American Cosmic

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American Cosmic Page 23

by D W Pasulka

  portedly saw a huge, blimp- sized UFO outside their house

  with “stained glass windows just like our church” all around

  the craft. When Dulce later visited Mexico, she claimed to

  have had a series of additional UFO sightings, some with her

  family, and saw three eight- foot- tall human- looking beings

  dressed in white monks’ robes floating in front of her.

  Rey had his own sightings. The next event provided Rey

  with more information about the phenomenon and further

  T H E H U M A N R E C E I V E R | 1 93

  changed his life and its direction. It was also witnessed by

  his daughter, he said, and three of his friends. By this time,

  his wife was having regular sightings of giant UFOs. For her,

  these were angels and evidence of sacred contacts. She did

  not tell Rey about these encounters at the time, because she

  was becoming concerned about his increasingly obsessive in-

  terest in UFOs and literature about them.

  On August 25, 2012, a few months after the appearance

  of the “plasma energy being,” a friend of the family came

  by for help with some traffic tickets. Rey decided to wait

  for him outside. It was around 9:30 p.m. The sky was dark

  and cloudy and completely devoid of stars. Rey had been

  learning about UFOs and knew that some people attempt to

  “call them down.” Rey thought, I am going to try this, so he

  did. Fifteen minutes went by and there were no results. Rey

  thought to himself, I am freaking losing it; I am going nuts,

  and he stopped. Just at that moment, he saw an enormous

  object over his neighbor’s roof and backyard.

  Rey describes the object as huge, approximately two to

  three city blocks in length. It was hovering about five feet

  above his neighbor’s house. He saw hundreds of swirling

  white lights all around it. Then he heard the voice of his

  daughter, even though she was not present. The voice said,

  “Daddy, next time you see a UFO please let me know. You

  and mommy have seen a UFO and I want to see one too.”

  After this, Rey called for his daughter, who was in the house.

  His daughter, who had just turned ten years old, ran out to

  see the object, and stared in amazement.

  Rey and his daughter gazed at the object for about fif-

  teen minutes, he said, and then his friend drove up with his

  wife and seventeen- year- old daughter. These people are con-

  servative Catholics and college educated. Like Rey’s wife,

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  they attend Sunday Mass and are involved in many different

  ministries. They weren’t interested in anything that had to do

  with the paranormal, or with UFOs. When they arrived on

  the scene, Ray says, they were flabbergasted.

  “What is that?” his friend asked, alarmed.

  According to Rey, they asked repeatedly, “Please tell us

  what that is.”

  Final y Rey spoke to them in Spanish: “You know per-

  fectly well what that is.”

  His friends spent a few minutes discussing what it could

  be. They thought perhaps it could be strange atmospheric

  conditions, lights from the cars on the street, or lightning.

  Rey was not going to tell them that he “called down” this

  craft. He knew his limits, apparently.

  As the speculations of his friends became more elaborate,

  he decided to try to communicate with the beings, mental y.

  He told them, “You better come up with something better

  than this because they don’t believe you.” Instantaneously, he

  said, the light patterns of the craft changed.

  The craft burst into a spectacular display of hundreds

  of stars, ten times the size of Venus, that flickered on

  and off.

  Like Carl Jung’s friend who reported witnessing, with

  many others, a UFO in South America and never thought to

  take a picture of it, the same happened with Rey. He comments

  on this incomprehensible aspect of the experience:

  After about fifteen minutes of watching this light show of stars

  bursting all over the place inside the craft, my friends said they

  had things to take care of and they drove off. Looking back at

  it I did not even question them leaving. Here they were in the

  middle of an “event of a lifetime” and in the middle of this they

  T H E H U M A N R E C E I V E R | 1 9 5

  decided to leave and I did not even question this. This was not


  It was the odd reactions of the other experiencers that most

  struck Rey as unbelievable:

  During our UFO contact encounter, I was ful y cognizant and

  “awake” for almost everything except the realization that we

  were actual y looking and interacting with a UFO craft and its

  beings. We all had cell phones and yet no one even bothered

  to take a picture, especial y the teenager who always has a cell

  phone glued to her hands. I also did not notify my neighbor

  to inform them what was above their house. They were aware

  of us looking at them because they had turned the light on in

  their living room and they saw us staring at their house. I also

  did not run inside to get my video camera or tell my wife. After

  my daughter told me that there were no mosquitoes outside,

  I “woke up” and realized that I was under some type of “mind

  control.” I could not understand why I had walked away from

  a scenario that should have been the front page story of Time

  magazine and every media outlet around the world if I had

  captured it on video. I quickly got my camera and camcorder

  and ran outside with both but the huge UFO craft was gone.

