Angel of the Abyss: A Novel of the Great Tribulation (The Days of Elijah Book 3)

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Angel of the Abyss: A Novel of the Great Tribulation (The Days of Elijah Book 3) Page 22

by Mark Goodwin

  “At this morning’s rededication ceremony . . .” She broke down in tears again. The person out of view handed her the towel again, and Smith dried her eyes.

  “Oh, I just can’t believe this is happening. It’s such a nightmare. His High and Most Prepotent Majesty was shot in the head with a high-powered, large caliber weapon. All I can say is there was a massive amount of damage.”

  “Especially today. That’s what Tobias was referring to!” Courtney snapped her fingers.

  “He may have been the shooter,” Sarah added.

  “Yeah, him or the guy he was having breakfast with,” Courtney tapped her finger on her lip.

  Waves of helicopters circled overhead. Everett could hear the same sirens screaming out on the television and outside the apartment window. He continued to listen to the mournful, mentally-enslaved, servant of Satan as she expounded on what had happened to Luz.

  “We have footage, but I’m not sure if we are going to roll it.” Smith pressed her earpiece. “Yes, I’ve just been informed by the director that we will provide the clip of the moment our precious savior was brutally murdered.”

  The scene cut to the ceremony going on outside the Temple. Luz bathed bare-chested, as if in a jacuzzi, in a large bronze basin to the left of the Temple. The basin sat atop twelve bronze bulls, three facing east, three west, three north, and three south. Thirteen men in black hooded robes, who looked more like a coven of witches than Jewish priests, ascended the stairs of the altar, across from the bronze basin, on the right of the television screen. The priests, or witches, carried a screaming animal to the top of the altar.

  “What is that thing?” Sarah pointed to the creature, bound with ropes, being carried up the stairs.

  Courtney turned away in disgust. “I don’t know. I can’t look.”

  Everett shivered as he looked at the horror before him. The thing had short fur, with stripes like a zebra, the head looked like a badger or a raccoon. It was low to the ground on its feet and plump like a pig, with a long, fat tail like a kangaroo. Its eyes were red, like an albino lab rat.

  Sarah peeked through the fingers of her hands, which covered her face. “It’s genetically modified. Man-made. They’ve used gene editing to put together some amalgamation of every possible unclean thing in the Old Testament. It’s the ultimate unclean beast.”

  Everett forced himself to watch as the thirteen men fell upon the wretched creature, stabbing it over and over with sacrificial knives, rather than humanely slitting the cursed being’s throat. Then he heard the gunshot.

  The screen highlighted and zoomed in on the area of the footage where Luz sat, soaking in the basin like it was his personal hot tub. His head snapped hard to the left toward the Temple. A massive hole appeared in his forehead while flesh and blood rode the wake of the bullet. Luz slumped forward, face down in his wicked wash. Peacekeepers rushed out and surrounded the area while the unholy priests rushed down from the altar to the basin and pulled Luz’s naked body from the water.

  “Ha ha!” Moses laughed out loud and pointed at the television. “Now that’s some good footage. They played that Zapruder film over and over for weeks. I hope they’ll at least let us see this one a few more times.”

  Heather Smith seemed to need to recompose herself again. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. “His Holiness, Pope Peter will be making a statement any moment.” Completely abandoning any similitude of professionalism, Smith pressed her earpiece again and nodded to someone off camera. “It is expected that His Holiness will make a statement about the continuity of government. The Global Republic charter, which named His High and Most Prepotent Majesty as supreme sovereign of the Earth and the heavens, made no provision for succession of the throne.

  “Certainly, none of us thought this day would ever come. And indeed, I took him at his word when he said that he had overcome death . . .” She broke down weeping yet again.

  The camera cut to the porch of the temple. Pope Peter stood behind Luz’s white marble lectern with the red dragon etched on the face. With his deep Italian accent, he said, “My little children, do not suppose that your savior Angelo Luz has left you. Only hours ago, he, himself told you that he has overcome the grave. Faith is not faith if we have it only in the easy times. It is when we are faced with the greatest challenges that we must choose to believe.

  “Our blessed savior, the son of the gods, Angelo Luz will always be among us. Come with me, follow me as I bring you to the throne of power, the hidden mysteries, and place of knowledge!”

  Pope Peter turned and the cameraman followed him. Two witches in black robes opened the Temple doors for the pope and the cameraman. They passed through the sanctuary. Two more witches pulled back the curtains with the red dragons, allowing the pope and the cameraman to walk into the Holy of Holies.

  The pope lifted his hands. “Sovereign Master. Tell us, are you still among us?”

  The hologram of Luz appeared between the wings of the two golden dragons. “Behold, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” The hologram’s arms opened wide. “Fear not, worship me and believe!”

  Pope Peter bowed before the image. “Precious savior, can you tell us who it was that shot you?”

  “The one who pulled the trigger is insignificant. And when the sun sets, you will see just how insignificant this action truly was. But ultimately, my assassin was all those who do not worship me. It is all those who do not believe. Either you are for me or you are against me. There is no middle ground. And with great wrath and terrible fury will the servants of my kingdom hunt down all of those responsible for this act of cowardice, hate, and wickedness.

