yeah, um, you too," I sputter. It's undeniable I just made a complete ass of myself.

  His smile doesn't fade as he walks away, leaving me alone. Suddenly I'm unsure what to do with myself, so I turn to look around, but the mystery man is already at the end of the hall, rounding it to go back to the mass of people. Looking to my left, I glance at the mirror closest to me. My reflection stares back at me, my cheeks a little rosier than the blush made them be, but otherwise I look like myself. With more makeup than normal and a fancy dress. I wonder to myself if he thought of me as attractive at all.

  Which is completely deranged, since there are many gorgeous women in this building right now. I live in Los Angeles, there are women more beautiful than me on every single street. I couldn't compare, so I rule his flirtatious intensity as his normal nature and nothing directly towards me.

  Sumner finally comes out of the bathroom, fixing her dress strap. She looks up at me and sighs a breath of relief. "That was horrifying. Maybe I should stay away from the champagne."

  "Or the shrimp," I add in.

  "Yeah, probably not a good combination. I feel much better though." She stands tall, as if she wasn't just wrecking the toilet bowl minutes ago. "Why do you look so... flush?" She suddenly notices I'm in a different world, or at least I was for a moment.

  I hadn't realized I looked flush though. "I just ran into someone, and he was downright handsome."

  "What? You met someone while I was shitting my brains out?! Tell me the details. Who was he?"

  I roll my eyes at her insanity. "I almost ran into him, he apologized and told me to have a good night, and that was that."

  She pauses to look over at me, her expression flat, uninterested in everything- not quite realizing I fell in love with someone in three seconds flat. Okay, not really, but he definitely made my heart skip a beat by his ravishing smile and fierce eyes. "You're meaning to say that you bumped into someone and he has you looking like you just had a quickie? Damn. You have less of a life than I thought."

  I shove at her playfully. "What the hell? Why don't I have a life?"

  "Because..." She flicks her hair over her shoulder, looking around the main room as we start to re-enter it. "No guy should ever get your panties in a bunch that easily. Unless it was Johnny Depp or Channing Tatum."

  "Well, I'm not sure who this guy was, but he put them both to shame."

  "Doubtful. Highly doubtful." She grins. "But when you see your imaginary, sexy boyfriend, make sure to let me know."

  This time it's my turn to glare. "You're a bitch, you know."

  "I do know." Her smile broadens, and my frown turns into one. Because that is how we are, playful and sisterly.

  The viewing of the movie is starting in less than a half hour, so we gather around to where her father is, that way we can sit near the front without any problems. We have VIP seating and access to the after party, which I'm unsure I want to attend, since I do have school in the morning, and it's already closing in on nine at night.

  Once we're seated, her father says he'll see us after the premiere, then he leaves to his own seat. I'm glad I joined Sumner, I would have felt bad had she sat here alone all night. In fact, I'm pretty certain she would have been bored had I not attended. She’s been able to communicate with a lot of people, and many have brought up the fact she is in school for film and will eventually start auditions for movies and shows, so she's made plenty of connections, but I don't think I would have seen her laugh or immensely enjoy herself had it not been for my presence.

  A speaker comes on stage to start a speech about the film, which leads into thank you's to this person and that person. Most of everything he says goes in one ear and out the other. For some forsaken reason, my mind continues to drift to the man outside the bathroom, but I know it's completely ridiculous, so I try to force myself away from any thoughts of him. I doubt I'll ever even see him again.

  Sumner leans over to whisper in my ear. "The girl next to me just farted. It. Smells. Horrible."

  I shoot her a sideways glance because she didn't say it as quietly as I think she assumed.

  "What?" She questions. "She did. It's gross."

  "You're one to talk."

  She giggles softly. "At least I did my business in the bathroom."

  "She probably didn't know it would smell."

  "Still. Gross."

  "Do you two mind keeping the noise down a bit?" Someone hisses from behind us. We both close our mouths, suppressing our smiles. We can certainly both still be immature often, after all we're still technically teenagers, even if we're also technically adults.

  We listen to more boring talking, and as the lights start to dim I catch contact with familiar eyes. Eyes I've been thinking about far too much in the last forty five minutes. He stares longingly at me, with an intensity much like before, and equally as enthralling.

  I elbow Sumner as discreetly as I can. I'm not sure if she understands it, but she doesn't say anything, so I can only assume she caught a glimpse of where, or shall I say whom, I'm staring to. He lifts his lips into that angular grin, not taking his eyes off from me. That is, until an elegant older woman laces her fingers around his forearm, whispering something in his ears.

  He diverts his eyes to her for a second, then takes one more glimpse in my direction before the two of them sit down together.

  My stomach turns to mush. My body has liquefied into a puddle in this chair. Something about him, or maybe it's everything about him so far, has already captivated me.