  Here again is the problem Jung noted long ago. Some UFOs

  are not photogenic.

  Determined not to let such an event go unrecorded again,

  Rey took the route taken by Alison Kruse. He purchased

  high- end photographic equipment so he could prove what

  he had seen:

  I had purchased a large telescope, a night vision CCTV camera

  with adapters to attach this camera to the telescope, an old

  used SONY camcorder with the old night vision technology

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  and a digital camera with high-powered zoom for night shots.

  I said to myself, “The next time my wife or I see these objects

  we will be prepared to capture them on video and on camera

  so no one will doubt us.” We know what we saw and they were

  real. “Next time we are going to prove it.”

  None of this helped one bit. The phenomenon resisted being

  photographed by Rey. Yet, it made a lasting impression on

  him. He has turned inward to assess what it means to be

  human, a human who lives within an immense universe, and

  who has a relationship with something like God.

  R E Y ’ S “ D I R E C T E D” B O O K

  E N C O U N T E R A N D T H E E N S U I N G

  SY N C H R O N I C I T I E S

  The day after his close contact experience with the huge UFO

  craft, Rey saw a YouTube video on near- death experiences

  that discussed the quantum physics of consciousness. He

  immediately stop
ped searching the internet and purchasing

  books about UFOs. Instead, he began to order books on

  near- death experiences (NDEs) and consciousness studies.

  Over the next four months he devoured more than two hun-

  dred such books, sometimes reading for eighteen hours per

  day. He was obsessed. He neglected his job and his family,

  and did not go outside or watch television or use the internet.

  Instead, until December 21, 2012, he spent all of his time


  Dulce became concerned. She doesn’t use the internet,

  she is not interested in UFOs or NDEs or consciousness liter-

  ature, and she rarely discusses her experiences except to say

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  that they are “her angels.” She was concerned by the obses-

  sive nature of Rey’s interests.

  Significantly, Rey felt as if this intensive book encounter

  was being orchestrated by the nonhuman intelligence that

  had been interacting with his family. After four months,

  he felt that he was being taken to the next level of his ed-

  ucation. After his immersion in studies of consciousness

  and the literature of NDEs, he experienced a powerful set

  of synchronicities. The synchronicities involved meeting

  people who had experienced NDEs, and also hearing, for

  the first time, about his father’s NDE. Rey was struck by the

  timing. What were the odds, he wondered, of meeting people

  who had experienced NDEs just after he had learned about

  them for the first time? And what did these have to do with

  the UFO experiences?

  After these events, Dulce told Rey that he needed to

  believe in God. She said that she knew that people in their

  church believed in God, but her belief was different from

  theirs. She said she could feel God and her angels. “I can

  feel God. I feel these spirits in my hands when I pray and

  I can feel the energy of God and these spirits in my body.”

  Rey didn’t accept his wife’s Catholic interpretation of these

  strange events, but he did not reject it.

  At this point, Rey was utterly and truly confused. He

  continued to read, and to be confused by what he read. Then

  he experienced yet another unusual event. It came in the

  form of an out- of- body experience that combined visual in-

  formation and a direct message. After the experience, Rey

  believed that he had been given a special project— a mission.

  The mission was to present to humanity the relationship be-

  tween the nonhuman intelligences that were interacting with

  him, the spirit world, and the physics of consciousness.

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  T H E D E V E L O P M E N T O F T H E

  D R . E D G A R M I TC H E L L F R E E


  After these events, Rey believes that he was given a mandate

  by the beings who had been interacting with him.

  As he was driving through rush- hour traffic one morning,

  he had an experience that he describes as a download ex-

  perience, or an extraterrestrial telegram. He said that he felt

  like he was inside a large spinning wheel with many spokes.

  Each of the spokes represented a particular anomalous expe-

  rience, such as an NDE, a UFO contact, or an out- of- body

  experience. He later called these “contact modalities,” as, he

  explained, each of them was a way that nonhuman intelli-

  gence interacts with humans.

  He described how he then received a telepathic message,

  not via a voice, but via information:

  You need to inform humanity of the relationship between us

  (the nonhuman intelligence), the spirit world (the reality we

  transition to after our death), and consciousness (the physical

  structure of our cosmology). You will need help. There are two

  criteria for this help: this is not about making money and there

  has to be minimal ego.