  “But let us not focus on such negativity at this time. Join me here at sunset for a grand celebration of life when I will prove to the world that I have truly overcome the grave. It will be my final attempt to reach the lost. After the world has seen what I reveal to you tonight, unbelievers will be without excuse.”

  Elijah grabbed the remote and turned off the television. He looked at Moses. “The Messiah arose at sunrise; a symbol of the light He would bring to the world.”

  Moses nodded grimly. “And Luz will arise at sunset, a symbol of his darkness coming over the Earth.”

  Elijah stood up and placed his bag over his shoulder. “Come, Moses. We must hurry. Our time to convince the leaders of Shas, the Temple Institute, and the Chief Rabbinate Council is short. The great persecution will begin tomorrow.”

  Moses stood to join Elijah.

  Elijah turned to Everett. “You know the reason you came to Jerusalem was not to bring a wooden stick to a crazy old man, don’t you?”

  “They brought the staff to me, not you.” Moses scowled.

  Elijah lifted his index finger. “I know who it is they brought the stick to.”

  Everett had a sense of what Elijah was saying deep within his heart. “No one has articulated the details to me.”

  “That will be revealed in time. For now, rest and eat. You will need your strength.” Elijah closed the door as he walked out.


  And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

  Revelation 13:3-8

  Everett awoke to Ali shaking him. “The sun is setting. You told me to wake you.”

  “Yeah, than
ks.” Everett felt stiff from sleeping on the floor. Courtney had one couch, and Sarah the other. “Are the prophets back?”


  “Elijah and Moses.”

  “No. They didn’t come back. It is curious that you call these men prophets. Quran speak about the Hebrew prophets with these names.”

  “Yeah, that’s them.” Everett got up to get some water and start a pot of tea in the kitchen. Elijah always had tea.

  Ali followed him. “No, I talk about the men who live many centuries ago.”

  “I know. That’s these two.”

  Ali’s brows twisted together. “Everett, just when I think possibly you are right, possibly it is Jehovah and not Allah who is the one true God, you say something so crazy.”

  Everett walked back to the living room with his water and sat by his duffle. He pulled out his Bible and handed it to Ali. “Read the last book, Revelation. The whole thing; it’s only a few pages. It’s all in there. The great quake, the famine, the plagues, the comet, the locusts, blood, and fire falling from the sky. It talks about God’s witnesses who will prophesy for three and a half years. That’s Elijah and Moses.” Everett sat on the floor next to the couch where Courtney was sleeping and picked up the remote. “And it talks about Luz getting shot in the head and coming back to life. You saw part one this morning. Part two is coming up in a few minutes.”

  The television sprang to life. Luz was wrapped in a linen shroud and lay in state upon a white marble pillar on the porch of the Temple. Like the podium, the altar was engraved. Only the altar had two dragons, each bowing to the other, with the tips of their wings touching, like those in the Holy of Holies. Rhythmic music played in the background.

  Harrison Yates was on the Temple Mount reporting. “Droves of devotees are here to pay their respects this evening. The global citizens are also somewhat intrigued. Only three days ago, His Majesty told us that he had overcome the grave. In light of this morning’s tragedy, most of us assume that his statement was in reference to the technology which allowed him to upload his consciousness into the Dragon quantum computing network. Everyone that heard the holographic Image of His Majesty speak today can testify that it certainly encapsulated the essence of our precious savior.

  “However, there are rumors. Some think that the event to which the Image referred could actually be the resurrection of His High and Most Prepotent Majesty. I hate to speculate on such matters. And I want to be responsible and say that for me personally, when I look upon the image, it’s just as if I’m looking upon His Majesty. I feel that we are in strong and capable hands if we have the Image and Pope Peter to lead us.”

  Everett nudged Courtney’s foot with the tip of the remote. “You’re gonna want to see this.”

  Her eyes were swollen. She peeked at the TV and put her head back down. “Definitely not. Can’t he at least stay dead until tomorrow?”

  Sarah yawned and opened her eyes. She looked at Ali who was reading Everett’s Bible. “Does it say we can’t put another bullet in his head as soon as he gets up?”

  A look of surprise covered Ali’s face. “All of you. You are all convinced this is going to happen. People just don’t come back to life. I don’t care what this book says.”

  “You still have some diamonds?” Sarah sat up. “I’ll give you two-to-one odds that Luz is walking around before we go back to bed tonight.”

  “You are Christian.” Ali scolded her. “It is not right to gamble.”

  “You’re right.” Sarah stretched her arms and legs and got up to go to the kitchen. “Five-to-one?”

  “Sarah!” Courtney sat up to give her an accusatory look.

  “Kidding!” She disappeared through the kitchen doorway.

  “What are the witches doing?” Courtney asked.

  “It looks like they’re making a pentagram around Luz’s body with blood.”

  “Real blood?” she asked.

  “I can’t imagine they’d cut corners if they’re trying to reanimate the Anti-Christ.”

  The teapot whistled. “I’ve got it,” Sarah called.