  "Did you see?" I whisper to Sumner, while still looking in the general vicinity of where he is sitting.

  "Um. Yeah. Holy hotness."

  I turn to look at her, nodding my head. "Right? I don't know who he is, but I basically want his babies."

  "I'll second that latter statement, but seriously, you don't know who that is?"

  "Should I?"

  "Pretty much."

  "And he is?" I ask, the question lingering as I anticipate her words. I'm hoping it's someone she knows so that maybe I can be formally introduced. Not that it seems to matter, as I'm pretty positive that was a significant other of his.

  "Oh, please. How do you not know? That new movie, Wait to Find Me, the one they're filming for the suddenly famous book. He's the lead role."

  "Does he play in other movies?" I ask.

  She shrugs. "I think he had a couple extremely low budget films he starred in. The author of the book got to help with casting, and s
he said she didn't want anyone too well known for the role. From what I hear he is spot on perfection for the character."

  "What's his name?"

  "The character or him?"

  I narrow my eyes at Sumner's dumb question. "Him. Obviously."

  She grins. "I knew what you meant. Leon Owens."

  "Wait, really? That's him? I heard his name before, but I didn't know what he looked like apparently."

  "I told Dad he is someone I desperately want to work with in the future. I'm hoping he gets it set up at some point for me, now that he is making a bigger name for himself."

  "That would be awesome for you."

  "Except that he was eye fucking you." She elbows me with a small laugh. "You should introduce yourself after the viewing."

  "I kind of already did." I can feel my face blush, thinking about how embarrassed I felt speaking with him once. Had I only known it was him, maybe I would have tried a different approach in speaking with him. Maybe I would have tried to continue conversation and let him know my name.

  "Will you two please be quiet?!" The voice behind us says a lot louder than the last time.

  With a more hushed voice, I lean towards Sumner so I can talk in her ear instead of trying to whisper out a conversation respectfully. "He's the bathroom dude."

  "Well fuck. No wonder you looked the way you did. Definitely introduce yourself afterwards. I think you made a good impression."

  I glance in that direction again. He had a companion with him. I don't want to intrude. I have to accept the fact that I'm a college nobody, and he's about to star in one of the biggest movies of the year. I'll take my losses and oogle him in tabloids like everyone else across the globe.

  Chapter Four

  June 8th

  Last week I got set up with a few different agencies to figure out who would be willing to accept me as a surrogate mother. I still have yet to tell anyone about what I plan to go through. I'm not entirely sure why I fear telling Sumner, or any of my friends, but I do. I guess the thought of them trying to convince me otherwise, which I know they'd do. That is one of the reasons getting set up with an agency is hard, well, along with a list of things. The fact I haven't even been a mother before, the fact I'm only eighteen, I don't have a support system behind me, and with the history of my mom having complications in prior pregnancies meaning it could be genetic.

  However last Friday I got a call about a possible family from one of the agencies. Stating that I was a perfect match. They wanted someone young, someone whom did not want an open relationship after the birth, and someone who was healthy and smart. They had a list, and apparently... I'm actually chosen. All my supposed flaws are exactly what they want in a surrogate mother.

  I don't know anything about them yet. Currently I'm sitting in the waiting room of Tranquil Mind Surrogacy, a bundle of nerves. My palms sweat while I look around the orange waiting room, and my stomach churns each time the door opens for someone to walk through. Any moment now my name is going to be called to speak with a coordinator, then I get to meet the potential parents, so long as everyone turns out the way they're predicting it to.

  I know still not to get my hopes up, but I'm becoming more hopeful each passing moment- and equally as nauseous, too. This could determine a whole new path for my future. I could finish out school, help my mom with the family home, pay off the debt that is already starting to arise in my early adult life, and at the same time, I am helping a family grow into something incredible. I know even if it doesn't work out, it probably wasn't meant to happen, but it doesn't stop me from feeling anxious over it all.

  Finally my time comes when the nurse calls my name to walk into the backroom with her. We have to take a few different hallways to meet in a room which is large and extremely serene. There are several comfortable chairs placed strategically around the room to all face one another. They look equally relaxing. I take the offered seat as the nurse leaves. A lady sits across from me, a clipboard already in hand.

  "So," she begins. "I'm Marney, the intended parent coordinator that you spoke with on the phone Friday. How are you feeling this morning?"

  To be honest, I make sure to tell her the only thing I can. "Nervous."

  She smiles sweetly, nodding her head in agreement while she grips the sides of the clipboard. "I understand that. I was twenty three and going through a divorce when I decided to help a couple extend their family through surrogacy. I was a ball of nerves for weeks prior until weeks into the pregnancy. There is a lot to be nervous for, so I won't tell you otherwise, what I will tell you is that we are here for you through the entire process, even for months after delivery."