  After this he experienced another series of powerful

  synchronicities. He relates that after his first experience he

  had sent emails to ten well- known researchers in the field,

  one of whom was Mary Rodwel . Mary is a researcher who

  claims to have supported over three hundred thousand

  experiencers, and she has written a number of books about

  her work. Mary didn’t respond to Rey’s email until after his

  T H E H U M A N R E C E I V E R | 1 9 9

  rush- hour experience. To Rey, it was a very meaningful com-

  munication that occurred directly after he was charged with

  the mission to found an organization.

  Mary introduced Rey to Dr. Rudy Schild, who was inter-

  ested in UFO contactees, consciousness studies, and quantum

  physics. Rudy is an emeritus professor of astrophysics at the

  Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and a retired

  tenured professor of astrophysics at Harvard University, as

  well as the editor- in- chief of the Journal of Cosmology. Rey

  was impressed that Rudy was interested in his experiences,

  and gladly recounted them in a phone cal .

  I informed him of my “adventures” including the OBE event

  that had occurred the day before where I was given informa-

  tion about consciousness and the contact modalities. He was

  fascinated. He informed me that in fact, the information I re-

  ceived on what I now call the “contact modalities” can all be

  explained through the quantum hologram theory of physics

  and consciousness (QHTC), a theory developed by the late

  Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchel .

  Rudy suggested that Rey form an organization, and offered

  to serve as its science adviser. He also provided Rey with the

  number for Edgar Mitchel , the former astronaut and Rudy’s

  mentor. Rey phoned Edgar and found that they lived very

  close to one another, so they decided to meet. The meeting

  proved to be very important for Rey and influenced the crea-

  tion of the organization that would become FREE.

  When I arrived at Dr. Mitchel ’s house, we exchanged stories.

  He told me about his “awakening” in space and his early years

  growing up in Roswel , New Mexico, the site of the world fa-

  mous Roswell UFO crash. He told me that he worked at a local

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  airport when he was a young teen and he was paid via flying

  lessons. Edgar’s parents owned two farm supply stores in the

  Roswell area and he knew most of the ranchers and workers

  in the area because they were always in his parents’ stores.

  He told me that after he came back from the moon he was

  not only a national hero but a hero to the folks in Roswel .

  When he returned to Roswel , many of the old timers and their

  children began to pull him aside and told him very intimate

  stories of the ship that crashed in Roswel . Edgar informed me

  that based on the information he was given by very reliable

  individuals, individuals he had known most of his life, that the

  Roswell crash was real. He then told me about his work as a

  test pilot for the Navy. He also told me that many of these test

  pilots were admitted into the
NASA program as Astronauts. He

  even told me of some of the “Experiences” of the astronauts,

  including Russian Cosmonauts, in space that were similar to

  his involving a series of paranormal experiences. His stories

  went on and on for hours.

  Like Rudy, Edgar offered to assist Rey in the formation

  of an organization. Rey replied that he was confused about

  what the organization would do, but Edgar told him that the

  answer would come to him, adding, “It always does.” After

  his meeting with Edgar, he spoke to Mary. He asked her if

  she would help him found the organization with the help of

  Rudy and Edgar. After a few days of considering the idea,

  she agreed to help Rey and she came up with the acronym

  FREE, for the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial

  Encounters. Rey relates, “Thus, FREE was started over a

  three- day period under the guidance of some unknown non-

  human intelligence.”

  According to Rey, there had never been an in- depth aca-

  demic study of the topic of UFO- related events. Rey proposed

  that FREE undertake the first comprehensive, multilanguage,

  T H E H U M A N R E C E I V E R | 2 0 1

  quantitative and qualitative data- driven research study of

  the topic. In my discussions with him about FREE, he was

  careful to note that FREE is not an organization devoted

  to ufology. He said, “This paradigm has revealed very little

  about this phenomenon over the last sixty years. A new par-

  adigm is needed and this is the Consciousness Paradigm.”6

  He explained that FREE’s mission was to understand the re-

  lationship between the science of consciousness and contact

  with nonhuman intelligence via what he termed “contact

  modalities.” He said that Edgar firmly believed that a study

  that focused on the experiencer was important, so FREE’s

  motto became “Disclosure from the Bottom Up.” Disclosure

  is a term used by ufologists that means that UFOs have re-

  vealed themselves, or that there is a public awareness of their



  M I TC H E L L : T H E F R I N G E

  O F T H E F U T U R E

  Through his association with Rudy and Edgar, Rey forged

  headlong into the study of quantum physics. Within my

  growing research circles, which included invisibles and

  visibles such as my academic colleagues, the field of quantum


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