  “You better get in here quick. The last glimmer of sunset is fading over the horizon.” Courtney watched the television anxiously.

  Everett had to remind himself to keep breathing. He watched the corpse like a hawk, waiting for the least indication of movement. Giant fire pits all around the Temple porch illuminated the white marble altar where Luz lay.

  Scantily clad young women danced on the porch to the rhythmic music. The girls wore red masks, white veils, red heels, and very little else. They twisted and twirled around the witches who wore the black robes, touching and rubbing their bodies on them as if to seduce them. The witches went to their knees, encircling the altar and chanting in a language Everett had never heard. The dancers slowed and bowed toward the altar, kneeling in the spaces between the witches.

  The pope came out carrying his staff and wearing a tall black miter and a long black robe. He lifted his hands and chanted with the witches.

  Courtney gasped and covered her mouth. Everett felt the hair on his neck, arms, and legs stick straight up toward the ceiling. The linen wrapped corpse began to move.

  The witches and the pope continued to chant while the dancers pulled the linen cloth away from Angelo Luz who stood up, completely naked, and opened his eyes. An enormous scar remained on his forehead, but the massive cavity from the large caliber bullet was gone.

  The pope removed his robe and wrapped it around Angelo Luz, then he and everyone else in attendance bowed down, and prostrated themselves on the ground.

  Elijah and Moses came through the door with two other men and quickly shut the door.

  Courtney looked at the men who’d followed the prophets into the house. “Tobias?”

  “Do you two know each other?” Elijah puckered his forehead in confusion.

  Tobias stared at the reanimated Luz on television as he answered. “We went to college together. In America. Or so I’m told.”

  Everett recognized the other man who’d been with Tobias at breakfast. He figured the chances were pretty good that one of these men had shot Luz. “Sorry it didn’t take.”

  Tobias nodded as if he could not believe what he was seeing.

  Moses held up two large white bags. “We have falafel, hummus, pita, olives, and cheese. Let us bless the food so we can eat. Everything that must be said can be covered while we nourish ourselves. The next few hours are critical, so not a minute can be wasted.” Moses bowed his head and said a prayer in Hebrew.

  Afterward, Elijah made introductions while getting plates from the kitchen.

  Everett shook hands with Tobias and the other man whom Elijah introduced as Gideon.

  As they ate, Elijah told the team about his progress convincing the Jewish religious leadership that Jesus was, in fact, the Messiah.

  “So, they believe?” Courtney dipped her pita into the common bowl of hummus.

  Elijah covered his mouth until he’d finished chewing. “Some do, some are not yet sure. We led those who were willing to accept Yeshua in a prayer of commitment, then served communion to the new believers.”

  “Even though many did not pray to receive Messiah, all we spoke with are in agreement that Luz is not Messiah. This is a major shift from where we were a week ago,” Moses added.

  “But enough about this.” Elijah put his plate down and looked Everett in the eyes. “Tomorrow, the great persecution will begin. Luz is alive, and he will begin to hunt down all those who will not take the Mark and worship the image.”

  Elijah turned his attention to Everett. “Tonight, we will commence Operation Eagle. Tobias and Gideon worked for Mossad prior to the rise of the Global Republic. Since its decommission, they have been acting under the direction of Rabbi Weizman and Rabbi Herzog, the Chief Rabbinate Council of Israel.

  “They have maintained a tight-knit cell of former Israeli Defense Force and Israeli Air Force soldiers. They had to keep it small because Luz would have infiltr
ated it otherwise. Tonight, they will be following the direction of Messiah. They will be leading massive amounts of Jews out of Jerusalem and to the mountains, to a place prepared by God where they might be nourished for forty-two months, from the face of the serpent. You and the girls will be going with them.”

  “Why are we going with them?” Sarah spooned some olives and cheese onto her plate.

  “Because it is why you are here. You are to be their escorts to Tel Aviv.” Moses put his hand on her shoulder.

  “Why would the IDF and IAF need us?” Courtney broke a pita in half, giving part of it to Everett.

  Elijah laughed. “It is not the entire army. We are talking about a hundred troops.”

  “That’s counting me and Tobias.” Gideon appeared from the kitchen with two glasses of water. “Not to mention, thirty of them are pilots and co-pilots who will be flying the planes. That leaves us with only seventy combatants. We had to keep it small.

  “Elijah tells us you are battle hardened. You’ve all seen combat. He said you were responsible for taking down Dragon. That’s quite a feat. If the four of you will join us, you’ll increase the security force by a significant percentage.”

  Everett looked at the girls. “What do you think?”

  “That’s why we’re here, right?” Courtney looked at Elijah.

  He smiled warmly and gave her a gentle nod.

  “I’m in.” Sarah took Moses’ hand and held it for a moment.

  Everett turned to Ali. “What about you?”

  Ali finished chewing. “I go where you go.”

  “Where are we going?” Everett asked Gideon.

  “The Lesser Caucasus Mountains. In Georgia, the former Soviet Republic. We’ll be landing in Batumi, then going into the mountains via the roadways that run along the Acharistskali and the Chorokhi rivers.” Gideon dipped his pita into the hummus.


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