  I take in a deep breath of relief. "That is always good to hear."

  "We want you to feel as comfortable as you possibly can. Any time you have any uncertainty, any questions, feel strongly about something, whatever it is please work with us. Speak up and seek advice. We're not here to watch over you, we're here to guide you."

  "Thank you." I can't think of anything else to say. However, I do know that I like Marney already. She is sweet yet to the point. I feel comfortable in her presence in no time at all.

  With another smile, she glances down at the clipboard, which is holding a packet full of paper. "So, the couple we are looking at is not yet married but have been together for four years. He is in his mid-twenties, she is in her forties. They are seeking surrogacy due to personal reasonings, not medical. Everything I tell you about them you should take into consideration, because this isn't just about them and the baby, this is about you as well. The way it will work in this particular case is that they have the egg and sperm, they basically just need your body to cook and carry it. We will get more into the scientific scheme later on, but you have to agree with those terms to continue."

  "So this baby will not be mine at all? No blood line… nothing?"

  "Nope. Think of your body as an incubator, out for rent."

  "Okay. Yeah, I like that idea actually. I thought I had to use my own eggs."

  "In some cases that would happen, but not in this one. If you're fully understanding and agree to those terms, please sign here." She passes me the clipboard where there is an X marked next to a line for my signature. I sign it.

  She then goes over the point that the parents are known celebrities, and they would prefer to keep this behind closed doors. I'm permitted to tell two people, whom I need to write down on a piece of paper. They are supposed to be my support members. I don't tell her I don't have anyone, and instead I write down Sumner and Rochelle, along with their information. Following that is the legal stuff and a more descriptive Non-Disclosure Agreement, and one by one we finish up almost an hour later.

  Once the legal portion is done, a team of doctors, scientists, and a case manager come in to speak with me, adding to the insane amount of knowledge I'm already consuming. All in the same week as my finals for school. I have a feeling by the time Friday comes and goes, I'll be sleeping my life away for a week straight. That is, unless I have to continuously come in for checkups and all that.

  Everything is explained, and although my brain feels like it's going to explode, I feel I have a pretty well understanding of everything. Marney settles back in her spot on the couch across from me, a grin showing an immense amount of excitement. "Now that all the craziness is behind us, we have one last thing to work on today. Would you like to meet the parents?"

  I almost shout out ‘no!’ because all the nerves that were taking over my body earlier intensify throughout. Since I can't quite move on with everything without meeting them, and having them agree to have me as their surrogate, I say yes. Marney gets up from the couch to walk towards the door. She walks out and back in only a moment later, allowing the couple to walk in one by one.

  The soon-to-be mother walks in first, her hair long and highlighted. She hides her face behind large sunglasses and absolutely no hint of a smile. She wears tiny shorts and a loose tank top, with heels at least three inches tall. She stares
over to me before turning behind her to stare at her boyfriend.

  A boyfriend whom looks beyond familiar. Probably because ever since I met him two weeks ago, I've thought about different conversations I wish we would have had. I've dreamt about running into him on accident and us running off to elope. I've concocted many stories in my head of how our futures are meant to collide. I never once imagined this though.

  The silver of his eyes nearly sparkle when the light of the room hits his face. They narrow as they take me in, probably trying to figure out where he knows me from. This time he has a bit of a five o'clock shadow, whereas at the movie premiere he was completely clean cut. Without hesitation, I enjoy the scruff much better than the baby face.

  The two of them walk towards me with Marney walking behind them, talking about something. Except I can't hear her words. My body feels hardwired to Leon's, even though he probably hasn't thought about me once since I almost ran into him.

  "Miss Rockwell?" I hear.

  "Huh?" I glance over to Marney. I realize that I've been staring far too particularly at Leon, and now everyone is staring at me with perplexity. "I'm sorry. I probably should be more professional. I don't know many celebrities, I'm just in awe right now." It's only half the truth, but I'm sure it's believable enough.

  "It happens, don't worry about it," Marney says. "To make proper introductions, this is Eleanor Delacroix, you can call her Ellie. She is the potential mother. With her is Leon Owens, the potential father." Marney then points to me with her pen. "And this is Monica Rockwell, your potential surrogate mother."

  I've never in my entire life felt so scrutinized. It takes a second, but I finally see Eleanor's eyebrow pop up above her sunglasses. She casually slides them off her face, and I stare harder at her than I probably should, but it takes a lot of effort not to look at the man sitting next to her. The one causing my stomach to nerve up worse than before any of this. She folds the glasses up, placing them on her lap, then extends a hand to me. She finally looks familiar, but not in the way I'm sure she'd like to be known for- I know her from seeing her hooked to Leon's arm the other week.


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